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Anything for Love (Undinevea x WolfDog)


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Akio had received a lunch box from his maid while waiting, his meals usually consists of their affectionate cooking and never had he tasted his own mother's. He put his meal aside for now, The maids hired would constantly take care of him, almost seeing them as a replacement parent but did not really bother with the love given by them since he craved more from his parents.


The man did not notice the kouhai at first, only looking up when the footsteps approaching were oddly near. He sublty jolted when the boy leaned onto him without warning, resting his head on the person in response. "Did you have a tough day?" He questioned in amusement, wrapping an arm around the redhead's waist before kissing the top of his head. He wanted to smother his boyfriend with sloppy kisses as well as just forcing him down as he dominates him completely, refraining himself since they were in public. Noticing he was not trying to even eat just yet, an idea crawled up to his head as he whispered to him a bit seductively. "Shall I feed you?" He inquired, his hand slowly rubbing his sides.


While he was certain that he was straight, the reputation of him being a bisexual was received when news about the both of them going out was spreaded, not that he mind about it. Though, it was a wonder why he could not feel any attraction towards other men but love Mikoto with all his heart nevertheless.

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Akio was clearly surprised when Miko suddenly leaned against him but the younger male didn't get up right away and just continued to sit there as the older boy shifted to wrap his hand around his waist.


"Did you have a tough day?"


Boy was that the understatement of a life time. Miko nuzzled into Akio a little more and placed his arms lazily around his waist and just sat there soaking up his boyfriend's comfort. The redhead didn't even respond to the question as he sat there. At the suggestion of feeding the kohei, Miko opened his eyes a bit more and looked over at Akio. Would he really do that? Of course he would. Despite how kinky the two were and the kinds of things they were into, Akio was very kind and gentle and always extremely loving towards his younger boyfriend. Mikoshiba smiled slightly for the first time since he made it to school and forced himself to sit up to be fed.


Thankfully, Akio had eaten pretty much all of his lunch and now he focused completely on his lover as he fed him. "I heard a rumor..." He whispered between bites. "The student council vice president has her eye on you..." Mikoshiba said. He was quick to get jealous but never really voiced that all too much. He did have some faith that he was loyal enough to be able to keep Akio's full attention and love. Still.... the vice president was pretty, incredibly smart, athletic, and in the same grade as Akio. "A kid in my History class said so... He has a crush on her but she turned him down saying that she was waiting for you.... She might even try to take you from me...." Miko looked down and stopped accepting food as he said this. Man did he wish to take his lover aside and fuck him to prove his love... At the same time, holding out with everything going on today was also just as good and Miko would even be rewarded if he managed not to come or try and touch anything. He'd show he was the real loyal one.... Still, Akio was straight until Mikoshiba went and confessed to him.

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At the puppy-like affection he was receiving, Akio took that as a yes to his first question. The moment the other seemed to be contemplating on the next one and what to do was definitely precious, not even doubting he will refuse the offer. He returned the lovely smile of his boyfriend when the person had adjusted himself, ready to be fed as he took the lunch box from his boyfriend's grasp, sneaking a quick kiss on the cheek. Taking the chopsticks in hand, he soon began gently putting food into the other's mouth as he ate while the person was chewing, using the same chopsticks with them causing quite an amount of indirect kisses which he had never mind and hoped the young man had noticed the fact.


The upperclassman was alternating between eating himself as well as giving his lover some food from time to time before hearing him finally speak, listening to it quite attentiveley for what he had to say. At the mention of the vice president of the student council, Akio had recalled her attempts on flirting with him, ignoring her as he already was already taken at the moment. He did not think she was that persistent, wishing she will just stop pursuing him as he would not change his mind about it. Of course, he knew how popular that student was as well as her good qualities but Mikoto was just the perfect one for him.


Really, the urge to tease the young man even more was getting stronger after hearing those words. He knew the redhead well enough to be aware of his insecurities, not seeing any fault in him instead loved that part as one of his adorable traitd. As the students around them were geting fewer and fewer, Akio grew more bolder and ate the food that Mikoto had refused before planting a kiss however only right beside his cheek. Slowly, he used the other end of the chopsticks to stroke his crotch, leaving his lips only near the redhead's while their faces are only inches apart and their eyes made full contact. "Are you doubting me? Maybe I should punish you for that, Mikoto?" He whispered with slight lust.

