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♢My Master♢ {Yukonwolfspirit~M-jow (18+}


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“I see your point darling and I planned to tell you, I just wanted to wait and plan something nice” yukie whispered his hand gently rubbing his mates back. “I’ve created many others when I was younger....none of them lived for long due to the testing...my past makes me hesitant to let you know...watch was always heartbroken they never survived”

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Ren then suddenly sat up fully turned towards his mate with a deep frown on his face. "I don't need something nice, if you are worried about something I want you to share it with me!" the wolf answered just before he wrapped his arms around Yukie's body in a tight embrace. He pressed his cheek against the other's shoulder as he continued.


"You asked me to marry you right.. that means to help and support eachother through better or for worst.. I want to share your worries and pain with me. I hate it when you leave me out In the dark.. I'm not smart enough to figure things out on my own, but I hope to be smart enough to read through you some day." Ren's tone had turned more soft and the angry frown was almost gone as he turned his head to look back at Yukie, still with his head resting on his mate's shoulder.


"Please Yukie.. I can't read your thought like you can mine, but I wanna thrust you more than anything when I see you smilling back at me.. let me in.. Tell me if you are worried and I will worry with you. If you feel anger or sadness from you past, let me feel it with you." Ren's hand lightly caressed Yukie's cheek as he watch his mate with soft gren eyes, and even a hint of a bit of an smile appeared at the corner of his lips.

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“...the child if it survives will be a burden on my body...I’m worried that if it becomes to much my body will try to get rid of it” yukie admitted looking at his mate as he sighed. “I don’t like dissatisfying my mates that includes bearing children and since my body is always fertile it’s hard to keep from getting pregnant...it makes me also worry you might not want a lot of children.” Yukie added a small frown on his face.

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Ren turned his gaze away as he tried to gather his feelings about the topick into the right words.

"It not that I don't want children... I just never expected to ever have any. But I'm unsatisfied with how it has turned out." the wolf answered as he again looked back at Yukie. How can I not love any of our children? They are proofs that I love you more than anything in my life" Ren felt rather embarrassed to be saying something so cheesy, but en still meant every word.


Ren lossened one of his arms he had wrapped around Yukie to gently press it to the other's stomach. "This doesn't change anything" Ren's thoughts were heavyly coated with passion and devotion.

"I wouldn't ever haft to stop myself from making love with you and I don't care how many children we will get. I'll promise to love each one of them. But At the same time I don't like the thought of how it will damage your body, so we'll just have to work it out..." the wolf bite his lower his eyes as a bit of blood rushed to his cheeks. ".. I wouldn't mind being the one to bottom more.. If it would help?"

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“Well, you might have to during this pregnancy” yukie teased gently kissing his mates lips before pinning him down. “I’m going to be home more and I’ll be very horny” yukie whispered the demon playfully rubbing his hand on rens member “...I can’t travel anymore while pregnant my doctor refuses to let me so, I’m going to be sending raven on my work errands” yukie admitted his hands already having stopped pleasuring his mate now that he was busy working on his own clothes the man clearly impatient. “He’s old enough and I’m going to be to busy with my mate, since I am taken he’s going to have to fill all my old partners shoes and make sure I’m compleatly satisfied~”

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The mattress squeaked lightly as Yukie suddenly pushed Ren down. He gasped surprised and his hips jerked when Yukie wrapped his fingers around his cock.


Ren listen as his lover spoke but it was hard enough to concetrate when his sensitiv skin was being touched. "..Yukie.."Ren moaned, sounding disappointed when Yukie pulled off him just as his dick had grown hard and achy. But then he noticed that his mate was only backing up enough to get naked with him.

Ren watched his lover strip and growled hungry for more when Yukie lifted his clothes to show of his abs. He smiled and licked his lips as he got an idea, he gently freed himself from underneath Yukie and pulled his lover's underware down until his member was out.

With his belly laying flat onto the mattress as he bent in, Ren wet his lips before taking his first suck of the crown jewels.


"Then lets hope you trained your mate well.. we can't have the king walking around horny now can we" Ren smirked and took Yukie member futher down. He hummed delight at the first tast of pre-cum, but almost choked as the cock went futher down past his gag reflex when he tried to swallow.

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“Oh I know I trained my mate right...he always knows how to make me cum~” yukie whispered his hand gently playing with rens hair in a very loving way as the demon moaned softly having been quite pent up. “Just be gentle the little miracle is delicate this early on” yukie added pulling rens body closer to his with a happy little moan.

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Ren pulled back and let Yukie's stiff member stand on it own, wet and sticky, just absolutely fuckable.

He sat up and licked at his mate's lips as he got up on his knees.

"Just let me do all the work then" the wolf smile sweetly as he reached for the lube on the nightstand.


As he opened the lid Ren glanced back down on Yukie's cock and then back to his mate's eyes.

