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♢My Master♢ {Yukonwolfspirit~M-jow (18+}


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“Just show the owner your id. I have a tab on the island that gets paid at the end of the month.” Yukie explained as he checked his phone before looking at Julius. “I’ll be there before you get to ordering any food, though they have good mozzarella sticks for appetizers. Go and relax for a bit while I fix whatever they need and we can get going after we’ve showered and eaten.” Yukie explained as he smiled reassuringly at Julius before mentioning to one guard to escort his mate to the cafe and followed the other two past the gates towards the guard house.


“seems Yumro and Haru had a fun trip, Haru might be a little red eyed. Please ignore it if you can, he’s easily embarrassed by such things.” Haruhi explained to Shan with a sigh as he hung up his phone knowing Yumro would be there for Haru. Settling down more he dug into his bag for some medicine only to sigh and smile as he pulled out a bag of candy. Taking a piece he offered the bag of taffy to Shan to pick out his flavor and join him in the sugary goodness.


“mom won’t say anything if I do look like I’ve been crying, he’s nice about it.” Haru mumbled as he clung to Yumro and held onto him tightly enjoying the gentle comfort as he shakily took a breath. “Thank you. For everything and caring for me. It makes me happy and makes mom happy too…even if we don’t say it often enough” Haru mumbled as he just stayed in Yumros arms not wanting to leave because deep down inside he craved being comforted after being so strong for so long. “Moms most likely found the bag of taffy in his bag…and tea I put it their late last night before bed.” Haru mumbled as he had snuck the items in the bag the night before as he often did when Haruhi left the house the boy worried about Haruhi being alone and still sick. “Did you…ever worry about your mom?” Haru asked gently knowing it was a taboo question but well he wondered if he needed to keep worrying about Haruhi forever.

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"Mmm okay if you say so" Julius said as he watched hoa lover walk away. The witch looked at the guard whom had stayed behind. "I don't need a chaperone to go to a café" Julius tried to dismiss the guard as he walked towards the café. The guard followed a few steps behind him to his annoyance. 

"Sandeslo stay!" Julius chanted out a spell that would prevent the person from following him inside. The moment he tried to go inside the building a barrier would prevent him for going in.

Julius smirked happy with himself as he really didn't need to be watched. The witch first made his way to the mens room to wash up . He'd just splashed some water onto his face and was about to dry himself off when he notice his marked throat. "Damn obsessive demon" Julius groaned with a flusthed face as he took a better look at himself. Of coures he had felt his make nibbling and biting but uptil now he seemed to have forgotten. The witch's ears was pink as he studied his entire throat and neck. Yukie had never marked him to this extreme before. Then again they had never been this much alone in eachothers company or as horny. Julius blushed trying not to smile like a fool at himself. He used magic to stretch the shirt to giv himself a turtleneck. Just to cover all of Yukie's love bites.

Once settled with his appearance he got out and ordered some coffee for both him and Yukie's alone with some snacks. The lady behind the counter told he she would bring it down to his table so Julius had to find one first. He did find one by the front near the windows and sat down.

Just in a bite his order was brought to the table and Julius began nibbling on a mozzarellastick, it was good.

Suddenly a man approach Julius's table. "How much?" The guy asked Julius was his eyes was taking him in.

Confused Julius thought the guy mean the snacks but that would be silly since the price stood on the board. "Excuse me?" Julius asked the other with a frown. From the man's appearance he looked to be a sailor or atleast a well trimed worker. Julius could smell the scent of sea salt on him. He wasn't ugly but not handsome to Julius either. 

"How much do you charge your clients? Or is it by the hour. How about 15 minutes nearby. It wouldn't be all that long for anyone to notice and you rich boy wouldn't be the whiser" the guy said in a low enough voice to not be heard by anyone else.

Julius stared at the guy in check. Did he just take just for a hooker? Oh hell.. Julius felt himself growing with anger.

"Back the fuck off! I'm not what you think I am. Go roll somewhere together with the other pigs like you and leave me the hell alone." Julius said angry in a warning. He would not let anyone call him a sexworker.

-------- -   -   -- -------

"If it was fun why did he cry?" Shan said as he looked up from his book a bit confused. Then he remember how nervous the other had seemed this morning. Haruhi had properly been scared with it all so that had to be why. "I wouldn't ask or tease him about it" Shan nodded and shook his head when Haruhi offered him sweets. "Can't I get too roudy on sugar" he replied.


"I am glad to hear you say that Haru. But although you don’t say it out often I always know it by your actions towards me. If you need to express it just come give me a hug or hold my hand and I'll feel it" he said with a warm gentle voice.

"Yeah I was but my mom wasn't like Haru. Although they kinda remind me of eachother with how strong minded they are.

He didn't show anyone how much he suffered but I could still feel it. It is just like a super power. I knew what my mom felt just as how you know stuff that Haruhi doesn't say to you about his health." Yumro explained as he sat with the boy. Letting him slowly calm down.

"Like you I properly felt like I had to take care of my mom too. Yukie only appeared in our lives later and I had a hard time bonding with him. We still don't, but that Is our problem" he knew Yukie wasn't the reason for Ren's death but he'd still blamed him in his heart. They'd only been a real family with the man for a little under one year when Ren died. Yukie was his father no doubt. He could see the man's genes in him just looking in a mirrow. But after Ren was gone it had just been difficult.

He didn't want Haru to grow up in the same way as he had. But he could only do so much to let the boy know he cared and loved both for Haruhi and him.

"You are a good son Haru. I also know you thrust me enough to take care of Haruhi to wannna go see the world by yourself. And I am honored, but as explained before you are still way too naive and easy target because you a child in most people's eyes"

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“You might wanna step along. He will turn you into a nice little bug to squish.” Yukie voiced as he stood a bit away from the man his hand roughly holding the shirt and scruff of an angry child who looked about Haru’s age. “Sit, or I’ll let my mate turn you into a toad.” Yukie told the boy harshly who only lookrd at Julius for a second before he sat down in a chair only to have Yukie kick the chair to the side to give him space for an extra chair. Grumbling a little Yukie pulled up his own chair in the empty space to sit closer to Julius plainly ignoring the sailor man at this point since he knew Julius could hold his own or simply ask him to step in.


“I don’t mind rowdy kids. Haru was a hellion at two and three I’m sure I can handle you being a touch hyper. I’ve cared for a lot of kids in my time.” Haruhi admitted with a chuckle as he offered Shan one once more not wanting to force him but wanting him to try new things.


