M-jow Posted January 22 Author Share Posted January 22 Julius laughed after hearing his mate saying he would drink it for him. "I would never force you. But if you miss me too much you are welcome" he smile at Yukie. Loving having him leaning on him. He liked cuddling Yukie and just enjoyed their time alone together. When their food was brought in Julius hadn't expected such a variety of dishes. The huge pot took up quite a bit of space and it looked funny too. On 1/14/2025 at 7:55 AM, Yukonwolfspirit said: “Hot pot is pretty basic and great for the colder months. Basically you just take food and cook it in the broth.” Julius watched as yukie showed him how to eat hot pot it look simple enough but also not really. He could see how it would also be fun with a large family or close friends. Preparing the food right there on the table really created a nice setting around. He tried everything yukie place infront of him an liked most of everything. The only thing he didn't was the small soup cooked mushrooms. But he really liked them grilled om the saltstone. Yukie was so eager to show him it all and to help Julius tast it all that his mate completly seemed to forget to put anything down on his own plate. Julius pulled some slices of meat and cooked it just as Yukie had showed then lightly grilled it before he called over to Yukie to grab his attention. "Yukie" he pulled his chopsticks up infront of Yukie's mouth with the meat he'd just prepared. "Aaa" he said as he opened his mouth. A signal for Yukie to do the same so Julius could feed him. "Thank you for teaching me" he smiled at Yukie lovingly waiting for him to take the piece. "Let’s both eat now" He felt a little shy about hand feeding Yukie. It felt like something he image couples do all the time. He wanted to try and return a little of that sweet gesture back at Yukie. God only knew how the demon made his heart flutter when he'd kissed his hand earlier. "I tast amazing right" he asked Yukie as his lover chewed. Hoping he'd seasoned it just right. If not he wouldn't mind trying it again. It gave him a reasonly to sit close to Yukie if he was feeding him from time to time. ......................... "... you can make a portal?!" Shan looked at Haruhi with new found admiration. He hadn't know Haruhi could do that. Being a creature which wasn't know for stronge magic powers. Curious he followed Haruhi around like a little duckling after its mother. He doubted Yumro even knew Haruhi could portal them himself either. He watched on closely every step of the way. It was a long progress and to be honest he was a bit nervous about it working or not but Haruhi seemed to know what he was doing. Haruhi explained to him how it worked but was just a little hesitant when he held his hand out for Shan. He took Haruhi's hand and held onto him tightly. If they were gonna end up somewhere strange he would rather want to be with Haruhi than just being on his own. Shan held his breath unintentional as he walked into the portal with Haruhi. --------------- "Well you do kinda know him in a way. He is a clone of Yuen, Yukie's father. He is a version of him stripped of most of his powers. I don't know why he was created since he and Yukie don't get along but it is what it is. He goes under the name Chex now and leads a huge underground operation. When Yukie's mate died he pushed himself away from us. I was young and didn't know how to control my body when I started awaking my bloodlust. I was angry and Haruhi wasn't there either to help me. And I stayed away from home. Along the line I meet Chex and he was willing to take me under his wing... I still find it hard controling my bloodlust from time to time but I know the signs and how to handle it in a way that fits me" Yumro explained. "Unfortunately I got most of Yukie's bad genes but all the good of my mother's. I smell of wolf because I prefer too. It's my way of feeling closer to Ren" The foul scent of blood and death hit him the same second it did Haruhi. Of the four shadow he'd sent in only 2 returned just before the door opened. Haru was nervous and properly scared but stubornly still wanted to go in with him. His shadows relayed what they'd seen inside. The death demons and monsters roaming inside. Telling him the other shadows were caught and eaten by the ghoul inside. He hated ghouls. They were nasty creatures whom he had meet more times then he had care too. They were weak compared to others but they were a headach when the creaturs swarmed together in huge herds. Creatures not really of this world, like the shadows and could therefor feed off them as Shadow didn't really have any physical harmful powers. Only Shadow around Shan's level really stood a change and only if he'd ran away that was. Yumro roughly knew the lay out and the dangers out on the ground floor. The rest he would just haft to figure out on his own as he got in. "You don't haft to go in with me" he said as the door opened but Haru didn't look like he was about to let Yumro alone from the way he grabbed tightly at him. "Don't leave my side and stay behind me" he told Haru as he pushed the door open. They only got a few steps inside the door before he stepped into a pool of dark blood. Just great, he thought. Yukie's would definitely be roasting someones heads for this. His father had just finished putting new floors in just a few mounths ago and now he would never get the smell out unless he replaced it all again. He the faint sound of dragged chains before he awful scream pieced his ears. A Creature. Not a ghoul came at them. Yumro covered Haru completly to protect him. Already knowing the chain would stop it. It didn't seem like it actually had a conscious just a sad lump of meat put together with no soul. Yumro didn't looked faced at all when it almostgot right into his face either. Actually he wore a rather bored expression as he thought about what a pain it would all be to clean up. And he really wanted to spent the day peacefully with his family. A voice made him turn his head to face the perpetrator who had made such a mess of things. The man seemed to look straight through him to Haru. Yumro jaw clenched and his wolf growled under the surface. When the man was Yumro could feel he had some powers but he wasn't stronger than him. He hated how the man talked to Haru. Talkias if anyone had a claim to his son. But before he could rip the demon's throat out with his elongated claws. Another joined their conversation, this one actually felt powerful and in a way strangely familiar tl him. Something about the energy around him perhaps. he didn't recognise the man was Yuen his real Grandfather. "You aren't taking my son anywhere. I don't know what beef you have with Yukie but you have no claim on anyone of my family." Yumro's voice was low and threatening as the monsters surrounded them. He wouldn't let any of them touch a single hair on Haru's head. An army of black and blue shadow figurs sprang out from Yumro's shadow. These were his high elite warriors evolved with physical forms like knight's they stood around Yumro and protected Haru as Yumro reached out to grab the monster closest to him by the neck. The monsters scream and snarled as it tried to free itself and clawed at his arm. Only ruining his sleeve but never break in the skin. He looked at the powerful guy(Yuen) as he squeezed his fingers around it's windpipe and severated. It was choking it it's own blood and Yumro threw it's body at the next one. "You really shouldn't have come here and made a mess" Yumro's eyes started to glow red. His shadows taking a stand ready with swords to defent against the other monsters. His fingers had grown to long black claw like nails that was as long and shap as kitchin knifes. "Close your eyes Haru and hold your ears " he instructed Haru. While he stared Yuen down. He was the biggest threat of them all. When Yumro lunched forward he aimed to take Yuen out completly. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Yukonwolfspirit Posted January 25 Share Posted January 25 (edited) Seeing Julius offer the food so lovingly Yukie couldn’t help but burn a deep embarrassed red. Looking away as his ears burned Yukie looked back overwhelmed with happiness as he took the bite. “Thank you. It tastes perfect you’re a natural.” Yukie responded back to Julius his voice a touch nervous as he snuggled closer to Julius not use to such romantic outings. “I like doing this stuff with you. It’s nice.” Yukie admitted as he prepared a piece of meat for Julius and after salt grilling it added some savory sauces before feeding his mate a bite. ”So, we should discuss honeymoon options…maybe also some rings or something if you want something different.” Yukie offered trying to make small talk but well he wasn’t a natural at it. “Also…I would like to do a wedding announcement for those we know. Kinda like a little formal announcement to let them prep for the party, to officially declare our engagement and well to give your father time to accept if he wants to.” Yukie added as he made himself some more food this time grilling some vegetables not sure who he would have on his side other than his kids and elders. ————— “No, I can’t use portals this is something Haru has made for me to use to get around. I can’t use any demon magic or powers, at best I can do is change forms if needed but not for long. I’m not blood related to Yukies family like the others.” Haruhi explained as he finished his work and held Shans hand close before pulling him closer and walking through the two arriving at a small park area right outside of the town. “Alright, we are here we just need some ocean books, and something Yumro would like.” Haruhi explained as he inspected the black inky markings on his wrist that danced around the obvious signs of a low level tracking spell being used by Haru to keep track of Haruhi in case of trouble. ——— “You’re quite wrong, that little chimera belongs to me by blood. Though I’m dissatisfied he didn’t take Yukies traits, that can easily be changed with further testing and stress.” Yuen stated as he looked down at the two from his stair top. Watching Yumro take down one of his toys Yuen let out an amused chuckle before bringing out another from the shadows the man having prepared greatly for this day. ”I am amused you think I have no claim to my home, the very place I raised your father was alongside his failures….I never would have thought my own creation would have snapped like he did when he left. Left me quite a mess…made it almost impossible for me to regenerate if it wasn’t for all the blood I consumed from other demons and the shadows lurking around here.” Yuen stated as he looked down towards Haru who clung to Yumro even more his heart racing. ”Haru, you should be polite and show some respect. Greet your Great grandfather, we aren’t strangers…we’ve talked before, we share a blood connection.” Yuen said with a smile as he waved his hand towards Haru completely ignoring Yumros guards his eyes only wanting to see just how much Haru had taken after his first creation. “I told you I would come visit when it was time for you to live with me. This meeting should be no surprise.” Yuen added as Haru looked out at the man confused by the familiar scent and words that put him on edge. Turning away from Yuen like Yumro asked Haru didn’t see how easily Yuen moved away to avoid Yumro his movements mirroring Yukies in speed and defense as he stood behind Haru a gentle hand placed on the boys head to guide him the three steps away from Yumros side that he needed. ”You should really be careful Yumro. If you spill my blood Yukie will have to kill this one….Haru won’t be able to control his bloodlust he’s still so locked away with what he is and who he is it’s no wonder he’s so confused seeing and knowing me.” Yuen stated as he moved easily to the side picking up Haru in the swift motion the man’s own claws on