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Uke need a dominant seme to be his master


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Hi ! ^^ i am looking for a seme rp partner to write a story with a pet/master relationship, i am open to rape, bdsm , incest and whatever you like.


Important: This is my first rp ever and english is not my first language. It doesn't mean i will not work on the story or my grammar, i will give my 100% ! :D



Thank you for reading my post

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Hi =) I'm interested in writing with you. We can talk about plot and characters either here or through PMs if you'd be willing to give me a try.

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Great =) Do you have anything in mind for your character or the setting, if it should be fantasy, sci-fi...?

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Well i don't really have anything else than the main idea ... I would love if my character didn't had the choice to be your pet .. For the setting a fantastic universe would work or it could happen more in modern time, you can decide because i will be happy with both.

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We could make the setting a mix of the two, with supernatural beings and powers existing but everything appearing as though it's set in modern day. I've seen this done, though mostly in games.

If we are going to incorporate fantasy then I have an idea... well, its really just something I'm considering now. My character could be some sort of magic user who creates your character from something inanimate.

In Greek mythology there are beings called automatons who are statues made of metal brought to life by the god of metalworking. Perhaps we can do something similar to this.

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Maybe you character tried to create a human with incredible power or powerfull animal attribute but when he did, for a reason or another his creaction was not strong and he was not happy of it , so he decided to make him his pet/slave.

If you like this idea we could do this


And what would you like to happen in the story ? I mean about the sexual part for exemple: blow job, bdsm , rape etc... Just say what you want i am open to everything and it will help us find out which kind of relation they have ^^

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I like that idea, I think we should go with that =)


I've never really planed out things like that in advance... I would much rather just determine what we both dislike to see in the RP, avoid that and go with whatever feels suitable when we get to the sex scenes.

I think we can get a better idea of their relationship by creating character sheets, or just by figuring out our characters and explaining their personalities to each other.


I like to create additional material for RPs. I think I would like to perhaps draw the place where the two of them live and make it a large building that looks more modern, covered in glass perhaps.

Do you mind having side characters in the RP? I'm hoping they wont be locked away on their own with nothing happening around them... for me RPs grow boring if we're doing nothing but describing our characters wake up, eat and do things around the house in the meanwhile.

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That is fine for me :) side character doesn't bother me and you can draw .. But i will not draw , i am really not good in this x)


For the side character do you want to look for other people or just describe them in the story ?


And i have a question that may look stupid ... How do we start a rp ? :'3


I will not reply to your net post now because i must go somewhere but i will answer today :)

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That's fine, you don't have to do anything like that.


I think we can simply describe and introduce side characters during the RP as we need them.


It's not a stupid question at all. If you're asking how to start the thread, either you or I will go and create a new thread in the RolePlaying Arena forum. That is done the same way as creating a thread here in the RP Recruitment forum.

If you're asking how we should start writing, we can either first post our character forms and then one of us puts up the starting post and the other replies, or post our character forms together with the first post and reply. If this is what you're curious about it's best you take a look around the RolePlaying Arena to see what most people do.


Alright, I'll be here for a long while. Do you mind telling me what time zone you're in though so I know when 'today' ends for you XD I'm on Central European Summer Time.

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Hey :) i will go check in te arena ^^ about the day i live in quebec so now its 14:31h


- - - Updated - - -


Ho and about my character i though about a cute little deredere if that is fine for you :)

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Alright, we still have to figure out where to start and what would be going on in our characters lives, sort of work out the plot beyond just what's already finished with the two of them becoming master and slave. Perhaps my character could be working on something new now? Perhaps its dangerous or creates tension between them?


Also, would it be a problem if I ask you not to re-use the character you're going to use with me in other RPs and other pairings? I'm going to make a new character for this so I sort of don't want to commit him to the RP if you're not going to do the same with yours.

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Son't worry my character will br used in this RP only :)


And yes your character could work on a project and mine would be jealous. Maybe i will try to ruined your work in a way or another ...


- - - Updated - - -


Should my characyer habe any animal attributes ?

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Thank you =)


Yes, that would be a good 'twist'... or however I should call it.


If you would like him to have animal features go ahead and add them. I would like you to have as much freedom with your character as you want =)


Is there anything I should avoid with my character, something you dislike in a seme?

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You don't have anything to avoid in your character :) could you tell me a bit about him ? Because you are my creator and the person who 'raised' me, it would help me doing my character


But the most important question is: are the characters in love ?

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I haven't sorted him out quite yet. I'll send you a proper description or post one at the start of the RP but if you want me to describe him in short, he's not the kind to show affection even if he dose care for someone, however he seems to care about himself above all else and is highly egoistic. Despite being so full of himself though he has moments of insecurity and tends to fall into depression at which point he becomes very unpleasant to be around.


I imagine they do care for one another and can perhaps grow to love one another but are not quite there (or even close to it) at the beginning of the RP. My character would see yours as only a failed experiment, something he is ashamed of but is not cruel enough to dispose of and I suppose yours would feel he is unwanted? The point of the plot should perhaps be how they progress from that?

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This would be awesome !


How do you see the aspect slave/pet ?


My character could be happy and cheerfull which would help your character in his dark pass ?

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I imagine my character would command him to do whatever he needs for his experiment at that moment, even if it's harmful. He would also be used to touching him very freely and perhaps would sleep with him and be forceful to distract himself when something goes wrong?

What did you have in mind for the slave part?


It would help, perhaps those moments are a break from how things are usually between them?

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That's fine for me :)


For the slave part, i had in mind my character doing all the task in the house( cleaning, baking and everything that must be done ) also being the subject of some experiment and pleasure his master whenever your character ask for it ( for the more sexual part i had in mind to show the difference of power between them, that your character own his slave and force him to do whatever twisted game he loves )

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I just had an idea!


Your character could be a crazy and evil wizard who uses his slave for everything et want and at first my character hate him. But when my character realised that this is just a shell to hide your character true feelings or not ger hurt by others, my character try to show him love, at first the wizard refuse it but after he starts to love his slave because my character was the first to see who he really is. Then your character decided to create more creature to share time with. My character get angry, destroy everything he made and start to hate the wizard again or something like this


If you like this idea we could do something like this or change some parts if you dont like this idea we will find something else :)


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Perhaps leave the part where they begin to understand one another for the RP? I imagine my character wouldn't stop or take a break from his experiments after creating your character, so those new creatures and creations would come too soon for them to develop feelings and become close in the meanwhile.

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Yup, I've ended up a bit busy today but I'll do my best to get things ready. Who should make the starting post though?

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