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Takumi-kun: ImPure (Misu x Shingyouji)


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The promised fun oneshot. It's rated 18+ due to language. This time it's Misu and Shingyouji. The title is just a wordplay for the upcoming movie Takumi-kun: Pure


:hamtaro-005 (6):


ImPure - Misu x Shingyouji fic


Before they knew it, they were no longer in high school. One of Shingyouji's most revered dreams has finally been answered. Not only is he already in college but he got to live together with his beloved Arata-san in their 1DK apartment. Arata had complained once about the cramp space but Shingyouji didn't seem to mind the very least. To him, this was everything he dreamt of. Everything in life was good except for one thing.


Misu Arata had taken up a bad habit of smoking. When he first tasted his first cigarette, it was like a celebration of freedom. He savored each nicotine stick like he would savor a breathe of fresh air. Much to the chagrin of his partner, Shingyouji who could not stand the smoke but was patiently trying to tolerate it but he was nearing his breaking point. Misu has scoffed so many times on the health risks of smoking. Something had to be done.


As they quietly spent a lazy Sunday afternoon watching television, Shingyouji diverted his eyes and focused on Misu who was now enjoying another newly-lighted cigarette.


"Arata-san...you shouldn't be smoking so much." Shingyouji looked at him worriedly.


"Since when did an idiot like you tell me what to do?" Misu not bothering to look at him but remained focused on the TV screen.


"Because this idiot cares about you a lot, that's why." Shingyouji frowned and moved closer to him.


"Hmp!" Misu blew him a smoke circle.


"You're not gonna stop?" That irritated Shingyouji so he grabbed the remote control and turned off the TV.


"Make me." Misu gave him a smirk.


"Alright then." Shingyouji quickly grabbed the cigarette off Misu's lips and began to inhale sharply.


"HEY! WHY ARE YOU SMOKING IT?" Misu was aghast. He never once realized that his smoking bothered his partner so much.


"Do you like it when I smoke, Arata-san?" Shingyouji blew a smoke in his direction. His lips were quivering. He obviously was not used to smoking but he didn't cough either.


"Since when did you learn how to smoke?" Misu eyed him suspiciously. This was a whole new discovery for him. All the while he thought he knew Shingyouji but seeing him smoke like that in front of him, questions started to pop in his mind.


"Since middle school." Shingyouji stopped smoking and squished the cigarette on the Panda bear-shaped ashtray.


"WHAT THE...?" Now Misu was even more curious.


"A teacher taught me how." Shingyouji answered him without hesitation yet his eyes remained on the ashtray. He couldn't bring himself to look directly at Misu.


"Are you fucking with me? You say, a teacher taught you how to smoke?" This time Misu held him by the shoulders and made Shingyouji face him directly.


"Yes..he did...especially after he would...do things...to me. He said it made the cigarette taste...much better." Shingyouji lowered his gaze. Memories he had chosen to remain buried in his mind were slowly being dug up once again.


Misu's face was painted with shock. He did not expect something like that at all. It was bad enough a corrupted teacher would take advantage of his young students, a middle schooler even. But what angered him more was no one had any right to touch Shingyouji like that. Shingyouji was HIS to touch. Damn it! Okay, maybe possessiveness went a little too far but STILL!


"Fuck. I don't want to ever see you smoke again. Do you understand?" Misu's voice was grim. He touched Shingyouji's cheek to face him.


"I do." Shingyouji replied meekly.


"Okay then." Misu nodded.


"Would you do the same for me, Arata-san?" Shingyouji looked at him earnestly.


"Only if you can replace my cigarettes with something better." Misu smirked.


"You're such a perv, Arata-san." Shingyouji laughed.


"IDIOT! DON'T COMPARE ME WITH THAT PEDO SENSEI OF YOURS!" Misu looked at him incredulously, obviously bothered with the comparison.


"He was nice though..." Shingyouji shrugged.


"SHUT UP YOU!" Misu was gritting his teeth.


"He didn't hurt me." Shingyouji slowly shook his head while fiddling with a renegade thread from Misu's shirt.


"But you said he did things to you..." Misu lowered his voice and looked at him closely.


"Yeah...uhm...well..." Shingyouji stopped fiddling with the thread on Misu's shirt and covered his face instead.


"Enough!" Misu just had it already. Another word about that sensei, he would be hatching a plan to track him down.


"You'll really quit smoking for me starting now, Arata-san?" Shingyouji looked at him and smiled hopefully.


"Idiot." Arata flopped back on the pillows while Shingyouji moved to snuggle beside him.


"You're funny, Arata-san. I love you so much." Shingyouji murmured while planting a soft kiss on Misu's cheek.


"I know...now about the replacement..." Misu grinned at him.




:hamtaro-005 (4):

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Thanks for the fic! I love it so much!!!! :leaf15: My fav line was this one: "Only if you can replace my cigarettes with something better." It was sooo cool and funny! You are really talented!

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Thanks for the fic! I love it so much!!!! :leaf15: My fav line was this one: "Only if you can replace my cigarettes with something better." It was sooo cool and funny! You are really talented!


