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♢My Master♢ {Yukonwolfspirit~M-jow (18+}


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"Don't worry I wouldn't take them from you" Julius assured Viktor as he walked beside Willow. The infants kept quitet and focused on feeling the man's warmth. One of them somtimes began to whin but didn't have the energy to give a full on cry.

He was sure that even if he took the car Yukie would easily find him at the doctor's office. Or he could just call him and ask if he needed to.

Julius asked the driver to help pack the children into the car and asked him to take them to see a doctor. Although it was a small harbour town there there that to be a small clinic to treat anyone injured.

Williow still wanting to be with Julius shifted into his much small form and wrapped itself around his wrist like a bracelet.

The ride in the car wasn't long only 4 minutes in car and they stopped infront of a small entrance with a medical sign out the front. The drive went inside and asked some nurses to help them get all the children inside. Two nurses helped Julius with both babies and wrapped the infants up in warm heat blankets. Julius pulled Maria up onto his hip and took Viktor's hand to go follow the nurses inside. The nurses stayed close to lead Julius and the kids all into the same room. Julius was allowed to sit with Maria sleeping with her head against his neck. Her feber was quite high so Julius asked them for a cold cloth for her forhead.

The doctor came in after a bit. It was a female doctor. She wore light blue shirt and pants and white croggs.

"So lets get a look at the little once first. How long has they all been sick" the doctor asked Julius.

"I don't know. We found the children in a ship container. It was cold and moist inside. The girl had the babies wrapped her and they slept inside a car" he told the doctor.

"So there are no parents around?" She comfirmed with him.

"No and they can't understand or speak English. I believe they are from Russia. So unless you can speak it they wouldn't understand." 

The doctor nodded she actually knew how to speak it since her parents was from Russia.

"The babies are malnourished and and has a cold. We'll give them a thick meal with lots of milk fat to help them get som weight on." She let the nurses do the feeding of the babies while he kneeled down to look over the sleeping Maria.

"How long was she inside? Can you remember how many days?" She asked Viktor in Russia.


"Well I have three form actually. One is as I am now. My second for is a wolf, like a real wolf and my third is like a lycan as in the movies. Its just.. well not all that pretty. Normal werewolf only has two forms not three but I guess since I'm a mixed breed I got lucky. Werewolf also don't have powers as I do. In fact wolfs are not to fond of magic or silver.

If you wanna learn more about wolves you can always come to me. Although I've never lived with other wolves than my mom, I've still been around them much in the years." Yumro explained.

"They don't like sharing about themself to avoid people learning about their habits and weakness. Just like the centaurs they prefer living in family packs in their own community. But there are some strays whom travles around."

Shan shook his head although he smiled. "Yumro will notice it right away and I promised to not act abnormal. I better wait till last so everyone can enjoy eating in peace. I don't wanna tire you either." Shan said with a light blush to his cheeks. "You can't teach me to read music if you aren't feeling well and I want my parent to be in great health" 


>Page 200< Wow ^v^

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-Day….? It’s been months we’ve travelled on many boats. I fed them the powder stuff with a baby on it. Small bread in the milk too.-

Viktor explained hesitantly as he looked at the doctor his Russian broken and obviously not spoken often enough to be truly fluent the demon language more comfortable to him. Gently taking the bag by Maria he pulled out the small supplies they had been thrown out with the three cans of formula being decent sized but clearly not enough for two babies.

While Viktor had tried his best he had barely scraped by on caring for the three kids. Back home the kids had often stayed in a separate housing by age while their parents were out of the picture. They had been raised by nannies who taught them their customs and language. Viktor hadn’t even known the three had existed since he had only met them the night they had all been cast out.

Looking at Julius the boy so unsure if he was in trouble or not Viktor could only try not to cry the poor boy so tiered and overwhelmed by it all.


“I’ll have to take you up on your offer. I’d like to learn more…I’m sure it would be more useful they what Yukie could tell me.” Haru admitted with a huff as he had tried to piece together what Yumro was by old werwolf films and what Haruhi knew. “Ren was a stray right? Thats how they met. Then they had you?” Haru asked carefully as he knew to tread very very lightly on the subject of the dead.

”Shan, you don’t need to worry about my health. Even if I’m under the weather, I’ll still be there to teach you music and many other things. So don’t worry about me besides being tiered is what happens when you get old.” Haruhi teased as he grabbed his drink and took a few deep sips having been quite parched.


Whoooohooooo! Page 200! ^3^


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"He says they'd been there for months. Now just in case I wanna giv them all a shot against shippers feber and something to boost their immune system. They all need rest for the next couple of days. For the feber give Maria half a painkiller twice a day." The doctor explained as she began taking stuff out of the draws and a locked cabinet behind her. Preparing to vaccinat all four.

"I know it’s a lot to ask but since they don't know what you wanna do, could you show them by doing in on me first. Just a shot of saltwater or something. I already got my shots. But I don't think they'll know what you'll do" Julius asked the doctor as it could be quite frightning.

"Sure your bill will just be higher for that service"

The witch nodded. "It's fin" Julius waved his Yukie's creditcard in front of her. "My mate will cover it so no worries there" 

"Fin then" she just relped. And made the fift syringe ready for Julius.

Julius saw how Viktor had been looking at him, fearing he was in trouble. But Julius had no plans to scolded him. Viktor was just a small kind whom had fleeed with his siblings. He had tried his best to be the man in a bad situation.

Julius pulled Viktor onto his lap and caressed his little cheeks. He smiled and kissed the boy's forhead. "You don't haft to be afraid anymore sweeti" he said eventhough Viktor couldn't understand.

The doctor came up on Julius's side and rolled his sleev up.

Julius looked down at his arm and held it out to show Viktor what was happening.

"It doesn't hurt, it just look scary" he assured as the doctor injector the needle into his arm slowly.

After she redrew the needle and gave him a little round plaster on it. 

Julius moved his arm after to show nothing had happen. Then both doctor and Julius looked at him and just signaled for Viktor to pull his arm forward too.


Yumro chuckled. "Well my father can shift forms too but it's not the same. I doubt Ren ever told him much about his own kind either. But yes, my mom was a stray which makes me one too since I don't have a pack. But my family is like my pack so I don't lack anything really. You are always welcome to ask" Yumro smiled to hid the small pain of lost he always felt when Ren was brought up. But compared to Yukie he didn't mind speaking of his mom.

Shan giggled "You aren't that only" well come to how long he had been a low shadow Haruhi was just a baby compared to his actual age. Time in the shadow ralm moved faster than here.

Yumro seemed to have hear them and cut in. "Haruhi, don't teach him rulebreaking skills just yet he'll properly get to it all on his own once you begin fawning over him. "And thrust me 'no sugar first' he gets like a wild firework on Chinese New Year within 30 minutes"

Shan kept his eyes down but still pulled in Haruhi's sleev as he whispered. "Told you I couldn't" Shan giggled again.

Soon all their meals were served in front of them. All smoking hot and smelt mouthwatering.

