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♢My Master♢ {Yukonwolfspirit~M-jow (18+}


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"Why would I want to...eveyrthing that mafe my world bright had left me" Yukie admitted shrugging softly before walking more towards the fire.

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Julius eyes dropped again, he had seen the cloud of sadness hang heavyly around Yukie that he was afraid maybe it even clouded the demon's eyes. "Not everything.. You stilll got lots of people around who loves you, and from what I noticed you love as well.. I'm not saying you should just forget and move on because no body can do that.. But just maybe open you eyes? You world may had darkened but the world itself hasn't. It's bright with all kinds of colors" Julius said as he gently reached over the squeezed Yukie's shoulder.

"I'll leave you guys to it, go enjoy the time with you family"

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"My family has other reasons for doing this outing...so dont think you can just leave...if my idea is right we should have issues with our sleeping arrangements" yukie mumbled blushing at the sudden touch to his shoulder making the demon move away being slightly flustered.

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Julius frown confused at Yukie's words as he pulled his hand back. Clearly the demon didn't liked being touched.

He was just about to ask Yukie about what he meant when a strong arm pulled him in from behind. Hunter looked down on him as Julius looked up. He didn't say anything but the way he looked at him and Yukie in question made it clear he was asking where they been.

"Papa we got hot chocolate, come and get a cup! You too Julius" Rose called out to the men. She stood near Raven by the fire and was working on setting up some camping chairs.

Hunter lifted his head up and looked from Julius to Rose before Yukie. He wanted both of them to join the others too.



After speaking with Yukie, Yumro had started walking around to clear his head with this new information. Should he try like Yukie had said to? If what he was were anywere near as dangerous as what his father was it wouldn’t turn around for him any time soon. Walking in thoughts, Yumro didn't noticed where he was heading till he noticed he stood in the middle of a clearing. He looked towards the sky to see a blurry line of smoke in the direction of the camp. Yumro sighed as he reached a hand up to guide a long white lock of loose hair behind his ear.

Thinking on his own hadn't cleared his head the slightest.

The demon looked up in the bright blue sky, hoping some sort of sign would happen.

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"Mmh fine" Yukie added looking at rose before sitting down beside her and whispering the next few choice words so only she could hear. "But I expect you two to both aplogize after our trip though...I do appreciate the concern over who I share my sleeping arrangements with. But its not fair to suddenly throw him into a shared tent and sleeping bag with me" Yukie added also sending a sharp glare to hunter and Raven who shrunk back slightly from Yukies harsh glare. Sighing softly Yukie sipped his drink and relaxed his nerves slightly.

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Hunter looked down into his cup almost embarrassed. Rose however just smiled innocently and batted her eyelashes at Yukie. "Wow, how did you know we only just noticed the torn side as we past your tent on our way back here?" She asked, acting as if it all was a coincidence. "We didn't bring another tent with us and ours can only squeezed one more person inside."

Rose leaned forward and whispered "Do you honestly think it would be a good idea to set Raven up in Julius's tent? I know you could just choose to sleep outside but from what we've seen it gonna rain tonight."

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"You two are little monsters sometimes..." Yukie added lightly glaring at Rose. "But, no hes bunking with me im glad raven put it farther away from the others atleast this way i can get to know him more" Yukie mumbled clearly already overly fond of his new friend.

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There was a small smile on Rose's lips. "Good, then it's settled." She said before turning over at Julius. "It okay with you right?"

Julius's eyes peeked on the people around. "No it's fine." He answered as he pulled his shoulders up. "I got room." was the only thing he could come up with.

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"Mmh I promise not to bite~" Yukie teased Julius amused by the agreement to share sleeping quarters and a sleeping bag. "The onky person you should worry about is Raven but it seems he went home to grab me afew things and wont be back till morning" Yukie explained wondering what Raven was up to.

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"W-what! Oh okay" Julius looked at Yukie with big eyes and blushed a little as he turned his eyes down on his cup as weird imagines poped up in his head.