Haru’s neck as he casually moved him back to the stairs. “My, your demon seals are much harder to break than last time, seems Yukies been keeping you well contained. It makes sense it would be a shame if you ended up like him…course I’m sure your body isn’t going to rip itself apart like his did…that was purely my work to keep him weak.” Yuen stated as he quickly pushed nerve on Haru’s shoulder the boy wincing and letting out a small squeak of pain as he flinched away from the touch his neck pushing against the man’s claws that were wrapped around him instantly drawing small drops of blood that tricked down from the small puncture. Haru instantly became infected by the seal breaking as he felt a deep burning coursing through his veins as a sudden burst of thick black feathers erupting from his skin the sight bringing immense joy to Yuens face. ”Alright, you old nit..ya got your test he’s this Chimera thing like the bastard before him. How much longer are you going to go on I mean just kill the fucker so we can go.” The boss man snarled out as Yuen frowned at being interrupted his eyes snapping to the man as he gently covered Haru’s eyes before he let out a small whistle as one of his creations sprung from the shadows and ripped into the mafia man his screams echoing through the house. “Now that he’s gone we can talk. Yumro, how much of Yukie did you take after? I’m curious to know if Haru will take more of your strength and skill or the filthy centaur he made his mother. Honestly I’m surprised he didn’t rip Haruhi apart when born…Yukie was quite the little monster when he popped out went completely feral once his mother passed. Course it helped I had created what he was at that point that caused his feral half…honestly….its nice to see Yukie really was stopping me from making more soldiers like Haru for all those years we lived together.” Yuen explained as he removed his hand from Haru’s face once the monster was done the demon gently patting his new son’s cheek. “We’re going to have to fix your bloodlust issues can’t have you getting sick after today…but that’s easily done by exposure to lots of blood.” Yuen muttered as he mentioned to the other creatures to have fun and continue to try and eat Yumro now knowing eventually Haru witnessing all of this in the end would mentally snap seeing Yumro in Yuens mind eventually be torn to shreds since it was how he had eventually broke Yukie down to become the chimera and feral beast he was. Edited January 25 by Yukonwolfspirit Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
M-jow Posted January 26 Author Share Posted January 26 Julius smiled comfortable being this close and cuddely with Yukie. Eventhough they were in public they did have a lot of privacy in their section. "Good because I feared it would be too cheesy for your tast" the witch winked at him as yukie blushed. In fact they was still learning how to really be a couple both of them. Julius like trying things like this but also trusted Yukie would tell him if he didn't liked it. Julius didn't mind the quiet as they started to eat but Yukie properly felt like there was a need to fill it out. 17 hours ago, Yukonwolfspirit said: "So, we should discuss honeymoon options…maybe also some rings or something" Julius looked at Yukie while chewing the food in his mouth. 17 hours ago, Yukonwolfspirit said: "Also…I would like to do a wedding announcement for those we know. ... and well to give your father time to accept if he wants to.” That last one made Julius happy demeanor drop a little. "Yukie.. I doubt my father will ever come around" he sighed. "I will invite him but I'm not expecting anything of him." He shouldn't let the disapointment drag him down like this. He was used to it from the him. "...if he dosen't show at the engagement party. Can we not invite him to the wedding? I just.. don't wanna look at an emty chair and be reminded that he wouldn't ne there" Julius looked a bit pitiful as he asked. "I want the people closest to us to be there cause they want to be there, and want us to be happy." "That said.. when did you think about setting up an engagement party? Before you leave or when you come back?.. has to be before spring though so.." ------------------ The sensation of going through the portal tickled. But not much else. Shan opened his eyes and saw they were standing right in a park. "Wow.. that tickled" Shan chuckled as he looked at the marking on Haru's arm and then down at his own to see if he had them as well. He didn't see any so he guessed it only happened to the one casting the spell. 15 hours ago, Yukonwolfspirit said: Alright, we are here we just need some ocean books, and something Yumro would like.” Shan smiled. "Well that’s easy he likes you mom." The boy said cheekily like it was the the most obvious thing in the world. Shan squeezed Haruhi's hand and began walking. "I think Haru will like a book about sharks. He told me he thinks they are cool" ------------------ Seeing Yuen go through his shadows like they were nothing and picked Haru up while he was surrounded by monsters made Yumro's blood boil. Not enough with that he even dared insult his mate. Oh he was signing his own death by doing so. The floor around Yukie was littered with bodies. It was fucking annoying. With everyone he killed two more apeared in it place. It was now quite crowd but Yumro kept them off while his eyes staked Yuen. His eyes bloodshot with rage. The shadows he had couldn't do much. Yumro had to take everything into his own hands. Hands there was already stained with the creaturs black blood and dripping down his claws. His wolf was with him right there on the surface. He eyes were only on Haru their pup. And that fucking bastard was messing with Yumro's son. Hurting him. Oh Yumro's was pissed off. "Haru listen to me pup. Close your eyes. No matter what you hear don't open them till I tell you to" Yumro told Haru knowing Haru still understand him even if he felt confused. The second later power rushed over Yumro. Black flames burned away his flesh to give away for a full bodyarmor of black fur and ion feathers a perfect mix of Yukie's. His wings from before was now black and his hair sliver white hair was now black and reaching all the way down to his waist. He had black wolf ears on the top of his head and a canine skull over his face. He looked terrifying and deadly and the ground under his feets was an endless black pit of nothingness. A perfect hybrid of a hapin and a wolf demon. The image of a fallen angle or the death bringer himself. The monsters around visible shook in terror cause of the the air around him. Even with no soul they still trembled at the feeling of soon death. Yumro suddenly disappear as he moved so fast no eye could follow as he flenched, clawed and tore every thing on the first floor. The monsters screamed trying to attack Yumro but couldn't. It only took a few seconds then Yumro stood right infront of Yuen and Haru. He looked right into Yuen eyes as he thrusted his claws through the man's chest. Catching Haru in his free hand as the other dropped him. "That was for insulting my mate." Yumro said with a cold tone and twitched his hand inside the man's chest making his black blood pour out of his wound. "No matter how many times you try to come back you are no match for me. and Haru will be strong in the futur too. Leave my family alone and just stay dead" Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Yukonwolfspirit Posted January 26 Share Posted January 26 “It will be before we fully come back, most likely late winter or early fall…before the wedding in spring. As for your father you won’t see any complaints from me on inviting or including him any further than the engagement party. I only care to offer an olive branch toward him this once if he refuses to accept you or us, I have no desire to allow him to come around.” Yukie explained as he ate another bite of food thinking over his own parents. “On the note of familial ties…I think I should admit via the letters I’ve sent my mother, that my mother is going to join she’s excited to attend both the wedding and engagement party. She’s planned to with my help have a demon body made for her again…she wants to move back to our world from the shadow demon realm to live alongside the family.” Yukie explained with a small smile quite happy his mother wanted to figure out how to be around for them. Yukie had been working on remaking bodies after Haru with more common human like results. After many, many years of testing he had figured out the formula resulting in the offer to demon shadows to have bodies made as long as they behaved. ”My father….has refused to discuss it or really respond to me. I check in on him from time to time to make sure he’s contained…. That aside…I’ve planned to ask Yumro if he would like to be my best man and I wanted to invite Haruhi and Hunter to join my lineup.” Yukie explained as he sipped his drink. “I thought it would also be fun to go out drinking with all of them to celebrate as a bachelor party if they want.” Yukie admitted with a small smirk. ”do you have anyone you want to fulfill any roles?” Yukie asked thinking about the ring bear and flower girl and also if Julius had anyone he wanted to stand beside him. ———— “oh I know but I can’t put a bow on myself for this trip.” Haruhi teased as he laughed a little knowing he could always do that kinda gift later. “I was thinking along the lines of a nice wine or something he’s been interested in for awhile.” Haruhi explained as he held Shans hand closer beaming at the fact Shan was calling him mom. Hearing Shan bring up Haru like sharks Haruhi couldn’t help the cute laugh that escaped his lips. ”Of course he does, he likes them because of all the teeth and their skin being rough like thousands of teeth.” Haruhi explained with a small smile. “Well then, I think we have a good idea for those two…now we just need something nice for you. What would you like Shan?” Haruhi asked gently as he lead them to a nice department store full of books toys drinks and a good mix of items. ———— Haru nodded as he looked at Yumro his eyes darting away as he looked to the floor his stomach churning from the smells around him. Yuen frowned at the order to his pet the claws digging a little deeper into Haru as he walked a step back. Growling as his creatures moved to attack Yuen was angered as he watched the fights unfold before he moved Haru making him cry out in pain as Haru kicked to get away from Yuens deepening claws. In seconds though it was all over Haru instantly being released as he fell into Yuens arm instinctively opening his eyes as he fell. Looking down at his own bleeding chest Haru winced as he touched the gaping wounds left by Yuens razor sharp claws. “So touchy over a lower class, honestly I thought you would have been better. I raised your father better than this he is a god compared to those lowly demons…shame you followed in his foolish ideology.” Yuen snapped as he glared at Yumro not even flinching as his heart was ripped into. Letting out a deep laugh Yuen smirked as he stared at Yumro amused by the demon before him. “Oh, I will stay away for awhile you’ve done good helping me today you did just as I wanted cleaning up this pitiful security system…letting me meet my precious Haru.” Yuen replied with a laugh as he looked down at Haru who was trembling among the blood soaked floor the boy having caught himself against Yumro as he fell into the man’s arm his body trembling as he could hear Yuens words. “My precious little Chimera, everything Yukie wasn’t wrapped up in such a smart mind. I can’t wait till he’s reached his full potential.” Yuen whispered as he brought up his arm and licked the deep red blood off his fingers his eyes burning red at the taste of Haru’s blood. “I bet this is all killing ya….all the blood smell…your own creators smell of blood…enough to drive any blood thirsty demon mad.” Yuen whispered as he was using his last bit of fight to get to Haru’s mental state. ”I’m the only one you can trust kid…remember…from the moment your dead body was reborn…from the dark abyss where our souls met…it was me that allowed you to be your true self that guided you back to Yukie when you were lost. It was me that never lied about what you were who you were!” Yuen yelled in rage as he glared at Haru angry the boy wasn’t acknowledging him. “We are one and the same! Born of the same creation that makes us eventually we all turn the same! Ask how Yukie turned see how well you follow in our footsteps to become what you were meant to be. All of these fucking low life demons are just fodder under your feet including that mistake of a mother!” Yuen screeched as he struggled against Yumro not caring how much he was ripping himself apart the demon completely mad. Haru just turned more into Yumro hiding away in his safety his vision blurry and his senses overwhelmed by the sea of blood they were in. Haru hid away more clinging to Yumro as his own razor claws clung to Yumro Haru unaware of the sharp talons as he tried to block out the screaming from Yuen and the sudden waves of change burning and destroying his current sense of self. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
