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♢My Master♢ {Yukonwolfspirit~M-jow (18+}


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Ren fell Yukie slowly dozing off and didn't blame him. Yukie was incredible, the way he had taken care of two small childen and a unstable mate.


Ren gently kissed Yukie as slowly left the bed, wrapped himself in some losse rope before he went to check on the kids whom both had dozed off before the tv.

He had just tucked both in for their nap as the pizza rang on the door and went to get it, grabing his wallet on the way.

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"Thanks" Ren thanked the pizza guy and took a peek inside Yukie's room to see his mate was still heavily sleeping and instead when to put the pizzaes in the owen to keep them from getting cold. Ren wasn't really all that hungry yet so instead he just turned on the baby alarm and when back to snuggle in beside his mate.

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"Mmmh did the pizza come?" Yukie asked half awake as he struggled and sat up looking around for Ren clearly asleep. But his brain was refusing to go down fully.

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Ren had just lifted the sheet when his dozy mate sat up.

"Yes, but you can rest some more if you like love, I put them in the owen so they wouldn’t be spoiled even if we waite a few hours" Ren gently replied trying to make his thoughts sound as soft as possible, he leaned in to kiss Yukie's well kissed lips and and gently pushed down on his shoulder to lay back down.

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"What about the kids" Yukie mumbled slowly laying back down as he snuggled into Ren clearly not comfy just randomly sleeping when he should be scrubbing floors or something Yukie having not slept in a very long time.

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"They are napping in the nursery I already set up the alarm for when they wake" Ren answered as he let Yukie curl into him. "Just rest Yukie,if anything happens I deal with it okay" Ren's fingers gently caressed his lover's face and out of habit though his short hair too.

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Ren leaned in closer like he was whispering into Yukie's ear. "No love, I'll never leave you, you are stuck with me" Ren smiled and rested his head besides Yukie's as he hugged a arm around Yukie and held his hand tight.

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"You've lied to me before" Yukie mumbled as he just crashed finally his body out cold and in a sort of hibernation mode so he could restore his energy.

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"I know.." Ren mumbled not very proud of the fact that he had left them not just once but twice before and if his memories disappeared again he couldn't really promise anything.

"Sorry, you got me as your mate.." the small voice in Ren's head whispered just as breathing stilled to that of a sleeping person. Ren decided to really spoile Yukie when they could be together, it Yukie was working Ren would be cleaning and do what he had done before at the other house.

But when they could be together Ren would give Yukie as much love and attention as he could with two kids. Yukie needed to feel loved again, do when Ren called him love, he wouldn't look at Ren as if he had been telling a lie.


Ren closed his eyes and concentrated on sending all of his warm pure feeling into every part of him that touched Yukie. Ren dozed off a couple of times but was never really asleep.

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Yukie slept late into the morning the kids crying and demanding his attention as they wined and looked for him confused why he was deep asleep.

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Of course Ren had to leave Yukie's side many times than night and morning couse of the kids.

Yumro's was mad about sin awaking him by screaming his lungs out, and sin just wanted Yukie.

"I know I know, but mommy Is very tired" Ren had tried to comfor the baby while Ren took him up and patted his back, of course he couldn't actually say it and it kind of pissed Ren of too. Ren whom never before had spoken wished at times like this that he wasn't mute.

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Sin just screamed bloody murder not knowing Ren and hating a stranger caring for him as he continued screaming and crying his face starting to go a horrid shade of purple. He was getting so upset he was starting to try to making himself sick or pass out he wanted mum.

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Ren sighed when sin wouldn't allowe him to either feed or comfort him and gently carried both babies back to Yukie's room.

Just before entering Ren gave sin a piece of Yukie's clothes thinking that the baby would calm his voice if he could smell Yukie's scent.

Yumro was pissed and angry at his baby brother and huffed small annoying noises at sin. Properly telling him to stop.


When sin sensed the smell Ren then plast a straight finger infront of his closed lips, gently smiling as he then touched his fingers to sin's.

That made sin stop a second to think and while the baby was quite Ren opened the door as he hurried over to lay sin down besides Yukie. Again Ren did the little trick to signal sin to be quiet and gently sad down on the edge with Yumro in his arms wacthing to see if this would calm him down.

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Sin did NOT like the shirt and screamed I mean why would he it wasn't what he wanted as he huffed and continued to cry until he was suddenly sat beside Yukie as he hiccuped and wined burying his face into Yukies side as Yukie mumbled and moved the blankets and made it so sin could sit closer as he continued to sleep sin still upset but slolwy calming himself in a self sooth kind of way refusing to go back to Ren who in his mind was a scary stranger since he had just woken up to a strange man now in his home.

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Sin screamed even more once the shirt was put infront of him he hated that Ren though shoving a shirt in his nose his mums shirt wasn't helping he was a baby and all he wanted was Yukie. He continued to scream and put up an even bigger fuss not even starting to calm down I mean why would he there was a strange man in his home and holding him. He continued to fuss and scream his face turning purple.as he watched Ren open the door. The second sin was placed on the bed he instantly reached for Yukie wanting to be next to him as he hiccuped and continued to cry more Yukie mumbling and sitting up as he gently took sin still dead asleep but for a moment seeming awake as he set him next to his head between his shoulder and the pillow as sin snuggled into Yukie and slowly started to calm down and self soothe.

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Ren could tell sin hated him and considering that this baby was Yukie's child it cut a painful wound into his heart. He properly hadn't liked Raven but never had he tansfered that anger to the boy.


"Sorry.." Ren said with a small wounded voice as Yukie took sin, gently hugging Yumro closer to his chest.


Yumro sighed when the crying finally stopped and exhausted rested his head against his daddy's.

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Sin just relaxed more now that mum was in his sight as he babbled at Ren wanting something to eat while playing with Yukies hair he didn't hate him 100% but he just didn't know him and you couldn't blame him Ren didn't exist when he was born.

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Ren gently placed Yumro down on the bed to get a bottle for sin and something for Yumro too since he hadn't been in the mood to eat with all that noise.


When he came back Yumro sat on top of Yukie like he would when they were playing in Yukie's wolf form, he turned his head and smiled when Ren came in and crawled to the edge of the bed to meet him.

"Daddy amma" Yumro babbled clearly seeing what Ren was carrying.

But Ren went over to sin first to lay the bottle just so sin could drink it without separating him from Yukie before he sat down to feed Yumro som baby food.

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Sin sat and drank his breakfast just watching Yukie finding it weird he was still asleep as he started poking him trying to wake him up to play. Yukie mumbled and ignored the poking.

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Ren noticed sin just as Yumro finished his bowl and signaled for Yumro to go play with sin.

Yumro frown a bit he wouldn't want sin to cry again but finally he choose to do it since Yumro wanted to just do something anyway and crawled over beside sin to sit on his knees.

Yumro took a hold in sin's cheeks and weirdly rubbed his face into sin's, it was a way to show brotherly affection and Yumro laughed out when he saw sin's hair standing up messy, his own no exception

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Sin squirmed and threw a little fit at being snuggled so much as he moved and pushed Ren away before moving and crawling over to Yukies other side the infant confused by the random snuggling as he hid behind mums head.

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Now Yumro was interested, his smile widened as he wacthed his adorable little brother crawled away to hid.

He didn't follow him acrose Yukie but merely skipped closer so he could peek at the other before his entire body disappeared under the blanked as he hid underneath.


Ren didn't interfere but still held a good eye on them both in case something happened.

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Sin glared at them as he hid under the blanket more and snuggled down not wanting to play in the place where one slept as he looked at Ren pointing outside.

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