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♢My Master♢ {Yukonwolfspirit~M-jow (18+}


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The wolf bite back a laugh. "Funny way to put it" He smiled and wiggled his ass between Yukie's hands. Shivers ran along Ren's shoulders and his skin tickled underneath Yukie's lips. He turned his head and made the demon focus on another erogenous zone by kissing his mate with an more feisty passion. Ren's cheeks were starting to heat up from his exitment as he slowly slipped a hand down between their bodies and past Yukie's waistband, to feel the shape of his lover's cock.

He wanted more and knew just how willing the other were to give in to his one wish. "I want to feel you heat inside me really bad" Ren whimpered between kisses, eyes glistening with wet lust.

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"Mmh then let's take the morning off~" Yukie whispered his body throbbing at every touch Ren was giving him. "Be very quiet~" Yukie whispered his voice low and quite seductive. With a small smirk Yukie easily moved Ren underneath his body his own hands roaming all over Rens sensitive body. "You will be mine all morning" Yukie whispered before disappearing under the covers his hands pulling down Rens pants as his mouth eagerly found it's precious treat.

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Ren hummed happy when Yukie sat in action and turned them over. He wanted nothing more than to take the entire day off but that thought was too good to be possible, expescially with the kids.

Ren's body didn't hid the fact it liked Yukie's hands on him. The wolf wacthed as his lover snuck down his body. He could guess what Yukie wanted expescially when his pants was pulled down.

"Mnh!" Ren threw his head back in the pillow and held his hand up infront of his mouth to keep his moans back.

"I totaly took you for your magnificent mouth"

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"...mhm~" Yukie mumbled with a sly smirk as he continued licking and sucking Rens dick. With a soft snicker he stopped and he licked and sucked on two fingers. Making then all nice and wet his slid one finger into Ren before continuing to suck his lover off. With a small smirk he moved his fingers slowly stroking.Rens soft warm walls.

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The wolf lay panting harded that before with both hands blocking away any sound that escape him. His hips jerk up and his eyes slamed shut when he felt Yukie easing a finger in. Ren yelped an small whined at the back of his throat when Yukie's hot mouth sucked his aching cock back in. He spread his legs futher with trembling knees and pushed his hips up to give the other better access.

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"So noisy~" Yukie teased with his mind his tongue slowly lapping up his lovers shaft. Slipping another finger in Yukie continued to rub and tease Rens sensitive ass. Humming softly he suddenly took all of Rens dick deep throating the tasty member his body subconsciously grinding in the couch making him playfully growl.

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"Don't tease mnh~ Ah!" Ren tried to protest but the sudden vibration of Yukie's throat as he growled made the wolf lose the abillitis to think straight. "Yukie~ah~ I can't hold it much long ~hurry!" Ren moaned as his balls turned hard and pressed themself up in his body. He opened his eyes and looked down at his mate, eye begging as he reached one hand down to spread his ass-cheeks around Yukie's fingers. "I don't mind the pain just hurry!"

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"Mmmh no we will take it slow~" Yukie replied a devilish smirk on his lips as he suddenly cut off all pleasure sensations. With a gentle hand he continued to slowly trail his finger down Rens insides stroking him quite pleasurable before stopping a smirk on his lips. Thinking Ren was tormented enough Yukie slowly entered his mate, his throbbing cock filling Ren completely. "Shame I can't hear you scream my name" Yukie whispered suddenly thrusting into Ren going quite fast and hard as the male hit the others prostate over and over.

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Ren growled in frustration when Yukie cut him off. He twisted and moved uncomfortable on the couch, trying to get some sort of friction on his dick as Yukie teased his insides. "Demon!" Ren cursed at his lover as it continued.


When Yukie finally gave in to he's demand, the wolf sighed heavyly of the sensation to be filled. He held his breath trying his hardest not to cum when Yukie cock passed his prostate.

He feel the demon's breath tickling his ear when he spoke, but the sudden movements took him by surprised and an small squeak escape him before he could get to cover his mouth again.

Ren's hips shook with each thrust and even without touching himself, the wolf's dick exploded between their bodies, spraying hot semen as far as up his chest.


Ren's entire body shivered being even more sensitiv after his release, but his member didn't softened. He wrapped his legs over Yukie's waist and hands on each shoulder as he pumped his hips higher to meet Yukie midway and deepen their connection.

"Sooo~nice" Ren's mind purred in bliss though no sound aside from his heavy breathing came from the wolf. His sharp teeths digging into his bottom lip hard enough to cut it.

