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Have you known or met a real gay guy in the real life? XD


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LOL. I'm feel so bad for your friend. I live on the west cost side of the US and people here tend to be more open and those that are gay don't have to worry as much about hiding who they are, but I've never met a gay guy that would hit on a straight guy as hard as your teacher has tried with your friend. I had a gay English teacher my first year at college and I must say he was one of my favorite teachers ever!!! He was hilarious and was also great at teaching English. I also later met a classmate who was obviously gay and he was super nice. :hamtaro-005 (6):


I hope your friend is now ok. Perhaps its just best for your friend to tell the teacher he is straight and therefore cannot return his feelings.

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My question to this story is why is the teacher trying to get with the student!!! I understand he likes the guy but he shouldn't doing this!! Like in the books, there shouldn't be a teacher-student relationship!! especially when the other person isn't willing!!!..... well that's my opinion

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oh wow your story is really good, but now let me share my story here :)


my high school english teacher (he's an american) is very close to me and sometimes told me 'bout his problem, well, it's actaully a bit complicated why do we're so close each other, but probably because he's quiet open minded to some people, include me, and he's my private mentor for my english competition.. He's so handsome and tall, he just look like a normal guy.. and of course many girls here like him so much..


one day i came to his office to disscuss about my english speech competition which held in Jakarta next month, he's my mentor, and after we're done with the disscussion he suddenly offered me a lunch in some restaurant around the school.. I took the offer since I was so hungry and it was his treat..


we order the foods and have a nice conversation, i told him about my study, family, friends, lovers and others things, and he share his opinions too of course..

after that i think i'm done share mine, so now it's his turn to tell me about him.

but he kinda shy or try to shut it, well, then i'm kinda ask him about his lovers or maybe someone special, but i keept asking him that droves him annoyed and surrender (LoL(^^))

then he just admitted that he's actually not normal (?) and he prefer a man than a woman(^^). it's shock me at first but soon i just cool about it, since i'm already used to see gay movies or yaoi since i was in elementary (well, admit it, i'm a huge yaoi lover since i was a kids ya know>


well, my english teacher story have been 2 years ago, but he still have a comunication with me until now that i've been graduated and moving on in other city to continued my study in university.

Last week he called me and have a good conversation with me for a moment, and the good news is he already moved to San Fransisco yet married with his current bf, ya! that's my classmate! OMG it's really fantastic and i'm so happy for them >o


they also send me their wedding ceremony photos last year in San Fransisco on June, they were so cute photos.. they're both handsome and looks very happy..

I'll just always pray for their life here for ever and after ^^

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@shirotsuki; thank's alot dear :)

yeah, me too,, and by the way last week they text me and said they gonna addopt a child there..

uwoooooohhh, i'm so exciteddd >

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  • 3 weeks later...

Woow O-o what a story!

Um well actually..my best friend is gay.I feel very happy to have him and I'm not ashamed.Many of my classmates know his sexual orientation and most of the time I have to protect him...but since I'm his senpai I'm used to it.I tell him my secrets,go shopping 2gether or talk about many things I can't with other boys.I'll be totally ruined if I ever lose him. ;/

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I live in a place where you cant really let people know you are gay so I am really glad there is yaoi fans and a place like this to talk to people


Me too. I live in country in which you will never find gay or lesbian, our church and police are not acknowledge them.

I'm totally fine with it, and sometimes I wish to have a Gay friend. Not everyone is straight, so what!? we are still humans. love is love. that's my opinion. XD

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I can't say that I really know him, but he was a classmate(not a friend) of mine. At first I noticed he is kind of girlish, but like you all said, reality is harsh... he is kind of dark, and chubby. certainly not a guy you wanna hang out -_-"

and yes, he is gay. he even told his friends that he has a boyfriend and warned them(the girls only) not to prey on him.

since I'm so into yaoi, when I saw him, what a bummer!

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Oh my....

