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♢My Master♢ {Yukonwolfspirit~M-jow (18+}


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"Sometimes I think that is one of the only thing he likes about me.." Ren thought to himself as Yukie had left. He wasn't made with him just embarrassed.


There didn't go long after til Ren started his search for the two kids, knowing the properly would be together he just followed their scent outside.

"Haruhi, it's time to go pack some things, Yukie says we will be leaving soon" He said as he spotted the two laying all curled up in the grass.

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“We watched the stars together” Haruhi mumbled having woken up a little as he poked yumro so he could get up allowing Haruhi a much needed streatch. “...I’m not sure what all to pack though” Haruhi added the boy not exactly wearing clothes.

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Yumro rolled over as he felt Haruhi poke him and mumbled something unclear before looking up confused a second were they were until he remembed and jumped up. "I'm going with Haruhi!" the boy said firmly with a serious face as hos fists hand down his sides.


Ren smiled with a soundless chuckle as he reached out to pet Yumro's short white hair and answered him with a nod before looking back at Haruhi.

"I allerede expected he would come too" Ren smiled and went on to answer the other's question.

"Mnh a toothbrush, something warm and maybe a toy?" He offered. "Or maybe your dad got you a bag back at the door?"

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“...my dad is dead” Haruhi replied as he got up and went inside to find Yukie and his mum. Yukie who was packing a bag for Haruhi was waiting breakfast already made and on the table as he sipped his coffee.

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Yumro followed Haruhi inside but as they entered the kitchen he ran over to Yukie. "Daddy said i could come too" the boy announed smiling from head to toe as he climbed onto Yukie's lap.


Ren can just a few minutes later after having checked in on the babies.

"The small once are still sound asleep and i didn't wanted to wake them"

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“Oh really will you be on your best behavior?” Yukie asked as he looked at yumro and snuggled him lovingly. “The place we are visiting is much more different from our household you must behave and show manners” yukie explained gently to yumro as he watched Haruhi stand by the table not sure how to use a chair in this body. “As for you...and your running around naked...we will need to get you dressed first in some suitable clothes.”yukie added a small pile of clothes sitting on a table in the kitchen as a maid gently took Haruhi to the bedroom to show him how to properly dress himself. Another maid brought out a chair built for Haruhi so he could reach the table. “Well let the twins sleep” yukie replied sin hiding under the table as he jumped out and giggled wanting to scare ren the small toddler enjoying his new growth spurt.

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Startled Ren took a quick step back as he gasped surprised. "Sin! you little monkey" the wolf giggle and scooped the boy up to tickled him. He finished with a kiss to the kids forhead and sat down on the chair next to Yukie, still hugging the boy in his lap, Ren listen to what his mate was telling Yumro and wondered just how drifferent the place must be.


"I wouldn't make any troubles I promise, and I'll try my very best to be good" Yumro nodded seriously before his face cracked into a smile as his Papa cuddle him.

"I can wait to see others like Haruhi though" the boy beamed exited as he explained. "Haruhi looks so cute no matter which form he is in but this is like SUPER cute! Now" Yumro blushed and glance back towards the deer with a cute innocent smile.

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ICALUbi.jpg (future reference for how Haruhi dresses I looked it so much stuff for this and, on a side note of how their basic clothes look :) )


“Well we will be visiting a village full of hoofed animals. There will be more then just deer though Haruhi could just be small and could be a young horse, in truth we are going to see what he really is and why breed and then we can go from there so until we know just if you have to refer to what he is say he’s a hooved demon until we know the proper term and can show respect” yukie replied as Haruhi came out dressed in some navy blue pants and a cute uniform top suitable for a child his age starting school.


(Also toddler sin)


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"Hooved demon?? why not just demon??" the boy asked confused since anyone could see Haruhi had hoovs just by looking at him.


