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♢My Master♢ {Yukonwolfspirit~M-jow (18+}


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Ren chuckled as he saw the look on sin's face, baby properly wasn't use to anyone other that Yukie.

His eyes followed the way the kid was pointing at and did a small nod, glad to see sin had understood that Yukie was sleeping though he wasn’t sure if the baby just wanted the two of them to leave or all three.

"Well only one way to find out." Ren told himself as he went over with his arms open to see if sin would let Ren pick him up.

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Sin huffed and looked at Yukie wanting him to go outside with him as he poked at mums cheek again wanting him awake so they could go outside.

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Ren sighed, he wanted to say "Let mumbled sleep for now, he can join us when he wakes up" But of course Ren couldn't. Instead he just picked Yumro up since sin properly would start crying again if he took him to. Luckely

Yukie room had a door leading outside. Ren gathered a blanked and some pillows he spread out on the grass just close enough to the door so Ren could see sin from their spot in the sun.


Yumro was annoyed that he couldn't play his weird hidding game with sin but when Ren started to tickle his sids and pull his clothes up to blow air on his stomach making it sound like farts. Yumro forgot it and screamed in joy as he struggle underneath Ren's touches

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Ren went back inside to get some of the kids toys and on his way back he tried walking over to rhe bed to see if sin now felt like coming with them outside by holding out his free hand forward sin again.

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Ren smiled when sin tried to reach for him and took it as a sign that he could picked him up which Ren did and without bothering Yukie anymore he took sin outside to where Yumro lay wating for them chewing on one of the pillows edges.

Yumro let the pillow when he saw Ren come back and babbled existed when his daddy sat down with toys and sin.

He crawled over wanting to be closer to both of them.

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Sin just soaked up some of the suns rays and relaxed keeping to himself a little as he watched inside of the house waiting for Yukie to wake up.

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Yumro found some toys in the small box Ren had brought outside and wanted to play with sin.

He crawled up beside sin on the blanked and showed the infant his favorite red car and a soft fuffy bunny Ren had given him shortly after Yumro had been born.

Yumro liked his bunny very much and he liked sin too, he didn't mind sharing it if sin wanted to play with it snd pushed it infront of the baby, blocking his view from the house.

"Si... Blay" Yumro smiled at the other.

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Sin just poked the bunny watching it fall over before gently picking it up and snugglinit finding the bunny quite snuggleable.

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Both Ren and Yumro though it was cute seeing sin snuggle with the fluffy bunny and smiled.

Yumro started to play with his car and Ren sighed, he felt more at ease when sin wasn't crying his eyes out.


But even Ren couldn't help to look up forward the house, Yukie must have been very tired, Ren had only taken care of two babies since yesterday and already he could feel that his energy had dropped.

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Yukie was sure as hell going to sleep for a week if he was allowed, but eventually he got up and looked outside feeling quite confused.

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Ren was the first one who saw Yukie standing in the door and rushed over to greeted him with a sweet morning kiss as his arms tangled around the other's hips. "Morning love did you sleep well? We might have waken you once or twice if you remember because sin was crying his eyes out" Ren said as he hugged Yukie one last time before lossing his hold. "You can go get something to eat and join us if you want to"

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"I'm sleepy" Yukie mumbled changing into a wolf as he streatched and licked Rena cheek wanting to go snuggle the babies.

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Ren chuckled and walked with the wolf over to the babies in the blanked.

When Yumro saw the wolf he got all excited and started to babbled up in a high pitch voice as Yukie came over.

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Yumro stood up and walked over ti Yukie with wobbling steps and fell forward so his face got buried in Yukie's soft fur.

Landing head first into Yukie's side didn't make him cry as it would had for just a year ago, Yumro was a big boy and a big brother, he couldn’t cry everytime no.

"Woof!" Yumro giggled the most adorable laugther as he look up at Yukie all smiling.

"Si.. Bunny, cute!" Yumro pointed at sin with the fluffy bunny, he was so happy that his cheeks blushed.


"Yumro shared his bunny with sin, he is already starting to act like a good big brother" Ren explained as he sat down beside Yukie stroking the soft fur along Yukie's neck.

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"I'm glad, I didn't think they would get along so well" Yukie replied his tail wagging as he licked yumro face and smiled sin watching as he babbled wanting to snuggled also.

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Yumro giggled as Yukie licked him and turned his face away to hid in the fur.


Ren leaned over to pick Sin up from his spot and put him beside Yukie so he could be close too.

"That remindes me" Ren suddenly said as he had put sin down. "I got a call this morning from the hospital Yumro was in, apparently they would like to see how it was going with him and asked if I wouldn't mind coming by tomorrow, naturly I told them about Sana being his new doctor, but they still wanted us to come. Something about they could learn what to do in the future it another baby was born like him" Ren lowered his gaze as he watched Yumro play hid in Yukie's fur.

"I don't really want to, but do you really think it could help" Ren asked not really sure what to do, he hated hospitals couse of why Yumro had been there, but at the same time he wanted to help and it was only one visit.

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"Well how about I go with you and then after we can have a picnic!" Yukie replied as he snuggled his babies. "It would be good for them to know how to help others like yumro.

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Ren smiled and hugged Yukie tight.

"That sounds perfect, but you sure you wouldn’t mind? It might take some time" He asked as he lay down beside Yukie's free side. So Yukie was snuggled from both sides.

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"I don't mind me and sin will gladly wait alongside you two" Yukie replied as he smiled and yawned his tail wagging happily sin determined to pull and play with Yukies ears.

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"I think sin wants your ful attention love" Ren giggled as he made space for the two. Yumro puffed up his cheeks wanting to play to, but wasn't sure he wanted to fight sin for that either.


Ren stood up and quickly stepped out of his clothes to shift. Yumro brightened on the spot, he hadn't played with daddy Woof in so long.

"Daddy up! up!" the baby said excited as he reached for the cobber fur to pull himself up.

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Yukie just watched as he licked Rena face and picked up sin moving him onto his back so sin could play with his mums ears.

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Ren let Yumro crawl on top of his back as he liked, keeping himself lowered to the ground so if Yumro fell off he wouldn't hurt himself.


"How long have Ayme and Sana been together?" Ren suddenly asked, trying to ask like it wasn’t a big deal, but inside it really bothered Ren not to know.

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