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♢My Master♢ {Yukonwolfspirit~M-jow (18+}


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(I can only keep track of the ones I named XD)


"No you can't!" Raven replied firmly the child clearly having been quite the handful for Naomi as the man sighed.


"Hes being quite the hellien" Naomi explained to Ren being very soft spoken as Raven glared at the two and went off to see the fish not planning on listening to anyone. "The trip here was he'll with that one"

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Ren couldn't help but to chuckled as he watched the adorable Raven walke off. Though he looked adorable, Ren kind of feared for than one later on.

"Well the stubborn side I recognize from a certain someone" Ren answered Naomi as he glanced back at his mate still in the water. "Sorry for the trouble you much have been through" Ren meant the apologize, knowing just how they could be. "How about the other? Have they be just as bad?" He asked as he held his arms out to take the twins off Naomi's hands.

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"Perfect little angels. Haven't caused any grey hairs or panic attacks" Naomi replied with a small chuckle as he waved over to haruhi who was happy to see his mum.

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Both of the twins chose just then to each smack an at Ren's cheeks. It didn't hurt him but he still frown down at them. They smiled both on turn as he look at them.

"We really need to name you two soon" the wolf sighed but he still hadn't got any name suiting the two.

"Don't hit people!" Ren warned the two as they raised their hands again, but when Ren caught on they blinked innocently up at him with big grins.


"Same here, not that Haruhi ever gives any trouble" Ren said to Naomi as he sat down with his feets in the water. The twin babies now turning their attention towards the brightly colored fish.

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“Yukie should be teaching raven how to fly soon and then he will leave the nest” Naomi added with a small smile watching the kids play with the fish. “He might move to take over the angel village soon” the male explained with a sigh feeling sad some of the kids would leave so soon.

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Ren nodded silently "Yeah, Yukie told me but isn't it too early? I mean, I know his mind is older than his body might seem but still.." The wolf still wasn't sure about what he's thought were about the topick. They weren't animal and yet many shifters from what he knew still moved off from an early age.

Someday they would all leave.. the thought felt bitter and made his heart ache. Though they could be quite an handful he didn't wanted any of them to grow up and find out that they had to find their own place in the big world.


Absently the wolf had taken his eyes off the twins for only a moment, but it was more than enough time for the girl to wiggle her way down to the water. Out of the two she seem to be the more adventurou of them. She wanted to be out In the water with Yukie and the other's but as she crawled put over the edge to go to him. The baby tiped over and landed head first into the swallow water.

Terrified and startled she screamed loud enough for all the fish to swim off into deeper water and away from the group feeding them.

"S###! There there, sorry sweety! Ren quickly picked the wet baby back up and hugged her against his body." Ssh, there there"

He turned his head to look back up at Naomi. "Did you take a bag with you? Then I'll go change her"

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“Ren!” Yukie yelled glaring at the scene that he had just seen as he stormed over to his mate the water moving away from him as he walked.


“....um...no bag” Naomi replied seeing yukie pissed as he moved away from ren fearing the verbal lashing the man was about to receive.

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Ren didn't seem to get what Yukie was doing and he didn't have time to check. Instead he quickly took the girls wet clothes off and trucked her in under he's shirt.

The weather wasn't cold and the sun was out but small kids got sick more easily.

The baby hung against Ren's chest pressing into him as her crying turned to small sobs.

Ren glanced towards his mate, finding it weird why he would be so angry. Yeah, Ren felt bad, guilty for not keeping a proper eye on her. He was just as shocked and afraid of what could had happened.

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“The water here is freezing” yukie mumbled looking at his child under his mates shirt before snickering. With a small sigh he took off his own shirt an handed it to ren. “Keep her warm with mine. I’ll keep both of you warm” yukie whispered before wrapping ren up tightly in his wings his arms wrapping around his mate.

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The wolf blinked by how fast Yukie mood changed and first just looked at the shirt in his hand. He nodded and did as Yukie told him to.

