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[TD=align: center]One Music (OM) Entertainment is a small scale Talent Agency that manages not-so-popular actors and models. It is an agency looked down by many since the agency has never produced a Star before. The only people that would come to them are those in dire need of income. Or those people rejected by big time agencies. Things were fine for the agency even if they hardly had any work except for small scale advertisements and photoshoots.



However, because of the older talents retiring and no one young joining them (long enough), One Music Entertainment is in the brink of closing down. The CEO, wanting to save the company, thought of something that could just be the last hope. A male group. A boyband. OM Entertainment never signed with groups because it wasn't their forte. They could hardly give job to their actors. A boyband would be hard to manage since they need big promotions, and a way to compete with the big agencies for the group to be noticed.



But there was no other choice. The CEO, put his everything into this hope and started an open audition... and he will become their manager.[/TD]














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OM Entertainment

Boyband Audition

130-34 Cheongdam-dong, Gangnam-gu, Seoul, South Korea

TEL: +82-13-1344-6770


Please Register/ Sign In, in order to see the links.



Thank you for applying to our first KPOP audition. The images, videos or audios

included may be used by OM Entertainment for any purpose they may serve.

If you agree, please print your name with corresponding signature.



_________Eun Jin Soo _______








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[TD][TABLE=width: 300, align: center]





[TD]Eun Jin-Soo[/TD]















[TD]July 17, 1997[/TD]
















[TD]MOBILE: 010-2797-5588[/TD]




[TD][email protected][/TD]




[TD]229 Yanggeun-ro, Yangpyeong-eup, Yangpyeong, Gyeonggi-do, South Korea[/TD]




[TD][TABLE=width: 300, align: center]


[TD]HEIGHT: 178 cm.[/TD]



[TD]WEIGHT: 62 kg[/TD]







[TD]Singing and Dancing[/TD]




[TD]I applied to One Music Entertainment KPOP Audition because I want to realize my dream of spreading music and entertaining everyone.[/TD]




[TD]One Music Entertainment should definitely choose me because I believe I will become a good member of the future boyband the company is planning to make.[/TD]






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[TABLE=class: grid, width: 400, align: center]



[TD]Eun Jin-Soo[/TD]











[TD]AGE(audition) AGE(debut)[/TD]






[TD]Originally Straight[/TD]








[TD]Collecting hats, Practicing with crew, Listening to music, Resting and reading books.





[TD]Calm, Caring and Sincere.[/TD]




[TD]Jin-Soo always liked singing and dancing. He wasn't the very best. He wasn't someone very noticeable. However, he never stopped singing and dancing and made it his priority in life, studying came next. No one supported him in his dream. His family was pretty much against his priorities since Jin-soo is the eldest and only male in the family besides his father. And in order for him to pursue his dream, he left his hometown and was disowned by his family.


Jinsoo managed to get into S University in the Performance Art department. However, he struggled to get by in life. He had to work many part time job to pay for tuition and other expenses and at night he does street performance for the measly coins of the aundience and to make a name for himself hoping that one day an agency will notice him. But it never happened.


He always wanted to audition to big name agencies like SM, YG and JYP but he hardly had time for it. And the audition process takes a lot of time in which he could use to earn money. There isn't even a guarantee he will be selected. Just listening to his friends from uni, it seems the selection process is really hard and only a handful gets picked from the hundreds of auditionees.


One day, Jinsoo was fired from his part time job just because he happened to be late on a pick season where many customers were expected to come. It was rare for Jinsoo to have nothing to do in broad daytime. And unexpectedly, he happen to pass by a commercial building with a handful of people lining up to. Upon asking one of such people, he knew that an audition for a boyband was going on.


Jinsoo instantly thought that this must be destiny and even though he had doubts and worries, he decided to take part in the audition.

















[TABLE=class: outer_border, width: 550, align: center]




OM Entertainment

Boyband Audition

130-34 Cheongdam-dong, Gangnam-gu, Seoul, South Korea

TEL: +82-13-1344-6770


Please Register/ Sign In, in order to see the links.



Thank you for applying to our first KPOP audition. The images, videos or audios

included may be used by OM Entertainment for any purpose they may serve.

If you agree, please print your name with corresponding signature.



_________Young Ji Woo _______








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[TD][TABLE=width: 300, align: center]





[TD]Young Ji-Woo[/TD]







[TD]Ji Woo[/TD]








[TD]September 14th 1999[/TD]
















[TD]MOBILE: 010-8660-6456[/TD]




[TD][email protected][/TD]




[TD]14-41, Junam-ro, Yangsan-si, Gyeongsangnam-do, South Korea[/TD]




[TD][TABLE=width: 300, align: center]


[TD]HEIGHT: 176 cm.[/TD]



[TD]WEIGHT: 61kg[/TD]







[TD]Singing, Dance, Rap[/TD]




[TD]My main reason for applying to One Music Entertainment is basically so that I have something to do. I want to give myself a challenge, a thrill in my life so that it wouldn't feel so worthless.[/TD]




[TD]OM Entertainment should accept me because I am confident that I am able to assist the company in creating a name for itself in the entertainment industry. I possess the necessary skills for this to be achievable.[/TD]
















[TABLE=class: grid, width: 400, align: center]



[TD]Young Ji Woo[/TD]




[TD]Main Dancer, Main Rapper[/TD]







[TD]AGE(audition) AGE(debut)[/TD]






[TD]Bisexual, later Homosexual[/TD]








[TD]None to be honest. Though if he had to list one, it would be Dancing.





[TD]Nonchalant about almost everything. He appears to be constantly in a daze, preferring not to converse with unfamiliar people. Despite his outward appearance, Ji Woo is confident as a person, believing that there isn't anything he couldn't do. When he speaks, he comes off as arrogant, though he probably is. But Ji Woo knows how to accept if there is someone who is better than him.[/TD]




[TD]Born in a wealthy family, Ji Woo never really had to work hard for something he wanted. His family deemed him a genius and gave him whatever he wanted, spoiling him as much as possible. But very soon, he became bored with living. He got the highest grades in whatever he studied, played almost every sport that existed. Ji Woo desperately looked for something that would spark his passion, something that would give him a meaning to live for. He wanted something that would be able to hold his attention for long enough. But no, he couldn't find it. Everything he did, he excelled and got bored of it eventually.


When OM Entertainment announced that there was going to be an audition, Ji Woo didn't really react. It was just one of the channels he was flicking through on television, nothing worth his time. Since as far as he knew, it was a company on the verge of closing, well-known for that very reason. But at that point of time, a thought flashed through his mind. Ji Woo always loved a challenge and he thought of this as one. Would he be able to push this company to the top? It certainly did sound very challenging. For this very reason, he signed up for the audition and was accepted.












[TABLE=class: outer_border, width: 550, align: center]




OM Entertainment

Boyband Audition

130-34 Cheongdam-dong, Gangnam-gu, Seoul, South Korea

TEL: +82-13-1344-6770


Please Register/ Sign In, in order to see the links.



Thank you for applying to our first KPOP audition. The images, videos or audios

included may be used by OM Entertainment for any purpose they may serve.

If you agree, please print your name with corresponding signature.