“I know that…it’s why I want to go under Yukies watch as him being my temporary guardian…there’s an herbal healer I want to learn from back in the centaur village. It’s easier if I go when he’s out there…that way you can stay by mom’s side and care for him.” Haru explained having wanted to ask Yumro but well he didn’t want to separate them since this was the happiest he had ever seen Haruhi.

“Mom’s never been happier and I know he would worry…but with you and Shan being home with him he wouldn’t be lonely and would be okay. And three months wouldn’t be that long to be away to learn. Some of the medicine they know could really help people…I want to learn it so it doesn’t stay forever in the centaur clan.” Haru admitted as he sighed and looked at Yumro.

“I understand if you don’t trust me to go, I understand I’m to young and a child…I get it but it’s easier now for me to be accepted as a centaur with Yukie where there’s no fear of being hurt by them then it would be by myself when I’m older where I could be an outcast.” Haru admitted as he blushed a little and looked away. “…I just want to learn who I am…what I am. I want to learn about things I like from others who know more than me. I can’t learn that if I’m always being coddled by mom, this is the first time in my life I’ve ever lived out in the open and I don’t want to go back to staying locked away at home or escorted everywhere…” haru added feeling embarrassed to admit he wanted to be treated with more trust that he could go out into the world and find himself.

“I-I want to make friends….of my own kind also…or at least try. I don’t want to hurt Shans feelings though…. I like him… a lot but I want to know what kind of life I missed out on. Didn’t you ever wonder the same about the wolves when you where growing up away from them?” Haru asked gently trying to get Yumro to understand his reasoning.

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The man by the table look back started when Yukie's voice broke through. He was just about saying something back to Julius. And the witch was preparing to sent the man flying out of the building and back into the sea. He wasn't in any danger just offended by the suggestion the salior had made. "Might just do that" Julius said as he let a magic light dance between his fingers. Showing the man he wasn't just a normalt human. The guy seemed to have some sense because he very quickly stalked off as Yukie brought another chair over to their table.

Julius frown slowly faded again with his mate there.. and a guest he didn't know of.

"Well hello there. I was thinkig about buying some cookies just now. You want some too?" The witch asked as he looked at the angry child seated.

As he got up to order Julius looked at his mate confused but didn't wanna talk over the boy's head like he wasn't there. Instead he just pushed the coffee he had got Yukie over to him. "And I think my mate needs to explain himself at some point"


Shan bite his lip as he really tried to think it over. "I might do weird things though. Yumro told me you don’t like me doing them, so I can't. But thank you" Shan politely refused again.


Haru had never told Yumro the purpose of why he wanted to travel by himself but hearing Haru explain himself made a whole more lot of sense than anything the young centaur had told the before.

"If it three mouth it wouldn't bee too long to go learn more about your race. But I can't promise you Haruhi is gonna agree to any of it unless we set something up so we can hear from you. Haruhi is gonna at least want one phone call every day and if you don’t I would be in my right to come get you. Where ever you are.. but again I can't promise you anything will go that way. I can only try and talk to your mom about this. I too want to know more about my moms race but I never got the connection to any pack because I was a mixed breed and stronger that any regular wolf." That had happened in his teen years when Yukie wasn't home and Raven was too busy with the twins. He'd snuck out of the house and travled almost 200 miles by bus and walked another 70 miles till he reached a wolf pack Yukie had located some time back. He hadn't been welcome there. The Alpha had snarled at him once the boy had been brought to him and every other wolf around had been nervous and wery of him. He hadn't really gotten why then. But he'd leaned after that he would have no place in any pack and wasn't welcome either. Yukie had soon appeared and pulled him from the room out to his car by the arm. His grip on Yumro had hurt and the young teen had cried silently. He couldn't remember if it was because it really had hurt enough to make him cry. Or if it was became he could never have what should be a natural thing for a pack animal to have.

Yukie properly didn't even reminded picking him up that day. He'd smelt of booz and luckily for them both there'd been a driver that day or else things might have turned out worse.


When the taxi reached the mall where his mate and Shan was. He paid the driver and gently held Haru had to go inside.

"Since you want to learn so must about healing are you perhaps thinking of become a doctor when you get older?" Yumro had to ask.

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“Bratty runaway stowed away on a ship.” Yukie stated as he sipped his drink and glared at the kid. “He chose to try and sneak on one of my cargo ships but got caught and in his arrest took out a few of my guards.” Yukie added noting the poor men still lying in the hospital beds covered in bitemarks and bruises from the vicious kid. “He won’t tell anyone his name or even speak to them…I’ve tried taking other methods incase he’s mute. Main guess is he’s stubborn and doesn’t want to go back to where he came from.” Yukie admitted as he sighed and looked at the boy still cross with him but understanding. 

Glaring at Yukie the boy just flipped him off and sulked in his seat in anger.

”oh~ so you can hear.” Yukie added sarcastically as the boy rolled his eyes at Yukie who only chuckled a little amused by the spiteful brat. “He needs a proper meal though. Not sweets he’s going to actually give me information before he gets anything sweet.” Yukie teased as he was clearly trying to see if he could get the boy to talk only to see the boy huff and go back to ignoring him.


“alright well at least help me figure out what kinda stuff you want to wear.” Haruhi offered shaking Shan a whole catalog of clothes from his phone he could pick from.


“I’m…not sure. Medicine is interesting and I enjoy learning about different types from healing magic to modern medicine to herbal.” Haru admitted as he mulled over how much Yumro understood him. Getting out of the car he thought for a moment before taking Yumros hand. “I want to learn to the point I know I can save the people I care about. I want to help, but I don’t think I want to work in a hospital maybe I would like to make medicine more. I’m…honestly not sure.” Haru admitted as he had discovered the passion enough to build a herbal room but well…he wasn’t sure what his path was and was hoping that learning more about himself and the field of medicine would sort out his uncertainties.

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"Ah so that is how it is, well lets get some food first" Julius took three menus and placed them on the table for each of them. "Yukie don't bully the kid. He must have gone through alot and you can be quite scary at first" Julius reminded his mate and he puffed against the man's shoulder. Then he look to the kid across from him again. "Don't mind him he is just worried and can't help what comes out of his mouth at times. Do you eat seafood? Yukie says it very good here.. or do you have any allergies" Julius said the boy in his sweet charming voice he used on scared children. And when his mate went berserk.

