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[Quiz] What Yaoi Stereotype Are You?


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i found other quiz it's so nice and very awesome quiz... i got this answer..



Bashful Bottom

You're sweet, loving, but sometimes a bit unsure. It could be your naivety. Youre just a step above Uber Uke, really. You have an idea of what you want, and you often have the strength to go and get it. It's just that you aren't sure of what to do when it comes to love. This could be due to one of many reasons, such as your crush/lover tends to be rather distant and hard to figure out, you've had your heart broken before, you've never been in an intimate relationship quite like this, etc... You're also the kind of good person that bad things like to happen to. Which is sad, but there's no real helping it. All you can do is stick through it and work towards making tomorrow a better day (if you even have a tomorrow, that is)...


Likeliness of being seme: 10%

Likeliness of being uke: 90%

Some fellow Bashful Bottoms: Subaru (Tokyo Babylon), Tsuzuki (Yami no Matsuei) :leaf15:, Quatre (Gundam Wing), Hakkai (Saiyuki).


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Totalitarian Top


Can we say "superiority complex," anyone? You want to be like the Supreme Seme and have it all. Trouble is you tend to scare away most of your prey. And you see them as just that, prey. You're the kind of seme that would play the dominant role in S&M, use the most painful toys, and never use a safe word. Which is bad, because you should ALWAYS use a safe word. You, however, think that using a safe word gives the sub too much control. Not that a safe word would matter, since you would most likely have him gagged and blindfolded, as well as every limb bound and using a painfully tight cock ring because you even want control over when he comes. You see, you'll never be able to successfully have it all like the Supreme Seme does, simply because you take too much and give nothing back. Anytime your prey seems to be reacting positively to your advances, you do something to send them running away again. Really, you have to work on that creepy attitude of yours...



Likeliness of being uke: 0.1%


Likeliness of being seme: 99.9%

Some fellow Totalitarian Tops: Muraki (Yami no Matsuei) , Crawford (Weiss Kreuz)

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Bashful Bottom


You're sweet, loving, but sometimes a bit unsure. It could be your naivety. Youre just a step above Uber Uke, really. You have an idea of what you want, and you often have the strength to go and get it. It's just that you aren't sure of what to do when it comes to love. This could be due to one of many reasons, such as your crush/lover tends to be rather distant and hard to figure out, you've had your heart broken before, you've never been in an intimate relationship quite like this, etc... You're also the kind of good person that bad things like to happen to. Which is sad, but there's no real helping it. All you can do is stick through it and work towards making tomorrow a better day (if you even have a tomorrow, that is)...


Likeliness of being seme: 10%

Likeliness of being uke: 90%

Some fellow Bashful Bottoms: Subaru (Tokyo Babylon), Tsuzuki (Yami no Matsuei), Quatre (Gundam Wing), Hakkai (Saiyuki)



:hamtaro-005 (8)::hamtaro-005 (8)::hamtaro-005 (8):

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Switching Stoic


You're usually the kind who is the leader in whatever you do. Even so, socializing isn't your forte. You'd much rather be alone somewhere reading a book or working on something quietly. People just tend to be unnecessary distractions, and you could more than do without them. At least, that's what you'd like people to believe In truth you are actually rather scared. Though, not even heavy torture would get you to admit it. You just don't know how to deal with people, because you've never really had much experience. It's because of this that it usually takes an outgoing, experienced person to knock down some of your walls. They are everything you aren't; friendly, popular, and self-assured. And, after all, opposites attract. Relationships with other Switching Stoics tend to fizzle out rather quickly because neither of you know what to do about how you feel. You need someone to help you understand these strange emotions called love and desire, and to let you know it's ok to express them. As a result, you usually end up uke. Well, at least to start out. Maybe after you get a handle on how things are done you will switch your role. Hence the title.


Likeliness of being seme: 40%

Likeliness of being uke: 60%

Some fellow Switching Stoics: Ran (Weiss Kreuz), Sanzo (Saiyuki), Heero (Gundam Wing), Hisoka (Yami no Matsuei)


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Okay, this is more like it. Now THIS is the real me. yosh! :hamtaro-005 (4):





Bashful Bottom


You're sweet, loving, but sometimes a bit unsure. It could be your naivety. Youre just a step above Uber Uke, really. You have an idea of what you want, and you often have the strength to go and get it. It's just that you aren't sure of what to do when it comes to love. This could be due to one of many reasons, such as your crush/lover tends to be rather distant and hard to figure out, you've had your heart broken before, you've never been in an intimate relationship quite like this, etc... You're also the kind of good person that bad things like to happen to. Which is sad, but there's no real helping it. All you can do is stick through it and work towards making tomorrow a better day (if you even have a tomorrow, that is)...


