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Akito became quiet and listened to his master's words. He gasped and wanted to push Aziz way from pounding him. Remembering that he hands are useless, he moaned and yelped from the sensation that Aziz was pushing upon him. He tears up in a way that was only connected to the pleasure he was feeling. Being lifted, Akito felt so good that it felt like he was going crazy. The tears that his eyes were holding clouded up his vision of seeing others looking. He moans and whimpers from being fucked hard. Aziz can feel his insides warming up and his ass quivering from being filled to the brim. "Master more please~~~" he moaned out as he fell more in love with how Aziz was fucking him.

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'' not yet, pet, '' Aziz whispers, '' you have to work your way up, or you'll tear. Don't worry, I'll give you everything you want. You have to be /patient /. ''


He pulled him close, burying himself instead his pet to the hilt, and held him there, feeling him squirm and squeeze, then leans down to kiss the back of his neck.


''You just concentrate on your pleasure. Relax. And cum for me.''

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Akito was anticipating on being fucked better and senseless. He whimpers as he was told no but understand Aziz was a tender loving demon of which he put his faith in "Y-yes sir. I feel content for now. Your cock is filling me up and I feel warm inside and out." He trembled by the sudden wave of arousal as he wanted to touch himself, but his hands were bounded. Being bullied sexually wasn't bad to Akito as it made him tighten around Aziz's cock.

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"You're still holding out, holding back," Aziz growled as he ground up against Akito, "You have to /relax/, give in to me completely, stop /fighting. it. Close your eyes, stop pulling on the chains, and concentrate on /me/. Listen to your body. Close every one of your human senses except /touch/. In fact..."


Akito felt Aziz's hands leave his hips, and a second later smooth, soft fabric covered his eyes, pulled taunt as Aziz knotted the blindfold behind his head.


"There you go," He chuckles, never breaking his pace.

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Akito looks up and was trembling from the heavy seductive growl against his ear. "Y-yes sir.," he said with a chocking manner. Feeling Aziz's hand lift off from on top of him. He felt blind as he figured out that it was a cloth to prohibit him from seeing. He could only shake in his master's hand as he was a little sensitive without seeing. Akito didn't know who was looking and where Aziz was touching. What was his next move?

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"Good boy," Aziz praised, but he was getting annoyed at how /long/ this was taking. He was contemplating what he needed to do to get his little pet under /his/ control, because apparently he had /amazing/ stamina. He had surprised him. He may even have a /competitive/ level of stamina. As far as he knew, it was rare to find a human who could last this long with a demon without even /trying. With training he could even be an /asset/, not just a pet.


He contacted the trainer he had spoken to earlier, when Akito had been in the cafe and Aziz had told him that he had to take care of something, and they telepathically spoke about something that may later come as a /surprise/ to Akito. A few minutes later he came walking up to table, and was about to say something, before Aziz, who hadn't /stopped/ the onslaught on his poor blind pet's ass, put a finger to his lips. The trainer nodded, and brought one of the students over.


The other human slave fell to his knees on command, and took Akito's cock into his mouth.

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Akito was relaxed and conformable with his body as he decided that he was only here to please his master. He pants in anticipation of what the next move might be. He felt every inch of Aziz and he loved it. He didn't know why the other pampered him so much because the other demons seemed to have a malicious intent for their pets.


Feeling a slight change,he felt his cock being touch by a wet and warm mouth. He moaned a he was feeling both his ass and cock being played with. He didn't know why he was feeling so sensitive. Was it the blindfold or was he just letting his body do the talking for him? Akito trembled more as he looked down not knowing who it was and knew he could see him. "Master" he said in a low and soft tone that was dipped in pleasure.


He tighten around Aziz's cock which was signaling him on the edge of cumming. He pants and gave some whines as the human that was giving him lip service was so experienced in that department. "I'm...about ~" he couldn't finish the sentence as was trying not to cum in his fellow human's mouth.

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Aziz felt a /surge/ of energy strong enough to flow through him and light up his eyes. He had to /struggle/ to maintain his current physical form. There was /something/ special about this human, and he was determined to bring it out. He stilled a moment, just letting the waves of energy from Akito's orgasm flow through him, feeling them seep into his soul and reminding himself over and over /not/ to pull too hard and just devour the human's entire soul outright.


Akito is drained and exhausted, but Aziz is pumping more of his hot, demon cum deep inside him, and it still works as it did before, soothing his sore body and giving him a happy little afterglow, like he's on some sweet drug and just high enough that he can still function, but the world and all it's problems are held at arm's length. Aziz is talking to someone, not him, but he sounds far away and distant with the combination of the exhaustion and the high.