He opened the menu for the boy luckily there were picture beside each dish if the boy couldn't read. "If you don’t wanna talk just point and I'll order it for you"


Shan looked down at himself. "I need more?" He felt a little confused as he could only wear one set of clothes but as Haruhi showed him pictures on his phone the shadow looked with him interested.

He liked black clothe but also purple. Tje style was comfortable and cute. He he really liked a black shirt with a purple ribbon by the collar.

------    --------------

"Luckily you have lots of time to find out what you wanna do. But even if you don’t make something of yourself I'll still take care og you" Yumro smiled at him. Really glad they had this conversation. He couldn't lie and say what Haru had said before about him not being HIS family hadn't hurt. But he didn't dislike Haru or was angry at him for it. All Yumro could do was to show Haru he wouldn't let the boy push him away.

Then they reached the mall. Yumro paid the driver and took Haru inside. There were quite the few people about this time. But Yumro could easily pick out his mate's scent from the crowd.

"Don't you two look cozy" Yumro smiled as he leaned over Haruhi seat and looked at his mate from above. The moment the other tilted his head up to look at him Yumro kissed him lightly on the lips. Only lightly because of the children. If it had just been the two of them he wouldn't have cared anyone seeing him kissing his lover with all of his longing for the man. 

"I missed you beautiful" Yumro smiled as he looked at his mate.

Shan was already over by Haru to show the other the musical notebooks Haruhi had bought him. And to check up on Haru well being. "Haru you look much better!" Shan comented.

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-I dont understand him…and I can’t use this don’t eat meat- The boy stated as he huffed and glared at the menu Yukie raising a brow.

-Mmh you’re very very far from home. Speaking the demons original tongue…your family is an older one.- Yukie replied back the accent thick and strange to other demons around them. Taking a sip of his drink Yukie waved over a waiter as he ordered a very complex and complicated dish before turning back to the boy. -You decided ti come out on your own, I’m guessing you weren’t allowed the right to leave?- Yukie asked as the boy nodded and Yukie sighed slightly understanding why the boy was so defiant.

”He’s very very far from home. Originally I could place him in Russia….maybe.” Yukie explained to Julius as he looked over his own menu eyeing the burger section a bit longer. “Kinda like…a cult? He speaks an older language of demons…I only know it from my travels it explains why he hasn’t talked to anyone he doesn’t understand anyone. He’s lost a runaway from a group that never lets their people leave. It’s something I heard about but…I can’t be everywhere around the world. I try to visit often but it’s been awhile since I last met with this group. They are from my father’s creations branching off of the first demons.” Yukie explained as best as he could to Julius as the staff brought out some bread and Yukie pushed it over to the boy who eagerly devoured the food.


Haruhi nodded as he ordered the clothes and extra stuff like it only to be surprised by showed up making him blush and smiled the centaur happy to see his mate. “Well of course, can’t spend all day walking around.” Haruhi teased as he joined in on the soft kisses and blushed even redder. “I missed you darling.” Haruhi admitted with a small blush patted the seat next to him not ready to leave just yet as he was still recharging.

“Oh! Um thank you. It was an interesting experience. I see you got a lot of good books. You decided on piano?” Haru asked a little off but still somewhat normal as he stood awkwardly in the store a little uneasy being at the mall since he wasn’t use to socializing outside of the house yet.

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Although Julius couldn't understand the language he was atleast glad he had done something to break through to him so Yukie could figur out alittle more.

"Russia that’s very far off. Sorry I can't speak it so you'll haft to be the translater for us Honey." He told his lover as yukie rang up ordes.

"I know but this isn't your fault. Even humans has such cults, and they have the police in every state and country to keep their eyes out. Its the cult leaders who are at fault. And demons aren't too driffrent from humans." Julius watching the boy stuff his face like a chipmunk.

"How will this go?. Is he beings sendt back Or?" Julius asked Yukie while watching the boy eat.


Yumro nodded and took tje offered spot beside Haruhi. He wrapped his arm around the male's slim waist. Greedy to feel more of the other. "You can rest as long as you need too. I myself also feels a little drained." Yumro admitted and peeked over at the boys talking.

"Fairy did a good job but the experience scared him. As you heard in the phone. He is still coming to terms with it.. and I asked Fariy about" Yumrospoke low enough so Haru couldn't hear what he was saying "..the arm. If it was possible to restor it. But he couldn't. I'm still going to find a way though if not his own then the very best prosthetic. It just gonna make life easier for him" 

Shan noticed the awkwardness in the other and wondered if Haru still didn't like public places. He looked them. Aside from Haruhi and Yumro there was only people walking by and som at a distance. Shan frowned worried. How was he gonna handle travelling alone like this? (Yeah Shan knows what he wanna hear through his link to Yumro too. Shan got an idear to make Haru forget his worries about being out in public.

"Yeah Dad said we should celebrate me becoming his second son and he brought me one" Shan's voice was a little louder than it needed to be as he said the word 'Dad'.

"I know you don’t like music and I wouldn't bother you with it too much so don’t worry. I'll only drag you to a few concerts I promise" Shan held up his crossed fingers as he teased the centaur. Knowing fully well he would never ask Haru or force him because he hated it. But he could still make a joke. Yumro said it was alright to make a innocent joke that wouldn't hurt anyone and that jokes was funny. This was fun to Shan and the boy chuckled.

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“I can’t send him back. He would be brutally punished or possibly imprisoned or worse. I…do have a place, a more calm group that’s what the old demon groups were suppose to be. They live on the outskirts of the island in their own secluded community. He would be able to live with an elder as his ward…he would be with people who share his language just without all the cult stuff. He would be free to go to the cities and would slowly be introduced to society so he could choose how he lives.” Yukie explained as he sipped his drink a bit deep in thought. “My only other option if he refuses to stay there is handing him over to Haruhi to find him a permanent placement. Being a runaway and a risk of being alone in a foreign country he wouldn’t be able to leave until his home is secure…I mean kids only 10- maybe 12.” Yukie explained as he watched their food come out the boy stopping and refusing to even touch the food unsure if it was okay.

-eat, it’s safe…- Yukie stated plainly as he pushed the plate a little more towards the boy and started on his own food.


“You should ask Yukie, when it comes to robotics he does have a hand in high end materials and technology. You’ve seen the helpers around the house.” Haruhi mentioned as he watched the boys a small frown on the edges of his mouth as he worried for Haruhi but well the lad had never shown any worry about loosing his arm.