"Think you can keep than thing up while I prepare myself for you" Ren asked as he coated his fingers in more than enough lube. He had never touched himself infront of his mate before, and though it made him both nervous and shy, it also exited him.


Ren's face and even shoulders flushed with heat as he reached behind himself with the sticky lube hand, spread his ass cheeks with the other just until he had the first finger in.

"Hnh" Ren's body started to trembled as soon he entered another but it was nothing compared to the feeling of Yukie's inside of him.


Ren bite his lip as he started to stretch his hole wider. It had been quite a bit since they had done it this way so of course it hurt.

Ren looked back up again this time with an questioned look as he leaned his face into Yukie's. "Can I kiss you.." Though he knew he never needed to ask, Ren still did because he was more lustful than what he let his mate believe and sanity, pleasure and pain mixed his insides.

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“I’m sure I can handle a free show” yukie admitted with a devious smirk as he watched his mate start to prepare himself the whole process only making him all the more harder. “I like seeing this side of you~” yukie whispered his voice a soft yet powerful growl full of lust. He smiled a little as he gently touched his own member his cock throbbing horribly from all the eye candy and naughty scenes ren was creating. He stopped for a moment at the mention of a kiss and snickered. “Your the one who’s in control darling” yukie admitted as he leaned over and kissed ren deeply.

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Ren groan most impatiently as he sucked on Yukie's tongue. "Just checking" the wolf replied with an mischievous glance in his eyes as their eyes locked.

Gently he pushed Yukie by his shoulder back until his body sat resting against the headframe of the bed without breaking the contact between their lips.

Ren then slipped one knee on each side of Yukie's lap just so the other's cock touched his bottom. Then as his tongue started to slowly get tired he broke loss, lightly nipping and licking on Yukie's ear as the wolf spread himself wide and gently grabbed the base of the demon's member.


He knew it was gonna sting at first just by the looks of that thing, but Ren couldn't wait any longer and started to lower himself.


'Amh! Aha..' Ren moaned first unpleasantly as the swollen crown pasted the first mucels, but from that point on it was more easier.

"God! Yukie.. You are tearing me apart" Ren groan as he grabbed onto the headframe to stady hos trembling body, though he didn't stop moving until he felt Yukie's balls.

"Oh god!!" Ren squeeze his eyes shut as he focused on his breathing as his body ajusted.

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“Ren, don’t force yourself” Yukie whispered making his mate look at him. “I don’t want to continue if it just causes you pain” the demon added his voice quite stern and serious. “I don’t need a mate who puts himself through pain just to enjoy sex with me” Yukie added after a moment before gently kissing rens lips clearly very concerned he was hurting his mate.

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Ren heart melted from his mate's words and blushed. "Is okay.. It just been an while.. but it isn't just pain i feel" the wolf admitted as he stared back into his lover's eyes as the other kissed him.

"I just need a moment.. Is it okay" Ren asked as he wrapped his legs around Yukie's hips keeping their bodies close without leaned against the demon. Ren send his lover a small smile as he tangled his fingers into Yukie's hair "I wanna kiss more." He sighed as Yukie's lips left his. "It helps"

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“I won’t stop you” Yukie mumbled as he pulled ren closer to his body and kissed him deeply before chuckling a little and gently took rens hand moving it lower to where his abdomen was. “Someone wants to say hello” yukie whispered his stomach softly fluttering with very small almost unnoticeable kicks. “Don’t worry about being so gentle centaurs are a strong breed, it’s the non centaur mothers who have the difficulty.” Yukie admitted before kissing his mate again being just a little emotional.

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Though Yukie told him not to, Ren still didn't like the idea of stressing his lover's body as he gently rupped the demon's belly barely noticing any moving. "Easy now" Ren thought as he leaned down to kiss the skin beneath his palm. "You be sweet in there okay" the wolf said like he was having a small conversation with the baby before he looked back up at his mate. He smirked with a small wink just before shaking his hips to try.


Satisfied that it didn't hurted as much this time Ren started to lifte himself up and thrust back in a nice pace. To help them get back into the mood.

"I always forgets how perfect you feel in me" Ren moaned as he kissed Yukie down the neck.

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“Mmh this ones going to be attached to your hip...it already moves happily every time you speak” yukie admitted his hands resting gently on his mates hips. The demon moaned loudly as he felt rens devilish lips against his neck making him just a tad bit harder. “My, your so horny tonight” yukie whispered nibbling playfully on rens ear.

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"Well they do like me don't they" Ren smiled as his hips rocked from side to side while bouncing his ass up and down.


"Like you aren't" Ren chuckled aroused as he picked up the past. He planed to let Yukie feel spent when he went to bed.

He moaned out an cute cry of pleasure as Yukie's cock hit his G-spot just as the other was nibbing at his ear and shivered.

