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♤ Love Is In ♤ {18+}


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Everett, in his dizzy and delirious brain began to whimper and soon cry . He didn't understand why.... He's been lonely before, Everett always got over it he never cried over. So ..... Why was he crying now? He didn't need anybody.

Samantha had been walking in and spotted Everett on the couch. She was about to walk over and ask how he was when she noticed the tears "Everett?! Evey what's the matter?" Everett looked over to the maid with what could've possible been the most saddest face she had seen. "Darren .... He left..." And that's all he said, before he turned back to the door. Samantha quickly went looking for the Butler "Jeeves!!" She whispered harshly

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Jeeves appeared and looked at Samantha. "What is the matter with Everett? He seems very upset." Asked Jeeves.

Meanwhile, Darren was enjoying his time to himself at a spa, getting pampered and cleansed. He got a massage, got a bath, etc and within a few hours he decided to relax and enjoy a Greek yogurt fruit smoothie for his way home. Once arriving home, he put his jacket on the rack and smiled. "I'm home, everyone!"

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Samantha rushed straight to Darren and scowled angrily asking "What did you do now?!"

She had just brought Everett up to bed where he quickly fell asleep. The maid had her hands on her hips awaiting an answer. He may be her boss, but she decided that Everett sees her as the Mother or Big sister. And she was gonna happily take the role

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"What do you mean? I didn't do anything. I left for a bit to have some me time. Is that so wrong?" He rushed upstairs and put a hand on Everett's shoulder. "What's wrong, Everett? Samantha said you weren't doing too good. Did I do something wrong?" He asked gently, leaning down to Everett's height.

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Everett blinked awake from his medicine induced sleep. He looked up to Darren.

Holding up his arms, he whimpered out one phrase "Cuddle me?" The tears sat on the rims of Everett's eyes, "Please? I hurt all over, my nose is stuffy and Darren left me alone~" Everett whined, not realizing he was talking to Darren.

" And I'm tired of being lonely!" And he once again began to cry.

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Darren's eyes widened with shock. Everett's behavior drastically changed, and he saw that now Everett was the one being childish. He smiled sweetly and got into the bed, holding Everett close as he squirmed restlessly. He attempted to calm him by shushing him and reassuring him that he was there. He held Everett close enough to hear his heartbeat once again, and let Everett fall asleep in his arms.

Jeeves was cleaning up and finally finished, heading for a break. "Samantha, there has definitely been a change in that young man since we've allowed him to stay. We're you babying him ?" He joked with a chuckle.

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"Nooooooouuuuu~ " The maid claimed as she looked in every other direction but her fellow worker. " I merely gave the boy what he needed that's all" Samantha crossed her arms and grinned in victory. She prepared a cup of tea for Jeeves and handed it to him as she pushed to sit in a chair. "But honestly, I think the young master has changed a little as well ...." A smile played across her face. "Everett obviously still needs alot of work but he's made amazing progress in just a few short days, and Darren .... he's starting to see things from another point if view.... finally realizing that it's not just about what he wants, you know?"


Meanwhile, Everett, though completely asleep, was doing his best to nestle himself against Darren, and make sure the warmth and comfort didn't leave him again.

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They slept soundly for the rest of the night. The next day, Darren was up again and was heading for a nice shower before he had to head to work. He stepped out of the shower and went to check on Everett. "Hmm.. you still have a fever. You can't come to work until you're better." He said with a chuckle. "Rest and I'll be back as fast as I can, okay?" He promised, getting dressed and getting ready to head out the door. He got breakfast on the go and sped off in his car.

Once returning home from work and putting his work things aside, he dressed in some more comfortable clothing and joined Everett in the bed once again, hugging him close. "I'm surprised I haven't caught your nasty little flu. " He said with a chuckle. "You're burning up. Did Samantha give you anything for that fever?" He asked.

