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♢My Master♢ {Yukonwolfspirit~M-jow (18+}


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What the hell was he gonna wear!!!

Ren's closet was a mess like a bomb had explored in his wardrobe, but in reality Ren just couldn’t find a nice enough out fit. Suit was no go, no matter what he would look plain compared to Yukie and Ren wanted to find some thing sexy for his mates too.


"Damn.." Ren sighed, he was taking too long about this, the only thing Ren could do was to take the best outfit he had found so far.

A pure white long shirt with dark stripes going down forming his slender body nicely and some black tight jeans with a big loss belt around his hips.

Ren bite his lip as he wacthed himself in the mirror, no it couldn't be much better he thought and picked up his wallet from the nightstand.


"Are you ready?" Ren asked as he joined the others down stairs with the Keys to one of the cars between his fingers.

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"Mmh yeah" Yukie replied having been tormenting his twin with kissed on the couch as granny giggled having taken som pictures for the twins work as she handed Yukie back his phone and went back to watching the babies.

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Ren just chuckled wacthing the play before him. "I need to see those some time when we get back" Just not now igen Ren really wanted them out of the door before he draged their asses upstairs.

"I hope it's okay I borrowed one of your cars, don't worry it's one of the cheaper once and I wouldn't scratch it" Ren promise ad he lead the two out to the garage.

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"Don't worry about the damn car" Yukie replied as he smiled his hands all over his twins body his mind distracted as they climbed into the back seat letting Ren drive.

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Ren kinda guessed Yukie would see it like that but still felt the need to ask. Ren got in and started the engine, he drov for about half an hour back to the city and stopped in front of a small looking restaurant. I wasn’t like those big fancy places the twins had taken Ren before their mating but the food was pretty good.

"here we are guys" Ren smiled as he turned in the front seat to look at them. "The good part about this place is that it's very open about same sex pair but that dosen't mean you should tongue fuck eachother all the way in" He chuckled before getting out of the car, he couldn’t help but to admire each of their bodies as they too got out and again Ren found his sex lust to be bigger that that of his hunger.

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"We could have used afew minutes in the car" Yukie mumbled still sitting in the back seat asnthey fixed their hair and appearances, both twins getting out with grace as they smirked and looked at Ren clearly excited to go out on a date.

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"No that we can not" Ren smiled as he locked the car and joined the two. "Then we properly wouldn't even get out before the whole thing closed.. but later" Ren mind send them a soft whisper, there were a promise in that which Ren wouldn't let any of them forget. "Now, lets us just have a good time" Ren smiled as when in between the twins to grab a hand from each in his own, gently guiding them forward and inside the small cosy italianno atmosphere.


The blond human girl in the door smile as they entered and picked up some menus. "Table for three?"

Ren nodded and the waitress took them to a table where there already stood candles burning and clear crystal glass there reflected the light. The table wasn't hidden away but just so no one would sid starring at them from one of the other tables.

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"It's a nice place" Yukie admitted as he smiled and sat down at the table and looked at Ayme who smirked and switched out his tie to match his twins so they looked identical and they both knew only Ren would be able to tell them apart.

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"Right" Ren smiled as he too took seat by the small round table. "I found this one some time ago and really wanted to try it out with you guys"


"Anything you would like to drinks as you order?" the waitress asked trying her best hunamly possible not to starre at the hansome twins from to long.

but though it wasn't much it still bothered Ren in some was and it brought up the possesive part in him. He starred back at the girl as she turned her eyes to him like Ren was daring her to look at them again.

'They are my mates!' the animalish part growled inside his mind as the lightly frightened girl took their orders.

Ren decided to try some win and turned to his eyes back to the twins, his eyes turning soft immediately. "You two surely know a thing or two about win can you see anything good?"

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"We will take a light wine that pairs nicely with the a selection meal" Ayme replied as Yukie looked at Ren knowing full well the lady couldn't not understand him as he smiled and took Rens hand.

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Ren looked down at his and Yukie's joined hands... It felt calming and a bit embarrassing at the same time, but not because of the touch no.. It was how fast Ren mood had changed. Still looking down at their hands, Ren didn't noticed the waitress leaving.

"Sorry" Ren apologize embarrassed, he had no idea where this thing were coming from and it actually surprised him quite a bit since Ren wasn't normaly one to let his feelings run loss like that.

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"It's okay" Ayme replied as he relaxed and played on his phone before frowning and getting up to hunt the waitress down and change his drink to a water.