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Miko was a little too out of it to really notice the indirect kiss. His brain was somewhere else completely. First, he was being fed by his beloved and his mind was really distracted by the rumor about the vice president gunning for him. What could he do? Was he good enough to keep Akio all to himself? If he did say he wanted to date a girl instead, that would crush him. Mikoshiba had no self confidence and because of that, maybe he really would lose his boyfriend. Akio was so kind and loyal... but Miko was also still so loyal.... But.... if he became too boring because he couldn't please the upperclassman properly, what would happen? There would be no point for Akio to stick with such a boring boy... Were women so much better? Still... None of them could probably get as wet as Miko did when he thought strictly of Akio and the pleasured he brought.... Damn... the tightness in his pants suddenly increased.


Just then, the redhead perked up stiff as a board as his throbbing crotch was so gently stroked and brushed over by Akio's chopsticks. His red and desperate eyes stared into his boyfriend's happy and teasing ones as he whispered quietly to him in a tone that sent shivers down Miko's back and made him want to strip naked and beg in any way possible to be fucked as hard as possible by the older male.


"I'm not doubting you, Senpai...." He admitted. "I'm doubting myself. Akio-Senpai is so kind and loyal to me but what if I become boring?" He was sweating and tears filled those red eyes, making them glisten at Akio. Miko let out a small whimpering moan and pressed his head against his boyfriend's shoulder for a minute before he lifted his head slightly so his mouth was right near Akio's ear when he whispered, " It's leaking out so much.... It's so wet..." He complained. Mikoshiba was leaking so much precum that it was going to start dripping down his leg in a second. If he didn't get relief soon, the poor Kohei was going to end up with a terrible case of blue balls or something. "Please.... Help..." He managed to said as his voice cracked.

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The young man's honesty had made the brunette smirk, softly chuckling at his troubled expression since he loved that one the most. "Mikoto, you are mine and only mine. If you are doubting yourself, that means you are also doubting me," he gently explained as he closed the lunchbox after having pulled away the chopsticks. He swiftly kept all the things away and realized that only the two of them left, lessons should have started just moments ago. "Now, onto the punishment. Strip," he ordered as his tone suddenly changed to be more commanding, his boyfriend's mumbles about being all wet was providing him much arousal while his erection was steadily returning. Assisting the person, he carefully helped in only unbuttoning the shirt though could not help but tug on the ropes for his own amusement. He then let the checkered cloth slid off as he waited for the pants to be removed, barely being able to have patience.


Skipping class was nothing to worry about when Akio was friendly with the lecturers as well as having good grades, making them not question about his absence since he was able to sweet talk with them. The upperclassman pretty much had a good reputation to the point of any kind of his wrongdoings went unnoticed by practically anyone on the campus, simply being charismatic with every single person he was acquainted with.


Once his lover was stark naked in the courtyard, he began searching for some flavored lube in his book bag and handed it over to him. "Play with your slutty hole for a while," he proposed as he adjusted the ropes around the redhead's crotch to free the restraint around the area and would allow him to freely orgasm, looking up at the boy with a grin.

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"I'm sorry, I won't have any more doubts," he mumbled quietly. He was latched onto Akio and mumbled about how wet he was. It seemed that the upperclassman was going to show some mercy in this little game actually help his kohei out... Of course, that sounded great but it was a lot dirty than one would think with being told to strip naked in the middle of the courtyard. No one was around and they were sort of in a spot where it was hard to see them but still, someone might still be able to see.... Still, there was no way Miko was going to give up now and show that he was incapable. He had to do whatever it took to thoroughly please his boyfriend.


With a whole new determination, Mikoshiba stood up and started stripping. He got some help from his senpai to undoing the buttons but there was of course an ulterior motive as Akio started to mess with the ropes some more. Still, it wasn't all bad despite the absolute agony Miko was currently in given the situation. Still, he dropped his pants rather quickly and his whole member was completely drenched in precum. It was a bright pink and looked ready to explode or something. Miko fidgeted for a moment before being handed the oil and ordered to play with himself. Well, that wasn't all bad, in fact, it was something that Miko did quite often to make sure he stayed just loose enough to be thrust right into if needed. It would hurt but it wouldn't be impossible. Though, his hole had healed since yesterday's fiasco.