“oh dad? I always assumed Haruhi was mom.” Haru teased as he smiled as Shan and chuckled at the crossed fingers and the threat of going off to a concert. “Oh! If it’s like that I’ll get to take you to something equally boring,” Haru teased having no idea what would be boring to Shan.

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"Is sounds like a very toxic environment for any child to grow up in." It reminded him abilities about the far out amish lifestyle. It wasn't healthy to grow up in such a closed off society. Although he had grown up in a witch's society he had still been alowed to also learn about the human world outside his father's house as a kid.

Julius got his plat with all veggies since he thought he shouldn't eat too many carbs after all of those chocolate coated strawberries last night. He didn't want to become chubby. The baked veggies looked and smelt good to. "Is he afraid to eat it. Julius fun it just a bit funnny. The bread had been fine but the meal might me poisened. Poor thing. Julius tried helping by taking one of the fries right in the middle of the kids plate and ate it to show there was nothing to be afraid off.

He smiled and picked up a baked tomater from his own plat ate that too and med a hand gesture to please eat.


You are right. I had thought about it. I'll contact him later today. Even if I can't call. If I write him a text he'll see it when he can."

--- --- - - -  

That actually made Shan freez for moment before the boy's face glowed in a dark red blush. "Well... I don't know.. he a man and to be accurat Yumro is more like a mother to me in that sense.. not that I would ever call him that!" Shan wouldn't dare to call himself close to his master in that way.

Yumro with his sharp hearing had heard Shan. "Shan just call me with whatever you feel comfort with. You are family too" he told the boy. Although he also hoped Shan wouldn't start calling him mom. It him that was just weird to hear someone call him that.


On 7/14/2024 at 7:58 PM, Yukonwolfspirit said:

“Oh! If it’s like that I’ll get to take you to something equally boring,”

Shan snorted "Good luck. I even find your snoring entertaining" he teased right back and pulled Haru with him over to the couch across from the adults. "Of course you don't do it all the time.. do I snore.. I wonder if I can?" Shan's thoughts drifted now all o  their own.

"Oh! Mathematics is super boring. I think those are the only books of yours I would never need to read. Its all the same and why do you need to mix in alphabets like X and Y? No don't tell me I don't wanna hear it"

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“He’s not afraid…of eating, just he can’t do anything until an elder allows it.” Yukie admitted as he sighed and firmly pushed the plate a little closer to the kid. “I think he’s more in defense mode, he’s most likely never been allowed to do anything without approval. Not only that…he most likely is more…feral in the sense of food. Blame my father for that one.” Yukie explained as he took a bite of his own salad and chewed for a moment before swallowing. “He believed pure demons could survive off of raw meat and very little else…and while that’s true for me it’s not for others. His old home must follow a fasting regime, he’s very thin and is a touch nervous about accepting this meal because he had already ate.” Yukie explained softly his voice the whole time low enough for only Julius to hear. 

-Eat, you’re making my mate worry. If you’re full that’s fine but don’t act like we are dangerous. We’re the only safety you have right now.- Yukie started as he looked at the boy who frowned and picked his fork poking at his plate.

-My name is Viktor.- The boy replied as he looked a little bit at Julius before blushing. -Your mate is kind…very nice…and kind I don’t want him to worry…but I cannot eat this. It’s not allowed just bread.- The boy added with a small blush making Yukie laugh in amusement as he looked at Julius gently nudging him.

”His name is Viktor, he likes you, says your nice and kind he is concerned that you are worried about him.” Yukie explained to Julius with a smile as he couldn’t help but relax a bit at the fact that Viktor found his mate comfortable to be around.


“It wouldn’t hurt, though…I do need to get him to a demon doctor for a checkup and vaccines…. I was wondering if you would want to help me with it he seems so trusting around you.” Haruhi admitted with a small blush as he wasn’t fully ready to admit how horrible it was to even get Haru to the drs office to be seen. The last time they had been at the drs they ended up banned from the office for Haru throwing such a fuss as a younger kid.


“does that mean I can call you mom to?” Haru shot back with a cheeky laugh as he looked at the two snuggled on the couch. “We can get you matching aprons!” Haru added as Haruhi shook his head in amusement at how comfortable Haru had become about lightly teasing Yumro. Following Shan over Haru rolled his eyes a little at the mention of mathematics. “I have no idea, honestly it makes no sense and I hate doing those books. But I suppose I need some sense of math if I’m going out into the world.” Haru admitted as he settled down next to Yumro beside Shan.

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"Until an elder allows it huh" Julius replied the words. He didn't like it at all. This boy was already too skinny and it was a crime to let any kid starve.

When Yukie relate his words to Julius the witch smiled at the boy. "You can you please translater for me. I wanna ask him why he went away? Ask if he chose to do it himself or if he was forced" 

He awaited the answer before asking something else. "By leaving his clan he has already broken a law to get away from his old life. He dosen't haft to follow those rules anymore and he can eat what he wants and not needing starv himlen gor permission. If you are hungry and have food which has been provided for you, you should eat"


"You already knew I would never tell you no and if you need my help I'll definitely do anything for you" Yumro smiled sweetly as he looked at his mate lovingly. Today had been exhausting for him but he would be there to help out for the restof his life. Haru had a rough mouth with no filter most of the time. He was a big handfull but he still loved the kid.

"Also.. later I think we should sit down and talk with Haru with an open mind. He told me abit about why he really wants to travle alone and I think you should hear him out. I've not promised him anything more that I would ask you to listen to him." Yumro explained.


Shan nodded in agreement. "There you see. I'm not gonna be easy to bore" the Shadow chuckled as he gently packed his book back into the plastic bag till they got home again. But don't worry I didn't really mean it when I said I would take you to a concert. I was just messing with you. I know you are gonna be very busy."

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“Of course I can but…my guess is it was a mix of both, usually when we do find them this young they were thrown out as an example to the others. The guards would bring them back half alive after the elder was allowing his acceptance back to show what happens when you leave or break their rules.” Yukie stated as he continued to eat and took a sip of his water before continuing.

“They most likely never planned on Viktor taking the chance to run. He must be scared because he’s escaped those hunting him to bring him back and hide their cult more than once. They would have hunted him and he would have gone back to be punished or imprisoned.” Yukie added as he looked over to Viktor and asked him if the story was true the boy nodding as Viktor went just a touch pale at the realization of what he had escaped. 