_________Joon Jin Lee _______








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[TD][TABLE=width: 300, align: center]





[TD]Joon Jin-Lee[/TD]















[TD]December 24th 1999[/TD]
















[TD]MOBILE: +82-9-456-8558[/TD]




[TD][email protected][/TD]




[TD]Namhwa-dong, Nam-gu, Ulsan, South Korea[/TD]




[TD][TABLE=width: 300, align: center]


[TD]HEIGHT: 172 cm.[/TD]



[TD]WEIGHT: 58kg[/TD]











[TD]I applied to One Music Entertainment because One has created many talents and I want to be a part of this talented company[/TD]




[TD]OM Entertainment should accept me because I have the desire and commitment to see my dream through. I am ready to embrace this work fully and improve where necessary through hard work.[/TD]
















[TABLE=class: grid, width: 400, align: center]



[TD]Joon Jin Lee[/TD]











[TD]AGE(audition) AGE(debut)[/TD]














[TD]Animals, strategy games/activities, singing, eating a variety of foods.[/TD]




[TD]Self-critical, intelligent, hard working, social[/TD]




[TD]Joon did not have an easy start in his life. He was spoiled and loved dearly by his mother, but his father was another story. Joons father was not a man who worked hard, often not going to work and choosing to gamble or go to a bar. This often left Joon doing odd end jobs to support his mother and him. He did not want to leave his mother alone with that man so he never thought he could pursue anything grander.

When he had sung once in his high school, his mother saw and wanted to support him in his dream. With much encouraging, she pushed him to keep singing and pursue singing as a career. She said she would be proud if one day she can look on the tv, see him as an idol and say that is my son. Hearing his mom want to see him be an idol, this gave him the resolve to push further and show his father what a man is supposed to do to support family, work hard and love them.

Joon saw their were auditions for One Music Entertainment and had the confidence to go after school one day and audition for the group. It came as a shock to him that he actually got the job, trying to act calm and cool but inside he was a happy and excited mess.[/TD]















[TABLE=class: outer_border, width: 550, align: center]




OM Entertainment

Boyband Audition

130-34 Cheongdam-dong, Gangnam-gu, Seoul, South Korea

TEL: +82-13-1344-6770


Please Register/ Sign In, in order to see the links.



Thank you for applying to our first KPOP audition. The images, videos or audios

included may be used by OM Entertainment for any purpose they may serve.

If you agree, please print your name with corresponding signature.



_________Ko Tae Hee _______








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[TD=align: center]cha-eun-woo_1479169521_af_org.jpg[/TD]




[TD][TABLE=width: 300, align: center]





[TD]Ko Tae-Hee[/TD]















[TD]April 3rd 2000[/TD]




















[TD][email protected][/TD]




[TD]Daehammokdan-gil, Guji-myeon, Dalseong-gun, Daegu, South Korea[/TD]




[TD][TABLE=width: 300, align: center]


[TD]HEIGHT: 174 cm.[/TD]



[TD]WEIGHT: 59kg[/TD]











[TD]I applied to One Music Entertainment because One Music Entertainment gave me a sign, a sign that I'm supposed to be an idol.[/TD]




[TD]OM Entertainment should accept me because I'm a hard worker and I won't get discouraged easily. I will take any criticism graciously and use that to improve for both myself and One Music Entertainment. I think One Music Entertainment and I can have a beautiful partnership.[/TD]






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[TABLE=class: grid, width: 400, align: center]



[TD]Ko TaeHee[/TD]








[TD]Visual and Sub-Rap[/TD]



[TD]AGE(audition) AGE(debut)[/TD]














[TD]K-Dramas, sharing food with friends, haircare, online window shopping, dancing and karaoke.





[TD]Soft hearted, generous, independent and amiable[/TD]




[TD]Tae-Hee has loved idol culture since junior high and even was apart of a five member co-ed group with four female students. The group's performances gained traction on the internet but unfortunately, they disbanded when their leader moved to Seoul. Tae-Hee short stint as an idol gave him a zest for life. It wasn't that Tae-Hee was looking for fame, he loved entertaining people and was very satisfied knowing the the audience's smiles and laughs were because others took pleasure in watching him. Tae-Hee was filled up with optimism and came to a resolution that he's supposed to be an idol because nothing he had ever done made him feel so whole. During lunch, Tae-Hee goes to his school counselor to share his joy. To Tae-Hee's dismay, his counselor advised him not too; the counselor replied candidly, "You have an average voice and above average dancing skills. You're only discerning quality is your beauty. You need a more pragmatic future, you're a good student and you'll be accepted into most colleges. Your mother health ailments aren't improving and you'll need a stable job as an adult. I'm sorry Tae-Hee." Being an idol was too much of a risk given his circumstances.


Tae-Hee studied harder and got a part time job but nothing could distract him from his dream. Earlier in the year, Tae-Hee binged on idol competition shows and was inspired by the idols who were striving to reach their dreams against the odds. This only discouraged Tae-Hee, he started to believe that maybe dreams weren't made for everyone.


At work, Tae-Hee waited idly for for his shift to end and was preparing to lock up for the night. A man with a lot of presence rushed into the store while on what seemed like a business phone call and went to the freezer section. "It will be 7,800 Won, Customer" Tae-Hee said as Tae-Hee started to bag his items. The man took a good look at Tae-Hee, gave a confirming nod and reached into his wallet, taking out two things. The first item is a bill which he put on the counter and while Tae-Hee was counting the change, the man put a business card on the table and utters out a short "Keep the change". The man grabbed his purchases and left. The Card reads One Music Entertainment at the top. Tae-Hee changes his opinion, he can have a dream too. Tae-Hee auditioned after school the following day and is accepted.
























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Monday. December 19, 2016

[3:10 PM]

"Can you explain why do you have to be so late today? Weh? Weh? We're already very shorthanded and you've got guts to come so late in the afternoon. We just lost a lot of income which could have been enough to pay you for a whole month!"


The General Manager of the food chain Jin-soo was working for was fuming with rage over the part-timer's tardiness. Honestly speaking, the manager was over reacting to the point it was very obvious that he was particularly picking on Jin-soo. The reason? It was because Jin-soo was very popular with the ladies. Especially that the part timer the manager has a crush on is head over heels for Jin-soo.


"Sajang-nim! You told me yesterday I can go to work in the afternoon. Don't you remember?"


Jin-soo knew something was wrong when his boss told him he can work in the afternoon. Afterall, morning shift until lunchtime would be the busiest and the afternoon shift is when everyone can relax. He should have known. The General Manager has been picking on him for quite some time now. He was just enduring it since he needed the money.


"Aigoo! You're not even apologizing. Is this how you are going to be? Just because you're a little popular and a little good looking, you think you can act all high and mighty!?"


"I'm sorry, Sajang-nim... but..."


"You're fired."


Jinsoo couldn't process enough thought from what he heard. He simply stood there, staring right back at his boss who just fired him.


"Didn't you hear me? I said, you're fired. We don't need anyone here who can't work. I will give your salary including the remaining days for this month. That should be enough for you until you find a new job."


"Sajang-nim! Please don't be like this..."


"Sorry, I won't change my mind." the General Manager said before wisphering to him, "You should have known your place."


There was nothing Jin-soo can do. His coworkers looked at him with pitying eyes but no one spoke up in fear of getting fired themselves. It was a shame, but this was it. It's not like Jin-soo had any special attachment to this place. He's not personally close with his co-workers either. It's just that this place was close to his university and his apartment.


After receiving his pay, Jin-woo left. It was rare for Jin-soo to have so much time on a monday. Because he didn't have class on monday, he usually spends the entire day working on the food chain before performing in the streets in the evening. However, there was so much time left until night time.


"Maybe I should go to Gangnam. I wonder if JYP is still holding audition today."


Riding a subway to Gangnam, Jin-soo hoped to be able to audition to any talent agency. Getting off in Gangnam, Jin-soo walked around looking for agency auditions. He went to the big 3 agencies but unfortunately, there wasn't any audition. He didn't even prepare anything and he only had himself and some papers. He probably just wasted money for nothing.


However, Jin-soo didn't want to give up. Besides the big 3, there are other smaller agencies out there. With little more looking, Jinsoo found himself staring over a line of people.


"Jeogiyo... What is this line for?"