Likeliness of being seme: 10%

Likeliness of being uke: 90%

Some fellow Bashful Bottoms: Subaru (Tokyo Babylon), Tsuzuki (Yami no Matsuei), Quatre (Gundam Wing), Hakkai (Saiyuki)


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Can we say "superiority complex," anyone? You want to be like the Supreme Seme and have it all. Trouble is you tend to scare away most of your prey. And you see them as just that, prey. You're the kind of seme that would play the dominant role in S&M, use the most painful toys, and never use a safe word. Which is bad, because you should ALWAYS use a safe word. You, however, think that using a safe word gives the sub too much control. Not that a safe word would matter, since you would most likely have him gagged and blindfolded, as well as every limb bound and using a painfully tight cock ring because you even want control over when he comes. You see, you'll never be able to successfully have it all like the Supreme Seme does, simply because you take too much and give nothing back. Anytime your prey seems to be reacting positively to your advances, you do something to send them running away again. Really, you have to work on that creepy attitude of yours...



Likeliness of being uke: 0.1%


Likeliness of being seme: 99.9%

Some fellow Totalitarian Tops: Muraki (Yami no Matsuei) , Crawford (Weiss Kreuz)

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Devoted Dom :cuteonion7:


Your kind is fairly common. Most likely you are the older or more experienced one in your relationship(s). Or, maybe you are your uke's superior in some way (as in at work or school). This makes your relationship bittersweet. While you may love your uke very much (and you and he have a rather steamy sex life), you find it hard to express your affections due to one obstacle or another. Maybe you aren't allowed to be together (no dating in the work place, for example), maybe you've been burned in the past and are hesitant to admit to anyone (including yourself) that you feel that way, or maybe your uke insists that there's no emotion in the relationship (in other words: he views you as fuck buddies). Even though it only seems like your relationships are meant to end in disaster, you would still risk more than you should for the one you love.



Likeliness of being uke: 5%


Likeliness of being seme: 95%

Some fellow Devoted Doms: Iason (Ai no Kusabi), Yuki (Gravitation), Honma (Boku no Sexual Harassment), Seishirou (Tokyo Babylon)




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Devoted Dom


Your kind is fairly common. Most likely you are the older or more experienced one in your relationship(s). Or, maybe you are your uke's superior in some way (as in at work or school). This makes your relationship bittersweet. While you may love your uke very much (and you and he have a rather steamy sex life), you find it hard to express your affections due to one obstacle or another. Maybe you aren't allowed to be together (no dating in the work place, for example), maybe you've been burned in the past and are hesitant to admit to anyone (including yourself) that you feel that way, or maybe your uke insists that there's no emotion in the relationship (in other words: he views you as fuck buddies). Even though it only seems like your relationships are meant to end in disaster, you would still risk more than you should for the one you love.



Likeliness of being uke: 5%


Likeliness of being seme: 95%

Some fellow Devoted Doms: Iason (Ai no Kusabi), Yuki (Gravitation), Honma (Boku no Sexual Harassment), Seishirou (Tokyo Babylon)



I'd have to say this is pretty accurate :msn_red_fox 2

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Here is my result :)






Devoted Dom


Your kind is fairly common. Most likely you are the older or more experienced one in your relationship(s). Or, maybe you are your uke's superior in some way (as in at work or school). This makes your relationship bittersweet. While you may love your uke very much (and you and he have a rather steamy sex life), you find it hard to express your affections due to one obstacle or another. Maybe you aren't allowed to be together (no dating in the work place, for example), maybe you've been burned in the past and are hesitant to admit to anyone (including yourself) that you feel that way, or maybe your uke insists that there's no emotion in the relationship (in other words: he views you as fuck buddies). Even though it only seems like your relationships are meant to end in disaster, you would still risk more than you should for the one you love.