Listening to Julius Yukie nodded a little as he translated for his mate Viktor nodding a little as he poked at his food hesitantly and continued to eat. Viktor was slowly realizing that  the two strangers before him knew exactly what was going on and he was more safe then he would have even known.  Looking down at his plate again Viktor poked at his food still before taking a few bigger bites taking the chance to eat now since he didn’t know what would be coming in the journey ahead.

”we will most likely make a side trip to drop him off at a safe house and assign him a guardian. After a few months I’ll check in and see how he is and see if he’s willing to explain more about his home to where I can go and fix things.” Yukie added as he looked at Julius with a small sigh. “I’m hoping I can just arrest those responsible and it won’t end in bloodshed like the last two.” Yukie murmured as he continued to eat.


“Oh really? Doctor visits are a big ask. You can’t just bribe him to behave with sweets.” Haruhi teased as he chuckled and texted Yumro that the doctors appointment was in three days from a new demon doctor that Yukie had contracted for the island he was building. “He’s willing to travel to visit Haru…so it will be a basic checkup he travels to villages for immunizations.” Haruhi explained with a small chuckle as he watched the boys before turning to Yumro taking in his words. 

“Sending him out alone…it’s more than just his age…it’s just he’s so unprepared to be in the world he’s never been out in the world to begin with.” Haruhi stated as he sighed at the trouble and looked down at his hands for a moment. “I’m willing to listen…to have an open mind.” Haruhi replied as he knew he couldn’t watch over Haru forever. “If I do, I want you to do some things for me in exchange.” Haruhi added with a devious smirk.


“I’ll be able to make time to visit and hang out…my studies won’t take up all my time.” Haru replied not really getting what Shan meant. “Besides I wouldn’t absolutely hate seeing a classical music concert…you can’t say you dislike something until you’ve tried it.” Haru admitted with a small blush as he didn’t want to outright admit he would always ditch plans to hand with Shan.

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Julius frown at his mate. Well not at Yukie but at what he told him. "That is just messed up and totally child abuse.." Julius felt outraged. "How anyone can harm children! Those people are beyond evil. Its inhuman even if they are demons." He tried not to raise his voice to alarm the kid that he was angry on his behaves. This was another reason to why he wanted the school. To protect children who needed someone to protect them. Against their own powers or their family.

It felt alittle better when he saw Viktor finally began to eat the food on his plate and not just the bread.

11 hours ago, Yukonwolfspirit said:

"We will most likely make a side trip to drop him off at a safe house and assign him a guardian."

"Yeah of coures" Julius nodded completly understanding the change of plans and he wasn't made about it. If anything he wanted to help Viktor too. The witch touched Yukie's hand and gave it a little squeezed. He didn't mind setting their plans aside to help a child out. And he loved the fact that Yukie had the same mindset. 

They stayed until they were sure Viktor had eaten his fill. After Julius bought a brown bag with chocolatechips cookies for the drive.


"I'm not backing out if that is what you are afraid off. I have my ways and I'm sure Haru also know he needs to prove himself to us, that he is as mature as he think himself."

Yumro snuggled into Haruhi's side. "We'll take things as they come. I know you are worried and it is normal, you will always be his mom. We'll all sit down and speak about this later. Not now. Now let's just enjoy this little victory. You getting better. Haru is now free from his contract. And you've got another son. And most importantly" he smiled as he leaned in to kiss Haruhi's temple "you got me and I got your back always"


Shan felt happy inside to hear Haru would still make time for him. He really hoped the other meant it even when he left. He didn't want Haru to go but he also wanted Haru to be happy and do as he wanted. He felt torn. Shan had seen mostly of the world himself through Yumro. But Haru didn't have that. 

"Pinky Promise" Shan said as he held his littlefinger out for Haru. To promise that he would make time for him in the futur.

"Don't worry you'll handle yourself better out there than you think. I just know it" Shan said out of the blue. "You are getting better and better aroused crowds too." 

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“It’s because some older demons still base their way of life on how my father viewed how demons should live and be raised. Total obedience and servitude. Punishment and reward. Make an example when one steps out of line.” Yukie explained with an angry scowl as he clearly hated thinking back to his years growing up. “When I was younger I never knew he was setting up a demon society….it wasn’t until I was living on my own for a few years…that I realized how bad things where, even so many years later I’m still trying to fix his influence on demons.” Yukie explained with a small sigh as he watched Viktor a flash of deep guilt in his eyes as he believed his creation and his unwilling creation of other demons had created the situation before him. Holding Julius’s hand close Yukie did his best to push past it and could only smirk at the sight of Viktor enjoying his fill and the small cake afterwards.

Going to the counter Yukie paid for their meals and a few other things that where packed into a small bag for Viktor only to chuckle at the cookies Julius had in the bag. 

“Now then, let’s be off. I want to get to our safe house before night.” Yukie stated as he lead the way Viktor hesitantly following as he gently clung to Julius’s hand and arm for security.


“I’m very very lucky for everything I have.” Haruhi whispered as he kissed Yumro softly and cuddled more into his mate. “You planned lunch? Is it a surprise?” He asked just cuddling and adoring Yumros hand with soft kisses as he watched over the boys.


“I promise I’ll make time. Like I said school and life won’t keep my away from visiting and hanging out.” Haru promised with a smile as he pinky promised. “Besides I plan to at least call you often and text every day. Not like I’m not going to hear from you again…I’d miss your snoring to much.” Haru teased Shan with a laugh as he playfully tackled Shan and pulled him close to lightly rough him up a little before they headed back to their parents.

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Julius squeezed Yukie's hand. He wished Yukie's life hadn't been so hard. He had only met Yukie's  father once andre struck him as a person who had his own idears and visions. Not of those things could have been something Yukie could have prevent.

"You can't know everything ahead of time. Amd you can't redo everything your father did. But you can help them change. If not then just let me handle them. Lets see how willing they are to change after having hung upsidedown from their toes for a week. I am not joking. I can make that happen" Julius offered seriously just before they got out of their chairs.

Julius looked down at Viktor with a gentle smile as he felt the boy tuck on his sleev. Quitely asking if he could hold his hand. Julius opened hos palm and the boys small varm hand slipped into his. Although the two couldn't understand eachother he was happy that Viktor was somewhat comfortable with him and thrusted both he and Yukie to keep him safe.