"Ehm.. I-I didn't get to try out the hotspring. I think I should go wash before it gets too dark." Julius said and exused himself to the other.

He knew Yukie didn't actually meaning anything by it, but weirdly enough Julius reacted to it anyway.

'Drop it. That your two only friends father! Don't go around crushing on older guys why are still grieving their death partner. Just think about boys your own age If you must. You aren't even 18 before at least 8 more hours so get a hold of yourself.' the young man rubbed the side of his head with his palm as he went to get clean clothes from his tent.


Just as Julius had left Yumro entered the camp through the treeline. He smiled a gorgeously handsome smile when he saw most of them there. "Hey guys, mnh. That smells good, did you leave a cup for me." He asked the group as he walked over to them.

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"Yeah have fun I'll come get you when dinner is done" Yukie yelled after Julius watching him leave before looking at his twins with a dissapointed frown. "You two are still young enough for me to ground" Yukie added clearly not liking being set up so shamelessly. "Honestly if i want to date I can find a man myself!" Yukie grumbled his face slightly red as he looked at Yumro who finally arrived back.

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"Not unless you've started netdating" Rose replied with a slightly hint of a frown. "You aren't happy Papa, not really. And I don’t blame you, but you've started to shut everyone else out.." Rose looked down saddened. Hunter looked up at her angrily and shook his head when they shared thoughts.

Rose frown at her twin as she replied to him. "If someone don't tell him, he will never figure it out on his own" She said as she stared angry at Hunter. The male bent his head in defeat and sighed.

When Rose turned her eyes back on Yukie it was hard and piercing, like she had just grown the abillitie to see into Yukie's soul. "Have you really looked at Julius? I know Raven have seen it so why haven't you? Why haven't you seen that mom's and Julius's soul are the same.."

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"....because its not like he would remember me if it was the same soul...now dont bring it up again just let me be as I want!" Yukie snapped glaring at the two before getting up. "I'm heading home....when you two are done with this game visit for Christmas" Yukie hissed the conversation having struck a nerve as he went and grabbed his bag before leaving to go sulk Raven watching from the shadows with a sigh.


"Just have the tent set up...I'll calm him down" Raven added not sure how he would get Yukie to come back when he was still reminded of how much it hurt to lose Ren and that he had forced himself to not even look at the precious souls he took care of. "Also...it would help if Juilus waited for him to discuss sleeping arrangements while I doubt he will share a sleeping bag with Yukie have him atleast share a tent for the next few days" Raven explained already running after his troublesome master.

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Both twins looked down in defeat as Raven ran after their father.

"He is right you know, Julius isn't mom" Yumro said after a bit. He had been shocked to hear the news but with how crazy everything was in the family, Yumro thought maybe he shouldn't have been.

Hunter nodded. "He isn't, mom wouldn't come back. But Yukie can still make a new happy life with Julius.. That is if Yukie can accepte him."

Yumro looked at the two and then at Haruhi. "Can the two of us talk alone?"



Julius sighed as he eased his naked body into the warm pond. His clothes lay folded to the side on dry land to not get them wet. Today had been weird the young man thought as he closed his eyes. Birds were calling out to each other above him and some futher away.

Some sounds of leaves from the underbrush caught his attention and looked up to see one of Yukie's foxes trying to reach the water with it's front paw. Why it wanted to to touch the water he had no idea off. But as the animal could'nt reach, Julius reached into himself to pour just a bit of magic out, just enough to make a small cirkle of water raise up from the pond and lifted it up so the fox could touch it.

It yalped surprised but didn't run or cower away. After gaining it's confidents it started poking at the bobble. Apartly it was very amusing because it kept poking either a paw or it's entire face into it.

"Shouldn't you been with Yukie or your friend from before?" Julius asked it but of course he didn't get an answer.