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Everett merely grumbled and hid his face away in Darren shirt, mumbling about, " Jus' lemme sleeeeeep~" Samantha popped in periodically to give Everett small little meals for him to keep down, and his medication.

On her last trip she commented, " You know ... He'll deny this whole thing when he's better in and his right state of mind again, yo know that right?" she asked Darren with a smile and a snicker hiding behind her teeth. Everett was snuggled into Darren's side while the elder watched tv from the bed

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Darren pouted. "But I kinda like him being all cuddly like this. " Darren replied, watching TV for a bit with Everett before starting to doze off.

The next day, he decided to take a day off from work and ate some breakfast, while going upstairs to see how Everett was doing. "Oh you've definitely gotten better. Your fever has gone way down." He said with a smile.

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Everett looked to Darren with pouty lips, "Does that mean I can get out of this room for awhile. It's getting stuffy and boring in here"

Everett was getting stir crazy. He didn't know how to relax for long so taking more then a day off wasn't something Everett enjoyed, and only did so when he had to. "I swear being stuck in here is making me hallucinate!" He cried as he picked himself up from bed

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"Yes come along. If you really feel that bothered, I'll let you play video games or sweep the floors. I don't want you doing work that requires a lot of strength. " He said, leading Everett downstairs. "I'll just be right here if you need me." He said, sitting in the living room and working on a scrit for his newest show he was going to add.

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Everett peered over Darren's shoulder. ".... What's that?" He asked, leaning over on Darren's shoulder

Samantha watched from the hall, wishing she had a camera, she waved for Jeeves to come over and see.

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"It's my new show, Dead by Daylight. It's about a zombie apocalypse." He replied, adding extra notes to each part. Jeeves tip toed over and a smile crept onto his face. "They've finally gotten along."

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Everett nodded and watched as Darren worked. He would yawn now and again, but got up to move around when he felt his eyes droop. "What do you do anyway? Ever time I see you at work, I just see alot of running around..... Do you just write the script, direct? Do you get to act in your own part?" Everett asked curiously.

He had sat himself next to Darren and put the throw blanket that had been sitting on the back of the couch around himself. He had started getting cold.


Samantha was in near hysterics. She quickly pulled Jeeves with her to the kitchen, where she let out a deafening squeal of joy, jumping up and down in her spot clapping her hands much like a teenager girl at the mall with a new pair of shoes or earrings.

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"What's wrong, Samantha?" Jeeves asked, looking slightly worried. "Well.." Darren began. "I write scripts and direct shows." He replied, laying the script aside and deciding to play some video games. "Do you want to play with me? I have an extra controller."

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Samantha bared a Cheshire cat smile to her fellow worker.


Everett shook his head. "I've never had video games I wouldn't know how ... I'm little hungry though ..... " Everett looked up to Darren from his shoulder and asked with big puppy eyes, "May I just have a can of spaghettiOs tonight .... They're my favorite and I haven't had any in awhile" .... Obviously the medicine was still working it's way through his system, by tomorrow he'd be his normal near silent self again.

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"Of course! Jeeves, could you make him some Spaghetti Os for his dinner?" He called out.

"Of course sir!" Replied Jeeves. "What is that smile about?"

"I can teach you, grab a controller." He handed Everett one. "Jump with A or B and move with that little plus thing. " He said, moving his character around and demonstrating. "Now you try." He smiled.

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Handing him the can she had picked up the last time she and Everett where at the store, Samantha just giggled happily and stated "Just look at those precious babies~!!" She hadn't been this excited since Christmas last year when she had received a full weeks supply of ham. She never understood why she was excited for so much ham, but she was.

In her excitment, Samantha grabbed hold of Jeeves hands and made him twirl around the kitchen with her.


Back in the living room, Everett was focusing so hard on the game, he somehow managed to squirm his way into Darren 's lap and was mashing away without any real idea what he was doing.

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Jeeves looked at her with confusion, unsure of why she was so excited.