M-jow Posted January 26 Author Share Posted January 26 Julius nodded relived Yukie did press futher to have his parent attend cause he didn't want to feel the rejection. Talking about Yukie's mom made him in a better mode. He had only meet her once but she was a kind and lovely woman who feel genuine happy for Yukie wellbeing. "I'm so happy she can attend. I really like your mon she is such a bright person" Julius smiled really liking the woman. But he wasn't sure about his father. He hadn't meet Yuen but from what he had done to his mate Yukie didn't understand why Yukie couldn't just keep him out of his life.. was that how he was with his own father? Although the person continued to hurt him he still wanted to try an de a good son. Julius hugged Yukie without saying anything. He worried for his mate's kind natur about giving everyone a change. Eventhough they clearly didn't deserve it. 6 hours ago, Yukonwolfspirit said: I’ve planned to ask Yumro if he would like to be my best man and I wanted to invite Haruhi and Hunter to join my lineup. Now that sound interesting. Maybe he had choosen Yumro because he was his firstborn. But it really did sound like he trusted his son very much if he was gonna ask him to be his best man. "I can't even image what kind of bachelor party that would be. I mean you can't handle alcohol." Julius giggled. "Or are you gonna test the fates? Should I tell Yumro to prepare a ladder, incase you find yourself stuck up in a tree again?" He teased as he would ask Hunter to sent him photos in secret. "I think Rose would make a beautiful flower girl and a nice maid in my line up if she wants to. Since I can't pick Hunter I'll haft to think about it some more. I don't have a best man right of the bat, but I do have a cousin in mind." Julius explain in thoughs. He wondered if anyone from his family far out would be against attending too. He could always ask them when he got a change too. "But I'm telling you now love, something I wanna be very clear with" Julius said sternly with his fingers up as he looked at Yukie. "No strippers. I will still consider that as cheating, even if you don't touch them. And I will not go through with the wedding" he pouted his lip, really meaning what he said. --------- ----------- ---------- ----- Shan smirked "A water gun" he told Haruhi. "Well maybe two, so Haru might want to play with me. He likes weapons but we can't play with them" Shan explained already planing an supriseattack when Haru wouldn't be expecting him to. Although Shan was just as smart as Haru and was mentally mature. He still acted like a kid his size most of the time because he Yumro and Haruhi allowed him to. Haru properly found it harder but that wouldn't stop Shan from trying to include him into playtime. He still really liked Haru like he was he favorite person in the whole world. "And you mom? We need something you would like too" the boy smiled sweetly at his side. ---------------------------------- Yumro opened his jaws with huge white fangs and bite down around Yuen throat, the cut through even the bone and ripped the demon's head right off his shoulders. Once the man's body feel to the ground did Yumro's shadow begin to devour all the dead in the room. Yumro took Haru with him out of the room and into the kitchin to get a better look at the pups wound and to get him calm. The scent of death was weaker here as yukie held Haru's tiny body to him. "Haru Im here breath pup." Yumro assured him as he held the tiny featherball close to his chest.it didn't matter to him if Haru wad struggling or clawing at him to get free. Yumro wasn't letting go. "Listen to my heartbeat little one." He encouraged Haru. Knowing the best was to calm down was to focus on something other than the voice inside once's head. "Breath in through your nose slowly.. in ...and out" he instructed Haru. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Yukonwolfspirit Posted January 26 Share Posted January 26 “Ha! As if Yumro would take Haruhi somewhere like that let alone let his mate participate.” Yukie replied with a chuckle as he was rather amused by the idea. “Honestly I’m going to request something tame…maybe hint at Yumro dragging us to something boring like a pottery class or something, it’s more of a fun little bonding outing with drinks tossed in.” Yukie teased as he let out a small laugh at the idea of Haruhi and Yumro going to such a place knowing Yumro would most likely be planning it if he accepted. “No worries darling I’m not really fond of those kind of places, even if I was…I’m much better at stripping then most strippers I’ve seen.” Yukie teased Julius with a smirk as he helped himself to another bite. “Am I allowed to get a tattoo? Maybe some piercings?” Yukie asked playfully wanting to see how wild he could go for his party night. ———— “oh if your planning war with Haru you’ll need water balloons too and more than two guns.” Haruhi admitted with a small laugh at the idea of the two running around having a water fight the idea warming his heart. “I will fully allow you whatever play weapons you want so long as you two are being nice while using them.” Haruhi reaffirmed as he held Shans hand closer and pulled him to a big toy store and after a few minutes lead him to a whole isle of different water toys. “I think you’ll get bonus points for anything shark shaped.” Haruhi explained as he looked at all the items before shifting his feet not fond of the tile floors. ”As for myself, I wouldn’t mind a look at the books also. Maybe some yarn to make you two scarfs for the winter.” Haruhi admitted to himself as he ruffled Shans hair and mentioned for him to go off and look around. ————- “…I’m okay.” Haru whispered his voice so broken and void of emotion as he spoke the small pile of feathers just sitting numb on the counter as he rested against Yumros chest. “….I’m alright….Its okay…” Haru whispered again as if trying to reassure himself his words were true as he instinctively took deep breaths his body listening to Yumro despite his mind refusing to. Looking up at Yumro Haru stared at him blankly for a moment clearly in a state of shock as he reached out and touched Yumros face seeing the blood covering Yumro from him killing Yuen. Feeling the blood on his fingertips Haru tried to wipe it off only getting it more all over himself and Yuen causing him to become more and more frantic as he couldn’t get Yuens blood off easily. The more he tried the more he started breaking down ending up in Haru unknowingly panicking over the mess to the point where he started to sob and break down still trying to clean the blood away from them both. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
M-jow Posted January 27 Author Share Posted January 27 "You never know" Julius shrugged although from what he'd get of Yumro those few times they'd been in the same room with eachother. It didn't seemed likely he was as wild of an type as Rose. On 1/26/2025 at 10:37 AM, Yukonwolfspirit said: "even if I was…I’m much better at stripping then most strippers I’ve seen.” Okay..that caused Julius to look at him with a teasing glimmed in his eyes. "Oh yeah?" Julius asked curiously as he very obviously looked at Yukie from top to bottom then back up again before reaching out to pretend he was ajusting Yukie tie. "You might have to prove that one. It is not really a reliable allegation if it's just in your head, my very beloved sweet mate" Julius smiled at him innocently. "I for one have seen you take off your clothes on more that on occasion but..mnh how do you say it... hmmn not that bad?" The witch was clearly playing with Yukie just to tease him a bit. Of coures Yukie knew just how gorgeous he actually was but he wouldn't let him get too cocky. Julius shook his head and laughed. "I wouldn't stop you but, weren't you the one who didn't like needles or blood? It's gonna hurt.. although if you did it I would look forward to see it." And he really did mean it. He could image Yukie with a piercing or two. Hell he had hear some people even turned more sensitiv with one. Julius blushed as he thought of one he'd might would want on himself. "I'm not gonna controle you Yukie. I hope you don't see me that way. " he told him really hoping he didn't see him like that. Julius most of all feared turning into someone like his father. He wouldn't be like that for Yukie. --------------------- Shan was glad Haruhi liked his idear. It was something both could do a d Haru wouldn't even haft to be in the water to play with him either. "A shark water pistol would be cool!" Shan nodded at the suggestion Haruhi had made. Shan felt exited as they got to the toy store and Haruhi encouraged him to go ahead and have a look. The shadows skipped along the floor into the store to find the equipment they would need. Waterballons, water pistols and gunes, two of each. One had a cartoon shark drawn on it which he hoped Haru would like. "I'm all set" Shan came up to Haruhi will his arms full. He almost couldn't carry it all but he did manage anyway. ------------------- Seeing Haru in a panic stage cause of the blood he'd first tried to take of him. Yumro change back into human form. His shirt was gone as it had been ripped as he'd shifted from the first time, but atleast he still wore pants. He carried Haruhi over by the sink and took a cloth he could use to wrip the boy's body clean. Yumro first gently took Haru's hands and held them in under the running water to wash both of their hands. Then he began cleaning Haru. A show would properly have been better but he wasn't gonna use the one here. He'd rather not stay here for too long when it wasn't as safe for Haru. He would call Yukie's safty staff apartment and have someone of those Androids drop by to re-install a new alarm system. It would just haft to be temporary until Yukie was back and installed a new system anyway. The his shadows were cleaning the house from blood a bodies. The broken stuff he couldn't deal with right now be thought to come back later and go through it all. After washing the boy down clean from any trace of blood Yumro turned the cloth on himself and wripped whatever blood was on his body. He hoped having the blood away would help. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Yukonwolfspirit Posted January 28 Share Posted January 28 “Oh I’ll call that bluff….I can actually back it up, I learned how to do this stuff…found the whole thing fascinating when I was taken for a work meeting that ended in no deal but well I fell in love with the art. Then I did stripping and pole dancing for a few years after the house was empty and the kids were off doing their own thing and I had more free evenings. It introduced me to a very colorful world.” Yukie teased with a wink as he grabbed his phone from his pocket and scrolled through some old photo folders before speaking again. “I don’t see you controlling at all. I just thought I’d check bases with what you like…some people don’t like tattoos and piercings…for now I plan on getting some piercings, just the ears to start.” Yukie added turning back to Julius with a smirk as he finally found his video and handed the phone over a little to gleefully to Julius before tapping play. The video itself was extremely erotic in more ways than just the sexy dancing. Yukie was on a stage wearing glitter and just some leather shorts along with fishnet and sexy heels and well, his hair was defiantly much shorter, and silver in the video yukie having of course darkened it up with some dye. Watching the video go on out of the corner of his eye Yukie smirked as he helped himself to more food the video showing so many naughty dances with stripping and tricks on the pole it was if Yukie was a hardened veteran of the art. “The pants were killer with most of the dancing but the heels were quite enjoyable once I got use to them.” Yukie explained as he worked on cooking some more food for both of them. “I almost broke my ankle my first time wearing them.” Yukie stated as he ate his food. ———— “Great! We will checkout this stuff and then go to the book area, and then the yarn and some wine? Maybe.” Haruhi added as he lead Shan off to pay and once done he helped Shan carry the bags to the next store where he picked out a nice deep blue for Haru before looking at Shan. “What color do you want? A good scarf will be needed for the winter.” Haruhi asked as he looked over some colors for Yumro unsure what color he would like. ——— “….I don’t like smelling blood on you…anyone’s blood…it feels wrong.” Haru whispered out finally as he stayed where Yumro had placed him on the counter unable to move his body. “I…I didn’t like seeing his blood on you…it made me…uneasy.” Haru added unable to really pinpoint his emotions as he looked down at his bloody clothes before carefully taking off his shirt the puncture wounds already black and infected. ”It’s my fault…you ended up having to fight them. I didn’t know…I wasn’t suppose to…” Haru whispered his voice full of disappointment in himself as he moved to clean his wound only to stop and remember why he couldn’t do that anymore. “…I…I wasn’t suppose to go into the locked rooms or take anything out…they were sealed, I thought I could seal it right but I didn’t….if I had he wouldn’t have been able to let them all out. To let him out…I’m sorry. I know Yukies going to be mad when he finds out what happened…” Haru added as he hung his head down feeling shame from the mess he had made and slight fear from how angry he might have made Yuen and eventually would make Yukie. ”….can we still go swimming…I know Shan and mom really wanted to go. If need I can sit in a spot and not move as punishment.” Haru asked his voice so small as he spoke even the boy having secretly been looking forward to the outing and well he knew he deserved some sort of punishment for his crimes. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
M-jow Posted January 30 Author Share Posted January 30 Julius almost couldn't belive what his was watching. What more Yukie's kept this on his phone. How had he never told him before. The witch now not as cocky as before couldn't help the bloodlust from rushing to his cheeks.. among other regions. ".. is there anything you are actually bad at?" Julius asked seeing as he didn't have any way to say otherwise in this. He wanted to keep watching to the end of the video but Julius thought better not to. His heart was already skipping with excitment and his lower parts was threatening him with a boner if he continued. But he didn't get the heels to be honest. Julius glanced at Yukie from over the phone. Yukie didn't look a day older in this video. Shorter hair but otherwise he looked just as he was now. Still just as sexy even in a suit. Julius smirked to himself as he put the phon down. "I already knew you were wild" he chuckled. "And you know your looks are nonecompared. A mix of those to and you are like liquid eyecandy to anyone watching" ------------------------ "Okai" Shan nodded as he followed after Haruhi like a little duckling right on his heels. The lady behind the counter chuckled as she packed the toy into bags while Shan's huge eye watched her hands work. He could have carried the bags but that would have meant no room to hold Haruhi hand, so he didn't complain about it. Going inside a hobby store to buy yarn, was kinda a first for him. But he wasn't much interested in handcraft so he just stuck with Haruhi. He looked from Haruhi to the yarn as the other was picking out a blue one from all the blue tones on the wall. On 1/28/2025 at 6:10 AM, Yukonwolfspirit said: “What color do you want? A good scarf will be needed for the winter.” "I like purple" Shan said and looked back at the wall the help find a purple color he liked. He picked a dark tone one that he thought looked pretty with small shinny purple threads. "This one I really like" Shan said as he held out the yarn to Haruhi. "By the way mom, what is your favorite colour? I think I know everyones, exept yours." ----------------------------- Seeing the black infected wounds on Haru made Yumro's bite back a growle. Damn it, if he could kill that bastard again he would. "Haru I will not blame you for this. You are already doing a pretty good job at that yourself. You did something you was told not to do, and did it anyway. You felt the consequence of your actions and maybe you'll learn from it. Now lets take a look at these wounds. " he didn't lile Haru blaming himself for everyone. Sure he might have broken the seal byt Yumro had told Yukie it would happen at some point. Also really the fault was with his father. "Let's get these treated first. You mom is gonna worry sick if he sees you hurt. We can always go to the beach whenever you want after" Yumro said. Not that he would cancle the trip unless Haru really was hurt. "Look here pup" Yumro gently lifted Haru's head to look into the boy's eyes. Yumro wasn't angry but looked worried. "Haru I think I need to can Fairy again your wounds looks infected with something. You are not in trouble with me but can you tell me exactly how you feel so I can relay it to Fairy." Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Yukonwolfspirit Posted January 30 Share Posted January 30 “Mmmmh well, I’m not great at gardening most of my plants end up dead. I’m not great at medical stuff or healing at all and I can hardly use demon magic and powers…quite hard for me to do such things other than shapeshift.” Yukie admitted as ate another bite watching Julius with a teasing smirk. Sipping his drink as Julius spoke about him being eye candy Yukie let out a small laugh. ”oh yeah? Well you’re quite alluring and tasty yourself. Being all mystical and beautiful.” Yukie teased Julius before kissing his mates cheek in response to the statement. “I don’t care to be anyone’s sweet candy but yours.” Yukie murmured as he bent down and snuggled into Julius letting his soft kisses travel from his mates cheek down to his neck as Yukie playfully bit Julius. ———— “Well, hmmm how about this why don’t you pick out Yumros favorite colors and I’ll tell you mine?” Haruhi asked as he gathered a few more colors for Shan and Haru before reaching and picking a very soft mix of forest greens the colors quite soft against his skin as he showed Shan his favorite color. “I like green, it’s full of life and soothing.” Haruhi admitted with a small smile as he looked towards Shan enjoying their one on one time. ———- “Mom…isn’t observant to this kinda stuff.” Haru pointed out as he mentioned to the whole missing limb Haruhi had failed to notice for so long. Looking into Yumros eyes Haru frowned at Yumros worried expression the feeling of being so worried over by Yumro making him feel rather quite loved. Frowning as Fairy was brought up Haru let out a small sigh and looked away. “It’s numb…and so…cold like my body is under ice. It doesn’t hurt or feel like a normal cut…it feels like it doesn’t exist…it should be bleeding out…I don’t feel like it’s real or that I’m hurt. I feel like it’s just a shock response from everything.” Haru mumbled before speaking again a little more groggily this time. “I don’t think he wanted to kill me…just maim because I was disobedient…he kept talking to me…” Haru admitted as if it was the most normal thing in the world to hear the old man’s voice try to overpower your senses. “…I don’t think I will be hurt by the poisons….if I am…whatever Great grandfather said…I’m like Yukie with this stuff…I shouldn’t have any issue with venom or poisons.” Haru mumbled even more as he leaned into Yumros arms snuggling him for warmth a small shiver running down Haru’s body as his temperature dropped instantly to help keep the venom from moving around and to help protect his organs from damage the act a natural instinctive response. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
M-jow Posted February 6 Author Share Posted February 6 "Well maybe that was why you needed me. The warlock in my bloodline lets me cast alk kinds of spells and my witch's part has a deep connection with plants. Whatever you can't do I'll still make it possible. Maybe I could even try to teach you some easy casting if you want. But no pressure" He laughed as Yukie's kisses tickled his neck. He put his hand in from of Yukie's mouth to stop him for a moment. Then he moved up and sat in Yukie's lap. Julius for the fun of it. He slowely pulled his hand off Yukie's mouth and kisses the demon's right on the mouth. Julius smiled. "You think I'm mystical and beautiful... You are so damnn sweet." Julius kisses Yukie's again but kept it innocent enough since they were in public. ______________________________ "Deal!" Shan nodded as he turned back and picked up a warm red and a a chili red for Yumro. "Yumro likes red." Shan explained as he gave Haruhi the yarn. Others properly couldn't tell since Yumro barely had anything in red. But it wasn't a coincident that all the racecares Yumro drov was red. He liked to think the color gave him luck on the track. "I think green suits you very much. I like green too but it isn't my favorit. Maybe a second favorit" he said honest. ______________________________ Yumro nodded and pulled his phone out and he dialed Fariy's number instantly. Fariy let it rang for almost a minut before picking it up. "Yumro as I swear! You aren't worth this no matter even if you finally let me fuck you!" Fariy growle at the other end. "Haru is wounded with posion it looks bad. Please Fariy just this once.. I'll make it up to you with a favor. Not that an actual IOY" he pleaded into the phone while his hand gently caresses Haruhi's shoulder. "...you are a son of a bit##! You know that is an big IOY to me. And honestly you aren't even worth it.. but I can't turn a kid down so I'm not doing this because I feel for you got it! God damn it" (distance shouting~"you people fuck off, go do something productive" "Yumro stay on the line. Im coming to you" Fariy said although he didn't sound happy one bit at all. It took a few seconds before the fairy beamed into the kitchin just a few feet away from them. Fariy wore a golden robe over a blanket set of clothes but the shirt was buttoned down halvway from his collarbone. He had be enjoying himself before coming here or about to anyway. His sharp eyes stared Yumro down although he was the taller one of them. "Step aside" Fariy told Yumro to give him some space. They wasn't a freaking privat nurse Fariy thought to himself bitterly. "What mess have you gotten yourself into this time huh?" He asked Haru as he silently asked if he could see the wound under the boys shirt.Yumro nodded and pulled his phone out and he dialed Fariy's number instantly. Fariy let it rang for almost a minut before picking it up. "Yumro as I swear! You aren't worth this no matter even if you finally let me fuck you!" Fariy growle at the other end. "Haru is wounded with posion it looks bad. Please Fariy just this once.. I'll make it up to you with a favor. Not that an actual IOY" he pleaded into the phone while his hand gently caresses Haruhi's shoulder. "...you are a son of a bit##! You know that is an big IOY to me. And honestly you aren't even worth it.. but I can't turn a kid down so I'm not doing this because I feel for you got it! God damn it" (distance shouting~"you people fuck off, go do something productive" "Yumro stay on the line. Im coming to you" Fariy said although he didn't sound happy one bit at all. It took a few seconds before the fairy beamed into the kitchin just a few feet away from them. Fariy wore a golden robe over a blanket set of clothes but the shirt was buttoned down halvway from his collarbone. He had be enjoying himself before coming here or about to anyway. His sharp eyes stared Yumro down although he was the taller one of them. "Step aside" Fariy told Yumro to give him some space. They wasn't a freaking privat nurse Fariy thought to himself bitterly. "Whatever mess have you gotten yourself into today Haru?" He asked thd bur more plesantly than his tone was towards Yumro. And silently asked if it was okay if he put his hands on him. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Yukonwolfspirit Posted February 7 Share Posted February 7 “I’ll mull over the idea. It sounds interesting.” Yukie admitted with a small chuckle as he looked at Julius only blushing a deep red once he found his mate snuggled down in his lap. As he was praised and kissed Yukie could only blush and melt even more under Julius’s love. Eventually Yukie stopped Julius his hands gentle as he did so. “Darling, if you keep praising and showering me with this much attention we will end up stuck here until I feel…less aroused.” Yukie stated bluntly as he gently kissed Julius’s hand showing he meant no anger by it but more as a he didn’t want to drag Julius off just yet kinda deal. ———— “I don’t think I’ve ever asked him why red.” Haruhi admitted with a small laugh as he kissed Shans head finding the boy so cute and adorable. “Alright, last but not least we need to grab a book on sea life for Haru and apparently he had an order to be picked up.” Haruhi explained as he lead Shan to the front to pay. “Shan, I’m glad you think green suits me…I’ve always been unsure about the colors, I kinda feel to christmassy when I wear green.” Haruhi admitted feeling his bright deep red hair often clashed with many colors. Once done he took Shans hand and lead him out of the store and off to Haru’s favorite bookstore. The bookstore was nice but was rather old and enchanted looking the place clearly less modernized and specialized in rare books. “Alright I’m going to go get Haru’s book order, do you think you could go look for some shark and ocean life books?” Haruhi asked Shan as he dug around his small purse for the receipt. ————- “One of these days he’s gunna stab your ass.” Haru mumbled as he listened to the phone call and just sat still on the counter the small demon looking around the destroyed kitchen. Upon seeing fairy appear Haru smirked as he bit his lip and kept his outburst to himself already guessing that they had been on a day off and relaxing at home and Yumro had greatly stopped the relaxing day. ”oh ya know, the usual family outing great grandfather came back from the dead and went crazy, made a bunch of monsters and stuff…tried to kidnap me because I’m a new fucked up breed if monster and better then his own son in a weird kinda obsession way. …oh and then he tried to kill my dad and ended up poisoning me. You know the usual fun filled Friday family outing.” Haru added sarcastically as he mentioned to fairy that he was okay with fairy touching his icy skin to check the wound. “Yeah sadly I can’t tell mom about this trip…though……so…would Yumro owes you one be paying for this…I mean cash is a bit easier. Not to mention if you did my Mom WILL tear you a new asshole if you try to even look at Yumro romantically or do something flirty. I’ve seen moms angry side before and it is not something you want cursed on you. Not to mention it would forever make us lifelong enemies and I don’t think you want older adult me trying to burn your house down every week and throwing eggs at you.” Haru added cheekily his threat being huge to him as he was rather defensive for Yumro just as much as he was Haruhi. While his words were a half joke, he was quite serious about his threat. Course his words didn’t last long as he was even slightly touched the flinch that followed after was hard causing Haru to bite back a deep yelp of pain at even the slightest touch that graced the wound that was slowly changing a deep purple and starting to go more black. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
M-jow Posted February 11 Author Share Posted February 11 The witch chuckled. "Well I can't say I'm sorry for turning you on" he said smiling getting what Yukie tried to say, but it didn't mean he got off as the first thing. He pulled up on Yukie's tie and kissed the tip of his nose just to tease him a bit more. "I can't help it. My mate is too fucking hot" he said before getting off of him and letting go. How could Yukie expected him to keeping his hands to himself? Now Julius wasn't a believer, but It was a sin not to touch your lover when he looked that nice in a suit. He picked up some more meat and boiled it in the soup with the chopsticks he had. While waiting he shot Yukie another one. "You do know that this" he motioned for all of Yukie. "Is something I look forward to enjoy taking off of you slowly" he bite his bottom bit suggestivly before he took a bite of his prepared food. --------------------- "That I don't not know either" Shan admitted. Yumro had never explained it to anyone as far as he knew. "Na" Shan shook his head when Haruhi said he would look like a christmas tree. "More like a pretty flower" he meant it and took Haruhi's hand willingly to follow him to their next stop. On 2/7/2025 at 6:13 AM, Yukonwolfspirit said: “Alright I’m going to go get Haru’s book order, do you think you could go look for some shark and ocean life books?” "Yes" Shan nodded and ran off to find books Haru would like. --------- Fairy rolled his eyes. "Sugar look it's my one day off in a really really long while and I'm not in the mode for" he looked at Haru up and down. "Drama" he said as it was the only was to explain it. "Secondly I not sleep with that guy even if someone paid me too. It's a whole shite ton of weird. And I don't take second handed goods. Besides I like your mom he is fisty. "Not shut it and let me treat you little one" Fariy had absolutely no filter. Yumro frowned at Fariy. "Do you take to all children like that?" Fariy shot the demon a glare. "Only the once I like the rest I wouldn't even bother with. Not shut up an let me work my thing!" Fariy growle and his hands began to glow a pink glow. The back infektion that tainted Haru's skin seemed to grow back in reverse and liquefied. The back icky poision escaped out of Haruhi's small wounds and gathered in Fariy's hands like a black ball of liquid. He picked up a emty jar from the floor and put it all inside and tied a lid on it tight. Looking at the black liquid Fariy thought for a second. "I'll take this as my payment this time. Who knows when it might come in handy. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Yukonwolfspirit Posted February 12 Share Posted February 12 “You’re quite a tease.” Yukie replied his face red as he tried to calm down his flush and clearly needy body that had been way too enticed by Julius just now. “We’ll see… we still have pictures.” Yukie added with a smirk knowing he had time to tease Julius back. “I do expect you to uphold the desire to remove this suit. This is the longest I’ve ever worn one.” Yukie admitted as he looked at Julius and smiled a little as if remembering something. “I do have a gift for you back home we will have to stop by when we have time. Haru is caring for the plant for me until I can be moved. It’s a little housewarming gift for your school.” Yukie explained as he helped himself to more food making a bit of a face when he realized the food was too spicy. ————- Haruhi chuckled as he watched Shan run off and got to work going through getting the order from the shop keep who after twenty minutes of grief had finally given Haruhi the leather bound books wrapped in protective spells and other preventive measures. “I have a few more things once my son comes back.” Haruhi stated to the man who grumbled while Haruhi kept busy and looked at some old books much like the ones he had seen back home. ————— “oh yeah as if you don’t run a little drama fueled empire.” Haru mumbled as he rolled his eyes at the comment made towards Haruhi. “Your funeral if you go with him….” Haru muttered as he caught Yumros scolding and smirked to himself a little at Yumros words and the fact fairy found him more amusing than annoying. Sitting still as fairy worked Haru watched the black inky stuff be removed and once in a jar he looked down at his closed wound. ”I have no issue…just don’t do anything stupid…Yukies things and protections cause problems here. I can’t say what that stuff is or will do. For all I know it’s living.” Haru explained as he carefully got down and walked quickly over to Yumros side instantly hugging the man tightly as he felt to exposed being away from Yumro and out in the open room again. Taking Yumros hand Haru waited patiently for him to finish up with fairy wanting to just grab the tea and his favorite plants and leave the house smelling heavily of death and evil now. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
M-jow Posted February 15 Author Share Posted February 15 On 2/12/2025 at 9:16 AM, Yukonwolfspirit said: "You’re quite a tease.” Julius smiled. "Only because you are so adorable when you blush baby." He chuckled. Knowing fully well Yukie felt somewhat the same thing with him. "And don't worry I wouldn't forget it at all, I promise" But first Julius had to settle his stomach first. He was still somewhat hungry. He had just taking a bite of food when Yukie sammen he had a gift for him. He chewed his food and held his hand up in front of his mouth to not seem disguising. "A gift?" Julius asked curiouse as to what Yukie had planed. "Not more suits right?" He asked with a smile. When Yukie made a face of sudden uncomfort with what he'd just put into his mouth he gave his mate a glass of water to help clean his mouth. "If you don't like it too spicy don't use the chili sauce" Julius did his best not to laugh as he put the chili away from Yukie's reach, just so it wouldn't happen again. - - ---- ---- ----- Shan looked through the animal section and looked through ocean creatures the S for Shark. He looked those the once with the most text in. He found a really good one with pushout pictures where a picture jumped right out of the book on some of the pages. It really looked cool. He was just about to go back when he spotted a book with a big rainbow coral on the front it looked do pretty Shan couldn't help himself from taking a look. It was called 'The Ocean Floral' it was a book with many pictures of driffrent corals and plants. The book had alot of great research and data and well anything pretty really was bouned to catch Shane eyes. He was kinda turning into a raven. Anything shinny and pretty he had a good eye for. Maybe Haru wouldn’t want to read if but Shan would so he took it with him too. "Here" Shan placed the two books on the desk. "I found a good book for Haru. And another one just in case." She explain without really saying he liked it as he kinda felt bad for wanting too many things lately. He felt quite spoiled. Although he could guess Haruhi didn’t mind spoiling him. ---------------- Yumro picked Haru up on his arm when the boy hugged him tightly. "You can take it if you want it." Yumro said. He wasn't interested in what Fairy wanted that stuff for. He getting caressed Haru's head and encouraged the boy to rest on him. "Thank you for helping it really means a lot that you came as you did." He told Fariy who was stuffing the jaw into his pocket. "... Just don't make it a habit, you do know there are doctors in this world too right" Fariy said but still gave the par a little smiled. It really suited Yumro to be a dad as he was right now. In the past he wouldn't ever have thought this but the demon prince wasn't a nerve junky anymore. "I'll go back now. Although the wounds are healed you might still be a little tired it's normal. I pulled all the posion out but the body it still catching up to the energy block from before.. relax, play, be a kid. Bye Haru, Yumro" he waved as his body shimmered out of the room and disappear into thin air. "Now lets go look at tje plants. We can't do much about all of the mess. But my shadows will clean up the bodies and blood. I'll try calling Yukie and tell him so he wouldn't become back get a shock once he is back." He said to Haru as he took the tea tin back up under his other arm and went out into the greenhouse. Aside for some broken windows the green house looked a untouched. He had no experience in taking care of Yukie's plants but to him the health of the plants looked fine. He let Haru down once they'd made it passed the broken pieces of glass. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Yukonwolfspirit Posted February 16 Share Posted February 16 “I didn’t think it would be that spicy.” Yukie admitted as he took a sip of his drink glad the sugary drink soothed his slight pain. “As for your gift, I promise it isn’t more suits or clothing. Maybe a house later on…but it’s actually a tree. It’s well connected to me like the crystals are. I created it for you once I decided to propose, right now thought Haru has been caring for it he’s got a knack for plants and herbs.” Yukie explained as he ate some of the less spicy options. “The tree, kinda mimics me…since it’s connected…to me…you can feel my heartbeat through it.” Yukie admitted with a small blush finding the gift a little silly, but he thought it might be comforting at times to Julius and well he did like how pretty the crystals on its branches grew and how they could change and be harvested. —————— “I’m sure Haru will love it. Though there’s no shame if you want some books too.” Haruhi added with a small smile as he took the books and set them on the counter the stack growing to a steady amount of ten books. Once Haruhi finished paying he looked at his phone and noticing the time carefully picked up their bags. “If you want we can go home? Or we can get lunch? I would have thought they would have been home by now or at least called.” Haruhi admitted as he wasn’t sure if he should check on the two or just continue their outing. ———— Haru just hid away in Yumros arms his body suddenly hit with a horrid wave of exhaustion as he tried to focus on Yumro and fairy’s talking. Haru hearing Yumro talk about the plants slightly finally mumbling an okay the boy drifting out of his sleepy fog. As Yumro gathered the tin and continued talking Haru could only listen as he rubbed his eye tiredly before instinctively snuggling into Yumro not even noticing his features where changing on and off into feathered and non feathered skin as he was carried to the greenhouse. Once there Haru found himself gently set on his feet and back to normal as he looked around. “They look okay…” Haru mumbled tiredly as he walked over to a small breaker box near the door and opened it moving the switches and adjusting the system to water for him. Once the system turned on once Haru closed up and shut the box before looking over the giant greenhouse. “We need to take home two plants, the rest I can regrow from cuttings.” Haru added as he moved a small table forward and pulled out a wooden box. Once opening it he pulled out a small leather wrapped kit and some sterile fabric. Laying his supplies on the table Haru opened up the leather kit revealing some high end medical grade instruments. Picking up the scalpel Haru worked in silence cutting the healthiest plants and taking them back to the table. After about twenty minutes Haru had gotten samples from every plant in the greenhouse and had sealed the stems with a salve and wrapped them up safely in the fabric to protect them for travel. “….Does mom know you have other forms?” Haru asked gently finally speaking up after his long silence having had enough time to process everything. Working around a separate giant box that Haru had left untouched from taking from, Haru walked back for clean gloves and tools before he worked on cutting the plants all down to the roots only leaving a few shoots here and there. Taking his bundle back to the table he carefully cleaned and separated the parts he needed and his scrap into two piles before going to a small fridge by the shelf and grabbing his clean pedestal and mortar that was rather slightly bigger than normal, and then grabbed some purified water stored in water bottles. Washing the plants he needed Haru next started crushing the pieces into a paste only adding the water as needed. While Haru was still learning many things about the plants around him it was clear he had become quite skilled in the tasks he was doing. While Yukie didn’t have a green thumb it didn’t mean he couldn’t successfully guide Haru into properly handling and caring for the plants. When it crossed over to making medicines Yukie had asked many herbalists for books and how to do things to teach Haru everything he questioned since they lived isolated in the house (Yukie being the only one allowed to leave). “I’ll need the tin please.” Haru asked as he took a break from his work to add in more plants before continuing to mix them into a heavily aromatic and thick paste. Once he got the tin he used a clean spoon to fill it having pulled just the right amount of plants. Setting it on the table Haru worked on cleaning up and once he was done he set the used medical tools in a basket under the table for Yukie to sharpen and clean since he wasn’t able to do that yet. ”All we need is the tree….and….” Haru added stopping as he thought to himself if he should even take his own medical plant after learning all that he was. Taking a moment of noticeable hesitation Haru silently walked off much deeper into the greenhouse and out of sight. After a few minutes he came back covered in dirt but carrying a small crystal tree in a decently sized pot that softly glowed in a heartbeat pattern. “We can go now.” Haru added as he gently cradled the plant almost as if afraid to hurt it. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
M-jow Posted February 18 Author Share Posted February 18 Julius didn't even know what to say. It was a really thoughtfull and considered gift. "I.. I don't know what to say.. its incredible. So even if I miss uou when you are gone I can alway stay connected with you if I just touch the tree. Yukie it an awful sweet gift." Julius really was touched. "I wanna give you something back. Something you can have with you too. But I don't know what that would be yet. Honestly Yukie you come up with such wild idears always" Julius smiled as he wondered about what to make Yukie. He thought deeply about it till he go an idear. He however couldn't tell Yukie about it yet he had to find a time to prepare it first. They enjoyed the rest of their meal in peace. When they were done, they paid and thanked the staff for the good food and service. Walking out of the restaurant Julius had his arm around Yukie's back. Gently holding his lover close. People still looked their way but weirdly enough Julius was beginning to get use to it. He didn't feel as uncomfortable as before. When they got back to the studio both Marcus and the young girl Rachel awaited them over a cup of tea. ----------------- "But I don't wanna be a spoiled brat. I've heard kids getting all they want are." He kicked the tip of his shoe against the floor. "You and Yumro has already given me so much, I don't wanna turn into a nuisance" "Honestly I would like to eate with everyone" Shan said as he helped Haruhi by carrying as much as he could hold. "Can't you call and ask?.. Normally I can connect to Yumro but he is too far away right now. -------------- While Haru did his thing Yumro sent a text to Yukie's phone along with some pictures he'd taken inside the house. His shadows had cleaned out the bodies and dissovled the blood but the house was still a mess. While texting he still made sure to keep an eye out on Haru. Just in case of something. On 2/16/2025 at 6:30 AM, Yukonwolfspirit said: "We can go now.” he gently cradled the plant "Okay and I've texted Yukie and sent him some pictures." Yumro told Haru as he went over to pick Haru back up on his arm. "You can rest okay. You are such a hard worker" he said to Haru as he gently kissed the boy's cheek. He opened the portal and took all of the stuff Haru had gathered and put them through right into their living-room. They were the last to go through andvthe portal snapped shut right after them. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Yukonwolfspirit Posted February 19 Share Posted February 19 Yukie smiled at the idea of having something like that from Julius. As they wrapped up their lunch and left Yukie was overly happy walking back with Julius and once back at the studio he was ready to continue. “Thank you for waiting on us, it was night to be able to take Julius out on a date.” Yukie admitted as he smiled at Julius only to feel his phone going off the demon immediately pulling it out of his pocket. ”Julius, I need to see what’s up. Think you can get everything sorted for a moment?” Yukie asked as he frowned and stepped outside going off out of view. Looking at his phone Yukie read the text and studied the pictures before asking if Yumro and Haru were both okay. Yukie also asked some follow up questions on what had happened and if they wanted some extra security. Once finishing his messages Yukie was tense and could be seen pacing and making some more phone calls to others the demon quite pissed and clearly sorting out something in a more aggressive manner than usual. Taking a moment to think and sort out another handful of messages and texts Yukie eventually took a moment to breathe knowing just how much he had fucked up and needed to clean things up not only with his home but…with Haru who now probably was confused by everything. Taking out his phone again Yukie made a few more calls, and after ten minutes a group of men showed up the group taking orders and tasks the men looking menacingly and all armed. Sending them off Yukie took a minute to fix himself and his hair and emotions before going back in with a smile as if nothing had happened outside. ”Alright, let’s finish our session please.” Yukie asked with a smile as he gently took Julius’s hand. ————— “You won’t turn into a spoiled brat your to kind and sweet.” Haruhi reassured Shan as he smiled and thought over what takeout to get to take home. Taking out his phone he called Yumro waiting for him to pickup. ————— “He’s not going to be happy seeing everything destroyed.” Haru admitted as he had seen the house practically reduced to nothing the monsters having destroyed everything. ”Thank you, I’m…really tiered. I just don’t want to sleep…I have so many questions so much to….try and forget.” Haru mumbled as he relaxed into Yumros arms more feeling safe. Finding themselves back home the house was quiet, Haru and Shan still out. “I’m going to go shower…take my plants and put them away also.” Haru mumbled as he stood and grabbed his items carrying them off to his room the lad needing some time to decompress before going back around everyone. After about an hour of work Haru had replanted his plants and tucked away the tree in his safe little bubble garden that only he could open. The task took much longer due to exhaustion and having only one arm to start with Haru being to tiered to spell up a temporary one. Having then showered and changed into some beach clothes Haru came back out to the living room his hair still wet and curling much like Haruhis the deep dark red locks showing a hint of red that matched Haruhis. Looking over at the kitchen Haru looked at the tea leaf mush and felt a little more calm at having to not go back for awhile for a refill his body still sore and exhausted as he moved to the living room and flopped on the couch to watch tv only to fall asleep within minutes. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