Likeliness of being uke: 5%


Likeliness of being seme: 95%

Some fellow Devoted Doms: Iason (Ai no Kusabi), Yuki (Gravitation), Honma (Boku no Sexual Harassment), Seishirou (Tokyo Babylon)




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So right!


Protean Player


Ah, you are one of the most common yaoi stereotypes. You're hot and you know it, as does most of the population. With such good looks and mad skillz, who are you to deny any percentage of humanity from being able to have you? This is why your kind tend to swing both ways, if you know what I mean *wink*. Also, while you prefer to be seme, you've been known to be uke when the situation calls for it. Just as long as everyone's having fun and enjoying themselves. Protean Players are also amongst the friendliest of the yaoi stereotypes, and the most outgoing. You aren't afraid to speak your mind or jump right into things. Be careful, though, because your rep may come back to bite you on the ass if you ever settle down with a steady lover. It'll be hard for you to even LOOK at another person without making your significant other think youre foolin' around behind their back. Is it your fault you're so damn sexy?


Likeliness of being seme: 80%

Likeliness of being uke: 20%


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:hamtaro-005 (5):My results is:





You're sweet, loving, but sometimes a bit unsure. It could be your naivety. Youre just a step above Uber Uke, really. You have an idea of what you want, and you often have the strength to go and get it. It's just that you aren't sure of what to do when it comes to love. This could be due to one of many reasons, such as your crush/lover tends to be rather distant and hard to figure out, you've had your heart broken before, you've never been in an intimate relationship quite like this, etc... You're also the kind of good person that bad things like to happen to. Which is sad, but there's no real helping it. All you can do is stick through it and work towards making tomorrow a better day (if you even have a tomorrow, that is)...


Likeliness of being seme: 10%

Likeliness of being uke: 90%


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  • 2 weeks later...



Uber Uke


Well arent you just cuuuuuute? Even so, you aren't innocent. Though, youd like people to believe you to be. You also tend to look much younger than you really are. This'll come in handy once you get older, but can sometimes be a real pain when youre in your late teens/early twenties and are constantly carded. Anyway, you are the most uke of all the uke. For now, at least. Once you get the hang of things, you have the potential of becoming anywhere from a Bashful Bottom to a Protean Player! ^_~



Likeliness of being seme: 1%

Likeliness of being uke: 99%

Some fellow Uber Uke: Omi (Weiss Kreuz), Shuuichi (Gravitation), Goku (Saiyuki), Miki (Shoujo Kakumei Utena)



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Well... could be right! ;D






Aberrant Androgyne


You're beautiful. Maybe too beautiful. But, this group of stereotypes also seems to always have some sort of amazing ability. So, you're all that and talent, too, huh? Such a deadly package wrapped in such pretty paper People often underestimate you when they first see you. Big mistake. You have a lot of power packed away inside that fae-like body of yours. Those who are your allies are blessed, those who are your enemies are...well...screwed (and not in the good sense).


Likeliness of being seme: 20%

Likeliness of being uke: 80%

Some fellow Aberrant Androgyne: Nuriko and Hotohori (Fushigi Yuugi), Kenshin (Rurouni Kenshin), Rosiel (Angel Sanctuary)





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Aberrant Androgyne


You're beautiful. Maybe too beautiful. But, this group of stereotypes also seems to always have some sort of amazing ability. So, you're all that and talent, too, huh? Such a deadly package wrapped in such pretty paper People often underestimate you when they first see you. Big mistake. You have a lot of power packed away inside that fae-like body of yours. Those who are your allies are blessed, those who are your enemies are...well...screwed (and not in the good sense).


Likeliness of being seme: 20%

Likeliness of being uke: 80%

Some fellow Aberrant Androgyne: Nuriko and Hotohori (Fushigi Yuugi), Kenshin (Rurouni Kenshin), Rosiel (Angel Sanctuary)


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  • 4 weeks later...

the questions were cute



Switching Stoic


You're usually the kind who is the leader in whatever you do. Even so, socializing isn't your forte. You'd much rather be alone somewhere reading a book or working on something quietly. People just tend to be unnecessary distractions, and you could more than do without them. At least, that's what you'd like people to believe In truth you are actually rather scared. Though, not even heavy torture would get you to admit it. You just don't know how to deal with people, because you've never really had much experience. It's because of this that it usually takes an outgoing, experienced person to knock down some of your walls. They are everything you aren't; friendly, popular, and self-assured. And, after all, opposites attract. Relationships with other Switching Stoics tend to fizzle out rather quickly because neither of you know what to do about how you feel. You need someone to help you understand these strange emotions called love and desire, and to let you know it's ok to express them. As a result, you usually end up uke. Well, at least to start out. Maybe after you get a handle on how things are done you will switch your role. Hence the title.