That seems rather frightening o-o


I am a real gay, and I've never been put in that kind of situation ; ^;

Poor kid though...

That has to be bloody scary.

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Yes, two, no...three. Two are my friends, one's an acquaintance... wait I also had a music teacher who was gay..but he was so mean man -_-;;;; he made me cry -_-;;;;


So four total...


One of them is my best friend o.o; Sometimes, he's way girl-ier than me..and I ask him for lots of girly advice XDDDD;;;


another is a close friend too...but he's so delicate = > = I feel like a brute when i'm next to him.... and other times he makes me pretty mad because he's so super practical |


And those two are BOTH. GENIUSES. WTF >_>!!!???!??!?!?!!?? One's a math genius (the practical one, the other is an ARTS genius |

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the only person i know whos gay is actually my uncle, he gets a lot of crap from my grandma for it though :/.if you were to meet him you wouldnt be able to tell hes gay at all,hes just like a regular cool uncle XD

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  • 2 weeks later...

I have four gay friends. And a theory that a substitute teacher I had in my Honors English class earlier this week had to have been stereotypically gay. That's another matter entirely, though. XD With two of my gay friends, I spent much of last year trying to get them to date. It never happened. -.- Too bad, since they would have been an amazingly cute couple. Aside from that, it would have let one of them forget about his (insert insulting adjective of your choice... I'm thinking of too many to say just one) ex-boyfriend.

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My brother-in-law is gay. I also have a friend from my younger years who is gay and another friend from high school who is gay.


I also know a transsexual man (a man who was born a woman). So, yes, I know many gays and they enrich my life on a daily basis.

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Well, I know a guy who's bi and I got to know his boyfriend (they only lasted a few months) who was gay and who was constantly picking my side during the day I spent together with them XD

Then I know a girl who's a lesbian and who's one of my best friends and another girl who is bi and is also one of my best friends ^^ The first one lives in Wales and the second one in the USA so we haven't met yet, but we are now great friends thanks to fanfiction LOL

Oh and I knew a German guy who is gay (I got to know him through fanfiction too LOL)

My family jokes that I'm only attracting bi/gay people seeing as most of my friends aren't straight -_-

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  • 4 weeks later...

Yeah I have friends at office in relationship with his boyfriend almost 7 years now, and you know what that his appearance doesn't seems like gay at all, just a normal guy heee

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Yes, I've been to GLBT parades more than once.. But honestly I'll participate in any parade if it has a float. For some.. odd reason they are never as cute or as.. cute as in my mangas.. Clearly.. they need to workout more. Or less.. I don't have any gay friends that I know of since I go to a Catholic School. But i've paraded with them!

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Well I once was invited by a friend who's bi to go watch a movie with his boyfriend (who's gay) ^^ He was fun to be around with and he ended up backing me up all the time instead of his boyfriend XD

And I talked to a gay guy on fanfiction - does that count? And a friend in Wales is a lesbian and my other friend in California is bi :)

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Well my teacher is gay, a classmate of mine is gay, my best friend's Bi and a good friend of mine is in denial:hamtaro-005 (6):

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I know a gay guy in my school but... He's a total b*tch. If we're waiting in a row to buys snacks at school, he pulls everyone away and cuts to the front. He thinks he's better then everyone else and acts all cocky DX

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  • 2 weeks later...

well it is true that some gays are a total b*tch especially when you are in an argument with them.. however, they can be also good and loyal friends to you..


i, myself,have many gay, lesbian and bi friends.. they are really great and kind..:hamtaro-005 (6):

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I don't even know if the friends I make are really friendly until I get into their orientation.

I never ask myself they usually tell me eventually, but the first gay friend I ever made ended up

being a pretty big mess up for me. Let's just say he was far from understanding my situation and

he thought I was trying to invade his territory.

Even though he invited me, so to speak.

Though a few other men and women I know now are much more friendly, so it seems to hardcore

both ways, people are confusing to get along with.

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