Jin-soo asked the last person in line.


"Don't you know? OM Entertainment is opening an audition for a boyband."


"OM? What does it stand for?"


"One Music. It's not very well known, but apparently, they're quite known for handling not so popular artists."


"I see. Thanks."


If Jin-soo had to choose where to audition, it would ultimately be JYP or YG. However, he wasn't quite sure why. But he had a thought. What if him being fired from work was a blessing in disguise? What if, this is destiny right before his eyes? There was nothing to lose in simply auditioning.


"Jeogiyo. Are you in this line?"


Someone from behind asked.


"Yes, I am."


Jin-soo replied.







Weh = Why.

Sajang-nim = Boss

Aigoo = word used for frustration

Jeogiyo = Excuse me

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Monday December 19, 2016

3:00 pm


"Umma! I am going out, are you sure you don't need anything?" Joon asked one last time as he was packing his messenger bag he carried all of his important papers and electronics in. He was always ready with this bag to go anywhere he had to, whether it be for a job...or much worse reasons.


"Joon, adul, I will be fine. You must not worry about me so much!" His mother waved her hand bashfully. "Now, you need to get going or you are going to be late! I don't want your father causing a ruckus around you again and I want to make sure you are on time and you can enjoy yourself!" She smiled happily, patting his back. "Now, make sure you eat, warm up before the audition and-"


"Geokjeonghajimayo, I'll be fine" Joon couldn't help but smile. That was why he loved his mother more than anything, she worried and cared about him. And here she was, without hesitation, wanting him to at least try to pursue his dreams. To do something more with his life than work and worry about Father...He was going to do it...for her.


Joon soon left his house, taking his bike to the train station and heading toward One Music Entertainment. A good starting place for a beginner..Joon thought as he had arrived and saw the line was already growing long. He easily joined the line, keeping a calm and cool face on him as he waited in the line.


What would be in store for him? What kind of group would it be should he get in? How would this very moment change his life? He could not possibly know this but was confident that he had a great voice and enough dance skills to impress the people holding the audition.


One Music Entertainment...Meet Joon, your next star!




geokjeonghajimayo-dont worry

(do not know korean but I think this is correct)

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Friday. December 16, 2016. [8:00 AM]


He felt like he was floating...or rather, his mind felt like it did. Ji Woo turned over, cocooning himself in the mess of sheets, reluctant to get out of bed. After all, what was there to do after he did get out? Waking up to the day was tiring, dull and worse of all, meaningless. Lessons had already started, he knew and yet here he was, still in bed. After what seemed like forever, he finally dragged himself off the bed, pulling his sheets partially off as well. Lethargy weighed down upon his form, a prominent slouch in his posture and dragging of his feet as he made way to his closet. Minutes later, he was out of his room, refreshed but feeling just as empty as when he first awoke.


"Ji Woo ah, homeroom starts at 8:30 doesn't it? That's 10 minutes left." His mother was seated on the couch sipping on a cup of tea. His father was probably out already, not that he even realized.


"It doesn't matter," he replied lazily and his mother turned back to the TV with a nonchalant 'I suppose so'. The housekeeper came out with a steaming cup of creamed coffee, sugarless, his usual. He finished half of it and left the house.


Friday. December 16, 2016. [9:00 AM]


Homeroom was over by the time he stepped into the classroom. The place was a mess of papers and bags on the floor, tables that had shifted out of place. All around him were animated chatters of the latest gossip, celebrities, who and who were together and honestly, it gave him a pounding headache. Worthless, useless, hadn't they all better things to do than engage themselves with such useless activities? Ji Woo dragged himself to his desk and plopped down in his seat inelegantly. The next period teacher came in and everyone settled down. What subject was it again? No, he didn't even know what day it was, Ji Woo no longer bothered to care. What did days matter when everyday was practically the same? Wake up, classes, break, classes again, go home, dinner then he would go to sleep till the next day. Perhaps when he was younger, about 12, he would have bothered. But no more, he couldn't stand it so he wouldn't care. Life was just that boring.


Friday. December 16, 2016. [12:00 PM] Break.


Students surrounded his desk at this time, practically everyday. "Ji Woo ah, do you know how to do this question?" "Ji Woo, the homework given yesterday, I need help before the teacher comes." 'Ji Woo....Ji Woo.....Ji Woo...' He blocked out the resounding calls of his name that made his head pound every single time. Every question that came his way, he did it and shoved it back to its owner. The silent message was,' I gave you the solutions and answers, figure out the rest yourselves. How it's done, why the next step is so, don't ever ask why.'


Lessons started again but as usual, his eyes were forever focused on the sky outside the window. Everything the teacher taught, did they truly need such pre-school worthy explanations to grasp that simple concept? Empty. Why couldn't he feel something else other than pure emptiness? When will life give him a challenge? If not, why was he ever born? To give people something to look up to? To make his parents proud? Were those his purposes to live? Then what about himself, when could he think for himself instead of others?


With a sigh, Ji Woo stood up and left the classroom. No one looked up to see him go, the teacher focused on his speech, not even stopping to reprimand him like he did for the others. No one cared...why? Because Ji Woo was in their eyes, perfect. He didn't need to be taught, so he didn't need lessons. But only Ji Woo himself knew that he was the most flawed of them all. He couldn't feel like a human did, that was the biggest flaw one could have. This just made him like a machine, something that described him perfectly. Precise in what it did, and unfeeling. But machines broke too, didn't they?


Friday. December 16, 2016. [3:30 PM]


He walked the streets aimlessly. For some reason, he didn't go straight home today. His feet moved on their own and he allowed them to. The street weren't crowded at this time, which helped him a little since he never liked being squashed and packed. Why didn't he go home, why was he here, where was here? Finally, his feet stopped walking, for a long horizontal line blocked their path. Huh? What was this? His eyes followed the line up to the front where a large poster displayed One Music Entertainment Audition. Somewhere in the midst of his bottomless hole of a brain, his mind picked up a memory of himself flicking through channels on his television. A glance of OM Entertainment announcing that they would be holding an audition, then he had already changed the channel.


But why did he end up here today? Why was his routine interrupted to come here? A ridiculous thought flashed through his mind, but he wanted to believe it, since he didn't come here intentionally. Was this his challenge? This entertainment company situated all the way at the bottom of the entertainment industry. Was his challenge to bring it up the ladder? It did sound very challenging. In fact it might be harder than anything he had ever tried. It wasn't a simple sport or subject. It was using his skills to fight through ranks of other companies, could he do it? Will this become his purpose? Ji woo couldn't help thinking this through. Was it fate that had broken his routine and led him here? Before he knew it, his feet had started moving again, making their way to the end of the line. He had to try.

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Monday December 19th, 2016

[12:04 PM]

Tae-Hee picks up tray and files in the lunch line. He’s hungry as per usual but his guilt makes him feel squeamish. An cold hand grasps his neck firmly, accompanied by a hushed ‘Dong-saeng’ against his ear. He drops his tray against the metal counter from surprise and the metal clashes creating a loud noise. “Jang-Do Hyung,” Tae-Hee whisper shouted “what are you doing! You're so annoying!” Tae-Hee tries to get his hand off of him but his grip only tightens.


“You’re so modest, very cutesy.” Jang-Do slurs with his voice reeking of faux aegyo as he brings his arm around Tae-Hee's shoulders. “You know that cute guys are real popular these day’s don’t you?” Tae-Hee can’t help but laugh. Jang-Do ruffles his Tae-Hee's hair with his opposite hand, “Let’s get our meal, okay Ko-Kott?”


The friends take their seats and Jang-Do rests his arms against the table while blowing bubbles into his milk but Tae-Hee can’t bring himself to eat and just plays in his food without purpose.