With a deep breath, Miko-rin sat on the bench with his legs spread and his ass sticking forward where he was able to go over the top and slip a finger in. He moved it around a bit before entering a second and searching desperately for his prostate. Even though he knew where it was, it was impossible to reach on his own. Still, maybe he didn't need to. Miko added a third finger and started to move them all over, making all kinds of squishing sounds that seemed to be the result of more than just the oil he added to his hand. Mikoshiba was soaking wet inside and begging to be fucked. He looked over and stared at Akio for a minute. Man, being watched by his boyfriend was a real turn on. The readhead thrust his fingers in and out as deep as he could and stared at Akio while making some seriously sexy sounds. When the older boy smiled at his efforts, that was the last straw and Miko released a huge load that got partly on the end of the bench and mostly all over the ground.

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Akio had patted the young man's head after the resolve he made, hoping his lover would not think too low of himself anymore yet adored him displaying the clear dissapointment of losing him. Having entrusted his boyfriend of loosening himself up, he was mostly silent while watching the redhead practically finger fucking his own hole with a few fingers to the point of making erotic noises that any passerbys could hear. He had no intention of touching the delicious body just yet, marvelling at the pale skin shining under the sun as the ropes decorated him all beautifully. His crotch was stirring with arousal as his erection became quite obvious, a smile plastered across on his face at the effort his lover was putting to please him. At the abrupt release, he managed to avoid the splatter of hot and thick white liquid.


"Oh? Miko-rin... I never told you that you could cum," he muttered although it was clear that there was the devil-like grin on him, having something in mind that he deemed suitable as punishment. "Really. This is a punishment, Mikoto," he exclaimed in a slight hint of dismay in his tone. Extending his hand back to his book bag, he brought out a small yet long rectangular blue box as he somewhat showed it off to his boyfriend.


Retrieving the lube, he opened the case to reveal a long metallic sound that was about 2 meters in diameter with a bulb at the end. "Do you know what this is?" He questioned as a supple amount of the lubricator was applied onto the rod, meticulously spreading it evenly. His free hand went to his lover's hips and stilled it, looking him in the eye before aiming the dripping sound at the tip of the other's length. "Don't move," he warned while licking his lips, full of lust. All so slowly, he allowed the rod to enter into the young man's urethra with little force as he eyed the person reaction.

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Miko was panting with relief when Akio suddenly said that he wasn't suppose to actually release.. "B-But, Senpai... you told me to....." He looked down nervously and closed his knees feeling embarrassed as his boyfriend reached into his bag to pull out a blue box. Never had he seen the box before and the unknown was terrifying when it came to Akio or some kind of punishment... this was both. He whimpered slightly and watched as the lube was retrieved and the older male had this sly grin on his face that just screamed something awful.


Upon the reveal, Miko stared at the long metal rods for a long time. As he was questioned on if he knew what they were, he shook his head. Akio had done lots of things to Mikoshiba but never had he pulled out such tools. They were unused as well... Were they new? Though, they seemed a bit small something to put up his ass... Still, there was no where else for them to go was there? In an attempt not to displease Akio any farther, Miko lowered his legs so they weren't in the way and watched as the upperclassman went about pouring the lubricant so carefully on so that it covered the whole metal rod in a nice layer. It was just after that Akio moved and placed one hand on his lover's hip and the other, with the rod, near his length. "W-wait...." He attempted to plead as his senpai went about continuing to slide the device into his urethra.


Sure, the rod went in smoothly due to the amount of lube, however, it hurt like crazy. It was his first time and Akio certainly wasn't starting off small. "N-No!!! OW!!! Akio Senpai, please.... It hurts!!!" He begged desperately. Miko was in absolute agony though it was hard to tell as he started dripping cum already from how much his body seemed to love it. He moaned and quickly covered his mouth because it was too loud. Someone was bound to find out what was going on and he was desperate to make it stop. Miko's face had started to recover until now and he turned the darkest red as he leaned back in agony.

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The look his boyfriend had at the surprise when he had been reprimanded for having his release was very pleasing, knowing the person could not do anything else but accept what he was going to receive. "Play with your ass? Still, never did I say you can, My Mikoto," he claimed with full of delight as he noticed the boy closing his legs in regret. His boyfriend request of waiting was just urging him even more, ignoring it while the sound was smoothly inserted into the shaft.


It was obvious that it was his first time having a foreign object in there, his lovely reactions making it clear. "It won't be a punishment if it didn't, Miko-rin," Akio claimed with amusement, moving the rod in and out with little grace. He did it several times until he was satisifed, uncaring of what the redhead would say yet was aware of him loving the pain with being a masochistic pervert. After a while did he let the rod completely buried inside of the young man's length until the bulb was the only thing visible, the tip of it deeply prodding the prostate. The sound was snuggly positioned so it would not be easily come out upon him cummimg again, perhaps slightly able to push it up but only a tiny bit.