"..you know, I'm actually glad I came. I still feel bad from the way I talked to Yukie last time. I really thought he was just like my mom... I was wrong. You know what.. Yukie it actually a really great guy"

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"God yes...this is more awkward and cringy then christmas last year." Haruhi added remembering the horrible bar incident with Yukie getting just drunk enough to end up shaming and banning the whole family fir the next six months. "Follow me and we can talk" Haruhi added walking off towards the deeper part of the woods leaving the twins to deal with their mess.


"Mmh you say that until you deal with him" Raven grumbled carrying a very intoxicated Yukie who in the last hour had no suprisingly gotten so drunk he was overly friendly. "Sorry about this" Raven added as he tossed the naked man inside the hot springs and undressed himself before crawling in beside Yukie who was drunkenly singing a song in an old demon language. "The twins pushed him and made him sad do he kinda had a mental breakdown." Raven explained with a tiered sigh before lighting a cigarette.

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Surprised to hear Raven's voice, Julius quickly turned his head around to see the two men. He frown confused when he saw the way Yukie was hanging onto the other, but could clearly see the demon was drunk. "How in the world did things go down hill that fast?" He asked even more confused and when Raven mentioned the twins, Julius's frown deepened. When Raven suddenly threw Yukie into the pond Julius gasped and hurried over to make sure the male wouldn't drown. He held on the demon's shoulder until Yukie seemed to have found the bottom with his feets. When Raven crawled in and took the spot beside him, Julius let go. "How did they pushed him to become like this? He seemed somewhat collect before and you guy looked like you were having a good time?" Julius asked quietly, almost afraid of asking since it wasn't any of his business. But for some reason he really wanted to help Yukie.



"So.. How you been?... Yukie told me that you work as sheriff now, what happened to becoming a doctor?" Yumro asked. The walk through the woods had seemed quite awkward with neither of them really talking.

"But really, I know you might not want to hear this especially from me. But it's good to see you." the tall young demon tried with a smile, but since he was nervous it kind of felt fake. Not really caring for if his white suit got dirty he pointed towards two logs where they could sit.

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"They talked about ren and tried to force him into dating again...honestly they want you to to date....but the way they did it only hurt and made him upset" Raven explained done lying to Julius about the twins intentions. "They think that just because you have the same soul Yukie will have this undying attatchement and be happy again. But they dont think about the process that would take....Yukie and Ren lived together for more then afew lifetimes" Raven added watching as Yukie snuggled into Julius in a more loving way.


Thinking over the question Haruhi sat on the log as best as he could before opting to sitting normally so his bigger body could sit alongside Yumro. "...well I was a doctor for awhile....but things didnt work out and then i was expecting and stepped down and came back home." Haruhi added clearly to ashamed to admit all that had happened.

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Julius did listen to what Raven was saying but at the same time he was incredibly aware of Yukie and the fact both of them was completely naked. He didn't dare to look down at the other who was slowly wrapping himself more around Julius. He was afraid how his body would betray him if he looked upon Yukie's naked figure.

Julius's face got warm, he was weirdly tense and his throat got tight up.

"Hmh.." He tried to clear his throat as he fought to responde. "That's crazy!" Julius stammered as he tried hard not to blush. But come on. Julius was a young pretty much adult male with no experience. And here a really really attractive man, who were way more stunning than the teens most wildest wet dream was snuggling into him.. Of course he didn't win that fight.


"Mnh.. Didn't mean it like him dating again would be... but, I don't think the twins would be the best judge to find a romantic partner for anyone" Julius tried to explain what he had meant, still quite flustered. "If it were me I would be pissed at them.. Oh wait..I was played with too.." Julius lost the thread. He now wondered how the fuck he hadn't seen that coming. This time Julius face turn red all the way up to his ears. He peeked down at Yukie's face which didn't help at all. The demon was gorgeous and way out of his league. Besides, Yukie and him had only just gotten to know a tiny bit about each.


The whole soul thing wasn't something Julius belived in. Despite him be a magic user and knowing there were abnormal creatures in the world, for not to say a big bookworm, Julius was a realist. He only belived in things that could be explained through math, science or things he had seen with his own eyes.