“What are you doing after school?” he inquires, “You working today?”


Tae-Hee shakes his head, “I’m a bit busy.”


“With what?”


“I’m gonna be an idol.”


“Oh, really? I thought you gave up, your guidance counselor told you shouldn’t and your mom doesn’t want to be an idol either.”


“That’s why I have no appetite.”


Jang-Do mumbles as he sips more of his milk casually, unfazed “Good luck then." he finally lifts his head up, "Just don’t forget me when your a big star, okay?” Tae-Hee nods and Jang-Do ruffles his hair, only for him to fix once again. Jang-Dois a good Sunbae to him, he knows Tae-Hee's situation and wants to cheer him on but not tell him what to do. “No one else can advocate for you except you” is Jang-Do's mantra. Tae-Hee realized that Jang-Do is right, only Tae-Hee can chose to feel disheartened because he didn’t chase his dreams or feel guilty because he’s going to heart those who he cares about; for right now, he choses selfish guilt.


Monday December 19th, 2016

[3:33 PM]


“...Cold” Tae-Hee mumbles underneath his breath but the clothes underneath his anorak say differently though. The hot air from the passengers’ breath keeps the train warm but Tae-Hee has the chills, cold sweats. He can’t seem to find a comfortable position while shifting around in his seat. His stomach was uneasy, Tae-Hee’s audition is his self proclaimed biggest moment of his life thus far and can’t help but feel anxious.


When forced to face the reality of that he’ll become the guardian of his sick mother and he needs a stable profession to provide for his mother, himself and secure his future he became so unhappy. Tae-Hee could acclimate himself into an situation but this brought him down, his reality made him really unhappy. Tae-Hee’s new goal was a scholarship to University, a marketing job like his mothers and go from there. Thinking about it makes him take deep sighs. [/font]


"Maybe I should just turn around” Tae-Hee ask himself. Tae-Hee wants to blame the man who scouted him for pandering him but he can’t. Tae-Hee's is choosing his personal gratification over the well being of his mother. He wants to justify it by saying he’s young and he can make mistakes but the glaze over his eyes assures him of his wrong.


Monday December 19th, 2016

[3:33 PM]


Tae-hee timidly walks down the busy streets of Cheongsam-dong, breathing in the brisk air and returning it warmly. He utters barely audible apologies to the the streetwalkers in the affluent neighbor. The pedestrians become blockades as they stand idly on the sidewalk but become indignant when he needed to get around them. Every step makes him realize that this is it, his life could change dramatically. The people here make him feel intimidated and he is worried that if he can’t even handle this, how will he handle being an idol?


With his head down head down, Tae-Hee feels remorseful but those thoughts halt momentarily when he bumps into the back of a young man around his age.


“Mianhaeyo” he says with a slight bow of his head but the man doesn’t respond. Tae-Hee thought the man couldn’t hear him and as he opened his mouth to apologize, he couldn’t bring himself to bring his lips back together.


All those people.


A long line sprawled out before him, young men who want to be idols, like him. He makes the assertion that they want to to follow their dreams as well. They’re not being held back because they’re here, doing what the want. Whether they feel guilt or not does not matter, they’re here to become idols. It’s not that Tae-Hee couldn't become an idol, it’s that he’s being told he shouldn’t. Although this might not seem profound, he is almost pushed to tears. He wipes eyes to stop any flow of tears and let’s out a sorry to the man who scouted him into the atmosphere. In an instant, Tae-Hee scraps his worries. He isn’t going to guilt but happiness. Tae-Hee grips his backpack with cold hands and let's out a hearty breathe, he is resolute with optimism.



Dong-saeng - A person a year or more younger than you regardless of gender but meant for addressing younger siblings

Aegyo - a cute display of affection often expressed through a cute/baby voice, facial expressions, and gestures

Sunbae - a Korean counterpart to senior

Mianhae(yo) - Sorry (the added 'yo' makes it polite speech)

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Monday. December 19, 2016 [4:45 PM]


The line was really long but thankfully it moved really fast. If this is a good thing or not, it's something Jin-soo will know once he get inside. Several minutes has passed and he was already halfway in the line. A few has also lined up after him.


People were leaving the building and most of them had sadness in their faces. It was most likely that they didn't make it. He knew that for most audition, the judges don't really announce the result. You'll know if you get contacted.. or if you're not. A few minutes had once again passed and Jin-soo was now facing the building's door. A personnel was managing the line and he was told to wait.


"Here's your number and your application form. Just follow the hallway then turn right. You should see a big room. Fill this up and wait until you are called. Next!"


The personnel handed him a sticker labeled 01034 and a sheet of paper. After receiving them, Jin-soo followed the personnel's direction and soon he was inside a big white room filled with applicants. Everyone was doing their own thing. Some where practicing their singing; some where dancing; some where praying... and there were even people who were crying.


Everyone was taking this audition seriously. Even though it was from an agency he had never known, the competition was really strong. Jin-soo reminded himself to do his best as he started filling up the form.







Monday. December 19, 2016 [5:02 PM]

"Number 01031, 01032, 01033, 01034, 01035. Please come forward."


A loud voice coming from a speaker somewhere rang inside the room. Jin-soo, together with four other applicants followed another personnel as they were led to another room.


"Is this your first time auditioning?" a voice suddenly broke the silence of the group. Jin-soo noticed no one was responding which made him wonder who was this person talking to. Seeing the other guy's eyes looking at him, Jin-soo once again wondered if it was him being asked.


"Neh? Were you talking to me?", Jin-soo confirmed which the person responded with a nod.


"Yeh. What about it?"


"You dressed... so poorly. You're probably going to fail this one. Next time, wear something better." the applicant said with pitying eyes. Followed by a big sigh, he was patted in the shoulder as they go through a smaller door.


Facing the door were three people, scrutinizing each of them as they sat on their chair. They must be the judges. Their mere presence sent chills into the spines of the applicants. After all, they will be the very people who will decide their fate.


"The first audition process is really simple. Sing, dance or rap in fifteen seconds. If we don't tell you to stop, do something else for another fifteen seconds. If you make it to 30 seconds, you pass. If not, you fail.", one of the Judges said. Right after, she pointed a finger into to Jin-soo, before saying "01034. You start."


Jin-soo was surprised. He didn't expect to be the first to audition. This was his first time auditioning and therefore he didn't have much knowledge. He had heard from friends their experiences while auditioning but hearing and experiencing are completely two different things.


"01034. I said you can start", the judge reminded.


"Mianhamnida. Then, I will sing 'When I can't Sing' by SE7EN."


Taking a deep breath, Jin-soo walked forward.


When Jin-soo began singing, he forgot everything else. He forgot he was auditioning. To him, he was just singing on his own while he savored the melody of the music that was escaping from his lips. He was lost in music and before he knew it, someone's voice snapped him back into reality


"You can stop here."


Jinsoo felt nervous all of a sudden. They were told that if they're stopped, they fail. Perhaps it was just as the other applicant said. he could have worn something more presentable. Well, how you dress yourself is also an aspect of an idol. he had completely forgotten about it.


"D-did... I fail?", Jin-soo asked, faintly stuttering.


"Ahh, no. You're past fifteen minutes. Can you do something else?", the judge asked.


"Ye. I will be dancing to Taeyang's 'I Need a Girl'. "


It was a short-lived relief to not have failed. However, he still needed to survive for another fifteen seconds. Jin-soo's dancing wasn't the best, but he knew his dancing wasn't bad either. When music started, Jin-soo gracefully moved his body according to the rhythm of the music that was flowing into his ears. Once again, he lost himself to music and again, the judge has stopped him.


"You pass. We will call you for another screening. Please submit the application form you filled earlier.", the judge said without hiding her impressed expression.