Yumro turned his head when he hear hoovs entering the kitchen but instead saying anything the boy had to swallow hard and bite the inside of his cheeks and trying he's best not to laugh. 'Whats up with that?' he thought with a raised eyebrow thinking it looked rather silly to cover his animal part. Part from that Haruhi looked cute in blue. Yumro pushed himself free from Yukie's arm's and slide off his lap to go sit over beside Haruhi. He found the way the other was sitting on fascinating too and couldn't help himself from stealing a peeked before and after he had sat down.


"Aren't you nervous about meeting that many people?" Yumro finally asked knowing just how shy he had been when they had meet.

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“Because there’s many species of demons” yukie replied with a sigh as he looked at Haruhi and smiled a little. Haruhi blushed as he sat on his chair and poked at his food finding the clothes rather strange.


“...yes and no...it would be nice to meet others that look like me” Haruhi admitted as he ate a bite of food bein careful not to dirty his new clothes.


“Well we might see about schooling out there and learning from the elders...they might decide to keep you for a little longer so you can grow up with their culture you would look silly acting like a wolf or imitating me...we imitating me would get you in trouble” yukie replied gently trying to explain why Haruhi needed to learn from his own kind as he looked at ren.

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Ren just send his mate a smile and a small nod in respons as the other looked at him. Knowing once origins was always better than ignoring them.

Ren self had never been apart of an pack before and yet he knew more things about being a wolf and how to behaved when around others of his kind.

Maybe it was drifferent with wolves? Or maybe he must had picked it up along the way as he had grown up.


Ren gently reached an hand down and stroke the back of Yukie's palm with his thumb. He liked to feel the contact of his mate and then feeling of Yukie's slightly cool skin in his own hand.

"I'm sure we will find someone who is willingly to help, but..." Ren glanced back over the table to Yumro. The boy to busy peeking at Haruhi to follow the conversation anymore.

"We will just have to see how things goes and then we'll take it from there"


After they had eaten, Ren helped one ot the maids making a quick lunch for them all to bring in the car. The bags was already stacked in the backroom of the vehicle and a comfortable seat had been made for Haruhi.


The twins had just woken up as Ren had peeked in one last time and both strongly demanded his attention and affection.

With a baby on each arm he went back to find his mate.

"see whom I just found awake"

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“Hopefully all goes well” yukie admitted as he finished his breakfast and went to go give the house orders for them being away. He turned hearing his mates footsteps as he looked at the kids and smiled snuggling his babies close adoring how cute they where.

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Ren smiled and his eyes was gentle when he watched Yukie with the little once. Apart from having his mate in bed with him, Ren loved watching him with the children. It was like Yukie's softer sides came out and his expression always seemed more relaxed too.

"I didn't really wanna leave any of the kids, but I also don't wanna bring them.. Yumro and Haruhi are just enough to handle but when I don't know much I wouldn't feel safe bringing them" Ren admitted as he kissed one soft, just-out-of-bed warm baby cheek.

"Behaved you two, we are gonna be back soon and don't nag around with Naomi all the time like you do me, okay?" Ren's mind spoke out to both of them and both twins seemed too look back at him just in that one moment and then look at eachother. It was like they were agreeing on something Ren couldn't hear before they turned their heads back on Yukie, back to their normalt playfull selfs.

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“If they annoy me I’ll just put them in the playroom” Naomi mumbled sleepily as he stood in pajamas his own child raven hanging off of him and demanding attention. “Raven likes to play house andnhelp care for the babies” he added with a cute yawn as yukie chuckled and ruffled Naomi’s hair giving him a reassuring kiss on the head.


“Don’t worry you have everyone who works here supporting you” yukie added knowing Naomi needed some reassurance.

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"And the kids knows the maids by now enough to feel comfortable with them" Ren added as one of the maids stepped forward to take over entertaining the twins.

With both hands free he walked up to Yukie and wrapped his arm around the other's. "And if there is anything no matter what just call okay" Ren couldn't help feeling just abit more worried since he never had been away from the children this long before, but he still wanted to go with Yukie.. If anything just to make sure he got back home again.


