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Little Red and The Big Bad Wolf [RP Idea]


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Little Red and the Big Bad Wolf


He goes by the alias of Little Red. Whether they call him so because of his long red hair or the oversized red hoodie he is always wearing, is unknown. It doesn't matter, either. He's simply a delivery boy, looking for some quick cash. His client this time? The big bad wolf, they call him. A drug lord who has taken control over most of the city, and who's very name can make a man tremble with fear. It is common knowledge that when he wants something, he will get it – without fail. This time, he has his eyes on Little Red. Everything from the youths soft facial features, large icy blue eyes and plump lips, to his petite form and rounded ass appeals to him. The Wolf wants nothing rather than devour Little Red whole – the only question is, how far he is willing to go in order to realize his desires? And will he be able to survive, once the hunter gets on his tail?





Hello there!

I'm Gladis, and recently I've been craving this specific plot. The general idea is that my character – Nikki, or Little Red, is willing to do whatever it takes to get his hands on some money. He gets involved with this man who is known to be manipulative, deceitful and dangerous (The Wolf), despite being aware of the risks involved. At first, everything seems fine. Nikki gets payed handsomely for more or less prostituting himself to The Wolf, and The Wolf gets exactly what he wants. Yet as time passes The Wolf starts pushing Nikki into doing things he isn't entirely comfortable with, all the while becoming more and more possessive of the youth. Simultaneously Nikki has started a relationship with a cop – specifically, the one leading the investigation on The Wolf. Also the so called "Hunter".


I am looking for someone who would be willing to play both The Wolf and The Hunter. However, there are a few things that should be worth nothing:


  • Nikki is a trap. Or rather, just a guy who looks feminine enough to often be mistaken as a girl. Bottom line: He'd look extremely dashing in a dress. If that's not your cup of tea, this is probably not a role play for you.
  • That said, he's not your typical submissive, and he doesn't have to act particularly girly. He swears, has quite the temper and can be very willful. He can also be charming, seductive and even manipulative – if he has something to gain. It all depends on the situation.
  • Although he'll take on a more submissive character around the wolf, it does not have to be the same with the hunter. In fact, I kind of like the idea of him being the one who seduces the cop, and generally taking the lead in their relationship – whereas it is the opposite with the wolf. I still think he's likeliest to bottom in both relationships, however. Although... that isn't to say that he would never top with anyone. It all depends on whether my partner is into that or not.
  • Adding to that, I'm also willing to play other characters to flesh out the world/plot and offer more verity. However, that needs to be discussed with whomever shows interest in this RP.
  • Although this could potentially end up being a smut heavy RP, I am also looking for someone who's willing to work with the actual plot. Only smut will simply make it end up being stale and boring.
  • Mistakes from time to time are fine. I make them too. But please, make sure I can understand what you're writing.
  • I'm not asking for novels; 2 - 3 paragraphs are fine. Even 1, if that's what the scene calls for... but please, please do not...EVER...give me one liners. I beg you. Personally, I can write way more than 3 if inspiration strikes. However, I tend to prefer quality over quantity, so as long as you give me something to work with, I will be happy.
  • I would also prefer the RP to be written in first person, past tense.
  • If you have any questions, feel free to ask. I don't bite (unless that's what you're into) ;D
  • And if you're interested in taking up this plot, please either PM me or post in this thread. ^^

I look forward to hearing from you!

- Gladis

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  • Gladis


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This actually looks like a really fun concept to play, would love to try this :3

Ah, I'm sorry. x.x Someone has already contacted me. However, I'd be willing to do something else with you if you're interested? ; w ;

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