Shan tried the shrimp, took the whole thing in one into his mouth and crunched it. The tast was driffrent but very good and the stuff inside the shell was tasty. "It is very chewy but soft inside"

Yumro looked over and got up to show Shan how to peel and eat his shrimps. "Like this Shan. You peel the shell and pull the heads off first, then you eat the meal."

Shan just stared at Yumro hands as he demonstrated it. "I thought it was death.." Shan looked horrified as he thought he'd eaten something alive.

"It is and cooked so don't worry. It just we only eat this of the shrimps as the rest isn't as plesantly to eat."

"Okay" Shan began doing some shrimps himself and Yumro wripped his hands clean as he returned to his seat.

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Viktor huffed at their waiting finding it foolish to say such a thing wouldn’t hurt. It was obvious it would be somewhat painful since it drew blood. Shaking his head he huffed and looked away from the doctor as he lifted His sleeve so he could be poked.

”Glad to see you’re all here. The guards pointed me in your direction.” Yukie admitted as he came carrying four big bags of different clothes and some baby items. “Thought we could use some supplies so I stopped at a small sanctuary for travelers owner owed me a few favors so when the kids are cleared we can take them to get bathed and fed.” Yukie offered as he set the stuff down and raised a brow at the shot.

”ugh…awful things.” Yukie mumbled as he took looked away from the scene busying himself with his purchases the demon secretly very squeamish of needles.


“My the food is delicious.” Haruhi pointed out as he eagerly ate the food tasting quite amazing and perfect to him.

“Yumro should cook from now on, maybe then we can get rid of the five fire extinguishers.” Haru teased as he at his own meal melting at the taste. While Haru and him had survived off what they learned from Yukie it had all become rather dull eating the same few home cooked meals when they took a break from eating out. 

“oh keep teasing and we might not need to eat out anymore” Haruhi teased back with a small laugh as he offered Haru a bite of his food Haru scrunching up his nose as he politely shook his head at the smell.

”Yumro? Will you be leaving to follow the snow? The centaurs all use to travel to stay out of the cold areas. They now stay in their homes all winter never leaving the houses. I know the snakes move around….and the mermaids but I’m wondering if your kind just embraces it or has a migration path?” Haru asked curiously as he ate more of his food clearly enjoying it.

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Julius looked up at the sound of Yukie's voice and smiled at the demon but they were right in the middle of Viktor's shot so he waited until that was over before he did much of anyone.

Julius gently patted the boy's back to take his mind of the needle until the doctor pulled it back out again.

"I'm glad you found us. I didn't wanna call you in case there were more children. I guessed the town is small enough for everyone to be up in everyones business so you would find us when you got back." He replied to his mate. Glad to have the other back. He had missed Yukie's present and voice close by. Altså it had barely been three hours since they'd split up.

"Most don't like needles, but I don't wanna give these kids a bad experience. I figured if Viktor knew the point behind it he would allow the other's to get theirs too." Julius explain while the doctor alle had changed syringe and just about to giv the sleeping Maria the same.

Julius helped put a small bandage on Viktor's arm. It didn't bleed. Just a small dot of blood stood out from his skin tone. Bit it was quickly covered with a small print of a ladybug.

"Since they are going with us did you make sure to call ahead and let the place know?" Julius asked Since they couldn't fit four children into one bed. Including themself too.


Shan nodded in agreement to what Haru had said. Yumro just smiled. He liked this easy and happy  atmosphere around his family. If they prefered Yumro could even hire a privat chef to do their meals back home. He had money enough yo affort such luxus for them.

"No love, wolfs stay in their own territory all year. I think some wild wolfs dose to follow the prey in the colder months but werewolf lives in houses. Plus our winter coat are thick enough to keep the cold out" Yumro answered the next question while he enjoy his salmon.

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“I called ahead and let their guardian know to expect us. They are already setting up rooms and preparing. We are going to do half the care by getting immunizations and basic care. Before we leave here all four are getting a good bath some clean clothes and haircuts if needed.” Yukie explained as he looked over the kids with a small sad smile. “I’ve already got a room set aside at the inn to get them cleaned up and I bought them some clothes and basic things.” Yukie explained as he was looking at the tin of powdered baby food clearly recognizing where it came from to the point he knew what village had done this. “For the most part I’ll have them settled first. Then I’ll call Yumro to go on a little errand for me since I’m busy. I’m sure he can care for this mess.” Yukie added knowing he could have Yumro if he asked nicely spare those who needed it and capture those responsible for a long term punishment.


“I see….do you choose to look more human? I’ve seen some demons who look human but are more fur than skin they are a weird combination. Some of the demon types are strange.” Haru explained not fully understanding the whole crossbreeding and genetics of the different types he had seen meeting Yukie over the years. “Will you look like a human wolf in the winter?” Haru asked obviously overly curious at seeing Yumros wolf form but he was to unsure to ask as he ate another bite of his food. “Mom can only do two forms. Mine….are complicated. But you can do three? I think.” Haru added trying to make sure he had what he was thinking right.

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"Good. I'd hate to just send them off without the proper care first. The babies, I cleaning them with magic but I think a proper bath wouldbe better... I honestly don't know much about care for babies thought" Julius administration as he'd never had any close by before, or had to care for one. To his luck he was sure Yukie would be wiser on that. His mate did have four children after all.

When Yukie meantioned he would ask Yumro to do the errend of looking into things. Just just nodded. He didn't liked thinking people would get hurt. But then again if they weren't dealt with they would just hurt more themself. He didn't know Yumro all that well. He'd met him three times and spoken briefly to eachother twice. Hunter, he knew really looked up to his big brother. So he would thrust Yumro was the type who would only punish those involved and not the innocent too.

The nurses had placed both babies in a twin carrier, after they'd been feed for the first time. They were half asleep when the doctor moved over to them and perceive to give them their shots as well. Maria was still sleeping.

"If there should be any complications or sudden rise in feber you should call us. But gir now this is all we can do. Remember lots of sleep and healthy foods for eveyone. Something fatty, but not too much sugar and cake." The doctor explained to both of the men and gave them a card with the clinics phone number.

Julius thanked her for the help and looked around the room. How to pack everyone back into the care. He thought to himself. He still had Viktor by his sider as he stood up. "Yukie could you take the baby carrier? I'll carry the girl" Julius asked his mate as he gently turned to pick Maria up. She moved around alittle woken but fell back to sleep once she was resting comfortable on against his shoulder. He pulled her weight with one arm under her and took Viktor's hand in his other. The nurses gave Viktor a lollipop for being such a good kid.


"I choose to be in my human form because this is the form I was born in. My other forms came to me when I was around 14 years old. I was human as a kid so that is why. Its also harder for me to stay in controle for too longe in my third form. My wolf in my second form has wolf instincts and needs to be filled and it is like sharing body with a big dog. Being human is just easier because I get to feel mostly me all the time. And no I'm not gonna get any furry look in winter. My body temperatur is natural much higher than a regular human because my skin regulates after my needs like in cold weathe. Just no fur.. but yes there as many typs of demons and creatures out in the world who look just as you've said.  Not many can shift forms freely. They down have any powers either to fl so in the futur." Yumro said.

