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painting of a doll (closed)


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"I could paint the two of you as merman sitting in the ocean and playing with the fish," Cayden said with a smile. "I wish I could swim out in the sea with the two of you but I would just cause trouble," he sighed.

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“That would be beautiful” ayme admitted with a smile as he kissed caydens hand.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Cayden smiled softly when Ayame kissed his hand. Maybe he could look into more corrective surgery? Surely medical science had figured out new treatments....right? "Maybe we could plan a trip when school is out," he said softly.

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“...I doubt you attend school regularly” Ayme mumbled as he poked at his twin who was busy watching the fish.

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"Mostly tutores when I couldn't make it," Cayden said with a frown. He didn't like missing school or the pain he was in that kept him from going. "I suppose I'm just a boring thing," he sighed softly. "Yukie and you are more interesting than me."

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“Cayden...I’m going to try and be nice here but if you keep up the poor pity me crap your going to drive yukie further away.” Ayme explained truly trying to be nice to the young master. “He’s staying by your side and trying hard to support you but this whole depressed shit you do I guarantee is going to mske him leave...I mean he built a whole park that you could fully access and your sitting here moaning and crying about what you can’t do instead of focusing on what you can do”

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  • 2 weeks later...

"I'm not poor pity me, I'm depressed and on meds. I'm do for another appointment since the doctor wants to be sure that they are helping. And how is thinking the two of you are more interesting than me saying poor me? Wait I thought it belongs to his friend, he said it did?" Cayden was confused, and plus he hadn't been through the whole park. All this was surprising, where did Yukie get the money or this? He barely left Cayden's home. And he tried not to put himself down but depressed thoughts crept in. Of course, his dad suggesting that Cayden's death would help his dad more than make him sad.

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“....you make yukie worry a lot about your happiness...we share a lot of th same data and from what I have seen your always sad or upset...did you know yukies pain setting has been disabled?” Ayme asked with a frown wondering what kind of master cayden was to his brother. “...he turned it off so he would never be able to show he was hurt or show he’s exhausted, if he keeps up with your round the clock care your going to have to buy another body for him within two years.” Ayme added watching his twin float quietly in the small inner tube. “Most Of our body models last twenty years, to break down so fast he’s doing the work of a nanny and doctor combined.” Ayme mumbled his face frowning slightly. “...he made this place so you could wander freely and he could relax knowing you where safe...whatever money he’s been making by downloading test programs must have paid for this place.” Ayme added after a moment his eyes switching back to darker more normal eyes much different from their glowing ones often used in accessing programming.

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  • 2 weeks later...

"No, why would it be disabled? But, but I don't want him to be hurt," Cayden whispered and fell silent as Ayame spoke and frowned. "Where is he now? I want him to be okay. I told him I want to look after him, that I wanted him to be my family," he whimpered trying to explain that he wanted Yukie to be okay. "I don't want to relax I want to get to Yukie to be sure he's okay! Yukie is what matters right now not me!" Cayden could be such a stubborn young man and he loved Yukie and wanted to care for him. The idea that Yukie was hurting himself for him just made Cayden unhappy. "Let's find Yukie then both of you can rest. I want to make sure the two of you are alright! Yukie is very important to me, I want him to be with me and happy not stressed out and hurting because of me."

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“Yukie is busy working in the administration office of the building he is currently fixing some security features and talking to afew investors to help support his further work.” Ayme replied stopping the tube and getting them off as he frowned. “He does not wish to be bothered at the moment and has asked me to keep you busy for the next hour so he can finish his work and focus more on what you need.” Ayme added his system connecting to yukie being shut off by his twin. “Seems yukie doesn’t like my snooping so he’s locked me out of his database for 24 hours” the twin admitted his face clearly unhappy about it but as he sighed he picked up cayden and carried him to the small heated steam room. “We can wait here until he’s done. The room is warm and if your hungry or thirsty I can get you some food or something to drink.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Cayden frowned as they got out of the water and frowned even more. "Yes, I'm feeling a bit cold in the water," he said softly then bit his lip. "I'm sorry he locked you out. But thank you for watching me. I know I'm not the most fun. But you don't have carry me, my leg isn't hurting too bad right now so I'm not that slow." Once they were sitting in the steam room he sighed heavily. "I'm pretty useless to Yukie and you aren't I? I wish my dad would just let me learn to do something for his business so I could look after the two of you better but I'm not going to let Yukie keep hurting himself. Well it wasn't like I was letting him to begin with but still, I want him to be happy and healthy. One of us should be. I tried to be a good owner for him but I fucked up....I have to do better," he said to himself and began chewing on his lower lip something he did when he was thinking hard on something and would sometimes chew it bloddy.