"I think you are right" Julius surprisingly agreed with Raven. "You can’t just forget and move on. And even if the person was ready no one wants to be forced into something they aren't willing to."



Yumro slowly nodded knowing what Haruhi meant. "So you became a sheriff instead, thats quite a turn" the demon smile. "But I'm glad you came home. Yukie may be quite broken but he loves his family.."

Yumro licked his lip as he looked at Haruhi, he was afraid yo ask but also felt like he needed to say it. "You never thought to take a mate? I'm sure there are lots of people who have asked. Even with a kid it shouldn't have been hard.."

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"...ah sorry..." Raven mumbled finalky noticing how touchy Yukie was being and pulled him away back towards his own body. "Be a little more decent and cover up" Raven asked Yukie gently which compared to how he was usually talked to, Yukie easily obliged and covered himself with two giant black wings. Relaxing more now Yukie looked at Julius before snickering getting a light scowl from Raven. "Drunken Yukie isnt always an asshole but his respect for boundaries is another issue" Raven added with a small sigh. "Ive taken Yukie out on dates...with me and without me and hes comfortable dating...hes just having a hard time learning to leave my side and accept more then just me as a mate" Raven added as he continued to smoke ignoring that Yukie went back to Julius's side to snuggle the demon and cute males skin just bearly touching through the soft feathers. "Demons are known for having various lovers....Yukie limits himself to no more then two" Raven explained watching Yukie to make sure he didnt go to far with his new playmate.


"....After my shitshow went down...I can't exactly get comfortable around others" Haruhi replied already guessing Yumro had been filled in on the story.

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Julius stared in amazement as two black wings shot out of Yukie's back and cover the male's naked body. The curious part of him wanted to reach our and touch the feathers. But he didn't want to do anything than would make it seem like he was trying to make a move on Yukie. Expescially not after everything Raven had just him.

He smiled back to Yukie when he saw the demon's eyes peeke out between the lightly parted feathers. He was still very much aware of just how naked he was and made sure to cover his crotch just in case.

"Aha" Julius nodded in respons as he tried to focus on what Raven was talking about.

It wasn't hard to imagine Yukie with many lovers, it was the demon natur after all, but to hear Yukie had chosen to only take that few was also kind of humanly in a good way. Julius's though before his shoulders felt feathers brushed the bare skin. Yukie was there looking right at him. Julius felt heat running through his cheeks.



Without know he had held his breath Yumro slowly released it as his eyes looked upwards to the sky. He felt so relieved and so ashame because he had no right to be. He really wished he could he just tell Haruhi how that made him really hopefull and relieved. But then again Yumro had no right to say that since he had been the one how had left and stayed away.

Yumro reached over and gently placed his han on top of the other's. "I know that feeling" Yumro nodded. "With me It is because of the fear that I might hurt them that I don't get close to other's"

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"Mmh you have some time left till your legal dont get so flustered we can fuck later tonight" Yukie replied to Julius his mind still fuzzy but clearly enjoying being with Julius.


"Hands above his waist you creepy drunk before i remove you" Raven added with a sigh knowing Yukie was having way to much fun with Julius.


"Shush......" Yukie mumbled to Raven before wrapping his wings more around his and Julius's body their skin now touching in quite a nice way.


"You just say the word and I can drown him without consequence" Raven added with a huff annoyed with how persistent Yukie was being while drunk.




"...If i can handle fathers full out rage I can handle you" Haruhi replied his voice serious before laying his head on Yumros lap. "Im not afraid of you....Ive met worse monsters then whatever you may look like when upset" Haruhi whispered.

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"W-what?!" Julius's eyes widened. He was shocked to even hear that coming out of Yukie's mouth. "I'm not planing to sleep with you." Julius said as he narrowed his eyes. Eventhough he might had been fantacising a little, Julius wouldn’t have his first time with some drunk demon even if it was just for a pity fuck.