When they reached the car. Julius stopped and called out to his mate before the other could get into the car. "Yukie wait! Just a second" Julius blushed as he remember what they'd been doing in there all the time inside the car. They couldn't just take a child in. Although just had clean the seats there was still properly used condoms laying around. The witch's face was so red as he casted a spell to deep clean the entire inside of the car. 

Inside everythingstood as new. Only the champagne, glasses and condoms had been completly cleaned out of the car. And Julius had packed the lube back in his bag in the trunk. "There. Now it's safe to enter" Julius shook his head with a emner chuckle and showed Viktor into the clean car.

Julius watched the boy looking at everything inside the big car. He'd properly never been in a limousine before and it had so much space. Julius sat down with the cookies and offered the bag to Viktor as they all settled in.


Yumro's eyes turned so very soft when his mate so openly shower him his affection. Yumro still sometimes had a hard time beliving how lucky he had become. When Haruhi was like this, the demon felt all giddy and shy inside and so very full with joy. All the time before now where the love of his life didn't want to have anything to do with him for years, now all seemed like a bad dream.

"It depends on what you want love. We can eat out or we eat back home. I would prefer tiring the boys out before I get to have my fill of you." He smirked with a charm smile as he gently pulled his hand free from Haruhi's grib to lift the other's chin up so he could kiss him passionately on the mouth.

"I can never have enough of you. You are addictive in all the best ways..  but food first or I'll just eat you up" the demon teased before kissing him a second time just before he saw the boy coming over.


"Hey! I don't snor" Shan huffed as Haru returned his teasing from before. The boy laughed along with the other as they ruffled around. Shan squealed with laugher as the two boys innocently wrestled eachother. Even if Haru only had one arm he could still hold his own against Shan.

It ended with both boys being out of breath and still giggling as they stood up. Shan held onto Haru's shirt as they walked in on the adults. Both men were tangled up in eachother but separated a little (atleast their lips) when they approached.

"Can we go eat now?" Shan asked. Looking at both Yumro and Haruhi at turns.

Yumro chuckled as he looked to his mate. "I can carry you if you are still tired" Yukie offered Haruhi.

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-it was just you right Viktor?- Yukie asked the boy who hesitantly nodded only to look away from Yukie’s gaze clearly hiding the truth. -Viktor….I cannot leave anyone here unattended. You won’t be able to come back to find them.- Yukie warned his voice sharp as Viktor looked a little panicked and Yukie sighed pinching the bridge of his nose as he pulled out his phone.  “Yeah, I need a deep search for others before we leave. I’m not sure there aren’t others hidden.” Yukie added as he looked at Viktor who held up his arms in defeat.

-They are in the cargo.- Viktor mumbled more in shame and fear and worry then in true defeat.

-Thank you.- Yukie replied as he looked to Julius. “Darling, I’m going to make sure that there isn’t any one else hiding. The fact he has no belongings…is suspicious. Most we find have at least whatever they could steal to get here.” Yukie explained as he sighed a little. “Can you sit with Viktor until I’m back? It will only be ten minutes at worst.” Yukie added preparing to demon mist search the island.


“oh you think I’m up for more when we get home~” Haruhi teased Yumro with a cheeky kiss to the man’s lips with just as much passion as Yumro gave. Being left breathless and blushing Haruhi fixed himself a little as the boys came over both seeming quite happy. “Yeah we should get lunch now. As for being carried I think I’ll decline, I don’t want all the stares being carried into a restaurant.” Haruhi admitted with a chuckle as Haru snorted imagining just how strange it would be to see. 

“At least he isn’t carrying you in as a horse. It would freak people out being as large as you are in that form.” Haru added to the conversation as he looked at the two. “So, where is father dearest taking us to eat?” Haru asked curiously.

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Julius knew the tone Yukie used was one he used when he worked and needed clear answers. He looked between his mate and the boy and could see how uncomfortable Viktor was.

Julius listened when Yukie made a call on his cellphone. Maybe there were more kids hidding that they just hadn't found. Julius looked to his mate with worry. "You think there could be more kids hidden away." Julius looked worried. "Of course I don't mind looking after Viktor but if you need help I could do an detection spell. I'm worried that you might miss someone and they gets shipped off." Julius said as he thought of a lot of things right that momet. He had heard of immigrants dying in ship containers after months of starvation. And jugding by how Viktor looked he guessed another wouldn't be looking any better. "If that dosen't work I can summon Willow to scent them out."


 Yumro just smiled. "I don't just mean sex love. Although I can't say that I don't think of it. I can recharge in otherways too." He chuckled as Haruhi kissed him. The demon took in a deep breath of Haruhi's scent before they were interrupted.

Yumro huffed amused when Haruhi declined his offer to carry him. Like he'd care what other's thought of them. He cared only for Haruhi's comfort but would do it if Haruhi reached disse want him too.

"Okay I wouldn't" he smiled but rose an eyebrow when Haru called him. 'Father dearest'. It was hard to tell if Haru meant it or if he was teasing him. Yet he decided to go with it and smiled at the boys. "Not anything too fancy. From what I can tell they got a wide menu and a huge ice cream bar for dessert." 

Shan peeked up. "Who doesn't like ice cream" he smiled.

"Right I thought we all deserved a little treat today" Yumro continued. "We can go now if everyone is hungry?"

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“I would appreciate the help.” Yukie replied as he smiled at Julius glad for his lovers help. “I’m going ahead, from what Viktor says there is two kids. Most likely in my mind younger that are hiding until he came back safe.” Yukie explained as he searched through his pockets before pulling out a small black ball and letting it fall to the ground the air suddenly shifted to bring overly heavy as the boats where held by dark hand and tentacles coming out of the water to keep them from leaving. Alongside that giant terrifying gate surrounded them in a giant dome cage ensuring no one could leave or enter. Looking out to the small island village a deep dark black shadows with white eyes appeared holding on to each human and demon by their clothing as they moved about giving a clear trail if anyone tried to run. “Alright, I’ve set up security if you want to bring out willow.” Yukie asked as he would wait for help in this situation.


“That sounds wonderful.” Haruhi added with a smile as he got up excited for the dessert bar since he was a sucker for sweets.

”mmh maybe Yumro can also take you to a sweet shop after.” Haru teased Haruhi knowing his excessive fondness for sweets. Haru looked over at Yumro for a moment as he thought. “Still not sure what to call you…I mean I know you two are cute with names but if I need to address you around others I want them to know your my father figure. Father for some reason seems to strict. Even using father dearest in a teasing way feels off.” Haru mumbled as he gathered up Haruhi’s bag for him and his stuff clearly overthinking the whole thing again since he had never had an actual father and well…he wanted the best way to introduce Yumro as his dad to everyone in the future.