"I bet she wanted to join you in the fun.. Sorry I spaced off.." Ren's head hung as guilte tore at him. He hadn't even noticed just how cold he was without his shirt on before he's mate wrapped himself around them.


Ren blushed for a moment as his body remembered what they had been doing earlier. It felt right and awkward when Yukie did this when others very around (Naomi) But mostly it just felt so 'right'.

"It very warm.." Ren said as he turned in Yukie's arm's so both babies were between them and gently leaned up to place a quick kiss in his lover's cheekbone. "Don't take off flying with os now" the shifter warned as he eyes Yukie, just in case he thought of something in that way.

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“I won’t take off, it would piss raven off to much” yukie replied with a cute huff before looking ren in the eyes. “Don’t ever leave them alone near water again” he mumbled having been afraid that his children had gotten hurt. He laid down his head on rens shoulder trying to relax and keep his emotions under control so to not freak out his mate.

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Ren bite the inside of his cheek. He knew Yukie was mad at him, he saw the fight in his eyes and it didn't help on Ren's conscience.

"I wouldn't" The wolf lowered his head again, this time meeting the baby boy's eyes. The boy had been so confused when he's sister had suddenly started crying and cried on beat with her, but now he was making normal baby noises and hugging the girl as if he was comforting her.

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“Good” yukie replied gently kissing rens head before letting him go to go gather the rest of the children. With a flap of his wings he went back off to the lake to scoop up the kids and carry them back to ren.

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"Great, now we have all their inpure pups" one of the centaurs said to her sister as they stood quite some distance away, far enough so either the demon's or the wolf's ears wouldn't pick their conversation up.

"Is it really true, is he gonna re-place the elder! I can hardly imagine just were our tribe might end up if the king wants to bring in outsiders." the second centaure stamped her hoof angry as the two kept their eyes on the small group.

"If we want things to stay as they are we might have to take matters into our own hands"

"Right, but he is the king, what could we ever do to make him Chang he's mind?"


"What about using the family." Another centaur they knew said as he stepped out of the trees. He was tall with long dark brown hair pulled back in hundreds of small braids. The fur on he's hores body matcher and his skin were slightly darker too.

"Maximus" the sisters greeted their tribemen and turned to face him.

"What do you mean by using?" the eldest twin asked interested. But the other females knocked her albow into her side, making the other jalp. "We can't hurt the children! I want things to stay just as the are as you two, but I will not if it means hurting children." the youngest protested daring the others to disagree with her.


All three stood still for the moment watching the king and his familiy walk off.

"We will figur something out" Maximus said. "Right now don't think anything and stay away from Yukie if you can’t. We'll talk again latter"

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Yukie had taken his family back to their home in the village giving the children a rare ride on his back as he trotted along happily. Haruhi giggled watching Yukie and followed alongside him Naomi watching the kids closely so they didn't fall off.

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Ren followed suit still with the twins wrapped tightly to his chest. The babies were already asleep before they reached the village.

He wondered if some in the village had some spare baby clothes he could borrow, but then again... Did they even have that for normal two leged once?


Instead of asking his mate. (Because he could tell Yukie had been pretty mad with him) Ren just set the wet clothes to dry as they got inside.

"I'll lay them in on the bed" Ren explained as he stood still with two sleeping faces resting on each of his shoulders. He wasn't sure why but he still felt the need to say it before he then looked back at Yukie, catching his eyes just before walking further into the small house.


"Papa, can we go feed the fish again tomorrow? All of us" Yumro asked from the demon's back just behind sin.

"Also there were lots of oftere children playing in the meadow, before you got there. They asked if we could come play, I was too tired and.." the boy looked down at Haruhi as if deciding what to say. "Well, we didn't play with them but they said they still wanted to play with us another time." Actually the other centaur kid had mostly only mrant Haruhi, but Yumro hadn't caught on that yet.