Julius stood up, not bothering to cover his naked body anymore and pushed the wing away. "There is still room in the tent but I should warn you that if you try touching me weirdly without my permission, though I might be very young, I can still man you sleep with your hands tied behind your back with my magic till you are sober" Julius told Yukie as the half turned his head back at them. Though Yukie might be hurting from missing his mate there wasn't anything Julius could do yo make it better and he surely wouldn't be used in that manner like some plaything they could just get rid off when bored. "I think I'll go on ahead and SLEEP" Julius reached for his clothes and towel as he got up the pool.


"Yeah.. Yukie told me you might had.. But I guess I first started to realise who strong you are." Yumro said as he gently played with a lock of Haruhi's hair as the centaure's head lay in his lap. Yumro close his eyes and sighed before he opened them again after s few seconds."I know I 'm being unfair but I can't help but to be afraid..." the demon's hands trembled slightly with emotions. "I know I shouldn't have run off after Ren's funeral and O know O let you down in so many ways but.. I never once stopped thinking of you as my mate"

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"Ha...I see why they like you...your fun to mess with...but so outspoken. Ren really does sleep in you" Yukie added before streatching and looking at Raven. "Happy? He has no interest in takijg advantage and sleeping with me and if he wanted to hurt me he could have done it at any time" Yukie added with an annoyed sigh clearly more sober then he had let on.


"....alright. Your right your right" Raven added with a sigh "though your playing....it makes me wonder how often you've used being drunk agaisnt me to weasel me into bed with you" Raven added not liking how convincing Yukie had been around Julius.


"More times then you can count your not very observent...." Yikie finished before getting out and handing Julius a towel. "Cover yourself up while I cant deny there is an attraction with you I prefer to take you out on atleast one decent date and since you really are harmless well...I do apologize for my behavior but the last cew suitors I had had ill intentions. I find it strange how my children aquired you so i had to see how far I could push you" Yukie added already dressed and back to normal and helping himself to a single drink his bag sitting in the bushes.


"I knew if i waited long enough you would come back" Haruhi replied with a sigh his eyes closing softly. "I want to go back to before if we can" Haruhi whispered afraid of Yumros response.

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Julius didn't need to be told twice. As soon as he was handled the towel he wrapped it around his waist without looking up at Yukie. He was angry and embarrassed to be tasted like that but inside he also felt a tiny bit happy he had passed. This was why he didn't dared to meet Yukie's eyes. But when Yukie called him harmless Julius looked up with an confused frown. "I wouldn't call me harmless. Although I wouldn't hurt people I still can." The young man said thoughtfull, tilting his head to the side.

"Lets just started by sharing the tent first shall we? I get Rose and Hunter might have predicted something but I'm fine as I am now." He lide but it was a good little white lied. Because Yukie was like every one of Julius's wet dreams thrown into one but he wasn't sure if it would be a good idear going on a date with such a man. "Maybe my snoring might scared you away" Julius winked as he took on his close.



Yumro nuzzled Haruhi's hair between his fingers at the other lay down while the other was speaking.

When Haruhi finished asking if they could try again it took everything in Yumro not ro cry in relief.

"No" Yumro answered simple in respons with a serious expression. He looked deeply into Haruhi' a way before he could. "I don't wanna go back to how how we were. We were just kids backup then. Yumro leaned down to bent himself in over Haruhi to kiss his forhead." I wanna start from scratch."

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"Ah if your going to snore I'll have no choice but to smack you with my pillow" Yukie teased back clearly enjoying his new friends company. "Im glad you are so trusting...raven doesnt let me around others when I am drunk something about being violent" Yukie added as Raven shrugged not denying it.


"Eh you can have a mean streak when angry but its others I worry about" Raven added giving Julius a stern look as if saying he was keeping an eye on him.


"Oh....scratch involves my little hell raiser." Haruhi warned knowing all to well the boy was much more like him then he would like to admit. "He's difficult hence why we moved back home" haruhi admitted not liking his parenting skills where lacking.

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