The sudden shock of plasure running up his spine had stillened Ren's movements as his entrance clamped firmly around his lover's member.

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“Ah damn!” Yukie cried out the sudden tightness around his dick making him instantly cum hard. The demon was surprised by the sudden release clearly having not dealt with such pleasure before. “Damn, that felt good” yukie whispered softly his hands pulling ren closer to his body.

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Ren closed his eyes and tightly held on to the headframe as he felt heat explode into him like lava. He bite his tongue as waves splashed against him in a dry orgasmen but his cock were still felt hard as Yukie pulled him closer.

Still a bit shake from what had just happened the wolf embarrassed hid his face into Yukie's neck as they tried to catch their breathes. This wasn't anyway enough to satisfie Ren but after his first ever dry orgasm his legs felt a bit numb.

"Ah! Don't move" Ren moaned eventhough Yukie only just moved them a little, Ren still felt rather sensitiv in the aftermath.

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"I'm fine with just laying in here" yukie admitted a small smile playing on his lips. "Do you like going places with me love?" The albino asked having enjoying having his family with him while on his trip. Yukie had always been lonely when he had gone on his visits to the village before but this time he felt rather happy and quite satisfied having his mate with him.

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Ren nested his head against Yukie's shoulder with a nod.

"It's better knowing what you are up to instead of me just sitting around wating at home though I do miss Rin, sin and the other's.." He admitted as he cuddle in against his mate. "I just hope me being here with you dosn't give you any troubles. From what I've seen, the old guy dosn't exactly approve of me being your mate and all though it is really none of his business" Ren frown slightly, worried it might had compromised Yukie's work.

"But I'm still happy that we are together" the wolf send his lover a sweet smile as he lifted his head and kissed Yukie's passionate on the mouth.

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The old man is being replaced by somone else of my choosing who will keep our ideas modern and allow humans into our world so that my contracts with the government can be fulfilled and become more compleate." Yukie explained with a smile the demon playing on his phone before showing ren a photo of Naomi holding raven the child now having two little black wings and looking quite unhappy about having his picture taken.

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Ren rolled off his mate and snuggled up against him as the other took his phone.

He smiled seeing the picture and wondered what kind of type the child were.

"Still looking just as annoyed as always" Ren chuckled but just looking at the photo made Ren feel homesick.


After having stayed in bed longer than expected Ren exused himself as he pulled away to go take a shower.

"Do you wanna join me love?" Ren asked not really wanting them separating but Yukie's cum started to leak which made Ren flush with embarrassment.

"I need to wash before going back to the kids" Ren explained with pink bright cheeks as he stood in the door to the bathroom and looked back at Yukie.



"You are Haruhi right? wanna come play with us?" A young foal asked, he was from the group of kids who was playing in the fields near the lake.


Yumro looked up at the small centaur and the turned his head back towards Haruhi. This was a good thing, Yumro knew that much. If the other kids wanted to play maybe Haruhi could make friends.

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"Raven is what most would call an angel" yukie explained with a chuckle amused by the angry look on his sons face before getting up and stretching. "A shower would be nice and then we could grab food and go find the kids there's no need to rush my village communities are very safe" yukie added as the demon went and stepped into the bathroom already turning the water on to a nice tempature.


"...i guess it would be fun" haruhi mumbled clearly shy abd unsure how to play with others of his own kind.

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"An angle Raven.. Really?" Ren smirked as he thought on the boy. Of course Raven was the cutest thing, eventhough he almost always looked annoyed at every living thing.


Just to be on the save side, Ren went over to their wardrobe and picked out some clothes and towels for them both before he turned back towards the bathroom.

The bathroom wasn't as big as the one back at the castle, and the shower stall didn't offer much space either but then it was lucky that Ren wasn’t that big.

After having left the clothes and towels on the shelf, he walked in behind Yukie and gently wrapped his hands around the other's wet body .

"Can I wash your back?" the wolf asked as he leaned over to grab the soap and an sponge.



Yumro gently encourage the other with a nod and a light tap to his shoulder.

The other centaur looked at Yumro, trying to figure out if he should invite the two legede too. "We are playing tag, you can come too if you like?" the boy said though it was only to be nice, Haruhi seemed to like the two legede one so if was more a way to win the other over.


Yumro looked down at his feets and Haruhi's hoovs. He couldn't even keep up with Haruhi let alone an whole herd and he had promised not to be in the way.

"I don't think I will be able to keep up with your guys, but Haruhi is very fast" Yumro answered as he nugged Haruhi's side.

"I'm fine just watching" He smiled and blinked at Haruhi.

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“Yeah though his scowl says otherwise” yukie admitted the demon rinsing off his body before raising a brow at rens request. “I don’t mind it...to be honest since we got together no one else has been allowed to bathe or wash me” yukie admitted the prince having changed his habits a lot for ren

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