"Aren't you done soon? Can we go now?" Yumro asked impatiently from the door already standing with one foot out the door. "Come on" the boy yelled as he ran out and over to the car.

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“Let’s go before he drags us out of the house” yukie replied following yumro as he got into the car and made sure everyone was buckled.

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"Yeah, we better" Ren agreed with his usally smile and leaned back over to the twins to give them one last kiss before he rushed after Yukie over to the car.


The kids was just getting their sestbelts on when Ren pulled Yukie over by his shirt and bit into his lower lip a bit harder than just a nip. "No matter if it's just a small one, don't go kissing other people infront of me" Ren huffed but then pulled away and released his grip. He wasn't made with Yukie but it annoyed him quite a bit.

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“...he needs someone there” yukie replied gently as he licked his lip cleaning up the small drop of blood. “I’ll let you discipline me later in the bedroom” yukie added with a cheeky smirk.

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"I don’t wanna discipline you.. Just not share you" Ren sighed as he looked out of the window. He had the feeling some how this was gonna be a very long day.

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“...Mmh I don’t belive that seems like you liked disciplining me last night” yukie replied offering his mate a piece of chocolate. The demon smiled and continued driving the country roads beautiful.

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Ren just smirked as he took the offered piece and answered "No coment" in a small amused giggle.


They had droven quite a bit along the countryside and lots of small talk and plans had been discussed.

"I wouldn't hang around Haruhi all the time and if he needs to do something I wouldn't follow unless I'm allowed to" Yumro had surprisingly enough agreed on without any fuss.

Ren didn't doubt his son wouldn't keep to it, just had maybe he would forget or maybe get too exited when things would be happening around Haruhi.


(Have you planed what kind of people they will be meeting? It just I kind of made two persons up in my head whom I got plans with^^)

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(Basically old and wise centaurs you know xD but feel free to add characters :) Haruhi is actually going to be a centaur but due to his size it made yukie think he was a deer.)


“Well if you don’t keep your word you’ll get disciplined/ or stepped on” yukie warned the boy as he looked at haruhi who seemed to just enjoy the view being nice and quiet. He continued driving until they reached a big gate and parked outside of it before getting out and stretching.

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(Got it ^^)


The futher they drov this more the road disappeared. Soon the road shifted from concrete to gravel and on to a small path with just enough room for a small car.

Dry dirt and dust flew up behind the car and longe vins of grass sweeped along the vehicles sides until the path then became wider again.


"It's really far out isn't it?" Ren asked when he started to notice what looked to be smoke from cooking fires just above the tree-line futher ahead.

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“Mmh be thankful they gave us permission to drive through the town instead of walk...if they didn’t we would have started from the gate” yukie admitted before finally reaching the village as he parked the car and got out opening the door for his mate and then for the boys.

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Ren smiled surprised when Yukie went around the car to open his door, as he undid his own seatbelt. He got out and gave Yukie a small kiss as thanks before he stood and looked around the place.

Som people were outside in the afternoon sun and almost everyones eyes were on them. Ren swallowed on reflex, seeing just how big some of those guy’s were from this distance really made them stand out.


Two centaurs, both females came up to the gruppe. Both had long blond hair and their skin was just as dark brown as the furr on their horse part.

They both wore gentle smiles as they came closer and bowed just as they got close enough to Yukie.

"Welcome your Majesty, the eldest has sends us to come greet you and the boy you so spoke off to him" Both talked in zinc and their moments were just so as well.

They both looked over at Ren and Yumro before continuing. "Though we see you brought more?"


Yumro had first just stood starring at the huge creatures, completely amazed by the size of their hoovs. So when they looked at him, Yumro stepped back just a bit behind Yukie. "Please don't step on me" He whispered, truely beliving what Yukie had said.


Both centaurs blikked confused and looked to eachother. "We'll lead you the way and make sure nobody steps on you"

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