"Next, 01031. Please step forward", the female judge said.


Stepping back, Jin-soo found the person who belittled him moving forward. When he met the applicant's eyes which was full of disbelief, Jin-soo couldn't help but smirk and pat the guy in the shoulder.


"Goodluck! I hope you dressing well will help you."


Jin-soo mocked.









Mianhamnida = I'm sorry (formal)

Neh = Pardon?

Yeh = Yes

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Monday December 19 4:10 pm


Joons heart was pounding in his chest as he got closer and closer to the front of the line. He may look calm and collected but inside his stomach felt like it was it turning inside outs. Was he really about to do this right now? Could he really go in there and expect his dreams to come true? No...He was fine. It would be their shame if they didn't choose me..


Soon it was his time to get into the building, being handed forms to fill out and a sticker labeled 00990. Easy enough paperwork, he has done much harder work and filled out more tedious forms. Join was quick to fill out the paperwork, the forms not intimidating in the slightest to him.


And now he would wait for his turn....


December 19 4:30 pm


"0099077 0099078 0099079 and 0099080 please come forward" A voice called out, Joon being led to another room with the ther contestants. He was given the basics of the audition, being told he had 15 seconds to sing and if he was not stopped he could dance for another 15 seconds.


He had a great voice so he should nail that part easily, dancing he would have to do his best one to make sure it was impressive to the judges.


"0099080 now it is your turn" One of the judges spoke up, Joon stepping forward. He knew how to dress and how to act, rather confident as he stepped forward, nodding his head politely.


"I will be singing 'Please dont' by K.will' Joon spoke with a smooth pleasing voice as he began to sing...



Joon kept singing and knew he had reached the 15 second mark. This was simple bough, now all he had to do was ace this dance and he knew he had to have passed!


"Now, I will dance to "Let me In" by Michael Corcoran" Joon spoke after his song portion was over. He got in position and started to dance, outing every fiber of his concentration into it..



The music went through him and it was just him and the music, the judges fading away until his time was up. He was brought back to reality when he knew that he had passed. Joon was told to submit his application form, nodding and going to submit it.


He looked around to see if anyone was staring, fist pumping into the air with a small smile. First part done, and he did t in style!

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Friday. December 16, 2016. [3:45 PM]


The sounds of his surroundings was nothing more than an insignificant background which no one bothered to take notice of. Everything was like a never ending echo as he lost himself within the darkness of his mind. Ji Woo had his eyes closed the entire time while his legs subconsciously moved up with the line. He didn't know how much time had passed, but it sure did felt like forever before the presence of the person before him disappear. He opened his eyes then and saw that he had reached the building's entrance. Ji Woo checked his phone, ignoring the usher who was impatiently holding out two pieces of paper. 3:45 PM. Had it truly been only fifteen minutes since he got in line? He continued on into the building, the usher's instructions instilled in his head despite being another blur of background.


The waiting room was packed but Ji Woo paid no mind, silently locating and empty seat before starting to fill in his application form. His hand moved on autopilot, seeming to be the only part of his body that was moving, the rest of his form remained motionless. When the form was filled, the pen dropped from his fingers and he started to zone out again. The other applicants seemed to subconsciously avoid him, no one talked to him or introduced themselves. Finally his number was called and he stood up, moving to the door with two other participants whom were also called. When he stepped onto the stage, his usual lifeless vibe slowly faded as the judges explained what would happen. His eyes surveyed the vast hall, opening wider than they ever did since a few years back. When he was asked to begin, Ji Woo announced the song he would be singing. 'Trap' by Henry.




Friday. December 16, 2016. [4:15 PM]


This was perhaps the first time he felt a little more alive than usual in ages. Ji Woo felt himself merge with the song, pouring his all into it, especially since the song seemed to depict his life. Minus the love part of course, Ji Woo felt like he was trapped in the cycle called life, unable to break out, forever forced into a routine. He did what he could, did what he had to, to move on to something new, to create a challenge for himself, searching for a purpose. Even this step he had taken, becoming an idol, was just another way out, or it could lead him back to his initial point. He fervently hoped it wasn't the latter. Fifteen seconds had long passed and as the song came to an end, Ji Woo opened his eyes, waiting for the judges to break out of their stupor.


Finally, one of them cleared their throat and the rest blinked. Ji Woo knew that he had made it past singing. "That came as a surprise, seeing how you seemingly walked onto stage without a care in world, I thought you wouldn't amount to much. Can you surprise us once more with dancing?" Ji Woo didn't respond, simply announcing the song to be played. 'Danger' by Taemin.




Ji Woo didn't have any hobbies. But dancing could be said to be something he enjoyed more than any other activities. Moving with the beat of the music, Ji Woo's moves were extremely coordinated despite not having danced for a while now. The world spun together with each turn he made and each jerk of his head. He threw out all his energy with each move, as if trying to release all the frustration he had up till now. Half way through, the music stopped and Ji Woo was jerked back into reality, almost annoyed that he was being interrupted.


"You've done very well....Ji Woo," one of the judges paused to look at his name on the application form that had been handed to them. "You'll be contacted for your next screening." Ji Woo walked off the stage. This was something to be expected, he thought. He was confident in his skills after all. The real challenge came only after he was truly accepted.

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Monday December 19th, 2016

[4:56 PM]


The building warmed Tae-Hee up nicely, his lips were raw from the nippy cold and blood circulated through his hands again. It was getting later and later in the afternoon and he needed to plan a plausible fib for his mother. He thought the audition process would be much speedier because he knew it wasn’t a big company. The building really wasn’t as nice as Tae-Hee expected because he’s seen how nicely the first floor other entertainment companies are furnished but he was still in much awe to be auditioning. Tae-Hee couldn’t believed he was here but he couldn’t entirely enjoy it because this is very out of character for him. Tae-Hee knew of idols who’ve auditioned in secret and it changed their lives for the better and then again, he knew that the those with poor outcomes was exponentially higher.


Tae-Hee doesn't have a phone to pretend to be busy and was a bit to nervous to strike up a conversation with someone. Everyone is practicing, singing and warming up their voices to prepare of the audition. Tae-Hee is too cripplingly uncomfortable to say anything except an apology for not moving up the line fast enough. At the rate that the line is moving, he’ll be singing in no time and hast to alleviate his jitters somehow.


Tae-hee takes his cool bottled water from his backpack to is flared up jaw to calm him down. Tae-hee isn’t regretfully anymore but he doesn’t want to waste his time. Despite being initially relieved that he wasn’t alone in his pursuit but he realized that only makes his chances of being picked that much slimmer. A handful of the guys were a bit more unfortunate looking but there are many handsome young men with attractive voices. Tae-Hee though his chances would be higher because it isn’t a very well know company and he was scouted but the amount of talent in the room is polarizing. He notices power-house ballads echo from the audition room. Tae-Hee water bottle slams to the floor as an immediate wave of regret wave of regret washed over Tae-Hee after realizing how mediocre the songs he has chosen to sing and dance to are. At this point, he can only really get by on luck. He slides down the wall behind and covers is face.


Ughhhhh…” Tae-Hee groans.


“Excuse me, but can you get up? The lines moving?” a fellow candidate ushers. Another ugh proceeds from Tae-Hee’s mouth.


Monday December 19th, 2016

[5:11 PM]


Tae-Hee is thoroughly entertained by imagining being placed in an group with some of the boys around him and his thoughts diverge from the audition but they’re put to an halting stop once he hears “Hey, aren’t you going? They just called 01041 through 01045.” Tae-Hee gives a slight bow and a ‘sorry’ before scurrying along into the room.


