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Your Bad Habit..


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Well, I have the bad habit of not answering when people talk to me. It's not that I don't hear them, I hear voices but I don't listen to what they are saying. It's like I disconnect from the outside world. I really don't care and it's a pain to open my mouth. Yeah...:5yoyo32:

I also despise answering to messages, mails, phone calls and anything of that kind. It doesn't exactly piss me off but I am too lazy to do it and have zero interest. Most of the times I simply turn off my cellphone because there's so many lost calls and text messages that it hurts my eyes just to take a look at it. :cuteonion54:

And then it's once again a pain to explain why I did not answer and people get angry at me. They already know I'm that way so they should not even give themselves the trouble of calling and/or sending anything. They keep on doing it, nonetheless...


Like many of you I also have trouble while trying to stop laughing. Fortunately it's not the most hysterical nor annoying laughter in the world but it does goes for so long I start to cry, and it makes my jaw and stomach hurt like hell. Sometimes I think I'll seriously die of laughter. Literally.


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I Think My bad habit is damaging my eyes by sleeping so late because of Yaoi..XD

and being lazy just because I want to watch and read Yaoi..XD

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  • 1 month later...

i get worried for any small thing (i dont even sleep because of that)

i am very shy (you can say thats my number one problem)

i dont trust people (i had bad experience) T_T

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My caffeine-addiction could be seen as a bad habit, though I think I'd be too obnoxious during withdrawal for it to be worth it hahaha... hmm, a bad habit? My way of always finding Gackt-references for everything O_o'' lol, always something reminding me of him... Can't think of anything else atm x)

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I think my bad habit is just thinking about myself.

I don't really like to think about other people so others think I'm self centered...which is kind of true :D

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Bad Habit??


Hrmm....Sometimes I get annoyed without reason loool...th_057_.gif


I am also bad-tempered....

but just RARELY hahaha....:D

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Oh, this is really bad, but I tend to keep my silence, or not to talk at school, and the reason? Because it is English (not my native language), talking is tiring (sometimes), I don't feel the necessity to do so and I'd rather read manga. My classmates know about this (because they asked me, telling me I speak rarely but when I do, I talk a lot XD)

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. .oooooooh, bad habits :9yoyo30:


. .cloudy had these:


1. easily pissed of

2. sleeping late

3. floating mind when someone's talking to me

4. always brought a comb with me wherever i go, and always hold it

5. always combing my hair whenever i'm at different places and wind blew bringing my hair in disorder


:Red_fox3: :D

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i have this odd habbit to sleep when im bord but fully awake when is intressted in something D : works bad when i suddenly has noting to do

my second bad habbit is thats i got a weird way of moving around xD [[does random stuff when i feel like for]]

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  • 3 weeks later...

Is being stoic a bad habit? Cuz I know I'm stoic ...

I'm also very very VERY lazy ... sometimes I would just stay in my room all day playing PSP or Laptop

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Hmm bad habit . . .


. . .


. . .


. . .


I don't know . . .


I hate talking, I bite my tongue when I'm mad, I'd rather write than eat, I drink coffee and tea like it's water, I hate stupid people, I can be arrogant, I eat ice cream like I'm sucking dick (lots of tongue) and shall I go on ...?

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My Bad Habit?? I can get easily comfortable to a stranger. And when they leave, i can feel a little pain which may or may not affect my daily basis of living. DAMN. Im weak y'know.

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Brohne - Hehe when Im eating something I enjoy I make


My Bad Habit?? I can get easily comfortable to a stranger. And when they leave, i can feel a little pain which may or may not affect my daily basis of living. DAMN. Im weak y'know.

Aww don't think your weak Shim-Nii me too I get easily attached to people .Just a personality thing not a weakness.


My bad habits :p


1. I drink from the carton unless I know people will be over to share but normally they wont . I love the taste cold from the fridge and saves a cup :p .


2. If I think something is in my teeth I will pick and pick and even after I get it will until I bleed @.@

I start and cant stop .


3. I'm a bad procrastinationer. I procrastinate waking up ,going to sleep , eating ,even doing something fun like reading or watching a anime . heh .


4. I have a hard time deciding things.From the simplest of things .Like what to go eat ? Which brand of ketchup to buy . Ect ect. When I want to buy something I think over and over and debate about it .Sometimes I have to rush decision and when I do hours later I wonder if I made the right one . Im not like this in everything but most things.


5. Im sensitive .


6. I hate making phone calls unless its a friend Im used to . Even just to order a pizza I hate it I always worry I'll sound stupid.


I have more that's all for now.

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Hmm bad habit . . .


. . .


. . .