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"My your so naughty~" Yukie whispered his voice quite teasing as he continued to Fuck his mate harder and deeper. Smiling quite happily Yukie bent down to where Ren's chest was and took a sma'll bud in his mouth. With a light graze of his teeth he pulled and sucked on a nipple enjoying every second he could torment his mate. Pulling one last time on the sensitive bud he let got of Rens nipple and kissed his lover his tongue mingling with Ren's own soft tongue.

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Ren was finding if more and more drifficult to hold his voice back. His nails scratched Yukie's left shoulder and his forhead pressed in against the other one. His nipples were slowly turning hard and more sensitiv under Yukie's careful torture.

The wolf's face was starting to turn entirely red as Ren couldn't breathe enough air in. Tears leaked from Ren's eyes and tasted salty on his tongue when Yukie pushed his hand aside to replace it with his mouth.


Ren licked and kissed Yukie to the best of his abillitis but it was clear that it was the demon who was in control and not the pleasure crying whom could just barely keep his strenght up in his mucels. "Mnh~ Yukie ~ Yukie" Ren mind kept calling out his mate's name. He was dangerously close, just a second or so and he would be crying out his release. "Ah Cuming~ Ah Yukie! Feels so f###ing incredible~ Mnh" He moaned into Yukie's mouth not really caring who heard them, Ren was too far gone into pleasure-lande and was ridning on the wave of ecstasy.

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Yukie smirked as he pulled his lips away from Ren and watched his mate dirty himself with his own cum. Touching a sensitive nipple once again Yukie happily came inside of Ren enjoying the feeling of being deeply milked. "Your voice is cute~" Yukie teased the male laying on top of Ren, happy to snuggle his mate after their morning exercise. "Despite our fun you did scratch me up pretty bad" Yukie admitted stretching and moving away from Ren as he went to quickly shower so he could take the kids on an outing completely ignoring Rena bed rest rule.


"....if you two are decent in ten minutes the kids will be up soon" Naomi whispered standing in the hallway awkwardly.

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"Despite our fun you did scratch me up pretty bad"

"Then you properly did something to deserve it" Ren answered with a lazy groan as the other pulled away from his chest and lightly turned on his side to watch Yukie's naked ass walk away.

The world though, didn't give him much time to be as relaxed.

"....if you two are decent in ten minutes the kids will be up soon" Naomi whispered standing in the hallway awkwardly.

Ren wasn't ashame about them making love, heck, they did it wherever the change and mood came. But in a way it was kinda embarrassing having been found out but your partner's 'mother'.

"Sure.. we'll be decent" the wolf replied embarrassed as he sat up to look for clothes. His hips and lower bag ached from the rough handeling and though he did heal fast, the funny ache would still last him a few hours.


After gathering his clothes, he snuck in on the bedroom's bathroom. Thinking he and Yukie properly shouldn't be in the same room all naked against eachother just after their intercorse. For one one of them might want another go, and the other was that Noami was right about the kids waking.

He had just gotten under the shower when he hear the door crack open with a little sleepy face poking in. Luckely for Ren the child just needed to use the toilet and was still too sleepy noticing ren naked im the shower.

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"Hurry up and I'll help you dress" Yukie mumbled the male wearing just some grey knee length shorts having taken quite a quick shower. Looking over at Ren Yukie snickered and helped the child wash his hands before carrying them off. "Everyone needs to get up and get dressed in ten minutes" Yukie yelled as Naomi sighed and beckoned Yukie to come over and help pack the lunches.

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Ren shook his head and stuck his tongue out at him not seeing the amusing part in any of it as he turned away facing the wall with blushing cheeks. "I'll be out in a minut.. just washing something off first"


"Mmm.. why so early??" Yumro asked, his face was buried underneath the blanked and his arms layed losse around Haruhi's furry body. "Don't wanna..." the kid protested as he quickly nodded off again.

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Yukie smirked as he worked with Naomi to make a healthy lunch with local ingredients. The two working seamlessly well together as they continued to prep and pack the meals. "We are getting up early because we are going home and that way I can show you where our house is and where we can catch fish" Yukie added laughing a little as he watched Yumro fall back asleep against Haruhi.

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When Ren came out of the bathroom, he were both dressed and smell freshly of soap. His nose could tell they were making something yumy and snuck up behind them. "Looks good" Ren Said as he leaned his head lightly against his mate's shoulder and kissed Yukie cheek just as he snatched a cut piece of cooked chicken that was layed out to cool.

Victorious the wolf gobbled down his piece and quickly moving out of the way before anyone could start scolding him and fleed back to the bedroom.


"Ready to go fishing Raven" Ren asked the boy as he sat on the bed.

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"Mmh he does that again smack him with the wooden spoon" Yukie mumbled to Naomi who snickered and continued cooking watching the twins play on the living room playpen.


