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Do you hide your yaoi addiction?


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some of my friends know that i like yaoi .

and i told my little sister once when she showed me sekai-ichi hatsukoi and said "look how funny it is !"

and i still regret it ...

we live in homophobic country .

telling others about liking yaoi isn't a wise decision .

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this is a conversation I had with a co-worker recently:


Him- Got any new games lately?

Me- Yeah but it's not really new I just finally got an english patch to work, it's japanese.

Him- Good game?

Me- Yup.

Him- Why isn't it being released in english?

Me- Can't be sold here, too much graphic and violent gay sex, wouldn't fit on our rating system.

Him- (completely unsurprised) Well that sounds like something you'd enjoy.


I don't hide my tastes but it doesn't exactly come up in conversation often so even though some friends may not know about it they could guess I'd like like BL before needing to ask me. As far as family goes, we're not close and I've never really cared what they thought anyway.

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i dont hide it from family or friends, just strangers. my dad's even bought me yaoi manga before knowing exactly what it was, though doesnt say anything. my mom just shrugged her shoulders and said 'whatever'- though in all honestly i dont think she was very happy to find out about my obsession for it. my sister said i was a weirdo.

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Yeah, that's like I do it, too :D If anyone would ask me if I like reading yaoi, I would say "yes" but I wouldn't go around and scream "OMG yaoi is so hawt!".



It's a rather awful habit of mine to be loud about what I like. So going around and screaming "OMG yaoi is so hawt!" would be accurate in my case ...



Kekeke :>


So yeah, I don't hide my love for yaoi ... ever ... >.>

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In front of Homophobic friends yes. In front of my yaoi loving friends NO. We get hyper talking about it :) My parents have no idea. they'd probably be furious if they found out. :)

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A lot of us hide it cause people generally hate anything that's related to homosexuals. it's even worse in conservative countries or countries that is mostly populated by Catholics like my country. I know one of my mother's friends who's gay. He got kicked out of the house when his parents found out but now he's married to a Norwegian guy and they're both living happily in Oslo. :) I'm happy for them :)

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It's best that I do. I wish I didn't have too but.. Yeah. xD

You want to know my reasons? Certainly.

Being the daughter of a Catholic mother and both of my parents being homophobic, well, it puts a damper on showing them what I'm really interested in. If either of them found out, they would also question my orientation. Of course I wouldn't lie and of course I would tell them I swing both ways but not only would they tell me to get rid of it all, I would be banned from my own home for my homosexual likings. :\ It kinda breaks my heart knowing I have to tip toe about those things with them. However, all of my friends, and even some of my aunts and other family know who I am and what I like. They've all just been swore to not let the ones I live with know yet. xD I personally like living in a house instead of the street.

Tell ya what though, once I move out, ain't no one gonna hold me back. :D

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No. Since i live alone why would i hide myprecious collection, almost all myfriends from school who came to hang out in myplace know myobsession, sadly i have no friends with the same interest :(


Their reaction was like ''Bwahaha! who ever thou this innocent girl will read gay stuff'' i never said i was innocent and i was pretty bad girl in school but that's how apparently myfriends from class saw me idk why rabbit12


I thou at first am sure they will leave me alone if they find out about myhobby, I dont really care if they did ((because i already hve two best friend who accept me for who i am)) but they didnt.. we still hang out in class and sometimes they will come to myplace uninvited, am really glad to hve such an open minded friend like them.

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I don't go around telling EVERYONE. I don't hide it either. Those that know what it means will get a hint if my bag says yaoi. Those that don't will ask and I'll tell them or show them. It's also a way of making friends who like it as well.


I've been collecting BL mangas for a while. My mangas used to be in the living room shelf for everyone to see. My parents never cared to pick them up and leaf through them. I'd try to shove Junjou Romantica in my mom's face and she'd ignore me. I'm sure one time she found my BL couples sketchbook and saw it. My sister told me. I think she knows but denies that she saw what she saw...


I watch BL movies in the living room as well. I guess I have no shame, but I still don't go around screaming it. There's really no point.


My manga collection has grown, but it's no longer in the living room; it's the first shelf you see when you walk into my apartment full of manga in alphabetical order. If there's anything I'm really crazy about it's my manga collection and if I find them out of place I throw fits.

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of course! i hide it from my family but my friends support me and my yaoi addiction!~

some of them even got addicted to yaoi!! XDD

even the whole class knows i read yaoi XDDD

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I never thought of hiding it nor denying the fact that I love Yaoi. Well, my parents doesn't really know a thing about it. And if they would?!? These are certainly the words they would utter out "Hey! What on earth are you thinking?! *furious:Red_fox5: killer look on me :9onion70:* I would certainly gonna get myself bein' kicked out of the house LOL

well, my sister thinks I'm such a weirdo but sometimes she thinks Yaoi are soo hot *depending on what type of Yaoi manga she is reading or anime she is watching. I never go out in the world screaming out that I like it 'cause I like in a community where most Catholics live, I would definitely get into a fight If I would do that. lol

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I never hide my hide my addiction in yaoi to my friends but I never dare to mention to my family especially to my father because he despise gays so much that i really love...

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Nope, but I don't have any yaoi to hide... except for the Ai No Kusabi English novels. But I have those safely in my satchel, because I'm paranoid and don't want them to be harmed. Not ashamed of it, but I definitely worship them and don't want them hurt.XD

I'm going to clear my shelf next year(When I'm able to get a job) for manga and anime.:D

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i told about it to some of my friend and my sister ...

my friends pretend that they know nothing and my sister stop teasing me in one day and looks like she doesn't care .

so it's not like anything bad happened from telling other people about it but i still regret what i had done .

and for my parents ...

i will never tell them about it .

if somehow they found about it ...?!

they will think i'm a pervert and don't allow me to touch my laptop for at least 1 year ...

the funny thing is that i'm sure if they found about it the homo thing is not what bothers them ...

they would be angry with me if i show any interest in something sex related .

of course they are totally against homo .

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As for me I never told to anyone specially my family, kinda scare about how thy would react about because one time i smoothly tryed to my closest friend and they think im a perv freak O.o luckly they dont shared these things to everyone or i would be doomed D: So yes i hide my addiction e.e''''

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I do hid it from my family, it would be just be weird if they new but I don't really mind telling a friend that I'm really close with, That I know I can trust.

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Hell No,why should I.Any way its not an addiction its a concious life style choice I can stop when ever I want I just don't want to stop yet

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Hum, No. Nobody know about it for me. My best friend knows that I translated a storyline about a gay couple but we don't talk about that, we talk sometimes about the fact gays have the same rights, this kind of stuff. And my mom knows I write some stories but she don't know about what lol and anyway I didn't let her see, never mind the subject yaoi or not.


Ps. Sorry for my english =$

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Yes and no. I hide it from my family, teachers and classmates. (I once had a fight over a yaoi manga with my literature teacher, when I was reading "Furueru Yoru no Himitsugoto" in the halls and he was so interested that he started pulling it out of my hand, but of course I didn't let him owO)

But my friends know about it. (Even my boyfriend's mother. She even watched one with meXD)

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No one in my family knows and only a few of my friends know. I feel like I'm two different people, honestly. I'm basically being forced to attend church and around those people and friends, I'm this quiet person 'that can do no wrong.' They don't know I like yaoi; they don't know I'm pansexual; and they basically don't know anything about me lol.

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hahahaha all of my friends know im yaoi crazed, I even got some people to like it as well :D blackrose713 are like yaoi biffles though we have different preferences in yaoi. She even has an "i love yaoi" t-shirt.

My parents dont though my mum knows I read porn novels >.>

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