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♢My Master♢ {Yukonwolfspirit~M-jow (18+}


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"...you could try a blood transfusion...our blood in his system well more of it would possibly help him heal faster" Ayme replied as he set down clothes and some new cuffs for Yukie.

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"No one is gonna transfuse, cut or transplant anything into my baby boy! His body wouldn't take accept it." Ren wouldn't run the risk since Yumro's body was rather sensitiv which made him easily sick so of course Ren was being the worried mother hen.

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"...maybe you wouldn't let him know I'm alive then...I'm not well" Yukie mumbled as he looked away.


"Ren...let's leave Yukie alone to get dressed" Sana replied gently making it so Ren would have to leave.

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Ren didn't like the broken look in Yukie's eyes, he wanted to just go over and hug the weak looking guy tightly to his chest. "Yumro is to little to understand if I told him, but why not? You are one of his fathers after all..." Ren said warmly as he tansfered those true feeling though his mind. "But you need to get well and get a hold on yourself before I will let you meet him"


It was no surprise when he heard Sana's voice and even though he wanted to tell them more, he could also see how it wasn’t the most ideal place, so instead of resisting Ren just did as told and walked out to waite for the twins to be done changing.

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"It's not that simple Ren..." Ayme replied as he looked at Ren..."he's normally like this and now that he's not taking his meds...him going to stay like this" Ayme added as he helped Yukie dress the twins body covered in stitches and what could be assumed as death scars.


"Ayme...no more...he's not bound to the house last thing we need is the law to get involved again" Sana mumbled.

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"But he haven't once been like this in the time I was here, and even without medicin isn't there a chance that he will get better?" Ren asked worried out of his mind than he might never again see the sweet, caring and none suicidal man Ren haved loved for years.


"I might not be bound to the house, but I still care about what is going on and how Ayme and Yukie doing, I stoped working couse I can't take care of either of them while i take care of Yumro full time as well. I'm no cop and didn't you hirer me in the first place couse I wouldn't tell anyone."

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"We kept him medicated usually through the blood made the medicine tasteless" Ayme replied as he sighed...laying Yukie back down on the bed the younger twin automatically moving to run off before Ayme pinned him and struggled to restrain him for a moment the older twin fearing a bite but got a gentle kiss that was deepened the two full on making out as Sana cleared his throat. "Fuck off sana..." Ayme replied as he huffed angry he was being told to stop but he did...he didn't know how lucid his twin was.


"Is yumro happy in the hospital?" Sana asked thinking deeply now as he frowned his mind seeming to plot.

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Ren's looked at the two making out with a dreamy distant glims in his eyes. It was good that even though the twins last two years had been like hell, at least they had eachother. When Sana interrupted and Ayme snapped at him, Ren was lightly chuckling by himself, at least he now knew that he wasn't the only one whom could find rhe doctor annoying, but when Sana looked his way Ren played his face straight.


"Mm, well he dosn't love the place and the nurse told me that he only smiles when I'm there, but I can't stay up every night to massage his legs or get him the same pain-relieving medicin he dose at the hospital." He e answered honestly and though he felt more secure with his son at home where he could see him all day, Ren had to think about what was best for Yumro.

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"Move him in here this way Yukie has a roommate who can watch him, Yumro can get good medical treatment around the clock care from me and he can probably get Yukie to go outside." Sana replied desperately needing a smoke.


"Ravens been watching him while we take shifts but it's hard he falls asleep like we all do this way Yukie gets some relief from having us babysit him and I'm sure your son would like a friend" Ayme replied as he sat on Yukie who squirmed.


"I don't need a roommate or a babysitter asshole!" Yukie snapped at Sana and Ayme as he continued to struggle but didn't last long since his brother was stronger and healthier then him.

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Ren look between the three to see if they really meant it, but beside Yukie's complaining, he didn't sense that they seemed to have anything against the idea like that.

