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Seku's Poetry


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Twinkling skies..


This world is made up, with naught but lies..

The Government tells you, all is well

But we all know, It ain't so swell,

Even Nature Itself, has a story to tell.


Open your eyes..

brace your ears..

listen hard..


The birds, there songs, are sounding scarred.

The trees, there leaves, are not as bright,

Instead they are infected, with horrible blight.

The air we breath, makes us wheeze,

as hard as it maybe, for you to believe.


So trust not what, your Government tells you,

Instead look around, and see what nature has to show you.


Our Rain forests are dying,

Animals are crying,

Oceans of blue, Infected with poiseness brew,

Grasslands once vast, a thing of the past,

Humans consume this world, much to fast.


So I ask of you, one more time,

that of which, is not a crime,

Believe not what your government tells you,

For they don’t look around, and they don’t have a clue.

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Starry Skies:


Upon a windless night, of starry skies,

Shining brightly, like fireflies.

Twinkling away, life diminishing,

Slowly, but surely, there lives will be finishing.


A thought like this, so sad, but true,

Something like this, you cannot undo.


When you look up, at the starry skies,

Remember that time, surely flies,

And one day our life, that it dies,

Just like the beautiful, magnificent, starry skies.


- - - Updated - - -


My Last Paradise:


Upon restless wings, of purist white,

I kick off from the ground, with tremendous might

And Into the Air, I take flight.

The wind blowing through my hair,

I smile happily, nothing left to fear.


What felt like minutes, was really hours,

And I then woke up, along side flowers,

The spring had sprung, the birds they sung,

A beautiful world, that was oh so young.


This world I was in, Was made not of sin,

But what world could I possibly be in?

So I stood up, and looked around,

You would not believe what I found.


Water so clean, of purest blue,

Fields of Grass, long, and vast,

Trees so green, they seem gleam.

Something that you would see in a dream.


A dream I realized, that it maybe,

A dream where I will always be free,

A dream that has always reside, deep within me.

So If you ever want to find me..

this dream Is where, I will be.

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Very nice rhymes and on point imagery.

I like your writing style, it's very earnest and enriching.


Keep up the great work!

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  • 3 weeks later...



Darkening skies, a storm approaching;

Eyes closed to present time,

This forbidding nightmare now in motion.

Smashing down beneath the surface; suffocating.

A quickening breath, winters touch; evaporation.

Your very depths Tarnished,

This soul impure,

Your thoughts amongst the rubble.


Tears rolling down your face; you loose face,

In the eyes that reside deep inside,

Judgment day has come.

Precious memories; Embarasment; happyness; Hatred; Sorrow;

This past, unable to forget.

An aching inside, bleeding you hollow

This phantom; Haunting; everlooming

It's gaze set.


Upon morrow of midnight madness,

Crimson rays dancing; A tuneless melody,

Embracing you, embracing all.

Foundations of happyness; this creation.

The voice of a silent whisper, beckoning you.



Come forth, stand in it's presence,

Embracing hencforth; warmth.

A gentle breeze, a relaxing atmospheric miracle.

A formless entity found withen,




Seek out it's gentle nature,

It's fogiving tune.

Listening closely; a voice.

Silent no longer,

Words now clear.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Very nice rhymes and on point imagery.

I like your writing style, it's very earnest and enriching.


Keep up the great work!


Thanks for the vote of confidence. It's nice to know that someone appreciates my work.


I apologize for the spelling mistakes, and grammatical errors, I tend to write quickly when in the zone, and post before I actually proof read things properly. I also re-wrote some of the Untitled poems lines, and made the piece work alot better but since I cannot edit it anymore, I'll just leave it as is.

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  • 3 months later...

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