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♢My Master♢ {Yukonwolfspirit~M-jow (18+}


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"Really?" Ren smiled happily as his hands started to roam Yukie's body. Soap foamed between their bodies as Ren pushed in closer.

"I'm glad I'll be the only one then" Ren thoughts almost purred as his hands rubbed down Yukie's abs and thighs.

"I really don't wanna share any of you, you are mine" the wolf then suddenly nipped at his mate's neck playfully as his body pressed in against Yukie's, letting the other feel just how much he appreciated him for sharing.


Ren knew he shouldn't be getting all exited over such small things, but how could he not.

Yukie, the all powerfull demon prince and his mate was always so irresistible. If it wasn’t for the thought of the kids he would still most likely have been in bed with this sexy demon. Slipping his hands lower until both of Ren's palms were wrapped around his lover's staff, the wolf asked hungry. "Mind if I tast you again before we dry."

More than simply just asking, Ren was already turning the other by pulling into his hips while he himself got down on his knees.

From his lower position the wolf gently starred back up into his mate's eyes as he guided Yukie's cock to his mouth and opened up as he sucked the head in, tasting both soap and skin.

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"Mmh I’ve done away with a lot of servants since you’ve become my mate the only ones I keep around are those who cook clean and care for the garden." Yukie moaned a little finding his mate having gone back down to pleasure him again. "But, once my travels are done we will be moving back to the royal home...no more living in secrecy.” Yukie added his body trembling as he laid a gently hand on rens head enjoying the pleasure more then he should. "From this new house I can tend to my home better and be able to have access to all the villages without traveling so far and for so long, this way I can be home more”

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Ren didn't release the cock in his mouth as he replied. "Good, I don't want you gone longer than neceassary"

It would also relieve him more knowing things would be more easier for his mate in the long run, and Yukie wouldn't have to feel like he and the kids very keeping him back.


The wolf hands had until now held back on Yukie's hips, but now they slid back to squeeze the demon's firm butt, encouraging his lover to find the right rhythm himself.

One of his hands then release it's grip, to jerk off Ren's own pent up erection.

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“So needy” yukie teased his voice full of horny lust as his hand moved rens head in a nice rhythm that matched his own. “You’ll have to help me pain our bedroom and the kids room I left them untouched so we could have a family outing and buy furniture” yukie added the make clearly happy to be moving.

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The wolf moan around the member in respons as he smiled. "Needy is good" Ren comented as he felt the other slid down his throat.

He jerked his hand to match Yukie and felt himself closer by the second. Everything felt so good to him at that point. Yukie's hands, the tast of his mate hitting the back of his throat and the sensation of exitment rushing through him.

If Yukie had fucked him instead, Ren would be sure to have his mind completely blank at this point.

The wolf trembled and his lips started to shiver as his breathing grew unsteady and his balls pulled up tight.

"Yukie I'm Cuming!" Ren just made it out as he spilled his load in a white jet over his fingers.

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“Ah!” Yukie moaned the demon cumming suddenly in rens mouth his body trembling in happiness. “Mmh good boy” yukie mumbled letting ren go as he took the shower head and started finishing hisself off the demon slightly on a schedule. “Now behave and no more...the kids are waiting” yukie mumbled clearly a little tiered.

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Because of his own orgasmen, Ren hadn't been prepared just as Yukie had his. So instead of choking Ren pulled back when Yukie released his hair, it made som leak out down his throat and onto his chest. He took a deep breath before swallowed the last in his mouth.


Yukie's tired mumble made the wolf smirk satisfied and licked his lips like he had just eaten an delicious meal.

"Is it wrong wanting to pleasure my mate?" Ren asked teasingly as he stood up and took the showerhead from his lover's hands to help him rinse the demon's back.

When done Ren pointed over at the towels and clothes he had brought.

"I just picked something out from the closet I thought would suit you" He explained as Ren then turned to wash himself off.

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"What exactly did you pick out?" The demon asked needing to wear something professional looking as he walked around the village. With a sigh yukie finished washing his hair and body before getting out his beautiful hair falling into his face and down his side's since it had grown quite longer in the last month.

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'In all my years serving you have I ever made you look like a foul?' Ren rolled his eyes before bending his head to wash his redish hair. It was by no means longer than neceassary and he had kept it short enough so that his bangs didn't cover his eyes.


"Honestly nothing you own could ever look bad on you, the categories are 'steaming sexy' and 'smoking hot' so I chose 'serious about what I'm doing but I'm taken and aren't interested' " Ren replied half joking and half of him wasn't. "Tight fitting dark pants (unless he is i centaur from, if so forget it) and an light shirt with one slightly darker stripe going down the middle. I thought casual but still ready for business kind of look... If you don't like it just pick something else." He wouldn't be offented if Yukie had something else in mind.


Ren turned the water off and joined his mate in the proces of drying his hair. The wolf couldn't help himself as he watched Yukie's exposed neck and bent over to quickly suck and bite a hickey. "Now I'll try to behaved" Ren promise but he somehow sensed he couldn't.. not after dinner atleast.

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"Such a devious man...you plan to keep anyone from socializing with me don't you" yukie mumbled as the demon dressed in his chosen outfit and brushed his hair out until it was smooth and extremely soft to touch. "Dont worry I'll keep my fans away" yukie whispered before kissing rents lips and slipping away to go find some shoes to wear from.his closet. "Lets go find the children" yukie added with a soft huff wanting to take a nap instead.

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"Not everyone, just the once whom keeps starring on your ass every time you turn around" Ren flicked his tongue as he went for his clothes. He just picked a pair of standard jeans and an plan shirt. Ren had just gotten his pants up and was in the middle of sipping up when Yukie kissed him.


The wolf hummed happily but then sighed as the demon pulled back.