He's thanking the trainer for helping, and they may not be talking /to/ him, but they are talking /about/ him. He feels the weight leave his wrists as the chains dissolve, and Aziz leans down to speak softly to him, right in his ear.


"Mmm, that was /amazing/, pet. You have a real talent. I wouldn't tell you this just to stroke your ego. I've had a /lot/ of humans, and /you/..." he stopped to kiss his cheek, "You are /delicious/."


As Aziz straightens up, he unties the blindfold and it becomes obvious that they never left the library, that they're still in public, and that a small crowd, which is now breaking up, had gathered to watch them. The human who had been under the table was crawling out, wiping him mouth, and headed to the demon Aziz was talking to. He snuggled up into his side, and the demon put an arm around his shoulders and pulled him closer, absentmindedly playing with his hair as he talked.


Aziz slowly pulled out and gently lowered Akito to the ground, keeping one hand on his hip to steady him.


"Are you alright," he asked with a chuckle, "You look tired. Can you get up and get dressed so I can take you out to eat?"

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Akito couldn't hold it anymore as he came hard and moans out from being pleased. As he came, he became tired and unable to speak as he was exhausted. He hung his head as he was dozing off to sleep. Hearing Aziz, he could only blush and feel his white warm semen pour into him and fill him up. Trembling and shaking from all the pleasure, Aziz gave him enough energy not to pass out and walk. He felt the chains move from his wrist and seeing the light.


As Akito can see, he saw how many people were really watching them and saw the pet that took care of his cock for him. Blushing and being pulled out of, he wobbled a little but was assisted by his master to stand. "I am fine Sir, I am really tired," he said slurring his words slightly.


He put the sheer veiled material on and clasped the neck ring back to keep it up. His hair was all over the place and he held onto Aziz more and leaned on him a little.

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"Tired?" Aziz asked, and turned his full attention on the human. He did look /exhausted/. For a moment he worried, that he had taken too much when he fed, that the poor boy was going to collapse. He bent down and scooped him into his arms, holding him, bridal style, in thought. "Maybe I should just take you home... or to a doctor to get you looked at. Do you still want to go out? Do you just want to go home?"

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"May we just go home. I just feel like being in your arms." Akito stayed close to Aziz's chest and fell asleep quickly. He was the epitome of a porcelain doll compared to the rough looking pets that were walking around here. Even most of the women were ripped and muscular. His long flowing hair tickling Aziz's side. He was tired but not dying so he hoped the other would just lay him in the bed.

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When he awoke, Akito was back in his bed in the mortal realm, his phone blaring the alarm that reminded him to get up and go to class. It all could have very well been a dream, if not for the soreness of his body and the mark burned into his collarbone. He wasn't wearing the clothes he had on in hell /or/ the ones he had been wearing before being spirited away. He was nude under his sheets, but someone had tucked him in carefully.


The same someone had left a tray and a note on his bedside table. The note read:


"You've done wonderful, pet. I've sent you home to recuperate, but I assure you, I will be back. There are so many /delightful/ things that I want to do for you, to do /to/ you. You may experience an overwhelming desire to return to the underworld, I've been told that once humans taste our food, they /crave/ it so strongly that they've been known to kill themselves. So I left you a bag of sweets to stave off the craving. Don't share them with any other humans, it may drive them mad.


You may notice some... effects, from your time with me, as well. Incubi like myself are irresistible to humans, and now that I've left part of me inside you, expect that to carry over. Expect other humans to be /throwing/ themselves at you. There is no magical candy to cure that, I suppose you'll just have to live with it. You may also have to live with the overpowering /lust/, which my knowledge of the human body says you really shouldn't let build up for more than four hours, if you want to keep your dick.


Keep your body healthy. You seemed weak and thirsty. Drink plenty of water. I'm watching over and protecting you from hell, so just summon me if you need me.


Good luck on your test, my beloved pet,



Just as the note said, there was a bag of candy, it looked like those expensive, individually wrapped chocolate truffles. There was also a bottle of green liquid that hadn't been mentioned, that looked like the potion Aziz had given him in hell the first time he... fed off of him? Made love to him? Regardless, it seemed to be the same stuff. Between them was a simple gold choker necklace that hadn't been mentioned in the note either, but which was beautiful in its simplicity.

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Akito sat up groggy and loked down to see he was completely naked. Putting on his bogus glasses, looked around and saw a note. Reading it made him smile sweetly. Who knew that Aziz was this loving? He smiles and got up to take a shower. He put on the beautiful gold chocker. He took a shower and slightly looked down at the mark. He had a tingling sensation as he had to masturbate so it wouldn't build up. Washing his body first, he let the water run down and then he fingered himself.