Getting off the bench, the upperclassman forced his lover up by the hips and quickly pushed the person down to have his hands grabbed hold of the back seat of the bench. It was enjoyable to slowly draw out everything from his boyfriend however he had about an hour more to have fun, reminding himself that he needed to hurry in order to ease his boner. His thumbs rubbed the soft asscheeks in circles before pulling away a hand, slapping it with vigor until it was red. "You're so pretty, Miko-rin," he commeneted as he took off his trousers, his own member wanting attention and let the leaking tip to poke on the twitching hole. Soon enough, he thrusted into the redhead deeply before pounding him senseless.

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Even though Miko had his hands plastered tightly over his mouth, his voice still seemed to come through as Akio continued his assault on the smaller male's Member. It hurt so much and yet, every time it reached all the way down and struck really hard against the other side of his prostate, there was nothing but a huge wave of pleasure that just made everything worse. Mikoshiba was already starting to shake as his body burned feverishly and the cool breeze from the outside contradicted each other. He was practically gasping for air as Akio went about his torture before finally pushing the sounding device all the way in and letting go.


The young redhead was desperate for help but was lifted off the bench only to be pushed back down so he had to reach his hands back for support so he wouldn't hurt himself. Of course, that meant that he couldn't use his hands to cover his mouth so when he was forced back down and the sounding device struck harder to his prostate, Miko let out a yelp, followed by a moan of pleasure. Damn did that feel good... No... it didn't.... Shit... he couldn't tell anymore. The younger male was still lost in thought as his ass was being rubbed but he snapped right out of it when he was suddenly slapped until his ass was red. "That hurts, Senpai!!!" Mikoshiba was in terrible shape now as his panted heavily now only to quickly be fucked. His ass was pounded into hard by his lover and Miko covered his mouth with his hands again as he moaned worse than a girl as his boyfriend fucked him until he was satisfied.


Just before the bell rang for the next classes to begin, they managed to finish but Miko-rin was no longer in any condition for school. He was spaced out and lost with nothing left in him as far as energy goes. The redhead's eyes were as glassy as the night before when Akio had returned for him. However, the difference this time was that he was no longer responding to his lover's commands or even his presence. Mikoshiba was about to pass out.

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While he was indulging himself in the pleasure of Mikoto's tight ass, Akio was still aware of the redhead's condition but did not mind about it. It was obvious how much the young man was enjoying at the immense ecstasy he was given, not even doubting even a tiny bit that he loathed the punishment. He did not showed a single shred of mercy to the boy, thrusting him without any restraint as he searched for his own pleasure as well while each time hitting his tip against the other's prostate. Once the person was exhausted and blacked out did he have his release, letting out quite an amount of sticky, warm seed and gently pulled out to assure thay none had leaked with him helding the hips up high. A butt plug was just at the pocket of his pants, taking it out to force it in the puckered hole and prevent anything from coming out.


Taking a tissue to wipe his shaft clean before throwing the sheet away into a nearby trash bin, he opted to pick most of the used items and shoved it into a plastic bag that he had stored beforehand. Anything else was kept into his book bag, nowhere near organized as he did not have much time when some would have free period and the courtyard was usually a place of interest. The upperclassman did not bother to make his lover to look presentable, carelessly carrying the man to the nurse's office nearby while knowing the staff there would not be present for a while due to a meeting.


Akio laid his boyfriend down on the bed, his appearance blocked by the curtains with only the silhouette visible from outside. He tended to his boyfriend for a while, untying the bondage but the toys remain. Instead, he cut the ropes into half with the hands and legs now binded to the bed posts. A caress on his cheek before flicking the switch at the bottom of the butt plug, starting low at first and increased steadily upon movement. His encounter with the nurse was not until he left the bed station, discretely explaining about Mikoto's health but did not really want any interruption. Thus, he flirted with the woman and successfully gained free access as well as preventing her from ever checking on the fainted man. He was given the key of the office, smiling at the nurse before attending his next class. He only returned after the end of the day, the nurse having returned home already.