"Do you know about hell-hounds?" He asked Haru as an example. Now he couldn't bring one out but he was sure a few still helped his father out from time to time.

"They are very big demon dogs, often blackor gray with either red or purple eyes. They can't speak but can understand us. They can’t change formes either bit are very strong and some can use dark power freely." He explained.

Shan watch Yumro and Haru while eating. Yumro had always been driffrent around Haru. More carring. Yumro rarely talked about his job as is was not all that pretty. That was why he wondered why he was Willing to talk about those death bringes. Hell hounds wasn't anything like normal pet dogs. They were vicious and dark deep down. They also didn't have a soul and could never really be trusted. The creatures only obeyed strenght. Anything less stronger than them was prey for their game. And they loved playing hunt with their game. Downside of being around forever you got bord easily.

Shan did not like those creatures.

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Yukie carefully carried the babies and lead the way to the restaurant they had eaten in before. Walking in he ushered his group behind him and behind the counter back to a small entryway that had stairs leading up to the small apartment up top.

Knocking lightly the door opened revealing a frowning very angry elderly lady who proceeded to curse out Yukie in the same demon tongue Viktor used as she lightly smacked Yukie in annoyance before huffing and muttering at him again before patting his cheek much like a grandmother would who’s grandchildren had gone to long without visiting. 

The elderly lady then walked over to Julius as she pointed her cane at him with a huff and barked out some questions to Yukie who answered only to soften at the information from Yukie his words mentioning that Julius was his beloved mate.

Looking Julius up and down she muttered something before pulling Julius towards her home immediately getting out sweets and tea for him.

”heh Babushka likes you-“ Yukie teased Julius amused by the lack of beating his mate got as he followed inside with the babies and set them down before he walked off to go start the hot bath in the guest bathroom the woman mentioning for Julius to sit while Yukie worked before she turned to Viktor.

-Relax, I do not bite. I am babushka. Granny. I help you get cleaned up and help care for you alongside your guardian. I help translate. Such brave boy taking care of the younger ones…have a cookie. Sit and rest all is safe here.- She started her voice gentle as she spoke completely different from before as she pushed the plate towards Viktor who absently nodded and took a cookie clearly confused by the old woman who spoke just as fluently as Yukie did.


“….yes, I know of them. I’ve sent them on errands. They are nice though mom hates them.” Haru explained as he generally had no natural fear for the creatures like Haruhi had. “I’ve seen them following people sometimes humans who visit home, sometimes elders. I’ve seen a lot of things following people around, like the shadows. Yukie…and I have discussed some things” Haru explained as he looked at Haruhi in worry. This conversation wasn’t spoken so freely since Haruhi who was clearly uncomfortable about the topic Haruhi well, he knew deep down there were some horrible and nasty side effects that had yet surfaced from bringing Haru back. All of this was only known by Yukie since he had  done whatever needed in turn…well Haru had forbidden it to be spoken preferring to just ignore that stuff and raise Haru as he believed him to be.

”Haru. Enough, change it to something else.” Haruhi told Haru his voice calm as he spoke his tone not asking more like telling Haru. “Why don’t you talk about how you wanted to go to the beach before school started.” Haruhi started as he continued to eat his food.

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Julius follow Yukie up the stairs to what looked to be a small apartment. He had no idear where his mate was leading them but hoped it was somewhere the he could let to children relax as they helped do the necessary. Julius was slightly out of breath when he stood at the top of the staircase and saw the elder lady in the door.

First Julius thought Yukie must have gotten the adresse wrong. Especially when the lady seemed to be scolding Yukie and hit struck him. Julius's eyes wide and took a step forward to stop an eventual second hit. But then the lady just patted Yukie on the sweet with an old sweet expression on her face. Julius looked on confused as he had no idear who thos lady was or what they was saying.

When she turned her sharp eyes and pointed her cane at him. Julius looked confused as before. Was she going to try and hit him too? Julius wasn't about to let her hurt either him or the children. He was holding Marie on one arm so he could only defent himself with the other once he let go of Viktor's hand.

Yukie talked with the woman and slowly she lowered her cane. Julius found himself dragged by her with the children to her couch and pushed to sit. "Um?" Julius looked back at his mate a bit annoyed Yukie hadn't tried to explain anything. Given him a heads up or a warning.

On 8/16/2024 at 3:51 AM, Yukonwolfspirit said:

”heh Babushka likes you-“

"I thought she was about to hit me with that cane. You could have warned me!" Julius huffed annoyed with his mate for keeping quiet. "Is that her name?" The witch asked as he didn't know the word meant grandma. "Just know I'm very annoyed with you right now." He frowned and turned his head away to ignore the other as grandma was placing cookies infront of Viktor.

Atleast she seemed kind to the children. Julius put Maria down gently beside him as his arm was getting tired.


If his mate wouldn't want them talking about such things he wouldn't..not while Haruhi was around atleast. He leaned over and kissed Haruhi's temple to smoothen his worries. "We did mean to worry you love sorry."

Yukie raised an eyebrow at what Haruhi said next and looked back at Haru.

"Did you keep up with the swimming I taught you? I thought you had forgotten" Yumro grined. He had taught Haru to swim in his centaur form back when he couldn't shift. It had been two amazing weeks of bonding with both him and Haruhi. Before the centaurs had both left again.

Although the memories were bittersweet they had all been happy back then.

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“Nothing I could say would explain her. Shes…old. Like semi close to my age in creation. She’s one of the first elders of demons created. Part of the old demon tongue. She prefers being called granny or Babushka won’t take any other name. I thought she would be easiest to ask for help. She can understand the kids and talk to them fluently. She’s older and most likely would bring them comfort and help them relax also.” Yukie mentioned as he nodded toward Viktor who was much more relaxed and eagerly helping himself to food. “Back in his home the elderly take care of the younger kids with supervisors checking in. They would trust her more than a random guardian so I came to ask for her to move out to stay with the kids. I was hoping her meeting them would make the ask easier.” Yukie explained as he stood in the doorway to the guest room the tub cooling so he could bathe the babies first.

-That one is trouble eh? Likes to be all smart and cheeky leaving and popping up needing favors without warning. Dragging such a nice mate and kids around without warning should really punish him again.-  Babushka told Viktor who giggled a little as Yukie sighed at the scolding. 

“Your a witch correct?” Babushka asked in English as she looked at Julius and poured him a cup of tea. “ Not many of those now a days, haven’t seen one in a long time. You must have your hands full lately as do most of your kind. Apologies for the anger earlier that one can be quite dense when it comes to planning ahead and writing…or letting me know he’s still around.” Babushka explained as she grabbed her cup of tea and mentioned for Yukie to get to work Yukie huffing and taking the babies off to bathe.