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Julius wasn't use to see Yukie do demon magic all that often. It was quite something and didn't rely on any of the elements at all.

When Yukie said he could summon Willow the witch nodded and held both arms out stretched town a big open space. He only needed to concentrat hard on the person he want to bring and call out his name.

"Willow come to me" Julius asked gently. Soon a huge circle on the ground began to glow in white symbols and the wind picked up around the circle. A huge long figure appeared. It looked like something like a Chinese dragon. With a longer slim body and four legs and white translucent scales. Willow's eyes were still the same golden color as they'd been when he was a snake. The snak had grown and turned into a young dragon after feeding on the engery Julius had cleaned from Yukie's body.

Julius smiled and reached his palm out to pet the dragon's nose and it rubbed itself against him in greeting. "Hey my friend could you help us. We are looking for some kids who might be hidding aroused. They were properly together with the child behind us. If you can find them it would be a huge help" Julius talked yo the dragon. It looked from Julius to the child. He could collect the scent from any other on Viktor no matter how faint it was. The dragon's Also looked at Yukie. He didn't know what to make of the demon still. He was his master's mate but eventhough Yukie's energy had mainly been the power to create him. Willow couldn't care less for anyone but Julius. The dragon snorted as it shrunk down in size until it was at the size of an regular snake. It's tongue Flickered out to scent out the surroundings and slithered away along the cargo Bay.

Julius send a smile at his mate."we'll checked this way could you ask Viktor if he wants to come along or wait here" Julius asked as he held his hand out for the boy.


"I'm not offended you calling me that.. its just alittle weird for me hearing it too. " Yumro admitted with a smile at the young centaur. "Father dearest.. is kinda old school. How around.. if you want to that is, use Dad or Papa. It sounds better"he knew it was a huge thing to ask as Yumro wasn't his bio father.

He loved Haru like a son. But he would never force a title of himself on him. It had to be Haru's choice. It really touched him inside that Haru said he wanted others to know what he exactly was for him too. It said much more than any word could describe right this moment.

Yumro stood up and took the bag from Haru with a wink. He didn't haft to keep looking after Haruhi. It was Yumro's job now. He had to keep it a step faster in the futur so Haruhi could just be a kid for as long as he could. "I got this" he winked at Haru and held out his hand for Haruhi to help him get up, as he didn't want to be carried. "Remember food first then sweets" he chuckled teasingly at them all.

Shan just titled his head not really sure he could stick to that plan if there was something he really wanted to eat before the meal. The shadow wasn't at all good with sweets. He would get high on just the tiny bit of sugar but that didn't mean he didn't like sweets.

Yumro took them to the elevator and pushed the button to the highest floor. Where the dinning arear was. It was a huge restaurant but not too crowded as Yumro had asked the staff to have it mostly to themself for lunch.

They were brought over to a table when a chef stood ready to cook the food on a counter right infront of them. A waiter took everyone coats and bags so they wouldn't get in the way. On the sides just a few feets away was a hug long table lavished with all kinds of dessert and sweets. There was freshly made waffles, pancakes brownies and all other kinds. There was ice cream in every flavor and form and a hug tower of cream pudding in the middle. Yumro already know he couldn't prevent the other from throwning themself over the dessert first, he could only remind them to eat some real food first.

Shan was amazed with the huge display of sweets. And his hands itched and his mouth watered to tast everything. He couldn't even concentrated on the menu or the chef asking them what they'd wish to try. He just stared at the dessert rrom his seat. Wanting to go there but didn't want to do it alone. He looks at Haruhi and Haru trying to see if any of them also wanted to break Yumro's stupid rule.

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-Viktor, do you want to stay here or come with?-  Yukie asked gently as he looked to the boy who took a moment to think before he took Julius’s hand wanting to stay with him.

”Alright, we will meet back here in about twenty minutes. I’ll take the boats since I can make it out to sea easier” Yukie explained as he gave Julius a soft kiss to his cheek and instantly vanished into the gooey blackness he had produced earlier. The small black shadow was quickly seen deep underwater as it headed out to the captured boats to see what was on them.


“….mmmh I think the grilled cheese would be fine Haru. I know you’re not to fond of meat dishes…I’m pretty sure it wouldn’t come in contact with meat. You could try a salad though if you’re unsure.” Haruhi offered as Haru huffed over his options a touch uneasy with the menu since he had refused to eat meat since he was two.

”Maybe some soup? Depends on what’s in it.” Haru added annoyed with the options since it didn’t list every single item in the dish.

”I’m getting a simple turkey sandwich with fries, Shan what do you want dear?” Haruhi asked Shan as he looked up from his menu.

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"Okay, be careful" Julius smiled as he resived a kiss from Yukie on his cheek. Then his lover was just gone. Well not completly he could feel him just moving away from them. 

He looked back at Viktor and gave the boy's hand a little squeeze of encouragement. Then he followed after Willow. The snake's scent of smell was 100 times better than even a trained bloodhound. Julius just had to follow and let Willow search through the containers. They'd walked for about 6 minutes when Willow stopped by a closed green container. Julius called some men over to help open the doors quickly. Inside was two brand new sports cars loaded for shipping. It was dark and the humidity was very high inside. Julius clicked his fingers and a small balls of lights appeared and flew into the dark room like fireflies. Julius used the lights to scan through the entire container. He saw a set of brown eyes flash quickly to look at him before they disappeared again behind a car seat.

Julius still held Viktor's hand but was debating rather he should bring the boy with. If she was like him Julius properly couldn't even speak with the demon girl either. Julius took in a deep breath and walked with Viktor to the car. He stopped by the door to the back seat and gently knocked on the car window. 

"Hey sweatheart what are you doing in there. Wouldn't you come out? It must be very uncomfortable"


"There is vegetarian optionals too. Like grilled tofu and vegetables" Yumro showed Haru the page with vegan dishes.

Shan just sighed when Haruhi asked him. No they couldn't be convinced to start with dessert. The shadow looked at the menu. He didn't really care for any of if and just randomly picked a number from 1 to 50.

"Nummer 25" he said straight in the middle.

A sea plate with smoked shrimps, white fish, baby potatoes with a lemon sauce.

