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Japanese earthquake and tsunami :(


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is so sad about the devestation in japan :(


so many people dying, and loads destroyed! lots of love to all of japan and its people.


im very lucky that we had not flown out yet, still got one week till my flight to tokyo...


post your storys/love/words/experience xxxx

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Yeah... I was so sad today when I heard it in the news.... so many lives and houses have vanished in just a few minutes... :(


I hope nobody of the users on this forum that live in the affected zones got hurt...



So happy that you didn't go yet!!!

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i know i was so lucky! people i know out there are ok at the moment, but i keep hearing the after shocks r bad and even more quakes near tokyo. hope it stops soon x

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I was shoked when i hear it in the Morning.

My Toughts are at the People in Japan.

Unbelievabel how strong Mother Earth is.

Hope that the geht fast help or that the help himsefl fast.

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This is indeed a very very sad day :(

I have watched the news all day and most of the evening too. I saw when they were sending live from when the wave was hitting the Japanese coast. I felt like I couldn't breath, to see all the houses, cars and everything in it's way just got ripped apart I just felt like crying.

The thought of all those people who didn't get away in time, it's horrible and I feel so sorry for all the people involved in this disaster. My deepest condolences goes out to all those, who have lost someone today in this tragic disaster that they love, and of cause to all those who have lost there home and everything else.


The thought of losing everyone and everything.. how will you be able to go on after something like that? I can't imagine how hard it will be for them..

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Oh, I was so shocked when I saw the news! Poor people in Japan! All the day long I let the TV open and listened to the news... there were so many aftershocks...:(

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I'm still shocked too... only seeing those images live was hard... but how about them, who lived those terrifying moments? How could they feel? Seeing your death with your eyes... knowing that besides you, all your family, relatives and friends are there in great danger and not knowing how many of them will you be able to see tomorrow again... it must be the hardest thing somebody can be through.

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I was really shocked when I saw the news, I have friends in Japan luckily I know for a fact that one is alright as he messaged yaoi-lover01 on facebook and she text me. unfortunatly our other friend we are not to sure about as we do not know exactly where he lives, I am hoping he will be fine. I would also like to give my condolences to those who may have lost someone to this natural disaster and hope that all those whom were injured are able to recover without any lasting damage.

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Everything we can do is waiting, praying and hope for some miracles..........:(......

The disaster will stop..

People will be rescued..

No one dies or be hurted...


The one we love won't meet any difficulties or danger with those disasters.....:(

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i'm donating there

my ma said if i was old enough she would let me take a year off to help

you guys what if Ayano Yamane was there

what about the other authors

whats gonna happen now

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oh i hope all the authors are ok, hope they find people alive too :(


its looking bad atm, the power plant exploded and is leaking radiation :(

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Yes, it's looking very bad... the radiations are 20 times more than normal. And now another tsunami, but a smaller one, might hit again...

So sad..... :leaf9:

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I know you'd really want to go, but I'm not sure if it's safe due to the radiations... they said they will be felt at 100 km distance.

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i dunno, i think well have to wait for a few days till we hear anything from JapanJourneys. but we will be about 160 miles away from where its happening, dont know if that makes much dofferent in this case, we r staying in shinjuku ...

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Then maybe it's not that dangerous... if the radiations can't reach till then, but we will see what happens the next days, cause you can never be sure.


By the way, for those who were worrying about the mangakas, here is a list of those who are surely safe as they updated their twitter or posted messages on their websites. The list is open, so, if you know about a mangaka that is safe, you can add that author to the list.

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i read the news about it. According to my local news, the number of people who died is no less than 300 and it will be increase! :msn_red_fox 18OMG!!! :msn_red_fox 11What a disaster! i hope Yaoi-related mag/anime release would not be distracted. i wish i could be one of the volunteers to help those people.... Anyway i will send some donation and pray:msn_red_fox 5

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i´m still shocked!!!!

and it don´t get better....i hope so much that everything will be go allright...

my thoughts are in Japan and with all the people there....:hamtaro-005 (6):

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I only knew about the news when we were also on tsunami alert.


I got so scared.


So then I got to read the news and the devastation is so terrible. It's like a movie only this is real. I've been looking at pictures and reading news articles.


But I still cannot watch any videos of it. I am so scared as to what I might see. I am taking by the accounts of others that it was really so bad. I can only imagine the fear of those who were in the cars as they see the waves rushing behind them at super speed. Everything seemed to happen so fast. A tsunami is bad enough already but a strong earthquake in the mix is just mind boggling.


I really feel sorry for the people of Japan and I hope that they will be able to rebuild their lives amidst the tragedy, the chaos and catastrophe that has happened. A lot of natural disasters have happened recently in other countries. I hope y'all stay safe and keep praying.


I found a link as to how to help Japan

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my sis and i were watching videos on youtube from it

on of them said there were over 50 after shocks from the earthquake

the rest were vids of the tsunami rising in different areas

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Unfortunately there have been about 130 strong after shocks up to now. A woman from my country talked on the tv and her sister is living in Yokohama and she said that basically from yesterday the earth doesn't stop shaking... just that sometimes it is felt less and sometimes very strong.


And a specialist in earthquakes said that the after shocks will continue for at least a month.

Poor people! They must be terrified :leaf9:

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yaeh pity the japanese....lets pray...may god blessing them....im quite shock that what the scientist said about the distance between the moon and earth was getting near....and after 2 day....its come true..OMG...im so scared...

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i was shock too..at that time my father calling me at going back home urgent...i was thinking y he call me going back home urgent so i was calling him..he said that we have to move to other place...because my state got Tsunami warning...i felt my heart was stop..and my body is shaking~~~my father said that 1/3 japan is Got tsunami...so i'm go back and open CNN news..omg at that time..i think i'm crying T.T...i was worried my friend,Daisuke & Mao there...i hope they safe there...*praying*

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