”We are old friends dear, Yukie and I I came this way to shop, lots of items come through the city. My granddaughter owns this place I’m staying here waiting for a ship. Pure luck you two caught me…I congratulate you on your engagement I sent some gifts though they might be lost in the mountain you most likely received.” She explained with a small laugh as she looked at Viktor eager eating the cookies. Slowly getting up she walked to the kitchen and came back with sandwiches and some other types of food for the guests. “Who is that you have though? She seems unwell.” Babushka asked a touch of worry in her voice.

 “I haven’t been around water since then.” Haru explained as he poked at his food his mood shifting a little as he ate another bite. “We’ve stayed indoors. Deepest I’ve gone is the bathhouse.” Haru added as he sighed and looked at Haruhi the two clearly at odds with how the conversation went. 

“We had no need to leave. Home was safe. Besides it’s not like you’re going to go out to water all the time basic survival swimming works just as well.” Haruhi replied as he stabbed at his food and also ate the tension rather thick.

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Julius looked at Viktor starting to giggled from something the elder had said. When she looked at him and spoke in english Julius's mouth dropped open in suprise. Why he hadn't thought to ask if she could english was just too embarressing for him. The witch closed his mouth with a slight blushed. "Yes mam I am. But how did you know? Not even Yukie knew of witches before we met?" He asked her curiously.

"Oh I was a bit suprise not many treat Yukie like that.. but It's okay. I think sometimes he really deserves a light smack for all the trouble he makes" Julius smiled. He liked her better now. Yukie wasn't bad but he had a talent for worrying him.

Julius gently stroke Maria's shoulder as she slept with her head on his lap.

"Thank you." The human blushed again not realizing how fast word had got out. "We haven't been home yet since it happened. But I do appreciate the thought and I know Yukie do too"

2 hours ago, Yukonwolfspirit said:

“Who is that you have though? She seems unwell.”

"Yes unfortunately she has a feber. She's been sleeping since the doctors office. She has been taking care of the babies for months on her own and I think her body needs to recharge for a while. Do you have somewhere more comfortable and quiet for her to rest?"


The tension was so thick wuou could cut it with a knife. He understood Haru point of even. Surviving didn't mean living in a way you wanted to. It was hard and Yumro had hated being shut up at home even months after Ren's death. He could also understand to somewhat from Haruhi's side. Bit what both needed to know was that it wasn't like that anymore.

They were safe became Yumro would always keep them safe no matter where they went.

"How about going to the beach tomorrow then? We don't haft to hid away at the house anymore. No one is gonna hurt you" Yumro  asked them all.

Shan looked between the centaur. "I haven't tried swimming before but I has always looked fun when Yumro taught Haru" the young shadow boy said.


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“The older demons we have the ability to feel when things are diffrent. In my life I’ve seen and met many demons….my only hunch was that you were a witch. Something I had heard of but never met. You have a sense of earthly beauty and mystery about you hence my guess.” The witch explained as she sipped her tea and chuckled at Julius’s mention of how Yukie was treated. “We make sure he’s alright, he was trapped alone for thousands-well since the dark ages. His father kept him alone before he finally got out came to live among humans I think it was two hundred years ago he became socialized?” Babushka explained with a sigh as she moved the plate of sandwiches near  Viktor for him to try some new ones.

”He created us, though not of his own free will…so as repayment we keep an eye on him offer our help as needed. We’ve become a deep social network like the elders. People he can trust….though it wouldn’t kill him to write. Hearing he got engaged through the demon gossip network was a little insulting.” She added with a small huff as she had basically helped Yukie learn English when he had first arrived and had helped the others prepare him to live alongside humans. Looking at Maria Babushka frowned a little as she got up and moved to a smaller room the room smelling of herbal plants and medicine. “She can sleep in here. I’ll make her some tea…I’m surprised it wasn’t offered to help her heal.” Babushka said as she had deeply taught Yukie medicine and demon healing.

”I’ve already explained I’m not good at healing…for some reason it goes south. I cannot do it again….you know why.” Yukie mumbled as he stood holding two squeaky clean babies all dressed and happy. Yukie of course was talking about Haru and what had happened Babushka knowing exactly what had happened since she was the one who provided help after the mess and helped repair Haru.

”The little centaur is still alive, he hasn’t gone feral and seems he is smart and healthy…you should let him off the leash we had to do it with you eventually. So what if he’s not what he was and is more like you.” Babushka explained with a huff as she dug through a drawer and pulled out some ointments for the babies and teas for the kids. “Eventually you have to let him free let the bloodshed fall where it does. The longer he sits locked away…the worse it’s going to be. Even if his mother forbids it…and keeps him strictly as he was before keeping him permanently locked as he is will end up mentally destroying him….you where very hard to fix when you where like that…it took a long time to help you. Don’t make the poor thing suffer like that let him grow into what he is.” Babushka scolded Yukie who sighed and looked away torn as he knew she was right but well he wouldn’t go against Haruhi’s demands.


“I’m fine going to the beach…but we will discuss it later, just us.” Haruhi mentioned to Yumro as he finished his food and got up to get dessert leaving Haru and Yumro alone.

”….sorry, mom is touchy about some things. I should have warned you.” Haru explained gently as he poked at his food. “He’s…gotten very very angry in the past…about leaving the house even now he’s a bit upset at times.” Haru explained with a frown not understanding his mothers mood swings.

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Entering the room the strong scent of herbs immediately intrigued Julius. Just from the smell he noted turmeric, rosemary, sage grass and alot of other herbs known to him. He actually found himself missing the herbs scent around. Yukie wasn't a big fan of his healthy morning cocktails in the mornings and while being in a hotel there hadn't been the right equipment to make them.

He would really need to remind himself about not forgetting to practice in the old ways of herbs. He would really regret it if he changed that one hobby of his. It wasn't just because he was a witch and closely connected to the earth that he felt like that. It was his thing. The magic was cool too but with herbs it was a much more deeper research. But now it always seemed he didn't have any time for that as he used to. He had a boyfriend or rather a mate now and Julius wanted to spent his extra time with him soo... he would haft to figure that one out on his own.

All while thinking of this Julius carried Maria to the bed and gently tuck her in under the blanket.

"The hospitalet gave us some pills to help with the feber and vaccinated them all. Of cause tea should help too but I didn't have the means to make any." He explained while getting up after tucking the child in.

1 hour ago, Yukonwolfspirit said:

"I’ve already explained I’m not good at healing…for some reason it goes south. I cannot do it again….you know why.”

Julius took notice of his mate. He sounded sad and he knew the topic of Haru's past episode still weight a lot on him. Julius couldn't help but go to the other and place his hand on the man's cheek. When Yukie looked at him Julius gave him a comforting smile before reaching down to take one of the babies off his hand.

1 hour ago, Yukonwolfspirit said:

So what if he’s not what he was and is more like you.”

"Oh if he is,  both Haruhi and Yumro is gonna have their work cut out for them." Julius said. He liked to belive it wouldn't lead to any murder or bloodrage. Haru was a bright boy. So smart and youthfull. Sure he could be a handfull when he wanted to be mischievous but he never tried to be a bully or act out of hate.