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Miko wasn't entirely sure when he passed out but he didn't know anything about the butt plug or that it started vibrating, foaming the come within him and causing more stimulation to his already very hard member. The kohei was wrapped up, not very neatly but enough for people in the classes they had to pass to turn and look in suspicion. He was brought to the empty nurse's office to rest and bound in even more troublesome ways. Thankfully he was left unconscious for when Akio had left for class and left him with the nurse, he would have woken up and thrown a fuss. However, he did remain unconscious and only woke some hours later shortly before Akio returned.


Miko woke slowly at first but when he felt the vibrating coming from his ass, he squirmed and notice that he was tied to a bed. The redhead panicked and started to pull at the ropes and wanted to scream for Help. Thankfully, Miko stayed quiet and just went about his struggle in silence so no one would see him in such a shameful predicament. Still, these ropes were really well tied which probably meant that it really was Akio that did this to him. "It hurts...." he whispered before stopping and listening if anyone was around. No one was and the nurse seemed to have already left. "Akio.... Senpai.... This is too much...." Miko knew he was talking to himself but he couldn't take any more of this torture for the day. "No... this is my punishment for not listening. I hope that I did well enough for Senpai to let me come from him thrusting into me!!"


After that, Miko looked around to try and see what time it was. The sun was still out but there was a more golden light coming in... Was archery practice over? No... starting? He couldn't tell from behind the curtain and could only hope that Akio returned soon. When he did, Mikoshiba looked over at him and managed a smile. "Welcome back," He whispered. The redhead was so happy to see his boyfriend that all his negative thoughts just melted away.

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Akio returned the warm smile he received with his own, slowly walking towards the young man and brushed his fingers through the red locks. A bit of sweat glistened on his skin due to practice, the sight of his boyfriend making him forget the exhaustion. "Slept well?" He questioned as his other hand crawled from his stomach and finally reached the tip of his shaft. He had not yet removed the sound, noticing it sticking out a bit as he pushed it back in deeply. After that, he pulled out all the way until a little part of it had still been hugged by Mikoto's urethra before he let gravity do the job of forcing it back in. The lube would have dried up but he expected the precum to let the rod in smoothly, grinning in satisfaction on the agony the toy had given him previously and then.


Soon enough, the upperclassman untied the kouhai and gave feathery kisses on his bruised ankles in an attempt to soothe them before planting some on his wrists after pulling him to sit up while looking at the redhead's expression. The ropes only purpose was to ensure that Mikoto would not have pulled out the sound as well as the butt plug, losing its usefullness when the brunette had returned. A grin formed when he was done, letting their lips meet as he close the distance between them and sat on the bed that made it creaked. He was passionate at first, only wanting to feel the warmth of the young man's soft lips before deepening it. His tongue slithered in his lover's mouth after a while, twirling and dancing around as he please and dominated the other's tongue to his pleasure. A hand reached behind the person in the middle of it, taking hold of the butt plug as he gave his insides short and quick thrusts with it.


After pulling away, he planted a final kiss on the kouhai's forehead and faced him lovingly. "Shall we head home?" He inquired although was teasing the redhead all the while, the butt plug being his main tool for it at the moment. His legs were wrapped aroung the young man's back, having toed off his shoes before climbing on the bed. He was indeed hard after the kiss, stirring with Mikoto's asshole as a subtle sign that the upperclassman wanted his body right then but he prefered if the boy was the one to voice it out in confirmation.

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"I think last night was a much better rest," Miko said still a bit tired himself from the long day. The redhead was mostly saying that to butter up to Akio, after all, what made it so good was that they slept in the same bed together and he wasn't tied up, naked, with lots of vibrating toys messing with his body and making him so hard. Damn was he sore now, but thankfully, the ropes were quickly removed. Maybe the only reason his boyfriend put them there was to keep Mikoshiba from disappearing in desperation to try and find Akio. After all, Miko wasn't really thinking about removing the toys because if them being there pleased the brunette, then he would leave them and even show them off if he was told to. That would be really embarrassing but at least he would do it so long as the order came from Akio himself.


Things couldn't have just been left as they were and the upperclassman started playing with the sounding device that had slipped up just barely enough to not be continually pressed against his prostate. It was lifted up and left to sink slowly back in making Miko squirm and fidget, trying to keep himself from just begging and moaning like a slut. He had to have some kind of digression. After all, school activities would be ending soon and some people might have left stuff behind and were roaming the halls or someone might have gotten hurt during practice and needed to come to the office to get a quick bandage to get home without dripping blood.