"They might still be by the leake.. I heard them takling about wanting to feed fish as I took off" He offered an clue, though it would be pretty easily for Ren to just follow the boys scents.

Ren changed quickly and picked his extra pair of shoes up from his backbag, happy to have brought more than just the one pair he had torne when he had transformed to go find Yukie. He stood looking back at his mate, half leaning against the doorframe and tilting his head as he waited.

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"The fish lake is quite far from the village... the giant koi are my pride though, I’m glad they are being well cared for. Everything had to be relocated when my home was burned down so it’s nice to know the things that I saved are thriving” yukie admitted slightly happy to hear that the kids where going to visit his pretty fish. “Do you want me to take us there? I’ll make the trip quicker if we go my way” yukie admitted the demon offering ren the choice with a sly smirk.

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Ren rose a eyebrow as he wondered what his lover meant by 'my way'. There was something in Yukie's smirk that made him curious enough to take a closer step. "Sure, though I don't quite get what you mean?" the wolf admitted as he looked curiously at the other.

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"Well eventually I'll have to teach raven how to fly" Yukie replied removing his shirt as two big black wings unfolded being twice the size of both males. "Try not to scream to much" Yukie teased before picking his mate up and lifting them off the ground the demon effortlessly starting to fly to the lake while holding rens chest tightly. His mate was dangling down but with Yukie wrapping his arms so firmly around his chest he made sure to kiss Rens cheek reassuringly.

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"YOU ASS!" Ren's mind screamed in panic as he suddenly felt air underneath and the ground way below them. Ren hadn't ever been afraid of hights, but then again he had also never hang dangling so high above the ground with only two arms keeping him from falling.


The wolf's arms clinched almost desperatly around Yukie's back, careful not to get in too much contact with the wings. He did trust his mate not to drop him by it still frightened Ren enough to press himself as closely into Yukie as possible.

The soft kisses to his cheek made Ren open his eyes every now and then but it did make the tension leave his lims as he hung around Yukie like a frightened cat in a tree.

"Warned me next time" the wolf whimped as he pressed his face in crooked of Yukie's neck, calming himself by inhaling his mate's scent.

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“Want to try sky diving?” Yukie teased his mate before going up higher to where the air was cold and his wings could touch the clouds. “When raven goes up with me for his first flight I drop him from this height.” Yukie explained to ren before slowing some and going towards a huge lake the demon spotting the kids.

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"No!" the wolf quickly replied squeaking as they went higher. Wolves weren't meant to flyv, if they had, they would have had wings. At least that was starting to be Ren's belief.

Ren tightened his lips as he peeked down ower his shoulder. "You are having a blast aren't you" He groan as he imagined Raven like a small bird jumping out from this hight. "You'll be careful, wouldn't you? I can feel the strenght in your wings but Raven is still so very small and his wings just popped too"

Though Ren couldn't hold an normale conversation like this as Yukie started lossing hights and the wolf went back to squeezing his eyes shut.


Yumro were the first one to sensing something coming their way and looked towards the sky. At first he just thought it was som really big bird, but then as it got closer he noticed it had four pair of legs.

"Look it's Daddy and Papa!" the boy smiled while pointing towards the sky.

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“Ren you can let go of me” yukie chuckled having landed soundlessly as the demons wings streatched enjoying being able to fly around. “I told you I wouldn’t drop you out wings are strong enough to carry away prey” Yukie added half serious as he looked at his boys. “I see you’ve traveled to meet my fish” yukie replied with a smirk quite happy to see the koi as big as raven was swimming around.


“We are...we’ve been learning all twelve of their names” Haruhi added the colt already half out in the water feeding the fish each big pieces of bread.

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Ren opened his eyes and looked around them before he released his hold and took a small step back.


Yumro came running over, dropping small pieces of bread as the paperbag swung in his hand.

"Are those big fish yours Papa? They are huge! We saw once there was as long as me and Haruhi" the boy smiled as he held both his hands out to show it's size.

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"Yeah they are all mine I got them when I was your age" Yukie replied with a smile as he picked up haruhi and carried him out to where the fish where. The demon gently set the child down as all the fish swam towards him to say hello.

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"You alright Daddy?" Yumro asked as he looked up at him, tilting his head. Ren's face looked pale and his knees felt light like they had lost all strenght. He just send his boy a short smile and nodded before heading into the shade and sat down in the grass.

After the fright of the day, Ren need a minute to gather himself back. He watched he's mate feed the big fish and though Yukie looked just as tired as before they left but he still seemed to smile a lot more.

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Yukie smiled and laughed as he pet the fish and continued feeding them the demon enjoying his time out and about with family. "Ren come feed the fish!" Yukie yelled out to his mate his clothes soaked from swimming with his beautiful friends.

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Ren got up from his spot in the shade and got close to the edge. He took off he's shoes before taking the first wet steps but the wolf didn't walk futher than to his knees.

"As long as you don't want me to swim, didn't you take a bath already?" Ren chuckled as he feed the fish swimming up to him with the bread Yumro offered him.

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"Hes got the mermaids gene in him so he's always drawn to clean water" a familiar voice replied as Naomi waved holding all the kids in his arms while raven stayed near him.

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(I feel like such a bad parent! Which means ren too. I can't even remember all of the kids names anymore >~


Ren turned his head put at the voice, first a little confused but then he smiled brightly by the sight of the rest of their children.

"Hey what are you guy’s doing here?" Ren asked as he hurried over and greeted each of them with hugs except for Raven. Minding that the grown-up mind wouldn’t approve of Ren babying him.

Instead the wolf got down to more even their hights and smiled kindly at the small boy.

"We saw a picture of your wings, Naomi posted us. Can I see?" He asked happy for Raven.

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