"And Yumro isn't weak either if anything did happen. You said so yourself" Julius reminded his mate. "But you don’t haft to force yourself to do things you aren't ready to do. Its just a cold. I also had those and got over them on my own. With the right care she'll be up and about in no time"


"We were alright going to have a talk later so" Yukie simply agreed with Haruhi he didn't really see the problem in any of it. 

"It okay Haru. You don't need to be sorry. Just enjoy to food. Your mom isn't angry with you or anything.you know he is just worried because he loves you" Although that love seemed to also suffocate Haru.

Although not completly the same. If Haruhi wanted to keep Haru locked in without any ways of freedom Haru was gonna end up like Yukie old self.


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“I know Yumro is strong…but I worry if it came down to it would Yumro be willing to kill Haru…if it went wrong if he turned and went feral... I can’t help Haru cope…if Haruhi won’t let Haru leave for that help…then there’s nothing I can do but wait for the day he must be destroyed.” Yukie explained as he sighed and relaxed into Julius’s hand kissing it softly. Yukie was grateful for the comfort the topic quite hard for him since he had healed (made) others like Haru in ann anttempt to save the boy and the madness outright had been the same and caused their end and made them feral. Yukie regretting having done it since he had to put so many he healed out of their misery. With so many failed attempts he had sworn off demon healing for good to prevent something like what he had created. While he had warned Haruhi Haru was a ticking time bomb, he knew Haruhi worried that Yukie would inevitably see Haru slipping like the others and become his executioner hence why he refused to let Haru leave with him…in his mind Haru was safe by his side where he could be stopped.

”colds are tricky I don’t really catching many growing up. I wouldn’t know how to fix such a thing in a human let alone a demon.” Yukie replied making Babushka laugh at Yukie’s silly words finding it humorous that a cold was so confusing to him. “We really should have tossed you into the human schools. You maybe would have caught all the sicknesses.” Babushka teased as Yukie made a face at the thought of getting sick also.


“I know…” Haru replied biting his tongue as he finished eating. “Excuse me.” Haru mumbled as he excused himself and headed off to the bathroom needing a moment to himself. While Haru wouldn’t ever say it being tethered five feet beside Haru was suffocating almost prison like. It explained why Haru was seeking freedom in spells in books and other rooms he created to get away. The poor centaur felt so trapped and suffocated at times but how could he say that Haruhi had done everything to care and protect him. Taking a moment to wash his face in the cold water from the sink Haru took a shaky breath letting himself breathe for a moment. 

“fuck.” Haru swore the centaur unsure how to ease Haruhi’s worry at the moment while he could only wonder if he could even leave to take time away with Yumro there or if he would be dragged back by him or Shan. He knew Shan had been around forever…his comment about swimming proved his was Yumros eyes. He was always being watched by Haruhi…Yukie and now Yumro Haru thought as he tried to calm his breathing feeling rather panicked and trapped again as tears fell down his cheeks in frustration.

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Julius didn't know what he could say. He hadn't been a part of the project to know how it was expected to go. He also never hoped Yumro or Yukie would ever be in the need to actually kill the boy because of some reason he could control.

"You just got to belive and not just on the bad side of things. We can only do so much as to belive what we do is because everyone loves him" Julius told his mate. He hated seeing him looking so down and worried. But he also knew that he himself could only offer comfort to help ease Yukie a little.

"We should let Maria rest" Julius said and hushed everyone to get out of the room so Maria wouldn't wake cause of them.

Julius took the baby he was holding back into the living-room and sat down next to Viktor on the couch. The boy had almost finished alk the sandwichs and cookies all on his own. How he could still be this hungrily after the big lunch he'd eaten just showed how long the kid had gone without much.

The baby in Julius's arms was playing and sucking on Julius's shirt. Julius thought it was funny holding clean and happy baby. He looked at his mate and smiled. Yukie looked really comfortable around babies and he looked so very stunning holding them. Julius heart had jumped in his chest when he first saw his man walking in with a baby in each arm. There was just something really soft and warm with that picture. He already knew how carrying Yukie was but it just made Julius crush on him even harder watching him like that.

"So.." Julius said as he found it in himself to take his eyes off his mate. "The kids are leaving with you back to Russia or?"


When Haru went to the bathroom Yumro looked at Shan with a look that told him not to follow. Instead Yumro looked at his mate. Both were clearly upset and annoyed with the situation.

"Honey if you keep frowning like that your face will get stuck" Yumro told the centaur as he placed his hand over his lover's.

"What is it that worries you so. I can see how clearly it effects you" he continued.


Shan felt uneasy when Haru left the table.  He could see the other was angry on the inside and frustrated. Shan wanted to follow but Yumro looked at him and shook his head. 

Shan didn't want to go to spy on the other or anything like that. Yumro hadn't even been angry when he had told him that he wouldn't report back on Haru. He would only call if he sensed he was in danger. But with Haruhi he was made to report everything or atleast keep their line open so Yumro could see through his eyes in the moment.

Five minutes went by so slowly. He didn't even listen to the conversation happening beside him as the grownups talked. He was worried about his friend.

So while Yumro was occupied speaking with Haruhi. Shan snuck away and went after Haru.

The boy looked all around for Haru till he reached the bathroom door. He slowely pushed the door open to peek inside.

"Haru.. are you in here?" He asked out into the room.

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“No, no they are staying here in the city.” Yukie replied as he played with the baby enjoying the smallness and cuteness of the tiny demon. “They will live with a family who speaks their language and wants kids. They will stay together, all of them. If eventually a family is found we will reunite them if possible and if not then the family will adopt them.” Yukie explained as he mentioned to victor to go bathe the boy nodding and heading off to go get cleaned up. 

“Yes yes, my family will be taking them. I will be great great great great great Babushka.” Babushka explained with a happy smile as she watched the baby who only giggled and played with Yukies hair. “They will attend school, and make friends live normal life. Same with any of the others Yukie brings back after he checks on the place.” She explained with a small frown the idea complicated in knowing that there would be pain in fixing where the kids came from.


“it’s hard to talk about. I don’t want to because truthfully I’m not sure if what I think will happen will happen. It’s a lot to figure out and understand I just know how to keep him safe and off the executioners block.” Haruhi explained as he looked down at his dessert before stabbing into it to eat a bite.


“I’m in here…just need a minute.” Haru spoke out his voice shaking as he could only stare at the monster in the mirror looking so much like Yukies murderous side the sight terrifying Haru. “Just…go wait with Haru and Yumro.” Haru asked terrified Shan would see what a monster he was becoming something he himself didn’t even understand and well it was making him think he was slowly slipping from reality.

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"It's good they get to stay together no matter what" Julius nodded glad that had neen thought of.

1 hour ago, Yukonwolfspirit said:

"Yes yes, my family will be taking them. I will be great great great great great Babushka.”