"Yes!" Raven replied quite excited the boy all dressed and ready having packed some books about nature in his backpack.

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"..mhmn.." Yumro groan as he tried to cover his ears and pressed his forhead in against Haruhi's side.


"Good we just need everyone out In the car as soon as Yukie and Noami are done preparing lunch. Can you take your things out In the car while I get these sleeping-heads up?" Ren asked, smiling as he caressed the boy's hair.


"Come on you guys, up and dress. Sin, Rin, Haruhi" Ren gently shook Yumro's shoulder, but Yumro just pushed Ren's hand away.

"Don't!" the boy hissed and wrapped his arms more firmly around Haruhi.

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"Yumro..." Yukie replied his voice cold as he watched from the hallway the demon having been watching his adorable kids. "You act like that again and I will punish you"Yukie whispered his voice slightly colder then normal as he looked at Haruhi who got up and went to listen to Yukie hurrying to get ready leaving Yumro in the pillows

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Yumro suddenly tensed by the sound of Yukie's angry voice, but it only lastede so long before the boy sat up and turned his way. The boy reflected the exact same expression his father was giving him as he answered him. "Fine, I'll get up"

Ren rolled his eyes and smack him at the back of the head for challenging Yukie. It wasn't too hard though, just enough to make the boy bend his head. "Ow! What you do that for? I'm up okay"

"Get changed" Ren signaled Yumro and pointed him to his bag.


Yumro step out of bed more cranky than Ren had ever seen him. And was it just him or had the boy grown abnormaly again over night?. Yumro looked more like in his teens now that he thought about it, and it definitely showed on the boys clothes when he put them on. The pants were shorter and his shirt more tighter around his chest and stomach.

"If he keeps growing this fast will soon have to buy him new clothes every week" Ren thought to himself as he helped some of the other kids dress.

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"I need a break I'll be outside" Yukie grumbled his instincts wanting to rip out Yumro's throat for challenging him. With an angry huff Yukie left deciding to go out for a long run to cool down.


"You pissed father off....You should be careful he doesn't kill you" Raven replied having picked up on the tense situation Yukie was emitting. "I'm younger then you but even I know not to mess with my superior" Raven added before following Haruhi out to the kitchen the male not liking the tense atmosphere.


"Seems we will be heading out on our own for a little bit, Yukie will me up with us later" Naomi explained to Ren looking at the two in the kitchen who had told him everything.

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"Yukie?" Ren turned around to see the other turn away,the wolf got up in a try to follow, but he stopped as his mate's back disappeare and the door was shut in his face. The animal inside him whined confused. It didn't get the situation the same way as Ren did, but it left a ach in him none the less.


"I know that okay, even without you telling me" the boy growled annoyed as he pulled off his shirt to change. Yumro turned his head back when he noticed that even Haruhi was leaving, clearly bothered about his behavor. He wasn't sure what was the worst, not knowing why he suddenly felt this anger or the fact he hated that he was angry and made his love once distan themself from him.

"Why am I the only bad guy here uh?" the teen scrowl as he kicked his backbag over and pulled out whatever shirt he got his hands on. 'Green.. I can do green, it helps calm your nerves right" He thought as Yumro took the shirt on and started gathering his things.

Yumro didn't know why but he had all these emotions now, all coming out at the same time. He feared Yukie hate him, sad that Haruhi had just left him and incredible angry why no one in the entire household could understand just one little thing about him.

Yumro wanted to cry because of how he had acted before but that only fuiled his inner anger. He then decided that if they were gonna ignore him for being a bad kid he could ignore them just as well.


"Yeah.. I just hope he dosn't do something foolish in the meantime" Ren replied with an heavy sigh. "Lets just get everything out In the car and be on our way. Hopefully it will calm Yumro too" the wolf made yet another sigh and picked up the twins to go put them in their baby-seats.


Yumro just walked by ignoring almost everyone and got the window seat in the very back of the car. He didn't say anything but Ren could sense the boy still had some anger left in him.

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"If Yumro explodes can I stop him?" Raven asked Naomi knowing all to well that if Yukie had stuck around he would have beat the brat mercilessly for such behavior.


"You leave the parenting to us" naomi replied setting raven on top of the car as he settled down excited to go on another car ride. "Ren...when Your drone I want a word with you" Naomi added gently after tucking Haruhi in.

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"If Yumro explodes can I stop him?" Raven asked Naomi knowing all to well that if Yukie had stuck around he would have beat the brat mercilessly for such behavior.


"You leave the parenting to us" naomi replied setting raven on top of the car as he settled down excited to go on another car ride. "Ren...when Your drone I want a word with you" Naomi added gently after tucking Haruhi in.

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