M-jow Posted February 19 Author Share Posted February 19 Julius looked at his mate questionly when he said he had to step outside for a bit. It was quite unusual but he hoped it wasn't something bothersom. He nodded and watched as Yukie walked off. -- Yumro decided to just call his father when Yukie began texting him back with a lot of questions. He answered that and elder had let himself into the house and released Yuen. His Grandfather had after that released a crazy amount of monsters abd creatures whom had terrorized the inside of the house. He also told him about what his Grandfather had done to Haru but said he had call a fairy to heal the child and that Haru was okay now. -- When Yukie came back in Julius instantly noticed the energy around Yukie was heavy and dence. Julius simply looked at his mate whom didn't revealed anything on his face but judging from his from what he could see. Something was up with his mate. He was angry. Really pissed off infact. 1 hour ago, Yukonwolfspirit said: "Alright, let’s finish our session please.” Marcus was just about ti suggested something new but Julius cut the other off. "Actually Love, Marcus just told me they had more than enough photos to work with. And I do feel a bit worn out too." Julius told Yukie and gave both Marcus and Rebecca a look to follow his lead. "Oh yes we took a lot. I'll work on editing and sent it all to you. And if you need more or want to redo, we'll set another date for it if you prefer" Marcus offered. It wasn't a hard lie. There was properly over 600 pictures on both cameras. It was more than what he usally took but Yukie had said he wanted a lot. He didn't know what this sudden change in plans was about. But who was he to ask that of Julius. He clearly had seemed that tired before when they took some single shots just now while they waited on Yukie. "See" Julius smiled as he pulled his mate closer. "Let’s head back" he told Yukie as he gave his cheek a quick kiss before walking over for their coats. ------------ 2 hours ago, Yukonwolfspirit said: "I’m going to go shower…take my plants and put them away also.” "Hey" Yumro stopped Haru just as he was about to leave for his room. "You know you can ask me anything okay. I might not be as smart as either you or your mom, but I want to help you where I can. And don't go work on all of this on your own okay. I'll make you some tea if you want so come out when you are finished." Yumro told Haru as he gently caresses the boy's cheek. It was still so crazy how muligt he looked like Haruhi as a kid. He was just a tiny bit harder than Haruhi to read but their expressions were very close to identical. Just as he'd heard Haru close his door his phone rang. He thought perhaps it would be Yukie but instead it was Haruhi. He smiled as he answer the call. He really missed his little mate. "Hi love we just got back. Where are you guys?" He asked without sounding worried because Shan was with his mate. When Haruhi came back out after quite a while. He did make that cup of tea as promised and just simply let Haru relax and be himself as he wanted. He took a seat on the couch beside Haru and just watched whatever Haru was in plesant silence. The Haru dozzed off and Yumro gently covered him with a fluffy soft blanket. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Yukonwolfspirit Posted February 19 Share Posted February 19 Yukie mulled over everything he had learned and well he was underneath quite angry and upset even if he acted completely different at the photo studio. Hearing Julius wanting to end the session Yukie looked at his mate before nodding the demon choked up at the fact Julius had caught him being overwhelmed. “We will plan another day for more.” Yukie assured Marcus as he gently smiled down towards Julius and was grateful to leave. Once they had their coats and bid their final farewells Yukie once outside stepped off and took a moment to let out a deep breath before making a lighter and cigarette set appear. Keeping some space between them out of respect Yukie took a deep breath in letting the act of smoking wash over him and smooth his nerves. ”Thank you, for back there. I’m fine going back I just need a moment…” Yukie explained as he leaned against a wall and looked up at the sky that was starting to slowly become starry. ———— “We went to grab some books and stuff for the beach I’m grabbing us food to take with us. Anything you want?” Haruhi asked as he lead Shan off towards some nice restaurants and gave Yumro some options before placing an order for all of them. ———— Haru grumbling in his sleep suddenly moved and jolted awake his body tense as he looked around confused for a moment before relaxing a touch. Gently rubbing his arms with his palms he worked on soothing the feathers away the boy uneasy. “You made tea.” Haru mumbled as he looked at the set before him the act quite touching to Haru as he curled up more under the blanket his mind heavy. After a few minutes of horrid silence Haru broke the tension by busying himself with making tea before he finally spoke. ”….am…I actually what grandfather said. Is whatever I am what…what’s been wrong with me?” Haru asked gently as he looked at Yumro finally. “Can I trust you won’t lie to me like they have?” Haru asked ever so hesitant as he was so unsure about who he could trust anymore since learning everything. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
M-jow Posted February 19 Author Share Posted February 19 Julius look at his lover as yukie lit his smoke. He stuffed his hands into his pockets as he simply let Yukie do what he needed to do. 8 minutes ago, Yukonwolfspirit said: "Thank you, for back there. I’m fine going back I just need a moment…" Julius just smiled back at him. "Of course I got your back. But.. can you tell me what it is about. You don't haft to tell me now, I can wait till we get back to the hotel. But I can tell you are angry.. really angry." Julius's eyes turned worried. But he didn't try to over step and would let Yukie tell him at his own speed. --------------- "Ah good good. I hop you had fun. I'm not picky and you know Haru's prefens better than me properly. His is taking a shower but Fries and burger do sounded good" Yukie said. He didn't wanna tell Haruhi what had happened over the phone but maybe it was best Haruhi knew just a bit ti be prepared. "So.. about when you get back. Haru and I was mixing up in something. Haru is fine but tired and exausted. We can talk about it when you come back.. just.. I needed to tell you cause I don't wanna keep that from you.." Yumro felt silence after that. ----- (Later with Haru) 56 minutes ago, Yukonwolfspirit said: “You made tea.” Yumro smiled. "I said i would" he felt really bad for Haru as he had just seen him waking up from a nightmare. 57 minutes ago, Yukonwolfspirit said: .am…I actually what grandfather said. Is whatever I am what…what’s been wrong with me?” "There is nothing wrong about you! Lets get all that clear... would you think Yukie or I had something wrong with us?" Yumro asked as he gently caresses the top of Haru's head. "You are just not only a centaur anymore. Yukie gave you his blood when you were younger to heal you. In doing so your body changed to adapt." "I never lie to you, but I might not know all details either. I don't know if you've noticed but Yukie shares more with you than he does me.. so what do you wanna know?" Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Yukonwolfspirit Posted February 20 Share Posted February 20 “An old elder…one I had thought I had banished broke into my home.” Yukie explained as he took another deep smoke the demon taking a moment before continuing. Blowing out the smoke Yukie sighed as he spoke again. “He unleashed my father…. Brought him back to full power. I…couldn’t destroy my father so I kept him in a sort of sealed away state….a deep part of me was afraid of losing the one that created me the only one who could answer questions I had about myself.” Yukie explained as he couldn’t hide the anger inside the fact that his father existed freely opening up so much pain and fear in him. “Haru and Yumro went to the house where they were they got ambushed and all of my fathers failed creations…my “siblings” if you will attacked them. Haru got hurt…got told everything about what he is…he’s untethered….unsealed and is a ticking time bomb.” Yukie admitted as he looked at Julius finally before pulling out another smoke and lighting it. ”I feel a huge amount of shame for keeping such a monster around for my own needs for not being able or strong enough to destroy him. At the time…I was struggling internally with my own ideas of what I was when…I fixed Haru…I realized I had done what my father couldn’t…and….I didn’t know how to help Haru but my father did. He helped me fix my mistakes and that was his bargaining chip.” ”I didn’t know how to help the others he made, I was hoping one day to fix them to figure out how to humanely destroy them or fix them to be normal humans again. Yumro fixed everything, cleaned it up took care of Haru.” Yukie explained as he rubbed his eyes the demon exhausted by the stress of it all. ”My home is destroyed….completely…. I’m going to head over tomorrow morning see what I can pack away and save from the mess…see if it’s worth saving. I don’t think it is…to break such spells one would have to kill the living creature that the house is…so…I’m thinking of retiring it…letting it be reborn for Haru to use one day if he wanted.” Yukie explained as he felt a sad sudden pit of loss for everything that had happened. Feeling hot tears hit his eyes Yukie moved to crouch down to hide away his face. For Yukie it was a strange feeling to process right now. He hated his father had hated the home he lived in and called his prison. No amount of paint and remodeling removed what the place originally was for him. Despite trying to fill it with new memories there were some places that just held him forever in his memories of where he came from. Yukie despite his creation and abuse…he weirdly had wished his father around and to not have died going so far as to keep him tethered in his home. It was a horribly toxic relationship that Yukie never could let go of. Yukie still felt ensnared to his past to belonging back home so it was understandable he would have so many raw emotions about everything that happened. On top of losing that damaging part of him he had also lost his families home, one he had built himself and tried to replace everything with good memories of his mate and kids so there was another sense of losing everything all over again. Letting out a shaky breath Yukie knew the house was destroyed beyond repair and tainted with his father and “siblings” blood, something he would always smell and that would cause him more mental damage then