"I can tell how much you like grandchilderen. And Viktor seemes more relaxed with you too. Maybe because he kan talk to you it's easier. I'm sure your family will take good care of them. But if you need help with their schooling you can always contact us. I'm staring a school for all creatures. Demons and witch's alike. Of coures the babies a abit too young yet but Viktor and Maria are just at the right agee. But there is no pressur. Just thought i would offer since you were so kind and congratulated us" Julius didn't know just how many would attent the first school year at his school but he hoped more demons would hear about it too and send their children there in the futur.

After a while Julius's phone rang and he had to excuse himself to take the call as he recognised the number as one of his contractors number.

Julius gave the baby over to Babushka to let the elder demon bond with the little one.

"It will just be a moment" he said as he walked out of the room.

------------ ---------------------

Yumro set his knife and fork down and turned in his chair to Haruhi. He had noticed Shan sneak off but he had let it happened as he didn't belive Shan should listen to this conversation.

"Haruhi.. why do you think that. Do you really belive I would allow anyone to hurt your son? I know what my father did back then to save his life. Haru is driffrent yes but you haft to let changes happened no matter what. Don't you remember when you were his agee? Haru is much too strong willed like we were. You can't keep him cuddle up forever. If you do he will never grow into himself. I know because I went thought the same with you back when you wanted to study abroad. I knew giving you space was the right thing to do. Haru is your boy and he has always stuck to you because you two only had yourself. Now Haru feels at ease enough to trust me to take care of you. And he wants to grow.

"As a parent don't you wanna see what things Haru will do. If he goes down a wrong path we'll help him back up on the right track. And share his successes. But you haft to allow him those."


He turned his eyes to the stalls when he heard Haru's voice. He didn't sound fin. Afraid maybe from the way his voice was piched.

"If it's okay could I just stay here.. I don't think I should go right now... Haru, I don't know if it will help you right now but. When I'm nervous or scared I try to close my eyes for a moment and block everything out of my head. Then I picture myself in my happie place and calm my breathing."


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“Oh! You’re a scholar!!!! How exciting and wonderful! Well the kids will defiantly be going if you’ll have them. I know of so many demons that don’t get accepted into human schools so having something like this is amazing!” She added before Turning to Yukie she started scolding him in her native tongue about how he needed to invite more demons to the school and make sure that it was full of young students for Julius. And how dare he not tell them about the school since they knew so many demons the woman greatly offended as Yukie groaned a little at the new level of scolding. Slightly tuning her out as he was lectured the demon noticed Julius leaving to take a phone call. Raising his brow he watched as Julius left and waited for him to come back letting the babies play around on the floor.


“I just want him safe and alive at this point…we…gave him blood once, just accidentally undercooked the meat. He went absolutely feral a total monster who couldn’t even stop the evil that was pouring out of him. He…he may look like me and appear to be a centaur but he’s not. Not matter how much I lie to myself and look more human to make him fit in….he’s just royally fucked on what his future holds regardless of what I do. If he goes down the path Yukie did when he was younger he’s going to hurt those around him. I know Yukie always played off how he came into the human world after leaving his father like there was no dark past or evil. The oldest demons….they sometimes speak of him…how they remember his bloodshed and the monster he was that had no form and was always crazed and violent…it took Yukie so long to fix himself.” Haruhi explained as he looked down at his hands nervous.

”I don’t want Haru to be like that…to be something he’s scared of. He already has issues with his centaur form…and he’s been struggling in a human form. Haru he thinks I don’t see it but…when his eyes shift at time it terrifies me. He-he  looks more monstrous…it’s so terrifying to be around him but then when I get over the fear all I can see is how scared he is when it happens. I’m terrified If I let him go and he kills someone and can’t be stopped…if he’s another creature like Yukie…demons will call for his execution in fear he will make their world unsafe.” Haruhi admitted with a small frown as it was clear he had been figuring out Haru’s life as best as he could since he was two and was created again. It had been hard but in his mind Haru was in a safe spot now staying as he was he was safe.

“I-I can’t make the call to hurt him or to get him to stop if he goes feral…and I can’t lock him away again. It would kill me.” Haruhi whispered as he tried not to cry. “I know you wouldn’t let anything happen…but you don’t owe us that and I can’t ask you to do such a thing for us.” Haruhi added as he gently took Yumros hand for comfort. “I can’t have you watching him forever to make sure he never snaps. I know I can ask Yukie for help but what if something happens and he sees no issue destroying him…how can I know that Haru would be safe with him!” Haru asked his voice breaking as he finally let out all the worry he had been carrying for so long.


“Thank you…for staying. I-I can’t find a happy place but I feel better knowing you’re here.” Haru whispered as stayed put for a few minutes before he got up and slowly unlocked the door and peeked out his irises a dark red while his skin and hair where black and white spotted and covered in thick black feathers. Haru was nervous being around Shan he couldn’t help catching his face in the mirror seeing his teeth where now needle sharp fangs. Looking away from the mirror and down at the floor Haru’s hand trembled on the door his fingers long and ending in sharp claws as he hid behind the door a little more.

“I-I can’t make any of it go back…it hurts like my skins being ripped apart.” Haru explained as he before had ripped the feathers out when they appeared but now there were so many new feathers that it was rather itchy and painful as they grew in. “Last time I could stop it…but I can’t…I can’t make it stop and I’m scared I can’t go outside like this or even back home.” Haru whispered his voice breaking a little as he sat back on the floor his body covered in thick black feathers half chick down in places and half fledgling feathers a sign of him growing into his other forms despite not wanting it.

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Leaving with a teasing wink at his mate Julius took his call. He could still hear the elder lady scolde Yukie as he answered the caller.

The phone call only lasted a few minutes..10 at most. The builders just needed to do the glass in the giant glass house. The painters and electricians were well on their way too. Julius had wanted electricity in Wi-Fi in every room of the school. And it had to be done proper with all brand new boards so nothing would catch first by accident. There was a lot of stuff they needed Julius's 'go ahead' Before they could move on. From the thickness of the glass being installed to the stain color of the floors. He had some clear visions of what he wanted but also gave the painters alot of free room to choose what they thought could look nice.

After talking about tempered glass for another 2 minutes for the giant glass house with the head builder they both ended to call. Julius felt like jumping around while doing silly joyous squeals. It was still so unreal to actually almost have the school he'd always dreamed of making.

With a smile stuck on him he put his phone back into his pocket as he returned to the small apartment, s living-room.

He went to huge Yukie from behind where he was seated. 

"The glass house is gonna be do in a week's time. And half of the school is painted and has new cables running thoughout the whole place." He shared with his mate.


Yumro squeezed Haruhid. "With what you mean by I don't own you anything isn't the point. You are both my family. I want to keep my family safe no matter what. If I haft to keep my eyes out for Haru my entire life I will do it. And I don't want you to think anything about paying me for that. I love you. And I love Haru like he is my own pup. That will never change for me. I can also promise that no matter what I will not let my father do any to him. If I haft to fight Yukie I will. And if I haft to assist Haru in getting his sanity back I will strike a deal with the devil herself to make it possible."

Yumro touched his lover's face with his free hand and caressed the spot under the other's eyes. Haruhi's tears were swimming in the corners of his eyes.