:hamtaro-005 (6): Awwww ~ ♥ I'm so happy to know it had that effect. I really like playing with sexy seme characters. I could imagine this is really something Misu would say. It's a very seme thing.


i will print it and read tonight. thank you. what a great job :)


Oh wow! I'm so humbled. Thank you so much my that fanfic has printable value. That means so much. :hamtaro-005 (15):


Great job yojichan once again!:msn_red_fox 8


It's been a great pleasure having readers like you appreciate my story.

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I love it! It didn't even need to be "hotter" than this, cause you might have spoiled the atmosphere.


The way you presented their attitudes and their relationship in a hot, but sweet and funny way in the same time is just awesome! :hamtaro-005 (6):

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Thank you! Thank you so much for reading, my darling, and your review.


I'm very flattered you think so that way. I'm very pleased I was able to capture them in this kind of atmosphere and interaction.

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  • 1 month later...

wahhh....love it...^^

"Shingyouji was HIS to touch" favorite quote!!!

and all the part is cute...wondering hw it'll be if Babaryo and Taiki smoking....@___@

i wanna print it and paste it on my school's table...diz will help me a lot...ahaha

the last part is so good nw i begin my own imagination....

*day by day i began to become more pervert*

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wahhh....love it...^^

"Shingyouji was HIS to touch" favorite quote!!!

and all the part is cute...wondering hw it'll be if Babaryo and Taiki smoking....@___@

i wanna print it and paste it on my school's table...diz will help me a lot...ahaha

the last part is so good nw i begin my own imagination....

*day by day i began to become more pervert*


Oh my goodness! printing and pasting it on your school's table would be an honor but at the same time, will that be OK with your teachers? LOL. I'm very pleased that you enjoyed reading my story. Since I watched Takumi-kun 3. Misu had already given me this strong possessive aura so it was really fun putting that behavior in this story.


Cool..You really love writing stories huh?..I guess you should be an author..

Thanks..it was..very intersting..


Yes as a matter of fact, I really do. Well, I have authored some stories already but have only published them in a few places. I might consider publishing them more especially my original stories. Thanks so much for reading.


nice...ekekeke..i'm love it..misu and Shingouji...so lovu lovu Da ne...:leaf15:


Misu and Shingyouji are one of the cutest couples EVARRR!! I love them too. Thanks so much for reading, my sweet! ♥

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Haha...itz ok if my teacher doesnt know who is shingyouji n misu..

i think ur story is great..been sharing ur story wif my fwens in other place..

hope u dun mind...ehehe nowadays misu n shingyouji (babaryo n taiki) is very hot among my fwens..some of them even want to keep shingyouji as their pet...so i hope u dun mind to share..:hamtaro-005 (4):

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i hope u will write more bout this couple ^^


Haha...itz ok if my teacher doesnt know who is shingyouji n misu..

i think ur story is great..been sharing ur story wif my fwens in other place..

hope u dun mind...ehehe nowadays misu n shingyouji (babaryo n taiki) is very hot among my fwens..some of them even want to keep shingyouji as their pet...so i hope u dun mind to share..:hamtaro-005 (4):


Thanks so much for sharing the love with your friends. I'm very flattered that you think my story is great and worth spreading to your friends. It's been a pleasure writing the story and being inspired by Misu and Shingyouji (Baba-chan and Taiki). There's so much potential and conflict and interests in their coupling. They're so adorable together! ♥

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kyaa...glad u dun mind...ya itz worth to share wif my friends...^^

ur story really helped us wif our stress being in 1st class students!!!

and hell ya..they're adorable together..

hot seme and cute uke...no doubt at all...^^

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Oh my goodness...I've thought of my stories as many things but as a stress reliever in school, this is a first! Wow. I wasn't expecting that at all. I'm really, really very flattered that somehow this story has been helpful to you and your friends. Hugs to you all!

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we all grateful to u too....^^

i think misu n shingyouji should have their own fanclub here...

they're some kind quite have a lot of fans now....ahaha...nw u're making them looked so much sweeter...:hamtaro-005 (4):

gosh...*i wish i know hw to use diz page well*

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Oh I'm quite grateful to readers like you and your friends. It's a mutual feeling we all share as writers and readers. I'm very touched.


I totally don't have a problem if a Misu x Shingyouji fan club comes up. I'll join it. Haha! They're really so adorable together and even on their own.

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Oh I'm quite grateful to readers like you and your friends. It's a mutual feeling we all share as writers and readers. I'm very touched.


hehe...itz becoz u r gud writer..

we've been reading a lot of fanfic but none of them bout misu n shingyouji's love life...only bout before they r 2gether...

so i found urs and share wif my fwens who r also this couple's fangirl...

we're so excited reading it n hoping there's more crazy cuteness bout them...ahaha...omedetou for awesome fanfic!!!:hamtaro-005 (23):

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And might I add I am very, VERY happy looking at your Misu x Shingyouji siggie pic and your adorable Shingyouji avatar. OMG! ♥


Cuteness overload.


Yeah, I understand where you're coming from. I've been reading some Takumi-kun fics as well and most of them tell Misu and Shingyouji still in the early days as a not-yet-a-couple couple. You know what I mean?


So I wrote this fic and wanting to put them as a couple for realz in a world all their own. :D

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ya...i juz knew hw 2 use dz page....haha

so decided 2 use shingyouji x misu coz i havent seen people using it...

they look cuter here...haha


ya...i understnd 101% wat u mean...

thtz y i thanked u very much...

Yojichan SAIKO ne!!!! sugoi....(>.

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