A feeling swarmed over him, it was that Akito was unsatisfied. He wanted Aziz inside him but that thinking faded away as he was embarrassed to think that. He came and shivered as he had to hurry to school. Getting out and drying off, he put on clothes that covered the mark but his shiny Gold choker stood out. In his room, he hid the treats given to him and took one and out it in his bag. Grabbing a water from the fridge,he left to school.


Getting to school, he felt people stare at him. He had a book of notes as the test was today. He studied as he was grasping it better after reading one of the two books about the body and relative science. He was groped and blushed; well after he slapped the guy that did it. He went to the test site and smile softly thinking of Aziz. Thank you so much Aziz for everything. he thought to himself as he pulled out a pencil as the test was being given.

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He knew /everything/. When he had wished for knowledge, Aziz had told him that he didn't /have/ to read it, that it would just come to him naturally as Aziz pulled it from the collective unconscious and fed it to him. At the time, he had asked him /not/ to, to let him absorb knowledge on his own, as a human, and Aziz had chuckled and taken him to the library. But now, as he looked at the test, words flowed out of him like water from a faucet. His knowledge wasn't limited by humanty's boundaries. There was no way he could have known everything he did because he had learned it in a school. Demons pulled their information from the divine, or the opposite of the divine, but it came to him so naturally, just like his own thoughts, that it wouldn't /seem/ strange.


Still, he was left with the gnawing arousal that he had been warned about, and his mouth began to water against his will. Lust and gluttony had taken strong holds on him, and he probably should have brought more than one of those chocolates. As he sat in the exam room, it became harder and harder to concentrate as the urges boiled up inside him, slowly, at first just a buzzing in the back of his mind and a warmth in the pit of his stomach, then a slight hunger and an unwanted erection. But soon they escalated; he felt as if he were /starving/, and his dick throbbed painfully under his desk.


The flow of information was still obviously /there/. He could feel it. It was a matter of willpower.

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Akito was jotting down everything as he mind was almost as if he knew everything. His hand was lead by the force of knowledge he required from the library and the knowledge given. He was almost half way there until he felt a sudden wave of pleasure and unpleasant starvation. He grunt and fidgets as he looked down to see he was rock hard. His stomach growled loudly as if it was a entity of itself.


He wipes away his drool. He saw the information but his hand were at war at what to do. He looked up to see the teacher wasn't looking that way and thank goodness that Akito was sitting in his regular back corner. He took his dick out and made sure no one will see. He jacked off with one hand and wrote the information with the other. He finished the test and puts his dick up. Giving the teacher the test, he saw Akito's dick was straining. Leaving quickly, he hid his erection behind his bag and went home to relieve himself.


Getting home, he ran to his room and locked the door. Getting another piece of candy, he ate it and wasn't starving anymore. Feeling pure bliss of eating the candy. He pulled out the hard on and stroked his cock until his came. "This is horrible... I just want...." he stopped as he was longing to go back.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Akito went a good two weeks without hearing from the demon. Had it not been for the mark on his chest or the gifts he had recieved, it would have been as if none of it had ever happened. He was just beginning to believe that it was all over, that he had been granted his wish for knowlege, and his new master had been completely forgotten about him.


It was on a stormy night that he felt a comfortable, heavy weight settle on top of him. He was roused from his sleep by the feeling of light kisses pressed to the side of his neck, and soft skin against his torso. When he opened his eyes, he met the familiar golden irises of Aziz looking down at him. He pulled himself up on his elbows and smiled down at the human.


"Did you miss me?" he asked in a purr.

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Akito was going through the flow and the rough transition of how to overcome the lust and greed. He sighed as he saw the days roll by. He wished every night that he would soon be taken away again. He finally gave up such hope once it hit the two weeks mark. He took a shower and dried off once he stepped out. Putting his beautiful golden gift back around his neck.


Going to bed, his hair was all over the place like a doll who laid in a prestigious place. Hearing the storm soothed him more into sleep until he felt something. Someone actually. Akito peered his eyes open only to see the surprise of a certain demon. He was happy and anger at his master. Hitting Aziz in the chest and then kissing him passionately to show how much he missed him. "You left me alone for two weeks to fend off this lust. You have two weeks to catch up and ravish my body and then catch back up to the present~" Growling as he was assertive but such a small bark didn't have enough bite for Aziz. On the contrary, it was actually cute.

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"I told you to call if you wanted me," Aziz playfully nipped his ear. "I thought that perhaps you had gotten everything you wanted, and now you were ready to abandon me." He pressed a /deep/ kiss to Akito's lips, pushing him into the matrass. He didn't pull away until he felt the human struggling for air. "I hope I was wrong. I'm /starving/."


He smiled, running his hands through Akito's hair and leaned down to press a kiss to the mark on his collarbone.


"I got you something," he hummed against his skin, "But you have to keep it in hell, if you want it."