Darren smiled and chuckled as Everett squirmed into his lap. "Into the game huh?"

Soon after, they had dinner together. Everett got his Spaghetti Os and Darren got lobster. Once finished he thanked Jeeves and Samantha before bringing Everett upstairs, tucking him in and then snuggling in beside him to watch television.

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Everett, ever so snuggled, nestled himself into Darren 's collar bone, the rest of him tucked into the older's side, almost like he was a shy little kitten trying to hide from the world. He leaned up and whispered "Thank you taking good care of me" and immediately feel asleep.

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The next day, Darren got up and got his shower as usual, then getting dressed and getting ready to head out for work. He ate breakfast and then he went upstairs to check on Everett. "Everett, do you feel well enough to come to work with me?" He offered, smiling at the sleepy looking Everett.

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Everett fumbled around dazedly not fully awake, barely having his eyes open he mumbled "I don't wanna go to school Daddy" Everett sat up rubbing the sleep from his eyes. Looking up and realizing at last who he was talking to, Everett stared wide eyed, turning pink at what he had said. " ..... You didn't hear any of that!!!!" He screeched, hearing his voice crack a little "Just!! Just give me five minutes and I'll meet you in the car!!" The younger stated as he pushed Darren out of the room to change.

Samantha had turned the hall, just as Darren was pushed out. "..... Terrible in paradise?"

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"Yeah hes starting to get better. Ah, well. It was cute while it lasted." He replied to Samantha, chuckling. He soon made sure the other male had breakfast and was dressed before coming to work. he was a bit late because of this but regardless, Everett probably wouldn't have let him leave otherwise.

After a long day of work, he announced. "That's season one! It's going to be released by tomorrow! Two days off for all of you!" And all the crew and actors cheered. He closed up the building once everyone had left and brought Everett to the car. "I'm going to be very busy tonight." He said to himself, looking quite giddy.

Once they returned home, Darren immediately retired to his bedroom. He contacted his providers on his laptop via Skype for a meeting, and then sent the copies of season one to his provider once everything went well. Once that was finished he ran downstairs. "My new show has been approved! This calls for a celebration. Everyone, we're going on vacation!" He smiled brightly, clapping his hands together. Jeeves smiled and cheered.

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Samantha clapped giddily "Wonderful!! Oh where should we go?"


Everett wasn't sure what was going on. Was it good to have a show 'picked up'? Hmmm television was much more complicated then he initially thought.

Either way everybody was enjoying themselves so he smiled and watched everyone celebrating.

Everest heard the doorbell and quickly went to answer. Putting on a polite smile , Everett opened the door to a taller man on the other side and stated "Welcome to the Ludington estate, may I be of service?" The other stared a moment before a confident smirk slide on to his face


"I was expecting Jeeves or even Darren to answer, but I gotta say, this is a pleasant surprise" the stranger leaned against the door frame, looking Everett up and down.

Everett raised a brow, not at all amused. The smile dropped and he asked a little firmer, "Sir what exactly is your business here? If you have none then please be on your way"

The man snickered "Oh no need for the cold shoulder so early, let me at least get you dinner first so you can at least get to know me"

Before Everett could retort "Terence!!" Samantha came flying into view, giving this 'Terence' a welcoming hug.

"Hey Sammy!! Where's the old man and Jeeves?" They both let out a laugh

Samantha spoke first, "So how was your trip back home? Is your mother well?" Terrence nodded " Great very good trip and yea ma's doin much better now. So since she's better I came back here and I was hoping to talk to Darren about reinstating my contract for the show. I know it's been a year but doesn't hurt to try" Terrence smiled and turned to Everett "But my question is whose this little number? " Before Samantha could answer Everett, feeling very uncomfortable with the situation, said he'd go get Darren and quickly left.


Entering the office, Everett called "Mr. Darre, you have a guest calling for you. He says his name is Terrance and he'd like to discuss reintating his contract"

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