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♢My Master♢ {Yukonwolfspirit~M-jow (18+}


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"...I wanted to be there for your baby...but I wasn't " Yukie replied as he moved away and huffed..."let him get rid of it then maybe he will learn to quit crawling into my bed saying he loves me...I'm leaving" he replied going off towards the forest his feelings messed up and his thinking not rationalized.

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Ren knew he couldn't just let Yukie go like this and quietly followed staying just a few feets behind the enormous white wolf.


"Well I was mad either of you could be with me at that time, but now I'm just happy that I can be with you and that I can see Yumro smile." Ren said quietly as he watched Yukie's tail moving with each step.

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"...why didn't you want to have sex with me?" Yukie asked as he huffed and continued walking around looking at the forest and going down to a small stream to drink.

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"... It's not that I don’t want to Yukie no matter what I still love you and Ayme with all of my heart, It's just... I look a bit drifferent from before and.." Ren stoped in his steps. "I have a mark on my shoulder..."

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"A mark?" Yukie asked having calmed down a lot more as he gently licked Rens neck in apology from the rough treatment.

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Ren closed his eyes as he leaned in gently pressing himself into Yukie furry body and got a snif starting to come familiar with the new scent.

"Can we not take about that just yet... I just wants stay with you for a bit longer without having you run away" Ren asked and licked Yukie's cheek to prove that he forgive him for the bite.

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"Well eventually I want you back in my bed so we can have more pups" Yukie replied laying down as he sighed..."I'm not always crazy...just my medicine to keep me from heat has nasty side effects on my mental state" Yukie admitted letting all the secrets out as he huffed. "I remember you and everyone and I'm pissed yumro doesn't know me since birth"

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Ren lay down besides Yukie, he felt so at peace as the warmth from the other's body warmed him up both outside and inside his body. But someone was stil missing before Ren could feel full.

Ren took in a big breathe before he admitted something he had been suspecting. "Yumro isn't just yours and mine Yukie, he is Ayme's child too... I see lots of you and Ayme in him. He easily gets shy and are usally not very open to new people, but he keeps the people that matters to him close eventhough he is still so small." He didn't coment on the thing about more kids, to Ren Yumro was more than enough. Though that didn't mean he wouldn't want to have sex.


I know you aren't crazy Yukie, you are just drifferent at some point, I'm still leaning how to handle it, but that dosen't change my opinion about who you are too me."

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"...I want a lot of children if you can't give me that maybe someone else can" Yukie replied as he huffed and got up instantly being nipped at by Ayme who licked him lovingly and adoringly.


"You can have more kids in time...Ren just had a baby he doesn't need to have kids every spring..." Ayme admitted as he moved Yukie back to laying down snuggling up next to him and Ren.

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Those words was like knives cuting deep into his vulnerable soul. Yukie made him sound like some sort of breeding cow. Ren's ears lay back against his head and his shoulder drop 10 inches. Had Yukie really just said that anyone would do?


Tears formed in his clear wolf eyes when Yukie got up and Ren himself would had ran if not for Ayme's interferens.

"Ayme.." Ren didn't know what to say, he hadn't had the opportunity to speak with him since the night they came to the apartment.

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"Don't take anything he says seriously he's just been upset once we came back and he smelt your scent he went into a hellish heat... we both did we don't want to hurt you or force you to have pups if you don't want to hence why we took in Raven...he didn't care if he had pups until he lost the first one...he had a hard time adjusting..." Ayme explained as he sighed and poked his nose at yukies neck as Yukie huffed and laid down trying to remember Ayme teaching him how to calm down more. "Right now he's just mopey because he can't take out his hormones on anyone and I've been gone...I apologize for letting this get out of hand and running away,"

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"Why would my scent sent them into heat?" Ren wondered having never himself had a heat yet in his life but other than that he quite listened to Ayme

"I'm sorry too for disappointing you two like I did... And I know I own you both an explanation about everything, but I just hope it isn't too late for me yet to say that I still love you and that even two years and all of this really haven't changed a thing about that fact." Ren said as he looked between the two of them with a faint smile on his wolf face though his tears was dripping down his furry cheeks.