"It's not a service. Its my genuine feelings on the matter. I can have eyes on Haru's  constant no matter where on earth he goes and I can get to him faster thought a portal. I don't want him to feel like we are breathing him down his neck like he feels now. As he grows he wants to explore and grow his horizon. You like me knows the real reason why Yukie did as he did was because he was not eased into anything. He was thrown into the world when he left my grandpa's house. And he couldn't controle himself. Right now Haru is constantly nervous about using his powers wrong and I think maybe some of what you and Yukie fears are rubbing of on him subconsciously"


Shan sat seated on the floor a couple of feets from Haru's door to let the other have his space. He frowned when Haru yold him he didn't hav a happy place. That just seemed sad. Even he had that. Although it wasn't exactly a place the exited other than in his head. It was still something he could fall back on when life made him feel too much emotions.

"I'm here when you are ready" Shan answered glad he could give Haru abit relief.

After a while he heard the door unlock slowly and the door squeaked a tiny bit as Haru pushed it open. Shan took a deep breath before he cleared his mind and slowly looked up. His face was neutral as he took the other's appearance in. Shan wasn't sure what else to say before the other broke down infront of him.

Shan got up and went to sit beside Haru. He said nothing just looked at Haru's black feathers gor a bit. "You don't need to be scared I'm here and I've locked the door so no one can get in." He said as he slowly reached over to touch some of Haru's feathers. It's like you have turned into a black angle. Your feathers are very pretty. Of coures it itches i can't image that it wouldn't.  Shan looked around and saw an airwent up in the celling. "Maybe some fresh air would do you good.. should  I take you up on the rooftop. No one is gonna see us up there" he offered Haru. He did have lots of abilities but he could pulled Haru into his shadow body and slip out through the airwent. He hadn't asked Yumro for permission as he didn't think it was needed. All he wanted was to make Haru comfortable. "I can't make you stop shifting and I don't think you should hold it in either. Don't be scared I'll make sure you wouldn't loss it. Haru you are so strong and smart. Remember you are the very best person in the entire world you are my bestfriend" Shan offered Haru a gentle smile.

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“Oh! That’s wonderful we will have to go check in on it when we are done.” Yukie exclaimed with a smile as he looked up at his mate. “I want to see every inch of it and your office…I suppose I’ll be hiding out there for your breaks~” Yukie teased with a smirk as he looked at Julius planning on hiding a giant beanbag somewhere in his mates office. 

“How soon until you can do tours and show it off?” Yukie asked curiously as he helped himself to a sandwich watching as Viktor came out squeaky clean and dressed in fresh clothes the boy going to where the babies were to watch them play with the toys granny put out.


“…I know deep down I need to let him grow and go out into the world. The logic part of me knows to let him be free. It’s so hard though…he’s all I had for so long. I kept living for him.” Haruhi whispered as he leaned into Yumros hand soaking up the gentle caress. “I don’t know how to be away…how to not have my own life without worrying about him.” Haruhi admitted as he knew it was foolish but he had devoted his life to caring for Haru, and while he had just gotten Yumro back and that  filled the void he didn’t exactly know how to switch over long term. “This is all so much change.…..most normal people have jobs or other younger kids. I don’t know what I would do other than smother you and Shan. And I can’t do that….and well….I can’t just live in our bedroom with you despite that being a very good option.” Haruhi joked halfheartedly with a tiered little laugh at his own joke as he sighed and moved over to Yumros lap before making himself comfortable till he was melting down and snuggling his mate deeply starting to calmed down with just a deep hug.


“Angel my ass.” Haru replied before breaking into a small fit of laughter that fell into sobbing tears and eventually a semi calmness. Leaning into Shan Haru rested his head on his friends shoulder his face blushing slightly as he took comfort from his dear friends kindness. “…Shan. I would like to go to the roof. It would be nice to get some air…but before that.” Haru whispered as he gently took his friends hand and looked down at the mess of feathers. “Thank you. For being here….for being my friend. I-I don’t want to lose you as a friend if I leave this summer….” Haru whispered as he played with a long feather anxiously. “I need to go away to get better…to learn about myself. I didn’t want to tell you because I don’t want you to be sad or angry. I’m afraid you’ll be hurt if I leave.” Haru admitted as he pulled at a few feathers in nervousness. “Would you visit me…if I could figure out how to send you back and forth?” Haru asked gently not wanting to not see his friend for a few months.

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Julius felt happy sharing the new with Yukie. His mate bright smile just did something to him. It only made the witch smile even wider. "Soon, very soon. I'm almost at the stage where I can have furniture brought in." Julius said as he slowly released his hold and went around the couch to sit beside Yukie instead.

"If you have anything to add in, just tell me and I can arrange it. You know what demon kind likes better than I after all" Julius turned his head as Viktor walked in and gave the boy a smile as their eyes meet before he went to play with the babies.

Julius took his cup of tea up and slowly took a sip, careful not burn himself on the warm water. He wasn't hungry after their lunch not too long ago. Right now he just really hoped the children would like their foster parents once they got to meet the older kids, Viktor and Maria. So with all that he felt too nervous to even snack on anything.


Yumro wrap his arms around his mate and held him tightly to him. "You will always care about him and is normal, but you are right it is hard to just suddenly change one's ways. Even if I can't keep you all to myself in our room forever I'm sure we can figur something out" Yumro chuckled teasingly as he kissed the side of Haruhi's face. Minding they were in public and kept his kisses innocent enough. "Not that I really would mind more pups but we'll haft to wait on that front. Still doesn't mean I can't spoile you"


Shan frowned and looked at him like Haru had just said something completly cra

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Shan frowned and looked at him like Haru had just said something completly crazy. "Were you planing on not atleast say goodby?! No matter what I would get pissed at you for just leaving. Angry and hurt. No matter what you say I wouldn't have forgiven you... so thank you for not doing that" Shan huffed as he didn't know if he should be glad or annoyed with what Haru said.

"You are a fool if you don’t think I will miss you. I get why you need to leave and I'm not against it." Shan felt warmth in his eyes and a sting as he was close to tears.

"I can't go cross country from Yumro for long, but if we can, I will come visit as much as possible. Just don’t go underground out of no where..We are friends always and I'll be there to have your back" Shan blinked to stop the stinging and water from leaking out of his eyes. Then he pulled himself up on his feets and stood. "Now you ready for a fun trick" Shan shifted over in a grin as he flicked his fingers and both Haru and Shan turned into dark smoke. Shan control it all and moved them up through the airwent and up out on the top off the building. There was some chairs and a table set up properly by the staff.

Shan turned back first and flickered his fingers again to solidified his friend. He giggled. "Here we go. Careful you might feel a little woozy at first."

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“Fun! I can’t wait to see it.” Yukie added with an amused chuckle as he relaxed beside Julius resting his head on his mates shoulder. “When Maria wakes up and is cleaned up and fed we can continue to the demon island.” Yukie explained as he wanted the girl to recover before they left. “I should check in on the parents. See if they will be staying up until we get there.” Yukie added as he got up and stepped outside to make some phone calls and update Yumro on what he needed to do for the village and the ones spared and where to send them with a gentle ask if he could  take care of it, the ask coming via text message to do when he could. 


