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Do you hide your yaoi addiction?


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^ like Rendezvous11 said;

i dont hide it from my friends, they all know im a crazy yaoi fan they were with me when i got my 'i *heart* yaoi' shirt

my parents dont though . . . that would be awkward

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No I don't. Since I am an adult I can buy Yaoi whenever I can afford too. But since I still relay on them to take me to my local manga store, they see the covers through the simile clear plastic bags or leave them while in the process of being read. Also its kinds hard to hide a Yaoi collection that's more than ten books from your parents. Exspecially when you under go a full room remodeling. >///

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I don't hide my Yaoi addiction, not from my friends or my mum. My mum has even bought Yaoi manga's off of amazon for me.:)



Wooow, you're sooo lucky!! Your mum's really open-minded. I have to hide mine from my parents. My dad's totally disgusted by it and my mum thinks it's wrong, just so wrong. I hide it from them only

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Hello :)

I am still pretty new to yaoi and I do enjoy it ^^ but then I have never told anyone about this and I'm pretty sure that I'll never tell anyone in the future unless that person tells me first that he/she is a yaoi-fan :p

I just don't have the guts hehe.. If any of my current friends find out, I don't think they'll be able to accept it and if my parents find out, I'll be damned.

I'm living in a conservative environment. So yaoi is a big no-no.

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Sometimes I blurted out to my friends "oh, I like this kind of story". But I didn't know it make them realize it or not. I hide from family and friends of course but we didn't know if they know. I had my YunJae livejournal tab always on the net. My brother often use my laptop and he can possibly see them but didn't say a word about it. I sometime watch or read a soft yaoi anime or manga or fanfic when my sister in the same room. She too didn't say a word. I just thought I'm safe for now or they're too blind to know a world of yaoi.

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xD I have to keep my Yaoi addiction a secret! My mother has this really weird twisted idea that all anime is bad, and the people who watch it are immature weirdoes. (Thus why I've never mentioned that I live off it) Yaoi would be considered worse than genocide in my house!

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i generally dont hide it, but i dont scream it everywhere i go.. everyone has their fetishes, ours is just 2 really hot guys doing it...yumm...

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nope i mean whats the point?if u have to burn burn baby i pig out on all the yaoi i can lay my little hands on and no one can condemn me.i look at it this way there are worst things to be addicted to kiddie porn tops the list yaoi is just what we all like,btw can anyone give me the name of sites where in can watch full episodes of ai no kusabi,hey class pres,sex pistols,animix?? really desperate here thankies


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amen to that one

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I don't really hide it. A lot of my friends like Boys Love as wel.l Of course I don't show this kind of Manga or Anime to my parents, but my sister is so excessive about gays and talks about them non-stop (and I am not kidding or exaggerating...) so no one really notices me liking this kind of stuff because they are all really fed up by my sisters constant ramblings^^

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well... it depends where I am ;)) usually when I come to a new place, meeting new people I tend to hide my interest and *coughs* fetishes *coughs* away :"> I also try to find "someone like me" quietly :)) but eventually I always manage to slip out bit and bit of my BL/yaoi addiction, like, to signal others about it =]] sometimes it's so much fun when you make people confused with all that guess-who-am-I-really stuff :)) I tried it when I entered High School, and when we're in our senior year they told me that they could not believe I'm a fangirl =)) took them long enough =))



but I actually hide it from my parents and relatives =)) they don't bother to know, anyway, but safety first~

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Well, I never trying to hide it. All of my friends, fujoshi/fudanshi or not, they know that I like yaoi stuffs. And I try to not hide it too from my family. Well I guess some of my family already knew about it, I dunno about my mom, but my mom ever saw me watching BL drama.. Except for GV..well, for this one, only my friends know.

And I have many gay friends too...so yes..I never hide it..


And I made these two and printed it into t-shirt, so well I guess they all knew about me being fujoshi.. :D

The first t-shirt I made, the quote- I taken it from one character's t-shirt from tv serial, I forgot the tittle, American horror or sumthing..





my second t-shirt...the quote- I taken from boysareinlove tumblr and I have asking him for permission.. :)




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Hmm..I guess, I do hide mine. I only put the manga away if it has a explicit cover. Hide it out plain sight.

Files on my laptop aren't hidden though since I'm the only one using it.


Haha, I remember this one time, when I was in Japan, my sensei went around to do room check, he saw my manga collection (yes, it was out in the open) and picked up a manga to look at. I was sweating bullets, I was hoping he didn't pick up a smutty yaoi manga. XD LOL. But luckily, he only pick up a normal BL manga.

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Nope, i literally talk about it almost all of the time, unless it's someone that i haven't known for too long, i talk about yaoi almost all of the time rabbit6 that is unless they tell me they don't wanna listen to my fan girl rants XD

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@ ciel

My parents would kill me too if they new that I have a huge addition to yaoi since I'm from an Asian background.


My parents aren't strict like stereotypes but are actually quite laid-back, but when it comes to any sexual contact they make a huge deal out of it even thought it's just a kiss scene between a couple. What's also a pain is that I also have to his it from my friends, even my best friend, because we were talking about anime and I came across a topic about yaoi and she was like 'ew, I can't stand yaoi' even though I really wanted to tell her about my obsession since she is the only one friend truly close to me. Probably have to tell her one day all get caught in the act.

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  • 1 month later...

i hide mine.. because all of my friends are boys...


i don't know if they will like it.. if they found out that I'm curios about boys love..


and the do it on bed...:hamtaro-005 (15):

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well ... depends on where and who i with ...

i can laugh and talk nonstop about bl when i chat with someone who has same interest ...

but i actually disguise all file about it

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i dont really hide it...but i dont flaunt it either..

my friends dont really like yaoi but they know that i like it....but we respect each others opinion..

i dont think my family has an idea ..except maybe my older sister..i asked her one time to buy me a yaoi manga... (she dont have an idea what yaoi means ) she almost killed me when she got home...shes embarrassed because she said the store clerk looked at her funny.. leaf2

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uh, I hide it, of course I am, I don't want my friend know that I am freak especially my family, they will kill me for sure, *shiver* and my country kind strict too about yaoi, huf...

but I tell my one friend and she said to me that I must stop watch or know deeper about yaoi, but I don't care, I love yaoi and I think no one can stop me for loving yaoi, X3

but really she still want to be my friend, my best friend, such an understanding friend, love you girl, XD

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Well, I don't say that to anyone I know, but if somebody one day asks me about that, of course I can explain how crazy I got because of BL things XD

I usually post some quotes, gifs and whatever that I saw in an anime or manga, if someone search deeply where I take this things from, maybe they'll know about my love for Yaoi, but I don't care much about it.

(I'm remembering when a friend of mine knew that I'd seen an yuri anime... he's got crazy. So, I wonder if he find out my yaoi anime files on PC. OMFG, it cannot happen, I wanna see him alive www)

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I am still keeping it as a secret I am a yaoi fangirl~ >w


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I am still keeping it as a secret I am a yaoi fangirl~ >w

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