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“We are leaving tomorrow morning and heading home” yukie replied to the children before removing them and placing them on the floor next to ren. “Go to bed and listen to mum” yukie added his voice cold and emotionless as he left locking them inside the bedroom Naomi sighing.


“My...he’s quite pissed today did you guys not do it enough?” Naomi asked ren noticing how on edge and distant yukie was acting from everyone.

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Ren couldn't believe Yukie was still this angry with him, he wanted to follow his mate and figure out what was exactly making the demon this bothered. But he couldn't talk to a close door.

He send a quick glare Naomi's way not really wanting to discuss their sex life infront of the children.

"Now come every one, the bed is quite big enough to you all" Ren smiled as he started helping the kids to bed.


When the last one was tucked in Ren turned to Naomi. "I honestly don't always get him..." the shifter confessed as he's gaze slide towards the window.

"He has had so much anger in him since he became one, and is not likely the type to share his thoughts."

"Most of me wantes to run after him and get things straight but I don't wanna anger him more either"

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"...Yukie, he's complex...He grew up in quite the cold family setting so he might not know how to handle such things. I'm sure he was just scared for the kids. I mean at one point I believe watch wasn't watching him well enough and he did fall into the lake when he was younger. It only makes sense he would be upset" Naomi added with a small frown.

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"..I didn't know that.." Ren said and looked down deep in thoughts for a moment.

He knew only what Yukie allowed him to learn about he's mate's past or what others how knew Yukie as small would tell him.


He listened to the soft breathings from the children as well as noticing the weather outside turning. Big dark clouds draw closer from the north and the wind had started to pick up. An branch smack against the tiles on the roof but only loudly enough for Ren's wolf ears to pick it up.

'Did Yukie go outside just now?' Ren wasn't sure what the demon was doing by locking them in. If they wanted to escape they could just break the door up or jump out of the window... Rather the window.

"You don’t think he went outside?" Ren asked worried about the weather, though they were still inside the animal in him could sense a storm coming.

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"If he is he will take shelter at one of the small shrines placed thought the village" Naomi added the male trying to get the tv to work so he could watch tv. "If he doesn't he might just curl up and sleep somewhere his wolf form is quite warm this time of year." Naomi added raven sitting up suddenly and looking at the tv before crawling down and sitting on the floor watching the static. "...If only he'd take raven" Naomi mumbled finding the child quite creepy.

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Still, though he knew yukie were more than cabable to tale care of himself Ren did't like it.

Picking raven up from the floor absentmindly ren sat down with the toodler in his lap merly looking at the tv but not following it.

He had a bad feeling something bad would happen, but he couldn't pin point what it was that gave his Wolf the chills. 'Maybe it' s just because og the storm' Ren told himself and glanced back at the window that was becoming blurry cause of the raindrops.



Shadows crawler along the walls as they moved silencly in the heavy rain. Their coats soaked up each drop like dry dirt as they tracked every movement around the house.


(l am not telling nothing yet :x)

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Raven looked around watching the walls and then staring creepily at the tv before continuing to watch the creepy shadows. With a small huff the child pulled on Ren's shirt and pointed out the window. "We aren't playing outside" Naomi mumbled looking at the little creep as he covered the other kids more.

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Ren looked down at Raven as the baby pulled in him. He wasn't sure what Raven was trying to say but it didn't look like he wanted to go outside.

"What is it? Did you see something?" Ren asked Raven as he got up still with the child in his arms and walked over to the window.

The rain poured outside but Ren didn't notice anything drifferent. It was so dark one could barely see the next house eventhough every house in the village stood close to eachother.


Four sets of eyes watched the wolf behind the window from their hid in the darkness. The plan was clear, The king wasn't in sight, but the children made things drifficult and they needed the wolf alone.


A quick movement caught Ren's eyes as something jumped out of the bushes though it was too big to be an normal animal.

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Raven hissed slightly as he watched those creepy eyes his feathers puffing up in a slight defense. With a glare at the strange creature outside he held on even tighter to Ren's arm not wanting to be out down.

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