When the cook threw the shrimps on the grill Shan staret at the alien looking things what slowly turned from gray to red. It look so weird.

Yumro himself ordered salmon. He knew he couldn't order gressy meat like he would have prefered around either Haruhi or Haru. Fish he could live with though it didn't settle his craving for meat as much.

It anything now that he thought about it he felt both tired and very hungry after the drain he'd been thought today. Maybe his own body needed to replenish itself. If so maybe he needed to go run tonight.

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-Baby is sleeping, you’ll wake it- Viktor hushed Julius quickly as he was clearly nervous at their hiding place being found. Looking at the car Viktor sighed and opened the door ever so gently as he carefully crawled in to check on his younger siblings. -Maria? Are they still asleep?- Viktor asked as he looked at the infants carefully that were in a cloth wrap attached to Maria’s body the three having been hiding away for awhile evident by the bed made in the car. Looking back at Julius he hesitantly opened the car door needing help since he didn’t understand fevers in small children the three having caught one from being in the cold crate so long. -Help?- Viktor asked Julius worriedly as he mentioned to the three tiered kids.


“Thank you.” Haru replied to Yumro as he ordered an assortment of different items to be mixed into a grilled salad. “…don’t you eat meat though? Like Yukie? I remember mum mentioning you ate meat like him…more…red.” Haru asked gently not wanting to keep Yumro from eating what he liked despite knowing he couldn’t stand the smell or look. “…you don’t eat anything like that around me. While I respect you would go to such lengths…I don’t think it would be good long term. Yukie had to take his meals out of the house to keep from snapping…I worry your health will be affected.” Haru explained trying to ease into asking if Yumro was bloodthirsty too without just bluntly saying it since Haruhi had informed him to never be that blunt again since Yukies bloodlust had been something Yukie had struggled with at the time.

”Shan I didn’t know you liked seafood.” Haruhi stated as he looked at Shan catching the sigh and well he wondered if Shan even knew what he was eating.

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When the boy pulled on his shirt and put his finger infront of his lips to hush Julius. The witch understood the gesture and let the boy lead on.

The air inside the car wasn't much better completly to the cold moist air inside the container. He couldn't image it had been a plesant trip. Locked up in a could moist room with almost no light for days. The girl. Julius couldn't see her all that well being wrapped up in lots of layer of clothes and the inside of the car smelled really bad. It was hard to ignore the strong ordor of diapers on the car floor.

Julius wanted to spring into action and help the kids out.but he had to wait for Viktor's approval. He got the feeling that Viktor felt responsible for these children.

So when Viktor asked him for help. Julius almost understood it like in english. He couldn't missjugde the looks in the boy's eyes and moved to crawl into the car.

He slowely sat beside the girl 'Maria' Viktor had called out to her. So he guessed the name as he called that name out and gently touched the girls forhead. She was wet with sweat but felt so cold to him. Which was weird with how much clothes she had on. Maria flinched as just moved his had to touch her neck. She didn't know what he was doing and just wanted to lay back down and sleep.

"Aw sweeti it's okay I know you don’t feel so well" Julius said well he gently patted her.

She didn't understand what he said but with how gentle his voice talked to her, Maria figured he was okay if Viktor brought him here.

One of the babies woke and Julius helped here getting unwrappe and took the weight of the small babies off her.

Julius took off his jaket and wrapped it around Maria. Then he tjekket the babies over. Both were very uncomfortable. The hadn't been cleaned after diaper changes and was dirty. Julius had both babies laying on a somewhat clean towel and used a spell to wash up both. The babies bodies were very cold så Julius opened his shirt to hold them close and warm. Skin to skin worked best from what he could understand. Both babies were now awake and was looking at him like like he had three heads. Well he should be glad they didn't cry considering their condition. But the way their small face was turned in that cute little frown was adorable.

"Willow can you carry Maria and Viktor to the car. I need to go get a doctor for the little once and some feber medicin for Maria."

"Yesss" the snak nodded it's head. Julius took Maria's hand and slowly made their way over. He held her up on Willow and signaled for Viktor to sit behind her.


On 7/30/2024 at 1:26 PM, Yukonwolfspirit said:

“…don’t you eat meat though?"

"I do like meat but like Yukie I can ajust my intake around my family. I want everyone comfortable and eating together when we can. You shouldn't worry about my ion intake I wouldn't die going without in front of you." Yumro told Haru.

"How much do you know about wereolves Haru? I know you know alot but have you read anything about my kind? Wereolves aren't exactly like centaur. Most wolves has like a second person inside whom is our wolf's personality. When I shift I can giv him crontrole to run freely and if he is hungry he will hunt and eat them what he catches. So wolven stomachs are very harden to most things. Fish is good too" Yumro inlightened the young boy. Trying to asure him he wouldn't die of eating fish even for weeks. Today he was just drained that was all he thought.

"Is that what it is?" Haru asked as he watched the food cooking. "Huh.. never tried it before so I'm gonna find out!" The Shadow said exited to try yet another new thing.

"What type of food do you best like? I like dessert but like with sugar Yumro has told me to eat it rarely cause it is bad for me."

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Viktor frowned as he wasn’t sure why Julius was taking his younger siblings away and sending them with the giant monster before him. -Where are you going with the babies? They must stay with me. We need to stay together…- Viktor stated as he pointed to the infants confusion on his face, the older brother not wanting to leave his siblings again since he had only left the first time out of pure necessity. He was so confused and unsure as he didn’t want to split up the thought of doing that again terrifying him.


“I haven’t read anything. It’s not easy for me to find your kind to ask any questions I do have. Mom and Shan aren’t much help if I did ask them my questions also.” Haru admitted as he listened to Yumro finding the facts fascinating. “Are you like…the human movie kind? I don’t think I’ve seen any bit of your wolf side. Do full moons make you crazy? Also how do medicines work for you does your body use them the same way…and if so does that mean any drugs you do affect you like medicine?” Haru asked already shooting off a million questions for Yumro the boy not having any filter as he eagerly waited for Yumros answers making Haruhi chuckling in amusement as he looked over at Shan pondering his question.

”mmmh I think I like sweets quite well, but I do like seafood quite a bit. I’ve grown quite fond of learning how to cook so many dishes.” Haruhi admitted to Shan with a smile before leaning close. “I won’t say anything if you sneak off for a brownie while they are absorbed in their conversation.” Haruhi whispered with a smirk as he was willing to bend the rules every now and then.

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