“The first audition process is simple. Sing, dance or rap in fifteen seconds. If we don't tell you to stop, do something else for another fifteen seconds. If you make it to 30 seconds, you pass. If not, you fail. 01041 is first and the rest of you’ll go chronologically from there. Okay?” A judge asks to the boys in the room. They all nod and the first boy steps up.


“Hello, my name is….”


'Call you my every girl? My only girl?’, the song that’s he’s chosen just won’t stick in his head.

Sometimes his a little pretentious and he wanted to show off his english language prowess but this could be his fatal flaw. He’s heating up again and he feels mortified.


“01042 is up next” a female judge says. Tae-Hee knows none of these judges, Produce 101 must’ve warped his sense of reality. “…01042? ” she repeats, “I’ll assume that he did not show up. 01043, you’re next.” With an urgent exhale, Tae-Hee steps forward.


“Hello, I’m Go Tae-Hee and I’ll be singing ‘Call You Mine’ by Jeff Bernat.


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“… It’s been 15 seconds… May I continue?” Tae-Hee asks sheepishly. A judge nods and Tae-Hee lets out an ardent sigh of relief.


“Have you prepared anything else?” the judges inquires.


“Yes, I have… Actually can I use music?” Tae-Hee asks and receives a confirming nod. Tae-Hee looks at the other boys and rushes over to the one he was standing next to and whispers something in his ear.”


“You want me to play that song? Are you sure?” the boys asks quizzically and Tae-Hee gives a slow nod.


Tae-Hee steps forward once again and prepares with a large smile, “I think the song requires no introduction."


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The tune reaches the second verse and Tae-Hee's smile is even wider; it's been 40 seconds and he knows he's passed.

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Wednesday. January 4, 2017 [3:12 PM]

It's been quite a while since Jin-soo auditioned for OM entertainment. Christmas had passed yet the winter season was just as cold as when he auditioned. There was no news from the agency until now. Well, Jin-soo expected this much when winter holidays was up ahead. But with


New Years fast approaching, Jin-soo began to doubt.


"Excuse me, will you give me one of the flyers you're handing out?", an elderly woman asked.


"Ah! Yes. Here you go.", Jin-soo replied as he hurriedly handed out one of the flyers. Currently, he's doing part-time jobs to provide for himself although he had some money left from his severance fee. He really wanted to work full time, but because he auditioned and not knowing whether he'll make it or not, he can't afford to work full time.


"I just wish they call me sooner. They did tell me I pass after all.", Jin-soo sighed as he handed another flyer to a passerby. There wasn't much to earn in giving our flyers in the streets. However, he only had to work for three hours a day when the streets are the busiest. After that, he can go work for another part time job.


Night-time had come and Jin-soo was on his way home from work. His body felt a bit tired from all these class works in university and part time jobs on top of that. But he really didn't have a choice when he had no one but himself to rely on.




Jin-soo's phone rang notifying him that an e-mail had been received. Every other teenager would probably feel a flutter in their hearts while they quickly look at their lover's message. But for Jin-soo who had no time to engage in any romantic activities, e-mails only brings grim into his day. No one sends him e-mail besides electricity, water, mobile subscription and school bills. So whenever he receives an e-mail, it's almost absolutely sure that he had to pay up for something... and not in any small amount.


With a loud sigh and a cursing, Jin-soo reached for his phone from his pocket and boringly read the contents of the email that was flashing on his phone.


FROM: [email protected]
TO: [email protected]
SUBJECT: KPOP Boyband Audition - 2nd Screening!

To Mr. Eun Jin Soo:

Thank you for auditioning to OM Entertainment's first ever KPOP Boyband Audition. It has been determined that you have passed the first selection process. Congratulations! 

The second screening will be conducted on the 9th of January, 9 A.M. in the morning onward. Please prepare one full length song and bring your own recording of your chosen song saved on a CD.

Good luck!

OM Entertainment CEO,
Lee Taek


A smile crept on Jin-soo's face. He couldn't hide his happiness. Well, it was obvious that he was going for the second screening, but he really couldn't feel it not until he was contacted by the CEO himself. He began to yell in the silent neighborhood he's passing by while making some quick hip thrust into the air.


The next day, Jin-soo went shopping to buy new clothes and had gotten himself some fashionable haircut. He literally spent a money he would earn in a month in a single day. Of course that's such a waste of money but who cares. If he's going to make it big, there's no way he's gonna get any poorer.


The moment he stepped out of the salon and right after squeezing all of his money inside his pocket, he felt like his surroundings changed. No, it's not like he had just lost his v-card. He simply felt... more confident of himself. With new clothes and neat look, everyone stole glances on him. Some people are even secretly taking his pictures.


Well, even though he felt uncomfortable, he decided to let things slide and savor what he paid for.



Monday. January 9, 2017 [8:00 A.M.]

There was still an hour left and yet he had already arrived at OM Entertainment's building. He wasn't the only one around though, with a few people already singing their hearts out even before the doors open.


With nothing else to do, he plugged earphones into his ears and pressed the play button on his mobile phone's playlist. And the first to play was 'TT'by Twice.




"Oh, I like this song.", he said as he raised the volume to maximum.

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Wednesday. January 4, 2017 [2:12 PM]


Joon took on as many hours as he could at his current job, having taken up hours at a cafe catering to women. It was not really what he was looking for in a job, but he could really use the money. Times have been rougher with his family and he needed more of this money to help his mother. He hoped one day to get her a nice house and get away from their father.


Maybe if he somehow was able to get this gig, maybe he would be able to make this come true. His mother always took care of him and raised him to follow his dreams. He wanted to be a good son and now helped her when she needed it most. Joon wanted to treat her like a queen like she deserved as well as make himself the kind of man anyone would look up to.


Joon just left work after his rather short shift when he heard a sound coming from his phone. He looked at it and noticed that he had received an email. Is it junk mail? No, Joon thought to himself as he clicked on the email to see what the message was..


FROM: [email protected]
TO: [email protected]
SUBJECT: KPOP Boyband Audition - 2nd Screening!

To Mr. Joon Jin-Lee:

Thank you for auditioning to OM Entertainment's first ever KPOP Boyband Audition. It has been determined that you have passed the first selection process. Congratulations! 

The second screening will be conducted on the 9th of January, 9 A.M. in the morning onward. Please prepare one full length song and bring your own recording of your chosen song saved on a CD.

Good luck!

OM Entertainment CEO,
Lee Taek


Wait.....what? It took a moment to register what was happening to him right now but it was from OM. Joon passed the first part of the selection process and now it was time for the second screening! Joon quickly rushed home to get the cd, already knowing what song he was going to pick. He went through his room quickly and put together his best outfit, showering and using some extra money he had to get his hair professionally done. He knew good looks were very important especially now with the selection dwindled down dramatically.


Monday. January 9, 2017 [7:50 A.M.]


Joon made sure to wake up extra early to be able to get there in time with plenty of time to warm up and practice. Even if he did not sing in front of anyone else there to audition, he can at least sing quietly to himself. He looked around the room at his competition and, if he was lucky, possible band mates. I will be in this band, I have the voice and the determination to do it!


Joon found a more secluded corner of the room, taking out his phone and turning on the song he was going to use later for the audition. It was one of his more favorite songs...




Joon made his way to

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Wednesday. 4 January, 2017. [12:00 PM]


Sounds of balls hitting the wooden floored echoed throughout the vast hall. Sweat poured down his face as he gave the ball a final slam with his racket before the game finally ended 6-3. His opponent collapsed on the other end of the court, relieved that it was finally over. Ji Woo walked to the bench and picked up his bottle, gulping down mouths full of the cool liquid, calming his ragged breathing from his match. It had been a while since he participated in the audition and had yet to receive an update. Ji Woo didn't believe he had failed, he couldn't fail. The past few days had made him desperate for the first time ever, the first time when he would look forward to something. Ji Woo wiped his sweat with a towel. No, he couldn't have failed, they would contact him soon. The judges said so themselves, that he would be contacted. But why was it taking so long? He couldn't think of any other reason than he hadn't got through.