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"i know but...it so unbearable and I would have felt too clingy calling you. I hought you were busy with other slaves and other things of that nature.." Akito trailed off a he couldn't believe he actually missed the demon this much. He blushed and shook his head," I would never abandon you! I should be the one saying that!" He stoped talking and let the pleasure of Aziz's lips put him in a trance. He suddenly felt a strain as he was deoxygenated and tapped his master's back weakly. Gasping for air, he smiled cutely. "You were wrong silly, and you aren't the only one....hungry ~" puring and smiling.


Akito felt the best while he was in the demon's arm. He blushed thinking of how attached he is to the demon. He looked as he heard he had something. "Hmmm what is it? Is it sweets? What? I wanna seee" he giggles as he wasn't used to being given stuff. Aziz made him happy,safe, and overall content.

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"Close your eyes" Aziz pressed one of his hands over Akito's eyes to make sure he did, and when he removes it, Akito is lying in the much more comfortable bed in his master's home, and Aziz is reaching for the bedside table. He comes back with the same vile of viscious liquid he used before. He popps it open and dips two fingers inside, smeering them with lube. The sun is coming in from the balcony, lighting him like a golden god.


He stops and glares as another weight settles on the bed.


"/Down/" he snarles, but the thing does not obey. Instead, Akito hears a /chorus/ of yapping as a tiny, three headed puppy jumps onto his chest.


"Goddamn it," Aziz hisses, "/Get down/". But all three of the puppies faces are licking and sniffing at Akito. It's obvious that they (it?) approve of him. "Some /fucking/ hellhound."

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Akito did as he was instructed as he closed his eyes in anticipation. Feeling Aziz's hand move, his eyes flickered as he was back in the nostalgic place he missed. He sat up a lottle and saw how uneasy the other was acting. "Aziz....what is the mat-" he stopped to feel another movement.


Gasping as he heard a cute plee from some sort of animal. Je saw the puppy and smiles joyfully. He knew this was a hellhound but never saw such before. "Its....sooo.... adorable." He held the puppy in his arms. He nuzzles against it and pets all three heads as the puppy was getting fond of Akito. "Aziz....did you get him.....just for me? Really?"

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"Yes," Aziz huffed, "But he's not supposed to be on the /bed/. None of my fucking pets listen to me."


He fully intended to be angry and punish the dog, but watching Akito cuddle it, his anger faded, and he sighed, "He's got three different brains so it is kind of cute. They get along most of the time but when they growl at each other it gets /hilarious/. Watching it try to chase itself. I did get him for you. You seem to like cute things. I didn't name it, I thought I would wait and let you do it. But will you /please/ do /something/ with it? I don't want it watching me fuck. I feel like it's judging me. Or at least I don't want it trying to interrupt. /Licking/ all over you like an /animal/."

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Akito looked at Aziz with so much fondness. He couldn't believe the demon got him a pet. Ironic, a pet having a pet. He kept giving most of his attention to the three head pup. It was almost as big as Akito and it just made it even more cute. Looking up at his master, he smiled and nods in compliance to what he was saying.


"I do like cute things~~~ Let's call him Mucilber....like the devil of pandemonium. We can give it it's own little dog house as you feed. Wait....are you jealous of your gift you gave me?" He said purring teasingly at Aziz.

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"Of course I'm not /jealous/" Aziz replied in a tone that implied the opposite, "Just /do something with it/. Lock it in the bathroom or... something." He looked away, glaring to cover up the smile tugging at his lips and the warmth spreading over his cheeks, "After I feed from you I have a lot of things I want to get done tonight. And I'll make you any doghouse you like."


He scooted back a little and held the bottle of lube up high enough that Muci wouldn't knock it over with his tail, "Ugh. I'm getting /both/ of you obedience training." He smirked to show that he was only joking, "One of you attacks other pets and the other fucks up my furniture. That thing chewed clean through my dining room table."

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Akito knew that Aziz was lying about not being jealous. He thought about where to put the dog. The bathroom would be too mean and let the puppy to Aziz as he was listening."What will you doing tonight Aziz?" He asked as he was petting Mucilber calmly in his arms. Akito couldn't help but smile at the cuteness of Aziz and the hound.


He looks back at the other as he started to talk again. Akito was flustered by the comment and bared his teeth in embarrassment. "So? They deserve what they got just like your dining table. Right Mucilber?" The dog gave a bark in agreement. He smiled as he took the hound out on the patio and made sure to move all the furniture to where the hell hound couldn't mess it up.


Going back inside and closing the curtains, Akito blushed and smiled. "So you only think of this as feeding? Hmm, I should starve you a little more then master." He said to Aziz in a sweet and teasing sound.

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