Likeliness of being seme: 40%

Likeliness of being uke: 60%

Some fellow Switching Stoics: Ran (Weiss Kreuz), Sanzo (Saiyuki), Heero (Gundam Wing), Hisoka (Yami no Matsuei



O_O i didnt know i had some same veins in me:hamtaro-005 (5):

i see i am the only one with this result :D:D:D:D

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Uber Uke


Well arent you just cuuuuuute? Even so, you aren't innocent. Though, youd like people to believe you to be. You also tend to look much younger than you really are. This'll come in handy once you get older, but can sometimes be a real pain when youre in your late teens/early twenties and are constantly carded. Anyway, you are the most uke of all the uke. For now, at least. Once you get the hang of things, you have the potential of becoming anywhere from a Bashful Bottom to a Protean Player! ^_~



Likeliness of being seme: 1%

Likeliness of being uke: 99%

Some fellow Uber Uke: Omi (Weiss Kreuz), Shuuichi (Gravitation), Goku (Saiyuki), Miki (Shoujo Kakumei Utena)




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  • 3 weeks later...

same with my result:


Okay, this is more like it. Now THIS is the real me. yosh! :hamtaro-005 (4):





Bashful Bottom


You're sweet, loving, but sometimes a bit unsure. It could be your naivety. Youre just a step above Uber Uke, really. You have an idea of what you want, and you often have the strength to go and get it. It's just that you aren't sure of what to do when it comes to love. This could be due to one of many reasons, such as your crush/lover tends to be rather distant and hard to figure out, you've had your heart broken before, you've never been in an intimate relationship quite like this, etc... You're also the kind of good person that bad things like to happen to. Which is sad, but there's no real helping it. All you can do is stick through it and work towards making tomorrow a better day (if you even have a tomorrow, that is)...


Likeliness of being seme: 10%

Likeliness of being uke: 90%

Some fellow Bashful Bottoms: Subaru (Tokyo Babylon), Tsuzuki (Yami no Matsuei), Quatre (Gundam Wing), Hakkai (Saiyuki)

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  • 3 weeks later...

Supreme Seme


You are a very rare breed indeed, and for good reason. If there were a lot of Supreme Seme wandering about, then there would be a LOT of conflict. This is because your kind likes to take control of EVERYTHING. Think alpha male with wolves, but applied to humans. People are either your plaything or they're in the way. You manage to manipulate people into wanting what you want, without them even knowing it. You'll also stop at nothing until you get what you want, doing whatever it takes to get it. And you want more from your uke than just the carnal pleasures of the flesh. You want their mind, body, and soul.


Likeliness of being uke: 0%

Likeliness of being seme: 100%

Some fellow Supreme Seme: Akio (Shoujo Kakumei Utena), Fuuma (X/1999)


wow... I can't believe I got that... oh well,

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  • 2 months later...


Switching Stoic


You're usually the kind who is the leader in whatever you do. Even so, socializing isn't your forte. You'd much rather be alone somewhere reading a book or working on something quietly. People just tend to be unnecessary distractions, and you could more than do without them. At least, that's what you'd like people to believe In truth you are actually rather scared. Though, not even heavy torture would get you to admit it. You just don't know how to deal with people, because you've never really had much experience. It's because of this that it usually takes an outgoing, experienced person to knock down some of your walls. They are everything you aren't; friendly, popular, and self-assured. And, after all, opposites attract. Relationships with other Switching Stoics tend to fizzle out rather quickly because neither of you know what to do about how you feel. You need someone to help you understand these strange emotions called love and desire, and to let you know it's ok to express them. As a result, you usually end up uke. Well, at least to start out. Maybe after you get a handle on how things are done you will switch your role. Hence the title.


