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Have you known or met a real gay guy in the real life? XD


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He should try to make the teacher understand he's not interested... maybe to try to make the teacher see him with his girlfriend. Then maybe the teacher will give up...


Agree 100%..

if he don't tell that..i think his teacher not know and only disturbing him 24 hr..>



Maybe your friend so kawaii for him ...

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A guy that worked with my aunt was gay and I kinda knew him. I mean I would talk to him when we would stop by

where my aunt worked even if she wasn't there. He was really funny and very out, flamboyant.

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What's his name?


hah...im sure you dont know about him XD He is a Vietnamese guy...and pretty lovely ;)

This is a pic of him ;))



I really hate the way Journalists and people talk about him >


To be gay is not a sin....why could they talk something cruel or vulgar abt him ..............:8yoyo13:

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A guy that worked with my aunt was gay and I kinda knew him. I mean I would talk to him when we would stop by

where my aunt worked even if she wasn't there. He was really funny and very out, flamboyant.


i always want to have a gay friend...;) I will love talking with him abt his relationships lol:msn_red_fox 2

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huh???...im sure he is uke...........:D


there's two boys in my class...they are best friend and one guy always hug and touch the other

...haha i know that they are just kidding each other lol.....one guy had GF;)

but i often think that it's great if they become couple...

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  • 2 weeks later...

I have gay friends.


A close cousin of mine is gay.


I also have lesbian friends.


I had gay professors in college.


I've worked with gay men in the companies I've been. My managers were gay.


However, I'm usually drawn to those gay men who are very incredibly witty, engaging, amazingly intelligent, artistic and successful in their careers. And most of them are uke like me.

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I think one of my cousins is gay, but I'm not 100% sure, and our relationship is not so close, so I haven't asked him.


But yes I have known and meet lots of homosexual people, since I sometimes went to a gayclub with my friends, and a couple of the guys were gays. But I have lost contact with them, so don't know anyone today.


But I know lots of bisexual people.

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  • 3 months later...

Where I live there is a large population of Gay, Lesbian, Bi & TG so the likelihood that you would is very high probably I have many.

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yah ever, even once he is my close personal friend


he was a captain of the basketball

and we always argue when we both saw a cute boy -__-

I think he is a seme..

and he always said to me: you're a girl, why do not you pick a boy who is more manly than cute boys?

oh god *_*

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I have a gay teacher. He is becoming more and more pervert @_@ he often sends many msgs to the boys in my class. Sth like "hey man, what should I do? I only wanna teach only you"....or "you are my cute and cruel devil". The boys after reading the msgs, they make fun of them and show them to the girls lool. Poor that teacher. :(

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yes,while walking in the streets i see them , and some friends talk about there brothers or there friend being gay (i am not a social one so i dont see much)>_

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Somehow I always attract gay people as my friends, I think I can honestly say half of my friends are homo- or bisexual.

Not that I mind, they're fun and interesting ^^


Checking out boys with a gay friend is a must-do for every girl x3


These stories about gay teachers making passes at their students sound scary though O.o

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that really sucks....oh cruel fate of unrequited love. But have I ever met a gay guy?? Well I am one. :D But there aren't many other gay guys in my school which frickin sucks b/c i have to answer all these insane questions about stereotypes and gay culture and watnot.

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One of my best friends is gay... I've met him by chance in one of the companies i've worked for.

He is not the most handsome man, nor is his boyfriend, however he is very delicate, and very fragile as well.

When i fisrt met him he was having an affair with one of our co-workers(gourgeus as hell) who was not gay but was into trying different things, and things,well they turned very ugly.

I was there to pick up his pieces after they broke up(very complicated to handle cause honestly i didnt understand anything at the time, for me it was just a relationship like any other).But it turns out that he really loved that person and just kept saying that anyone was going to love anymore if he left him....he just couldnt let go...

He stalked him, he phoned him at 2/3/4 am...well serious business... :(

But then he met another person and he's ok now, he is happy and that's all i can wish for him :p

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woohoo...gay teacher is dangerous to students...lol

like in my sis' college...there's a scandal between male student n male lecturer...*hot news*

but i havent met one except bisex friend...he's handsome n cute...but...

he have both gf n bf...ahaha...he even recommended me some guys...and say..

"hey Junnie (my nickname)...look at there...isnt tht guy is cute???"....

my face was like...WTF??..=='''

ahaha...and he's my class monitor too...*always nag*

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i myself think that.....the Gay love is sometimes not good and nice as we have seen in the movies...with the appealing and beautiful characters and lovely plot....


SOmetimes it is rather complicated and annoying to someone

Gay life is not always as we see it in BLs, but gay-themed movies show a big part of that true one, which is out there, in the reality. And of course gay life is not always lovely and sparkly and stuff...AIDS is a proof...but that's not a reason for hating gay people....straight couples may have all sort of diseases too...

Ok, that was just because that quote caught my attention. I'm just trying to say that the real gay life is different from what we see, but I'm sure there also are couples as nice as the ones in yaoi or BL

And, no I haven't met a guy who is gay, or at least not openly gay...I have a friend who is quite girly, in the way he talks and acts, but he never said that he was gay. It would be cool if I met a gay guy in real life...I would probably try to be friend with him and get to know him better

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  • 2 months later...

i know a lot of gay people. i love gay people! they are so much more fun then straights!! hehe

one of my best friends at work is "married" with another guy. and they have such a cute relationship! i have another great gay friend (that actually everything started when i had a crush on him til i get to know that he's actually gay...) and so it goes. everywhere i go. i always get to be friend with the gay people of the place. =]

but i have met only one gay girl. at least only one that i know she is gay. haha

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@ Cherryyuri : I agree with you they're more funny than straights, sometimes.


One of my sisters and my hairdresser(guy) are gay. They're people like us.... :)

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One of my ex-teachers was gay, and a pedophile. He would take pictures of the younger children in school 0.o But he is in jail now.

JuJu, your friend must be very careful.

My teacher now is also gay... but he is very good looking, smart, funny and kind. I doubt he would ever make a move on a student. (He is more like uke anyway).

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yup yup. one of my old high school friends, sadly i dont get to see him at all since he moved out of state, but we still call and text. he was a real sweety and he had a love for rainbow/neon colored dread extentions and he had a goal of goin after my ear (took him 2 yrs, but he finally snuck up on me) *lick* ^^ when i worked at Boston Market, i became friends with the cutest couple. when we first met, one of them ran up and hugged me "omg you could be my long-lost daughter!" they are so damn cute together!!

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  • 3 weeks later...

nthing like tht hz hppnd to me untill nw, bt who knw's it might hppn in future and am looking 4wrd to meet some really cute asian gays .....:hamtaro-005 (8):

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