"..You mean it?" He asked with a small smile as he looked at Ayme. "I mean I know your both are mad at me, and I get it but I don't want it reflect to Yumro" the look in Ren's eyes showed that he meant it. If anything Ren would pretty much take what ever punishedment the guys would give him, but Ren still didn't regret anything he had done to keep Yumro safe this fare.

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"Well...we should have used protection" Ayme replied as he pinned down yukies arms for the shots that would make him sleep for awhile.


"Don't worry I won't let them be angry at the young master" Raven replied having set up lunch for everyone

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Ren raised an eyebrow and throwed Ayme crooked smile. "Really.. you just used that one" He really couldn't help himself since Ayme made it sounde like Ren had been some girl they had knocked up. "Another time please tell the guy he can get pregnant then he wouldn't get terrified when his body startes to change on him." Ren felt mad but didn't let it show since there wasn't any use ind making a scene so instead en just laugthed it off.


"Thank you.. It's Raven right sorry about your arm, has it healed?" Ren asked couse he wouldn't want Yukie seem like a totaly bad guy, and the new servant seemed nice enough. They sure know how to find them.

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"Well...we didn't think that far nor think we would be leaving" Ayme admitted as he sighed and smiled a little.


"I'm not a demon so no..it hasn't" Raven replied as he sulked not be allowed to be turned until he reached twelve later that year.

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Not turned and still the kid could hear him wow soon Ren would forget that he couldn't say a word and was soundless to normal peoplepeopl even his own kind.

"Want me to heal it for you then?" Ren asked as he looked at the blood soaked stain, this really was one of those rare times he was glad he wasn't human.

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"Yeah" Raven replied as he sighed and relaxed some..."bracelet allows me to read your mind" he explained showing the bracelet off.

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"Ah, I tried one of those too, mine was just for the exact opposite use" Ren grined by the memory, he still had the bracelet but hadn't used it since he took it from Yumro who as baby used it as a chew toy.

"Then show me your wound, I'm no demon so it's not by blood I heal others" He told Raven and turned them a bit away from they others, when Raven did bare the skin where the wound was, it looked much deeper than of what he first had thought, but it wasn’t something he still couldn't deal with.

Gently Ren held the arm up to stop the blood from run down and put some pressure on the vein, before he licked at the wound filling it up good with saliva. "There all closed up with no marks showing." Ren smiled as double checked the arm before he let go.

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"Creepy" Raven mumbled as he moved his arm testing it out..."thank you" he replied before getting up to go get redressed in clean clothes.


"Ayme~ your..mean drugging me" Yukie moaned as he talked back to Ayme drunkenly and tried to attack him but couldn't even lift his arm the medicine making him loopy as he blushed..."will you sleep with me tonight please" he asked his speech quite slurred as Ayme kissed his twins cheek and just laid down next to him playing with a strand of short hair.

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Ren laughed by Raven's expression but was quick to turné hid head when he heard Yukie's druged drunk voice. He couldn't do much more than to just warmly smile at the two. They were so cute together and just looking Ren missed the feeling to, to feel the body warmth and hear the sound of slow breathes from when they had shared bed.

"Well... I better get going then..."

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"I've packed a dinner for you it's by the door" Raven replied as he streatched and was in normal sweats and crawled into bed with Yukie and Ayme as he snuggled up to Yukie. "You can leave" he replied clearly having taken over all of Rens positions.


"Ren is half demon at the moment so he's frozen young at twelve but he reached the legal demon age of eighteen when he was hired" Sana replied tapping into Rens mind. "They plan on making him full demon later this week over a nice dinner"

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Ren stood as a deer starring death into the headlights, when he say the Raven making himself comfortable in his old spot, head no words to described what he felt only that he reagered healing the guy. "Thank you..that was very kind of you" Ren answered, the smiled changed with a blank expression as he turned to walk out. Ren hadn't needed to see that, just watching the twins allowing that killed Ren from the inside of his already dead heart with a squeezing pain. His throat tightened like he was suffocating and a big lump formed threatening to make his tears appear.