The two soon kissed and Akio seemed to get really into it as he took over completely, forcing his tongue in and taking over, completely overwhelming his partner... But then, that's what the upperclassman did. He was the dominating type and loved to have full submission; one thing Miko was all too willing to supply. The idea of going home was planted but Miko wasn't ready for that yet. They were both turned on and the younger male was going to lose it if he didn't do something. "Please, Senpai.... Please fuck this slutty hole of mine," He pleaded.... That was way too embarrassing.

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Through half of the sentence that pleaded at him, Akio was already getting ahead and had begun to take one of the redhead's nipples in his mouth. "Pull out the butt plug," he unfocusedly mumbled, eager to get started. A hand of his went to tease the other side, being in rhythm with his tongue lapping at it as he twisted the sensitive nub. Once he knew that his lover's hole was unoccupied and leaking his previous hot white liquid did he tried to remove his pants albeit quite clumsily, finding it difficult while in a sitting position. The brunette purposely took his time, giving his attention to the young man's perked up nipples. He finally pulled his lover to sit on his lap when his package was released, the slick tip prodding at the hole as some of the seed from the person's insides managed to cover his own shaft. "So erotic," he murmured with a smile after having done digging his teeth and pulling away, agonizingly letting the boy descend all so slowly.


It took a while until he was completely buried by his boyfriend's whorish insides, not even moving for the next few minutes and did not even let the other do so as well. "It's still in the evening, we should enjoy every moment of it," he mentioned with a smirk, knowing fully well how much the kouhai wanted a proper orgasm at this instant and was barely providing him enough stimulation to achieve it. He then started at a slow pace and kept at it, his hands at Mikoto's hips not even giving him a single chance to take the lead. All the while, he carefully angled enough to avoid the tip of his member to hit the prostate and only grazed the area around it.


When he was satisfied with the teasing did he stopped all at once, looking up at the needy lover as he displayed an elated grin. "Now, I want you to move and you will want to pull out the sound carefully to cum. Don't want it to hurt, do we," he softly directed after moving his hands upwards so that his thumbs could now play with the stiff, pink and beautiful buds. "But with you being a masochistic slut, you'll love it either way, won't you," he added with a bit of a mocking tone, giving the person another single sharp thrust as he lingerly tweaked at the boy's responsive nipples. His shaft was throbbing in anticipation of his lover next act, growing in size at the thought of where they were and someone could come in any second without him locking the door.

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Miko was a bit surprised by the fact that Akio seemed to want the younger male to take so much of a role in taking out the butt plug himself and soon after, control over removing the sounding device. Sure, there was a higher risk of hurting himself if he were the one to remove the sounding device, but that didn't mean Akio should just give up all the teasing by leaving all of that to Miko. Still, the redhead removed the plug quickly allowing the foamy and sticky substance to drip and fall from his ass, landing on the bed sheets. They would have to change the sheets after if they didn't want the nurse to know but for now, Mikoshiba was more focused on the nipples that were being teased and played with, while his ass had to feel lonely until Akio finally managed to open up his pants and release his large member that he poked the smaller male's entrance with.


After finally pulling his head away, the upperclassman let his boyfriend slip down slowly over his member, letting the younger male groan quietly at the slow insertion. However, it only barely brushed over his prostate, not allowing enough for him to really have a good release. Man, Akio was a total bully. Miko-rin was even told to move himself and that he was allowed to come if he did so as well as took the sound carefully. "So, It's ok for me to cum?" The redhead smiled and carefully took hold of the little metal rod that was still buried deeply into his member. He gripped it and started to pull it gently only to have Akio buck his hips up and begin thrust just a tiny bit.. Still, even that small amount was enough for Miko to mess up and he yelped in pain a bit but he also tightened up and nearly burst from pleasure.


"W-Wait Senpai... I don't want to seriously damage myself." If he did something like that again he might end up in the hospital for damage that couldn't be fixed. A little pain was ok but what he did was not a good idea. Still, he didn't stop. Miko wanted to prove his loyalty with everything he had and he quickly managed to slip the device out. It hurt but this time he managed not to stab himself with it so he was ok. After, Mikoshiba froze and stayed there for some time before he finally started to move his hips. The redhead managed to force down the urge to come just enough to be able to move and work to strike his prostate as much as he could. At this point, Miko had completely forgotten where they were so a whole group of people could have just walked in and drew back the curtain to watch them and he'd never even know. Miko was too focused on his boyfriend.

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