Just then, his phone vibrated with a message. He picked it up with little enthusiasm, expecting it to be another boring invitation to hang out.


FROM: [email protected]
TO: [email protected]
SUBJECT: KPOP Boyband Audition - 2nd Screening!

To Mr. Joon Jin-Lee:

Thank you for auditioning to OM Entertainment's first ever KPOP Boyband Audition. It has been determined that you have passed the first selection process. Congratulations! 

The second screening will be conducted on the 9th of January, 9 A.M. in the morning onward. Please prepare one full length song and bring your own recording of your chosen song saved on a CD.

Good luck!

OM Entertainment CEO,
Lee Taek




Then a smirk. Of course...it was impossible for him to have fail something so easy to accomplish. Ji Woo packed up his tennis equipment and sent a brief message to his chaffeur to pick him up. The songs he had chosen were decided in that brief moment.


When he got home, Ji Woo went straight to his room and picked the CD off his shelf, slotting it into the player, headphones on, and spent the remaining afternoon motionless in his chair. Perhaps some effort should be put in for the second screening.




Monday. 9 January, 2017. [08:45 AM]


Ji Woo wasn't a morning person, and he most certainly wasn't used to waking up early. This day, he walked into the building bleary eyed and yawning every minute. The number of participants were significantly less than those of the first screening. The moment he entered the waiting room, he noticed everyone else warming and practicing. Shaking his head, Ji Woo found a seat and proceeded to take a short nap. One would expect him to be practicing too, but Ji Woo knew that practicing would only exhaust him for the real audition. Professional singers too, would know better than to do any sort of vocal exercises before a performance. For now, he would rest till he was called.

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Wednesday. January 4, 2017 [6:38 PM]

"He's a cutie." Tae-Hee mother gawked at the flower boys on television screen.


“Hmm… I guess so.” he shrugs.


“But no one has better visuals than my baby.” They both can’t help but laugh at her silly comment. The pair spend a lot of time together, be it watching television or eating, they're quite close. Tae-Hee's mom is sitting on their living room chair with her feet up on the ottoman and Tae-Hee is curled up on the sofa.


"My inhaler" she wheezes in the middle of the show and Tae-Hee grabs the inhaler of of the coffee table and hands it to her. After two quick puffs of her inhaler she's fine and Tae-Hee can’t help but smile sadly at his ill mother. Tae-hee mother has been very sick woman ever since her childhood and has had a week immune system her whole life; a simple cold turns into a prolonged ailment that could last a whole season.


Tae-Hee lays back down on his couch, his thoughts roaming all over the place in his head. School ends in march and he’ll be a year older. The big ‘one seven’. His birthdays haven't done it for him for the past few years and he’s blasé about the holiday season. He’s not dwelling on his apprehension because most of his thoughts are absorbed by his curiosity.


He could’ve sworn they said he’d contact him for the next screening... But why haven't they?


“What wrong?” Tae-Hee’s mother inquires.


“Huh? Me?” Tae-Hee stammers. Tae-Hee looks around the living room for who she was talking to.


“You, of course. What’s up with all those sighs?”


“I was sighing? asks Tae-Hee. He can’t recall sighing at all.


“Very loudly, at that. You kept starring into space and gave out heavy sighs. What’s wrong?”


“Nothing, it’s just that I got an exam soon and I’m a little apprehensions about it. That’s all” That was a lie but he seems to give at least one little fib a day.


“Go study then, you haven’t even done homework yet, have you? School finished hours ago!” Tae-Hee mom nags. Tae-Hee knows what this means: she’ll continuously critique his time management skills for the duration of their time together. To spare his hears, he gets up with a small stretch.


“I’m going, I’m going.” Tae-Hee replies amidst his mother tangent and steps to the study.



Wednesday. January 4, 2017 [7:03 PM]


In the past few weeks, his email has been his most frequented webpage. He can’t stop checking and checking but to no avail. He cringes as he reflects upon his awkward audition, albeit an entertaining one, still an embarrassing first impression to give the judges. He sighs into his hands again and tries to find something else to do until he gets the urge to check again.


Tae-Hee wouldn’t call this room much of study, he only refers to it a that because that’s what his mother calls it on the off occasion that they’ll have company. He can’t even seem to do so much studying in here; it’s where their only computer is, so it keeps him a little preoccupied. As a master of procrastination, he could find anything to distract himself with, so he decides curb his jitters with a documentary about ancient China.


Wednesday. January 4, 2017 [7:19 PM]


Boring. He didn’t even enjoy learning about China in global history, so he gives up. He checks the clock on the upper right hand corner of the screen and decides to give his email another go.





confirms comeback!? The concept?!>>

“Don’t care that much."




FROM: [email][email protected][/email]
TO: [email][email protected][/email]
SUBJECT: KPOP Boyband Audition - 2nd Screening!

To Mr. Joon Jin-Lee:

Thank you for auditioning to OM Entertainment's first ever KPOP Boyband Audition. It has been determined that you have passed the first selection process. Congratulations! 

The second screening will be conducted on the 9th of January, 9 A.M. in the morning onward. Please prepare one full length song and bring your own recording of your chosen song saved on a CD.

Good luck!

OM Entertainment CEO,
Lee Taek


He looks up at the ceiling and with a clasp his hands he says, "My mom was right! You really are up there!"


Monday, January 9, 2017 [6:36 AM]

“You don’t seem too sick but I’ll allow you one sick day.” Tae-Hee’s mother says as she strokes his forehead, “Well then, I’ll be off on my job search, wish me luck.”


“You got the Midas touch, mom, you’ll do fine.” Tae-Hee reassures her, accompanied with a sniffle. His mother grins followed by a throaty cough. She adjusts her purse and is out the door.


Tae-Heee’s conveniently sick; sick enough to stay home but not too sick to go to his audition. Once he hears the door close, he rushes to get ready. After he washed his grimy face, he was deliberating between whether to style his hair in a cool way or to go for a ‘dandy’ image but he concludes that natural hair styling presents a more flattering image and it’s way quicker too!


Monday, January 9, 2017 [8:50 PM]

Tae-Hee’s lips have chapped up and his throat is dry from the winter air. In a rush, he left both his water bottle and his lip balm at home. Accompanied by a small cold, he’s not in his best condition right now. He searches around the company aimlessly for a possible vending machine or water fountain.


Tae-Hee spots two vending machines adjacent to each other and scurries over to them. He digs through his coin pouch but can’t seem to find any change of a higher value. He only has enough money for transportation fare. With a defeated sigh, he off to find another water source: the bathroom.


He takes a quick peak to see if anyone is in the restroom and the cost is clear. He turns on the faucet, cups his hands, leans down and start slurping. It feels nice and the water relieve his seiche. Time gets away from him and before he knows it his hands are pruning.


The men’s room door swings open and a startled young man retreats and offers a “my bad” through the door once it swung closed. With a sigh and a wet face, Tae-Hee's off to the waiting room.


He walks down the company hallway and a familiar song plays in the background, causing him to stand still momentarily.


"Incidental background music at it's finest." With a shrug, he's on his way to the waiting room.

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  • 2 weeks later...



[Monday. January 9, 2017 [9:55 A.M.]


The second audition screening has began. A few had been called ahead of Jin-soo, some had even started to go back home. They were told to stay put in the same big room as before while they wait for their turn. But not like then, they weren't called in a group of five. Instead, each were called individually through a loud speaker.