anything else. He also knew in order to get to what was locked away like the elder did he would have to damage actual house breaking deep into its bones and lifeforce. ”I need to burn it let the creature it is return to the earth. It’s was forced to served my father, then when I took over it accepted to serve me and my family for so long and so well. It deserves a proper send off.” Yukie whispered a small sob cracking through his voice as he talked about the house (the walking chicken aspect of the house) that had passed. (Baba Yaga house kinda thing.) ——————— Haruhi raised a brow at the news but seeing as his mate wasn’t worried more about it he relaxed a little and went off to finish getting food opting to take a taxi home with Shan. ——————— “Sometimes, people say…unkind things about both of you. That Yukie is cursed…and your his son and no better.” Haru whispered as he looked down at his drink the words feeling bitter as they left his lips. He had never paid attention to the hatred of those that hated Yukie, he assumed they hated all demons but in reality over time he had realized they hated the ones that were in a position of power in creating demons like Yukie, and being a terrifying force like Yumro when it came to all he could do. Listening to Yumro talk Haru let everything soak in as he stared down at his drink his body feeling empty and numb as he took in what he was and how long it had been kept from him. ”…I…remember dying. It was so painful and cold…then I was awake again my pain was gone. I felt so empty afterwards though. Even though I was fixed up….mom wouldn’t stop crying for so long afterwards he couldn’t look at me.” Haru softly spoke as he took a small sip from his drink the boy so unsure of what to really ask or say. “For the first year of having me back mom was scared of me….then one day…I just looked like mom…and he stopped being so scared.” Haru whispered so softly the memories painful now that he could remember them having had everything unsealed. ”I didn’t look like me back then, I didn’t speak…it’s as if I was just not there. I remember Yukie saying it would take time to adjust and be back to how I was. Then everything was different…what I was was gone…and mom loved me again.” Haru stated the words like knives as he looked at Yumro. ”If…I’m like I was again will he not want me?” Haru asked his voice shaking at the thought of being thrown away again by Haruhi, of being changed unknowingly to be what he didn’t remember being. (His pre dead self.) “How do I know who I am…or what I am when everything I was died and was remade….I-My body…it shouldn’t exist. My real body is gone and I’m just in some dolls body like the ones I made!” Haru stated his voice panicked as he fully was breaking down tears falling down his face as he had hit the wall with understanding things and being so overwhelmed with trying to figure what and who he was something Yukie had sealed away to avoid this exact issue. While it was cruel to not let Haru naturally grow and adapt and figure this out all of his current melt down while young. Yukie had felt he had no other choice, he had pushed Haru back into the mold of what he should have been and what he was instead of letting him be what he really was. He had done it for Haruhi's sake due to Haruhi’s mental snap and rejecting him, something that had horribly damaged Haru and Haruhi both at the time. In turn it his choices had created so many problems for Haru’s future if he had ever accidentally been untethered. Yukie knew he would mentally break down and become feral like Yukie had when questioning what Haru himself was, but this was worse because Yukie had always been the same person…Haru had been remade….Haruhi and Yukie had planned to never unseal Haru for this very reason…so everything Haru was being flooded emotionally and mentally with was causing a horrible identity crisis for the poor boy. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
M-jow Posted February 21 Author Share Posted February 21 The second Julius saw tears in Yumro's eyes he when to him. He pulled the cigaret put of Yumro's hand and threw it away as yukie was crouch down. Julius was on his knees and put his arms around Yukie to comfort him. His heart was breaking for Yukie but he had to stay strong fod him when Yukie was at his lowest. People's passing them looked at them. Julius pulled up a barrier around them to not let anyone see Yukie in this state. "Hey.. its okay to be sad and angry about such things. I'm sad too. Tomorrow I'll go with you and help out the best I can okay. We can hold your things at the school if you want." he kept stroke his hands gently on Yukie back as he hugged his mate. "I'm glad both Haru and Yumro are safe. Your Father... I'm sorry Yukie. I can't say I know what its like, but I can image." Julius hugged Yukie tightly. Letting him cry into his shoulder if he needed to. One arm went up and gently held the back of Yukie head as he comforted him. "It's gonna be okay." Julius held onto Yukie tightly as he mumled out a spell and the two was instantly transported back to their hotel room. ------------------ ------------------ Yumro snorted. "Of course I know that" he said like it was no big deal. Many was both scared and jealous of the power from Yukie's bloodline. "There will always be those people no matter where. What is important is how you see it pup." "Haruhi told me about that too.. he told me he felt guilty because he thought it was all his fault you ended up there. You birth father did that to you when you tried to protect Haru from him. It Wasn't anyones fault but that person. Haru had been afraid to reach you to Yukie because he thought that him doing so would only bring shame and hurt others more than he was hurting. When it happened to you Haruhi finally snapped. You were death for nearly 5 minutes before Yukie could wake you back up again. Yukie had used his blood to replaced the blood you had already lost to get you back. I've never tried dying so I can't say what is like but I think. Feeling emty or just not all the same would be about right. One can't stay the same after going through something like that." Yumro talked as they sat in the sofa the the noise of the tv in the background. "You mom loves you Haru." Yumro said looked at the boy with a stern face. "We all love you. And you can't just stop lovingly someone just because they change. Haru will always love you no matter what. You can't ever loss that love he has for you. It might be scary and even annoying when you get futher into your teens. You might fight and even say words out loud you don't mean. But you wouldn’t loss that love." On 2/20/2025 at 7:37 AM, Yukonwolfspirit said: "How do I know who I am…or what I am when everything I was died and was remade….I-My body…it shouldn’t exist. My real body is gone and I’m just in some dolls body like the ones I made!” Yumro smiled although Haru properly didn't want him to do that right now. "Pup even if you were a cute 'my little pony' figur it wouldn't change anything. Your soul is still in there even if the shell has changed. Yukie and Haruhi they kept quitet about it to let you have a regular childhood. Yukie sealed most of your powers off because he was afraid of them being too much for you before you were ready and strong enough. He is worried you will go crazy like he did when he was young. But there is a hug driffrence between him and you. Yukie didn't have anyone by his side. Only when my mom came into his life did he calm down. You already got a lot of us. People who will help and guid you along the way. Even if you do make mistanks we will help. And if you do bad things we will correct that." Yumro squeezed Haru cheek gently before letting go of him. "You are still figuring out who you are as a person Haru. Its normal that you don't get who or what you'll turn out to be around this time. That is how it is for everyone in this family. It takes a while for us. But we got more time that most demons do." Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Yukonwolfspirit Posted February 21 Share Posted February 21 “Thank you, it’s just a big change.” Yukie admitted as he hugged tightly and once they were at their hotel he felt a little safer and could breathe easier. “…I messed up ten years ago and it bit me in the ass still to this day. I trusted the wrong person….Haru and Yumro could have gotten so hurt or worse.” Yukie explained as he looked down at his hands nervously. “I should have stepped up and taken care of my father…made sure I cleaned up my messes thoroughly.” Yukie added as he let out a deep sigh the man weighed down by his mistakes. —————— Taking in all of Yumros words and explanations Haru nodded a little the pieces starting to click together and make sense for him. Rolling the eyes at the girly pony comment Haru scoffed lightly at the ridiculous idea he would need something so silly as that to keep a body in. As Yumro explained more and reassured Haru the boy could only shake his head. The problem was he still didn’t fully believe Yumros words on what love was or how love was between those around him. “…your wrong though. You can lose love. If you couldn’t…my bio father would have loved mom…he would have loved me. Yukies father would have loved him…. Yukie wouldn’t move on and find Julius to love, he would still love only Ren” Haru explained as he couldn’t fully understand the many different types of love since they all kinda lumped together in his mind. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
M-jow Posted February 22 Author Share Posted February 22 "Although you guys didn't see things eye to eye dovendyr mean to end him. I one wouldn’t have wanted that outcome either with my parent. But luckily your boys are safe" Julius took Yumro hand had lead him over to side beside him on the couch. He kept his hans over Yukie's ------- "That person didn't love Haruhi straight from the start. You don't hurt the people uou care about. He hurt you and him both mentally and physical. Honestly you can compare your moms love to that. Has Haru ever done anything to hurt uou like that? I believe not. Haru people can pretend to love you but you will instantly know the driffrence. That man wanted Haru because he was a centaur adopted by Yukie. He wanted the status and when you were born he properly felt like he was secured and didn't have to pretend anymore." Yumro said looking away very pissed at the though of that bastard. "He was a real monsters and no you are nothing like him. Yukie father was the same. He made Yukie just to prove that he could create a strong creature. I'm fairly sure that person wouldn’t get what love is even if it bite him in the rear end" "Now you are afraid Haru will stop loving you why? Would you stop lovingly him if he changed? If he grew a second head would you be disguised? I can tell you right away I wouldn't let it effect me. Because if someone truely loves you they will be there to support and protect you both in your ups and downs." Yumro said and pulled a long box out he had been hidddn on the couch under some pillows beside him. It was a long box wrapped in giftpaper that was easy to peel off even with one arm. "I want to give you this sooner but there was alot that needed to be remodeled. Its not one of Yukie's techs so don't worry its not gonna explode or anything. Open it" he encouraged Haru as he gave him the box. There was a decent weight to it. Inside the box was a prosthetic arm. Yumro had called in the best experts in the world and bought the tech to develop an arm for Haru that would feel the 99% like his own real arm. I the box the arm was completly silver with blu streaks along the sides. But once set in place against the skin. The outer shell of the prosthetic was camouflaged to look exactly like Haru's lost arm. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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