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Do you hide your yaoi addiction?


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Unfortunately I do hide my love for yaoi..

I would love to be open about it, to not be uncomfortable and be such a wimp about it, but I really just don't have the guts. And being a guy, nor am I out just now, and my parents are really dam Korean, so that sucks. The whole situation is quite a bummer for me, I don't why I have to love something so much even though I could never share it, or be seen as normal. But I guess that's what the Internet is for, it's my only place to get away and enjoy myself, and not feel like the weird one, the one who can't be open. Which is the reason I'm here, the reason this forum is so appealing. Even if many people don't /like/ me, I know that they can't really judge either ^_^

My one friend, someone I met over the Internet, is a pure god send. I don't what I'd do without people like her. She knows all about but my yaoi addiction and supports me, being a bit of a fan herself.

For all of those you that are open about it, criticized or not, I applaud you and hope the best for you! :3

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I mostly like hide it from my parents..my brother knows about it even though he finds yaoi disgusting xD but he respects my likes and dislikes >3

My parents would not undestand not now and not in a million years, they're old-minded, and if they found out my yaoi mangas at home they'll burn them ;V;

Luckily my best friend is as perv as me, she loves yaoi *^* , my other close friends, well , i introduced them to yaoi, and they seem to like it x'3

And some friends don't mind either ♥

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All my friends know,and love it.My mum suspects that I read some type of"weirdness" like this,but won't let me read fifty shades of grey.I assure her I've read worse(Accidently stumbled upon some hardcore Shota...In school..o.O)

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Yeah. I share it with my fellow fan-girl friend and my two fan-boy friends. One of my friends left me because I like yaoi. When she left I was all like: :cuteonion7:

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I don't really hide it, no... Then again I'm not a crazy huge fan either, I just read a lot, mostly online...


So yeah, a bunch of my friends and my brother definitely know, and among my female friends there are even a few people who helped test read my fiction drabbles.

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I only hide it from my relatives and of course my father onion5 Ohhh wait my mother is an exception ! She actually supports me reading and watch yaoi. Her reason was for me to gain more knowledge. I have an awesome mother onionn5

I don't really hide it from my friends. I even have a fujoshi as my classmate! We always threaten each other to not spill our secrets (yaoi addiction) to our family members lol . My guy classmate also knew that I was into yaoi so he always teases me and all. So yeah, I only hide it from my relatives.

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  • 2 weeks later...

My family knows nothing. I even sometimes go as far as reading my Yaoi incognito. My friends, I could care less, they all know what I do, I read and watch with pride, and if they say anything bad about it I make sure to send them chain letters from the eternal depths of hell... :1onion49: *cough cough* onionn5

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Nope. Huehuehue. Everybody in the class knows that i love BL. I even explain to them what Yaoi is. Of course i always get Violent Reactions, and the strongest male in our class even spanks my head whenever he hears "BL/YAOI" coming from me. XD Even my dad knows, he doesn't have any hints of going against my passion. My sisters know it too, but being all that sassy and girlish, they feel disgusted about it. XD

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i don't hide it at all..haha.. my brothers definitely know that i read yaoi and watch yaoi..haha.. even my friends know it.

well, except for my parents.. if ever they know, hah! im dead for sure!hehehe.. so its my little secret to them..tsk tsk.. im proud being a fujoshi and theres nothing shameful on it.. hehe..:hamtaro-005 (6):

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  • 1 month later...

I don't really talk about my yaoi with anyone...lol my boyfriend knows that i like it and obviously he thinks it's disgusting, and i have a few other guy friends who think the same. My mom definitely doesn't know, if she knew about all the yaoi files on my computer i would be grounded for life XD the only times i can find someone to talk about yaoi with are people on forums like these or on tumblr, although ive had friends from school ask me questions about "all those pictures of gay anime boys"

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Addiction? What addiction? >_> <_>


...My friends are also yaoi/yuri fans, and I know

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I also have doujins. I don't exactly have these on display, but I'm not hiding them under the bed...

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hmm for me, i don't hide it, haha..

Everyone knows about my love for yaoi haha,.

even the whole class know that i like BL haha.. they even do a free fanservice haha. . though there are some female in our class who hates me cause they hate BL haha,, *laughs*.

i dont hide my yaoi things/manga,

except for my dad, he knows but he hates it haha.. i think its normal..

but i think its not a good idea cuz of my influence some of my male friends are turning into a gay..

( and i think its my fault OTL) although i support them , my bad haha:hamtaro-005 (8)::hamtaro-005 (8):

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Yes. Almost all of the people I interact with are homophobes, It's kinda awkward.

So I secure my yaoi stuffs with passwords and lock them ! XD

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mostly,except for anything non-anime related,you see my sister and i ship dean and castiel (From the show Supernatural) and discuss it openly but we never talk about porn or anything only fluff and how cute they would be together,other than that i hide everything yaoi related like its satan worship or something.:hamtaro-005 (5):

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I also have the same problem! Only friends of mine who like anime know about my passion for yaoi, and when others overhear us discussing yaoi, they give us weird looks! Why must we hide?! Why can't people accept yaoi for how amazing it is?!

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I've always had a passion for Yaoi since I was young but never knew what it was. Though I told my friends openly about my obsession so they know. But my mom also know that I like gay boy all in the same. So I guess you could say she knows.....I doubt she knows what Yaoi is but she do know I like gay men XD DOES THAT COUNT?! But yeah I'm open about mine...I try to hide it but I just can't. I squeal whenever I see a cute gay couple....guess that's how mom figured out.


My brothers also know but never talk about it :p oh!!! And my dad XD

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Just my closest friends who knows that I love Yaoi~ Lol

But some people know when they looked at my draw, and assume that i like this. They didn't say anything actually. But I am worried.. owo

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oh man imagine my family's reactions to my enthusiastic interest in gay fictional characters ahahahahahaha NOPE


so yeah i try to be discreet.

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