While the number of people was significantly lesser, it didn't mean that the tension was too. In fact, everyone seemed to be more nervous than before. Jin-soo too felt it. His dream was getting closer. What seemed like a bad day was actually the day when his whole fate began to change. That is why Jin-soo couldn't afford to fail in this audition. There's no way to know when such opportunity would come again.


"01034 Eun Jin-soo-ssi. 01034 Eun Jin-soo-ssi. Please come inside to the audition room."


Hearing his name called, Jin-soo stood up and walked to the audition room. Entering the door room, there wasn't any significant changes done. If there was, it would only be the person sitting opposite to him. Unlike before, there was only one person. A man in his 40's was smiling to him but his eyes was carrying a hint of seriousness that seemed to be scrutinizing his appearance as a whole.


"Eun Jin-soo-ssi, right? Let's see, you really stood out in your first audition. You also look very handsome. Very much idol material. Well before you begin, let me ask you a few questions."


"Please do so", Jin-soo replied.


"First, how do you feel about auditioning here? OM Entertainment isn't really well known. Wouldn't you prefer going to JYP, SM, Big Hit, YG or any other companies that has produced well known artists? You'd have more chance to be more popular if you have gone to them."


Jin-soo was quite surprised to hear something like that. Though it was true that he was clenching unto a thin rope, trying to get into a boy group that may never be in the limelight, he didn't expect that those words would come out right from the judge's mouth.


"Well, to be honest, as you have said, I wanted to get into JYP. I have heard that they really take good care of their trainees and it doesn't take too long to debut them unlike other agencies. But with my circumstances, it's hard for me to go to auditions when I have to work. I was simply lucky to have found out about this audition right when I was fired from work. I'm not sure if I can get in, but if I do, I will do my best to sing, dance and to give enjoyment to people."


Jin-soo honestly responded to the question. He said it as what he really thought.


"True. Who wouldn't want guaranteed fame? I'm not saying that going to JYP will make you a star but the artists they produce are quite popular internationally. Then, if I include you the group I have in mind, what can you contribute?"


"Like i said, I will do my best to sing, dance and to entertain. I believe doing my best is the biggest contribution I can give."


"True. Very true. I like your honesty and sincerity. What do you think about becoming the leader of the group? I believe such sincerity is very helpful in leading a group. Well, of course, provided that you pass the second screening. Now, Eun Jin-soo-ssi, what will you be performing?"


A leader? Jin-soo was not sure if he could handle the task of becoming the leader. He was sure that it carried more than what it sound. In his various experience working part time work, the leader is always the busiest, taking care of many work related issues. But if leading a group was something he could do, and if doing it would help the group, Jin-soo is very much willing to do it.


"I will be singing Forever Love by JB."


"That's such a good song. Good luck!"



Jin-soo sang with everything he got. He sang his heart out, like it was the last time he was singing. Once again he was in his own world, there was only him and his microphone creating music. Time passed while he sang. When the accompanying music came into a halt, he felt satisfaction and all his worries were gone. He had done what he could. If he doesn't get accepted, it only meant that he wasn't good enough.


"That was such a very pleasing song. You have a good voice. To be honest, I can just group you with others and debut you. You're that good. However, if there's one thing that needs to change in you, it's the way you sing."


Jin-soo knew that he was still lacking. But to hear that there was something wrong with his singing, he was quite surprised. It wasn't the only time someone had told him about it.


"What's wrong with my singing? I think I did good."


"Technically, yes. In fact I really like your voice. However, you sing like.. you're alone. You sing for yourself, not for anyone else. You see, if you are to be in a group you have to be connected. You have to be connected to your audience and together with your groupmates"


Jin-soo understood what the judge meant. Well, of course he was aware what he was doing all along. No one told him it was wrong, well he knew it wasn't all that wrong. But he came to realize that if he were to sing as a KPOP idol he has to improve. He was still lacking.


"Did... did I fail?"


"Well, to be honest I wasn't expecting much in this audition. You see, not being a popular agency, I thought there wouldn't be much talented people. I would be happy if there was someone who has looks, who has at least voice and moves. But you and some other people exceeded my expectation. You guys might just really make it big. Yes, as you are right now, you won't make it far in this industry. But that's why you're going to be a trainee first. Let's fix all what we can fix in you and in a year or two, I'm sure you're ready to go out there and you're going to be really popular."


Jin-soo was still to hear whether he failed or not. But by the way the judge was talking, Jin-soo couldn't hide a faint smile on his lips.


"Welcome to OM Entertainment, Eun Jin-soo-ssi. I am Lee Taek, the CEO of OM and I will also be your manager. Please don't forget what I suggested. I really think you're most suited to be the leader. Let's work hard together!"









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[Monday. January 9, 2017 [10:16 A.M.]


Joon looked around the room as the second screening had begun for the group for OM Entertainment. It did not seem nearly as crowded as it did in that first screening. And yet... here he was. He was among the next group of people to have the chance to become the next big name. This excited him even more yet he managed to keep a calm and collected demeanor about him as he sat in the room and waited.


It seemed that this time, they were being called in individually so It would be just him and the audition people. He kept playing his audition song on his phone over and over again, singing quietly to himself. He had to get this right...Joon did not even want to mess up even one note. If he messed up, he started from the beginning and would not stop until he got it just right. Everything needed to be perfect in that room, there were no second chances in there but out here he can try and try again until it was the way he liked.


"Joon Jin-Lee, please come into the audition room, Joon Jin-Lee please come into the audition room"


It came over the system and knew it was his time. Joon stepped into the audition room, confident that he had this song down to the last chorus and the last note. There was not a lot of people this time around, just one older gentleman that seemed to judge every aspect of him before he even opened his mouth.


"I see you stood out in your initial audition Joon. But I do want to ask you a few questions first.." The man said as he seemed to give him another look over.


"Understandable" Joon said with a small nod, waiting for the questions that would come his way. It was probably standard questions that came out of any job interview.


"First, how do you feel about auditioning here? OM Entertainment is not as well known. Wouldn't you prefer going to JYP, SM, Big Hit, YG or other companies that has produced more well known artists? You would have more chance to be more popular if you have gone to them." The man questioned as he looked back up at him.


Joon understood that this would be a question asked by a smaller entertainment company. It did have a lot of competition and idols coming out of them in comparison. "While that is true, there is more competition in those companies and people expect idols from those companies so they already got expectations and know they will most likely make it big. If someone gets big from an unknown company, it shows how talented they are" Joon finished with a simple nod.


The man seemed surprised by the answer but did not seem to be bothered by it. "You do have a point...And I do believe that while your dancing skills are good, you have a very nice voice. It would suit a leading singer of the group should you be chosen.."


Him...? The leading singer? He knew he had a good voice but it was good enough for leading singer material? "Thank you...And for this screening, I will be "Boy in Love" by BTS" He explained to the man before he began to sing..



Joon sang with everything that he had, putting so much emotion into his voice. He had to get this...Thinking too much about how many people are trying for this same opportunity will just frighten him and throw him off. Once the song finished, he looked up, waiting for the man to say something.


"I must say I am impressed with your voice...But you seem like a man that does not take any risks. That wants only the best option for him and thinks everything over carefully before doing anything"


"Is that a bad thing?" Joon asked the man as he seemed a bit confused by his intention.


"Not necessarily, but I would want you to open up more and to be able to feel like you would put more risk into things. To not think things over so much and be willing to just go with the flow" The man explained his meaning as he looked at the other.


"Okay" Joon said with a small nod, waiting for the words he really wanted to hear.


"Welcome to OM Entertainment, Joon Jin-Le. I am Lee Taek, the CEO of OM and I will also be your manager. Please don't forget what I had told you about just now. I really think you're most suited to be the lead singer. Let's work hard together to make a great idol group!"

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