“mmh I’ll take being spoiled and being by your side. It eases the pain.” Haruhi mumbled as he snuggled into Yumro more holding on tightly to his lover as he relaxed a lot finding a deep peace being with Yumro. “We will take it as it comes. If he burns down a village we could always throw money at it or something.” Haruhi joked lightly trying to ease the situation. “We should eventually gather the kids.” Haruhi murmured as he sighed not wanting to really butt heads with Haru again.


“I feel like vomiting.” Haru groaned with a small laugh as he looked at Shan amazed by what he had just done. “I planned on saying goodbye by the way. Just didn’t plan on making a big deal of it. I didn’t think about it really since It’s only until school starts….not like I was planning on leaving forever.” Haru explained as he made his way to a chair and sat down his body melting a little as his feathers puffed up huge before settling down. “We could always call or video chat. Every evening if we aren’t to tiered, I mean you will have to catch up to to be able to go to school.” Haru teased as he hated how upset he had made Shan about just leaving without giving a goodbye.



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Julius hummed happily inside himself as yukie went to make a call. He thought he should go check on Maria and so he he told the elder lady he would. But just had just about reached the door held his hand out to turn the nob. When the door slowly creaked open on it's own. A tiny Maria looked up at him scared and tried to close the door again quickly but Julius held on the door to stop it from closing. He guessed she didn't recognise him cause of the feber. Julius kneeled down infront of her so her were a eyelevel with the girl. He sweetie feeling better. The girl looked more shy than scared of him now witch he felt was a good thing. She spotted Viktor playing in the living-room and quickly walked over to him. She looked between the adults shyly and then poked at her brother to tell her what was going on.

Julius got up and made his way back. "I think you tea helped on the feber. But some should still keep an eye on her just in case he told the older demoness.
"Hm.. just a little longer" Yumro whine like a spoiler brat into Haruhi's neck as he inhaled his mate's scent.
He couldn't help feeling the tuck of the fullmoon and that was making everything super hard for him right now. He usally wasn't effect by the fullmoon but maybe because of the drain this morning he felt it so strongly. His beast was so strong today and especially now he wanted to hunt, have sex and run in the woods. The order of those things wasn't important. His cock was giving Haruhi's buttcheeks a hard hint of what it wanted to do to him. Yumro squeezed Haruhi's hips as he was fighting to control himself.
"I don't think I can wait until after we've had our talk. I want to have you now" Yumro whispered against Haruhi's neck. "But I worry you can't handle it. So give me a moment and I'll come back after a quick trip to the bathroom " he said trying to gently pushed Haruhi out of his lab. Giving his mate a chance to not feel pressured.
"Yeah I guess it's weird when you aren't use to it. But this way is alot easier to sneak around without being noticed" Shan explained as he gently held a hand out to stady Haru.

".. still. I really would be angry if you just left. You haft to promise you will come back once school starts. If you don’t I'm gonna come get you myself" Shan felt happy inside that Haru said he wasn't gonna just disappear. That he would miss him too and that he still planed to come back once school started.
Then he was reminded of all the things he needed to do before he could actually start his school year and groaned. He wasn't like Haru how actually liked to study everything. He only like the few things he found interesting such as music and cultur. Anything else was just a wast of time and boring. Of coures he would never say Haru was boring for wanting to know it all. In fact he always thought listening to Haru speak of those stuff was way more interesting.
"I think It gonna be okay  you already taught me the basic for math and reading. My hand writing needs work but l'm getting there" he explained and sat down beside Haru in the chair next to him. He looked up at the sky. The sun had just set but there were still som orange left in the sky.
"Do you feel a bit calmer?" Shan asked Haru after a bit. There were some pigdons sitting on the rooftop close to them whom watch Haru from the distance. Not really sure if they should approach or not.

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“Drinking the tea for a few days should help her get stronger.” Babushka explained as she sighed a little and relaxed into her chair feeling like a small nap. Viktor looking at Maria smiled happily that his sister was awake and mentioned to come eat. 

-come eat, the sandwiches are tasty. Granny said it was okay to have as much as we want and they have a bath for you and some pretty clothes!- Viktor explained with a smile as he mentioned to the food before them still enjoying holding the babies since he was never allowed to play with his younger siblings before only to visit and make sure they where behaving.


Yukie meanwhile was making some calls to the foster parents and a few elders checking in as he sat outside the house a black raven puffed up on the rail as it came to tattle to him about what was going on with Haru Yukie keeping a close eye on the boy to ensure he didn’t become a problem.


“Don’t you dare push me off. Carry me to the bathroom and fuck me on the counter. Provided no one is in there.” Haruhi replied with a huff at the audacity of Yumro even thinking of pushing him off to go take care of himself. “I’m more than able to handle fun time with you. I’ll just nap a little in the car.” Haruhi mumbled with a blush as he wrapped his arms around Yumro tightly and teasingly ground against Yumros throbbing rod. “Or are you taking me on the table in public?” Haruhi asked teasingly his own body excited at being fucked by Yumro again outside of their bedroom.


“I feel calmer, it’s a lot easier to breathe. It’s not the first time I’ve done this. Sometimes when this happens…I look like other creatures….creatures I recognize and some, that I’ve never heard of or can find in any book. I don’t know why all of this even happening and it’s terrifying.” Haru admitted as he scratched at the feathers the feeling making his feathers puff up in happiness as he unknowingly relieved some of the itching. Haru sighing watched as he saw the two Ravens puffed up and watching him the two always following him as to him they were devoted pets but to Yukie they where nice spies.

Yukie if he would have been there, well…upon seeing Haru he would have recognized how much the boy looked and acted like him when younger. He would have seen Haru had taken on one of the more elusive forms of a Harpie that was very rare to see in the demon world. The small group of Harpies he knew were hiding away very well alongside the more mythical creatures of the world away from humans.

Yukie of course have instantly told Haru that he was in a Harpie form and would have explained everything he could, he would have soaked Haru in an herbal bath for the itching and taught him how to care for his feathers and what he was going through was a juvenile molt that would end eventually but it was a sign of him growing up. Sadly thought Yukie couldn’t even try to help due to Haruhi being a firm roadblock since the first time he saw any of this start with Haru. 

For Yukie he was stuck unable to help Haru navigate any of this stuff, something Yukie had wished he had had growing up in the human world like this. Yukie had intentionally planned on fixing all of this when he went on his trip with Haru if he was allowed to go that is.

 “Shan I am a little worried about you going to school, specifically making sure you are ready. Personally I’m worried about if I’m ready also I don’t exactly what the school will hold…and I don’t know how well you can read and do basics or even if my basics are good enough. Maybe I should nudge Haruhi into tutoring us more.” Haru teased trying to lighten the atmosphere from being worried about school to something nice such as Haruhi teaching basics in a comfortable atmosphere at home.

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