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(Like i can't guess why he changed it)


Ren looked up as Ayme rose from his seat. "Ayme is anything wrong?" He asked, still gently holding Yukie's hand.

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"He realized he can't have alcohol" Yukie replied with a snicker as he relaxed and their drinks where brought back Aymes face red as he sat down.

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Ren's eyes widened at the news and kept his gaze at Ayme. "Well I suppost it's not all that surprising but wow.. That great sweety" Ren smiled and leaned over to lightly hug Ayme happy on his behaves since the man had told him he really wanted a child... But it couldn't be his and Ren's could it?

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"...heh congrats now comes the hell of demon pregnancy" Yukie replied with a smirk knowing how much he'll Ayme would be going through for the next 9 months to a year.

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"Ohhh shut up about that part you mood killer!" Ren giggled as he looked back at the other. "Aren't you the one who wanted at least one child each year first?" He asked as he went back to sit down. "We'll deal with it when it comes" Ren said and winked to Ayme not wanting him to do anything more than enjoy the moment. "How did you find out?"

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"Eww!" Ren wrinkled his nose as if he actually could smell it. "I bet you he wasn’t even healthy, but really serious Ayme no eate normal food like any other pregnant person"

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"I'm kidding" Ayme replied as he chuckled, "I craved sardines and chocolate" Ayme explained having early cravings as he blushed Yukie excited for his cute twin.

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"This is really something to celebrate" Ren smiled as he added "l'll see if I can make some choco coated sardines then" Ren teased even though he could feel his throat tightened up with nausea and tried got to gag. "On second though, no i wouldn't. Buy I will be sure to buy some when I go out shopping in the future"

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"No need I kept some in stock after your little romp in the woods" Yukie replied as he snuggled his twin quite happy and proud of him and in a way somewhat caring for him like a mate would.

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"Well there we go everything is really" Ren smiled as he reached over to squeeze Ayme's hand. He hoped that this time his mate would gets to keep the baby pregnancy out without any complications.


as they ate and talked exited about the news Ren excuesed himself to go to the toilet feeling the natur calling and stood up to follow the sign out by the door to the kitchen.

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Ayme watched him leave nervous about his mate leaving his side when he was with child since demon families always stayed together, if the twins parents would have been alive the twins wouldn't have ever left their mothers side or their fathers home so deep down it made Ayme nervous to see Ren walk away. Yukie of course sensing his brother was scared gently took his hand and kissed it softly as he moved a lot closer to him to keep him company and reassured.

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The twins weren't the only once seeing Ren leaving the table. From the table across the room sat an alfa companied but two other alfas from his pack all dressed in black and gray business suits.

The pack alfa followed the young wolf with his eyes as he wiped his mouth with a napkin and exused himself for a second and went for the same door the young wolf just had disappeared into.



Ren had just takken a leak and rolled op his zipper to wash his hands as an old guy walked in.

Ren stepped aside to let the guy pass but the man just closed the door and leaned against it as he looked at Ren with narrowed eyes.

Ren look at the man confused when the scent kicked in and he noticed that the another was an alfa wolf.

What is this? This place lay in a free zone.


"Do you know who I am pup?" the alfa asked looking as death seriously as alfas always did around him.

Ren didn't bare his throat like expected from a stray and only shook his head.

"Well I heard of you, the slut who killed his mate.. A man that happened to be my son infact"

'what!' Ren frown, he couldn’t speak back to the man only shake his head as fear rose up in him by remembering that basted whom had been the reason for so many of Ren torment.

"I know from the wolves that brought he his body that you became pregnant doing to your time tougether" the alfa continued and Ren's eyes widened fearful before that fear changed with rage. 'I was already pregnant before those people showed up!' Ren tried to say but nothing came out.


"I will have that child you know" the alfa's tone sounded supreme but Ren's only looked at the man with murderous eyes. His claws already out and fangs threatening to take action as Ren swung his fist into the bathroom mirror making it shatter with glass all over the zink.

'If you touch any of my children I'll fucking kill each and every person who touches them!!' blood slowly ran from the corner of Ren's mouth as he tried to force a voice out, already slicing the old shifter's throat over with his eyes just to think Yumro could be that baster's child

With the blood dripping from his cheek Ren wrote on the mirror "Not yours!" before he took a step forward the alfa to stand face to face until the man let him though.

Still shaking with fury Ren when back to the table and just throw his arms around his mates and buried his head into Yukie's neck needed both of them to calm down before anything more happened.

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