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"Take him out tonight...declare he must attend with you on a proper outing and take him to go see some nice tourist attractions and at the end by him a birthday cake and enjoy a romantic evening with him" Ayme added a soft smile on his lips with how mind his master was. "I'm sure all yukie would want on his birthday would be to spend it by his master's side and watch the snow fall outside" the older twin whispered gently getting up as he flipped a switch to show the beautiful snowfall outside on the ground.

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"Yukie has always liked the snow, it's why I suggested his name be Yukie," Cayden said with a smile. "Oh I need my phone," he said the huffed, Yukie had his phone, took it when they left the house. "I want to call this really nice lady I know who always makes our cakes, she knows Yukie and me and what sort of cake we like. She'd be able to make the cake and still be open late, last year for Christmas we ordered a cake and it was snowing then too, and we just ate the first slices at her bakery with her, she made us cocoa and tea as we watched the snow, it was nice."

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"He must have been so happy with that" at me admitted a soft smile on hideaways he handed his master his own cellphone to make the call.

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Cayden was surprised by the phone but still smiled and thanked Ayame before looking up the number and calling. He explained what was going on with them and what he'd like for Yukie and that there might be another person with them then grinned when she agreed to make the cake and stay open for them. Cayden was relieved and thanked her, knowing he'd put a good tip in for her then returned the phone to Ayame. "You know he might try to say he can't go out with me," he sighed. "So I might need your help with getting him out the door."

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"...I'll tell him to go besides I can take care of things here in his place" the twin added knowing that since shedding have that special bond his twin had with his master it would be easier just to cut any emotional ties early to avoid getting hurt later on. "Besides as fun as your idea sounds it's not my cup of tea, not to mention I have better things to do then play teaparty"

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"Oh," Cayden said softly, now feeling childish at enjoying such a thing. Was he really such a child? His dad always seemed to want to keep him as a small broken child. Was his dad heartbroken at the time that had passed since the accident that took his mom and broke Cayden's body? Was treating him like a child as a way to reject the years without that wonderful woman that had given him life and was the center of their world? Perhaps, everytime someone who knew her met with Cayden they remarked on how he looked so much like her at that age. Which was hard to imagine his beautiful mom and a scrunny tom-boy with short hair and getting into trouble.


Cayden shifted in his seat and brushed his hand over one of the long scars on his leg. "Think I could lay down in here? I feel a little tired."

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“Go ahead” Ayme mumbled knowing there was nothing different with this master as he got up and went to find yukie.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Cayden nodded and shifted to where he could get comfortable and laid down with his head and hand resting against Ayame. He didn't want to leave the newcomer out of anything and if Yukie was going to try to get Cayden out of his hair for a time he wouldn't bother ging to find him.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Cayden sat up and cocked his head slightly then smiled before shifting to where he was sitting up again. "It has nothing to do with that. Really I sort of hated him when father first got him for me, he reminded me of how broken my body was. I don't know if you already know this but I was a lot worse back then, I had to have a lot of surgeries and even then they couldn't return the sight to my eye. Well, they suggested an eye transplant once but we didn't go through with it. Yukie has never treated me like I was broken and useless. He's even picked on me to get me motivated with my physical therapy so I can walk better. He's never really treated me like the other servants do. He made me feel important for just being me. And one day after he had scribbled this silly little drawing for me after a really bad exam I thought 'I want to do something to make him smile'. Of course, that lead to him scolding the hell out of me cause I tried to make him something and ended up slicing my hand open," he chuckled. "I don't know the why. But when I see him, when I'm close to him I feel whole, I feel happy. And I want to make him smile with every fiber of my being. And isn't that what you feel when you love someone? Yukie is Yukie. I don't see him as my servant. He's my friend and I want to spend my life with him, I want to make him happy. Did you feel that way with someone?"

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"No, I've never had the emotion chips Yukie has. Most likely your parents had him upgraded to a caring model his system is different then mine. Yes been changed from his original program to suit your needs." Ayme admitted being honest since his normal programming didn't allow him to lie. "The feelings you think Yukie has for you is part of a mothering program often given to our kind when the family has a young child. It allows us to care for the child alongside of the parents, yours must never had gotten removed so hence why Yukie acts the way he does. Along with this Yukie's body is containing your child..." Ayme added reading off the information he had saved before being removed from the connection.

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Cayden bit his lip and lowered his head as Ayame spoke. His chest was aching, hurting like it did every time his father looked at him like he was nothing more than an incovinance. The last part barely register. "What do you mean? Contains my child?" he asked softly as he tried to breath past the pain. Yukie didn't love him? Not really, it was fake, everything was fake. He could hear his dad's voice from the last arguement they had, 'How could I love you? No one could even think of loving someone like you! You're usuless."

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