. . .


I don't know . . .


I hate talking, I bite my tongue when I'm mad, I'd rather write than eat, I drink coffee and tea like it's water, I hate stupid people, I can be arrogant, I eat ice cream like I'm sucking dick (lots of tongue) and shall I go on ...?


Lmao brohne i eat icecream like that to tease people, i always lick my lips and things like that :)) I like to tease people:leaf5:

Also i fall asleep everywhere rabbit6 At school, I often sleep during English class.

I fell asleep in the bus, I slept during a rock concert LOOL

I fell asleep at the beach, on the street in the park LOOL :cuteonion53::8onion73:

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  • 2 weeks later...

well i have more habbits but the one i do the most is bite my nails...

idk y but i just do. i can be talking and all of a sudden i hav my nail in my mouth biting on it.

sometimes i bite my nails caz they are so long, and once i start on one, i dont stop i like bite all my nails off. All but two. my pinkys. those are the only two i keep. Weird ino, but i cant help it. 4yoyo22.gif


another im a bit stubborn and like brohne and nitemare i have tend to eat my icescream like that. licking my lips and giving some tounge action..hamtaro-005%20(5).gif


i tend to zone out. my mind wonders on it own. lol Red_fox11.gif



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For me my nasty habit comes first thing in the morning starting off my day. I am addicted to caffeine and nicotine, health wise I know its not very good but I can survive all day (without eating anything) on just many cups of coffee and smoking cigs, yeah I know that is definitely not good for me. I know some other members have quit (good for you, you'll feel better in body and mind) I am just not willing to quit yet (probably when I hit 3 paks a day I'll think about it, cough, cough). This leads to irratibility, crankiness, being grouchy and a slew of profanity the likes of which you need to run for cover. Not a very good personality trait for me, its the more uglier side.....sigh***

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i cry when i angry :5yoyo32:


i'm lazy ~ ~ just want to sleep all day ~ ~


i laugh when i'm angry or sad

i've no idea y

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i get worried for any small thing (i dont even sleep because of that)

i am very shy (you can say thats my number one problem)

i dont trust people (i had bad experience) T_T


i trust people too much

and to quickly

i'm also shy,but when i first meet people

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For me my nasty habit comes first thing in the morning starting off my day. I am addicted to caffeine and nicotine, health wise I know its not very good but I can survive all day (without eating anything) on just many cups of coffee and smoking cigs, yeah I know that is definitely not good for me. I know some other members have quit (good for you, you'll feel better in body and mind) I am just not willing to quit yet (probably when I hit 3 paks a day I'll think about it, cough, cough). This leads to irratibility, crankiness, being grouchy and a slew of profanity the likes of which you need to run for cover. Not a very good personality trait for me, its the more uglier side.....sigh***


r u well

do u need a docta

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  • 2 weeks later...

@ LotusFlower, domo for your concern, that was nice of you to ask. Actually surprisingly I am healthier than a horse as the saying goes, nothing is wrong at all (knock on wood) but one cannot survive on that kind of substance abuse huh? The Dr always scold me to quit and I think he secrectly is trying to find something wrong to prove his point to stop....lol.

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My bad habit... I have so many...

Well most of it could be good but also bad...


When I start something I have to finish...

Some people will say what is bad about it...

Problem here is I just can't control...

I just into that other things I just put behind...

Like eating and sleeping... --;

So... That is one of my bad habit...

Oh... other thing...

If somehow I didn't finish and stop for any reason... I just can't finish that... --;

Some time I do finish... If I get back soon I somehow finish...

but, if I put that a side long... It is harder to finish...

That one other my bad habit...


Also, I jus don't much into eating... --;

If I don't feel like eating I just don't eat it...

Some people will said it again ... so what...

The problem is... I some time skip the whole day of meal... --;

So... this is really is bad habit...

Well I don't smoke or drink any alcoholic beverage...

I just don't have any interest in eating... --;


Oh... I jsut remember... my bad as bad habit...

When I don't feel like talking... I just don't say a word...

Again... people will say every one do that...

But, not like I do... if I start not to talk... I can go for few days... --;

Well not I don't go for few day... but, I don't feel like or upset...

I just close my mouth and stay away from people...

Even with people I just don't say any thing...

That make my mom mad... --;;;

Well over all I am to stubborn... that is all my bad habit stard with I think... --;

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  • 2 weeks later...

My bad habits?

there's so many bad habits of mine...



when i meet up with any guys,

i imagine :Red_fox3:

how they dating, hugging, dating, kissing, and....rabbit2

maybe because i watch too many BL drama, and yaoi manga...

i wonder...rabbit12

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