Likeliness of being seme: 40%

Likeliness of being uke: 60%

Some fellow Switching Stoics: Ran (Weiss Kreuz), Sanzo (Saiyuki), Heero (Gundam Wing), Hisoka (Yami no Matsuei)




That sounds very true.rabbit14

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Devoted Dom


Your kind is fairly common. Most likely you are the older or more experienced one in your relationship(s). Or, maybe you are your uke's superior in some way (as in at work or school). This makes your relationship bittersweet. While you may love your uke very much (and you and he have a rather steamy sex life), you find it hard to express your affections due to one obstacle or another. Maybe you aren't allowed to be together (no dating in the work place, for example), maybe you've been burned in the past and are hesitant to admit to anyone (including yourself) that you feel that way, or maybe your uke insists that there's no emotion in the relationship (in other words: he views you as fuck buddies). Even though it only seems like your relationships are meant to end in disaster, you would still risk more than you should for the one you love.



Likeliness of being uke: 5%


Likeliness of being seme: 95%

Some fellow Devoted Doms: Iason (Ai no Kusabi), Yuki (Gravitation), Honma (Boku no Sexual Harassment), Seishirou (Tokyo Babylon)

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Aberrant Androgyne


You're beautiful. Maybe too beautiful. But, this group of stereotypes also seems to always have some sort of amazing ability. So, you're all that and talent, too, huh? Such a deadly package wrapped in such pretty paper People often underestimate you when they first see you. Big mistake. You have a lot of power packed away inside that fae-like body of yours. Those who are your allies are blessed, those who are your enemies are...well...screwed (and not in the good sense).


Likeliness of being seme: 20%

Likeliness of being uke: 80%

Some fellow Aberrant Androgyne: Nuriko and Hotohori (Fushigi Yuugi), Kenshin (Rurouni Kenshin), Rosiel (Angel Sanctuary)

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Guest FujoshiFTW

Switching Stoic. I was rather surprised I got that result as the title really is what I would describe myself as. Sadistic, but not over the top. And a cute uke when I want to be. Perhaps that is always what my personality is like XD

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Aberrant Androgyne - quite true I think ^^



You're beautiful. Maybe too beautiful. But, this group of stereotypes also seems to always have some sort of amazing ability. So, you're all that and talent, too, huh? Such a deadly package wrapped in such pretty paper People often underestimate you when they first see you. Big mistake. You have a lot of power packed away inside that fae-like body of yours. Those who are your allies are blessed, those who are your enemies are...well...screwed (and not in the good sense).


Likeliness of being seme: 20%

Likeliness of being uke: 80%

Some fellow Aberrant Androgyne: Nuriko and Hotohori (Fushigi Yuugi), Kenshin (Rurouni Kenshin), Rosiel (Angel Sanctuary)


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Bashful Bottom


You're sweet, loving, but sometimes a bit unsure. It could be your naivety. Youre just a step above Uber Uke, really. You have an idea of what you want, and you often have the strength to go and get it. It's just that you aren't sure of what to do when it comes to love. This could be due to one of many reasons, such as your crush/lover tends to be rather distant and hard to figure out, you've had your heart broken before, you've never been in an intimate relationship quite like this, etc... You're also the kind of good person that bad things like to happen to. Which is sad, but there's no real helping it. All you can do is stick through it and work towards making tomorrow a better day (if you even have a tomorrow, that is)...


Likeliness of being seme: 10%

Likeliness of being uke: 90%

Some fellow Bashful Bottoms: Subaru (Tokyo Babylon), Tsuzuki (Yami no Matsuei), Quatre (Gundam Wing), Hakkai (Saiyuki)



:hamtaro-005 (23):

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Supreme Seme


You are a very rare breed indeed, and for good reason. If there were a lot of Supreme Seme wandering about, then there would be a LOT of conflict. This is because your kind likes to take control of EVERYTHING. Think alpha male with wolves, but applied to humans. People are either your plaything or they're in the way. You manage to manipulate people into wanting what you want, without them even knowing it. You'll also stop at nothing until you get what you want, doing whatever it takes to get it. And you want more from your uke than just the carnal pleasures of the flesh. You want their mind, body, and soul.


Likeliness of being uke: 0%

Likeliness of being seme: 100%

Some fellow Supreme Seme: Akio (Shoujo Kakumei Utena), Fuuma (X/1999)





hahahaha... rare

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