Ren cut on to Sana's voice penetrating his mind just as he reached the front door. He didn't turn his head couse he was already crying and wouldn't want anyone to see his tears. "Well give them my congrstulations, if they want to some time they can see their son, but I'm not coming back here. You got your pay-back right? Then stop bothering me!" That was the last thing Ren said before leaving ignoring the food in the basked put out for him, Ren wouldn't eat any of if anyway, he wasn't even hungry he just wanted to run.

Throwing off his clothes Ren shifted by a blink of an eye, grabbed his clothes in his mouth and ran off taking a shortcut home though the woods. But even in wolf form he could still cry out as the last spark left his heart to grow cold like the rest of him.

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"Why is Raven in the bed....I don't need a babysitter Ren came back" Yukie mumbled as Ayme sighed and gently kissed his twins cheek...


"Watch him please he's not lucid for longer then an hour...he won't remember Ren...so if he needs it...take care of him" Ayme replied mentioning to yukies needs as he gently moved him and secured him back into the bed with the stringer cuffs leaving Raven to care for his brother.


"He misses him doesn't he...Ren" Raven asked curious about Ren but he didn't want to be out of a job and back on the streets.


"Yeah he does but if Ren saw him upset like normal when he wasn't here it would cause him more pain...besides he has a child to care for" Ayme mumbled as he went off to hunt down his vodka the older twin having coped with shit falling down around him by drinking excessively.

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Ren was lucky he didn't run upon any other wolves as he ran though a clear marked territory, but Ren couldn't think much about fear right now, not when the picture of another snuggling close to Yukie in the twins bed was re-appearing in his mind and everytime he closed his eyes. He had no idea that wolves could actually cry, but Ren seemed able to, eventhough he was sure he couldn’t have many tears left from yesterday of crying himself to sleep, the burning pain and loneliness made Ren felt so emty.

He wanted to think that he was happy for them, but most of Ren couldn't lie like that and it didn't help when he wanted so badely to be the one in Raven's stead.


Ren ran and ran until his legs gave up under him and fell down on the leafy dirty ground, breathing heavy as he soundless screamed out his sorrows just as the rain started. He lay listening to the sounds of drops falling not sure which was his own or if he should move with Ren's body feeling paralysed from head down.

Oh what a relieve it would be to just stop breathing, then hopefully this conquering pain in his body wouldn't follow....

No he wouldn't hurt Yumro like that, Ren's sone was the only light point in his life now, he couldn’t leave when it meant Yumro would be devastated. Ren sighed but made no efforts to move even as the dirt around him turned to mud. Weak and wet Ren didn't sleep nor tried to think, he just lay there like a stick on the forest ground, broke and snapped after being stept on.


It was just before sunrise when Ren arrived at the hospital, the build up need to see his son had finaly made him move out of his muddy bed in the woods, and though the rain had cleaned of the worst mud by the time he stood before the building he was still dirty beyond recognition for anyone whom saw him, but at least though they were soaked his clothes was about clean looking.

Ren ignore those eyes that followed him as he walked though the hallways to the small childens hall and quietly entered Yumro's room without wake the boy, whom were sound to sleep with a peaceful expression and a soft breathing to calme some of Ren's inner struggle.

"You are pretty much the only thing that makes me wanna live with this pain.." Ren said though his mind and gently kissed the child's forhead before he sat down it the chair beside the bed.

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"I do hope you still want to come home" sana replied as he came into the room raiding the medical closet collecting what he needed.

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"Thanks, but I already said no last night" Ren answered as he changed Yumro's clothes, he didn't really care to look up as he hear the man enter. Yumro was just laying there making small mumble sounds and playing happily with his blue pacifier.

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"Ayme is a drunk who's let Raven have control over the household" Sana explained as he sighed..."I picked him up on the streets...."

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