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"Lets just have things back to normal" Ayme replied changing back as he gently snuggled Ren and kissed his cheek. "And as for our heat it's a normal thing for demons to be in heat every month...we are use to having lots of kids" Ayme admitted as he let Yukie snuggle him.

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Ren just wanted to shift back into his human form and kiss Ayme for being so kind and understanding forward them, knowing than inside it was just as hard for him as well. But if he shifted now that would mean them seeing.

"If I change back now do you both promise not leave before I have explained?.. I already told Yukie that I don’t look quite the same as I did two years ago" Ren asked nervously and afraid for the possibility that the two would turn their backs on him after this.

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"We will listen" Ayme replied as Yukie changed back and snuggled his twin in a slightly hot way...


"He has a mark.." Yukie mumbled to Ayme not knowing what it meant.

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Ren nodded as leaned away from them a bit ti extend his body for when he shifted. Unlike the twins Ren didn't get any furr to cover him which left him totaly exposed for both of them to see the light white scares from sharp claws on his back, legs and upper body ruining Ren's else so fair skin. But the scar most noticeable was the bitemark on his shoulder which meant that Ren was clamed by someone.

Ren held a hand up to cover the mark before he looked back up at them. "No matter what you think I don't have a mate!" Ren tried to say before either of them could get to reacte much on what they saw.

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"Who bit you?" Ayme asked softly as he played with his twins hair keeping him calm as he looked at Ren..."where you raped and that's how you go those scars?"

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Ren's eyes widened in horror just at the thought bit shook his head. "No, he didn't get too go that fare.. It might be easier to explain if I just take it all from the top" Ren answered and swallowef hard before he continued.

"We when you two when away I stayed back at the house waiting for you for months, that was when the money started to come too, so one day I tried to followed up on the addresse.. While I was gone a small pack of wolves decided to overtake the mansion thinking that it had been left abandon so when I came back they jumped me, there was no rapping, wolves don't do that but... Well that pack alfa most had smelt that I was pregnant and stopped the whole thing, that didn't mean though that they left and when I tried to escape back to my room the leader followed me..." Ren closed his eyes at the memory as his body lightly shook.


"The guy was very much sick in his head and as my pregnancy started to show faster he declared the baby for his and that I was his some kind of fated mate, he believed it so much that when I was lucky enough to escape, he was quite to find and drag me back, yelling what the hell I thought I was doing. That when he attacked me and pinched me to the kitchen floor and bite me, when I struggled he punched me hard in the stomach and almost made me loosened conciouseness. Next thing I know I laying in tha alfa's blood while in laber. I killed him though I remember it some of the other wolves saw me do it"

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"I see.." Ayme replied as he snuggled Yukie just thinking..."is this how the baby got hurt?" He asked.

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Ren shook his shoulder. "Maybe.. i don't know if it was that or if it was because I couldn't get him out the naturely way a woman would. I didn't have anyone to help and I couldn't just show up at the hospital, the wolves too had left si I had no other chois than to take a sharp knife and do a cut on myself, if I hadn't done that I still believe that both of us would have been dead that night."

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"I see" Ayme replied as he smiled and sighed..."it's safer with Sana being there to deliver babies" Ayme replied as he offered to let Ren snuggle him.

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He didn't need to think twice to accept Ayme's offer and gently put his arms around him, lightly sighing as his cool skin slowly absorbed the warmth of the other's body. "Properly, but I didn't know him then." Ren half smiled as he kissed both Ayme's and Yukie's cheek.

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"Well...for now let's just all calm down and relax" Ayme replied as he sighed and kissed Rens head..."we should eventually head home though and talk with Raven...see what he wants to do.."

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"Yeah.." Ren sighed in respons but made effort to actually moved, he just wanted to be with the two for a moment longer.

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"Meanwhile you need to pack your baby so you and Sana can go get his surgery done tomorrow" Ayme replied softly.

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