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♢My Master♢ {Yukonwolfspirit~M-jow (18+}


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"I think that's our reason to leave early" Yukie replied as he snuggled Ren and licked the blood off before getting up and leaving to get the car Ayme gently petting his mates head as he frowned confused. "...is he even Yukies?" Ayme asked hesitantly as he watched his twin leave both having heard the conversations and of course Yukie was upset and hurt by the possibility as he stayed outside to calm down..."we will still love and care for him if he isnt...but if it's true that's he's that mans grandson I wouldn't want to keep him from his family...Yukie will agree with me on this"

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Ren violently shook his head fighting his hardest not to let tears float. "Yumro aren't that person's!" Ren replied not understanding how they would even think that, no when Yumro looked so much like them. "I was already pregnant before those people arrived but it only started showing a few days after an already before that did I feel things like morning sickness and trouble keeping food in"

Ren stayed close to Yukie as he made a quick deal of the bill, avoided to look around the place too much afraid to lose his cool if he saw that old alfa again and hurried out to the car just wanting to get the hell away.

when he saw Yukie outside he couldn't control the hissing voice in his head. "No he is still yours I wouldn't lie about something like that" en huffed feeling like every feeling in him and become mixed up and let go og Ayme so he could go join the other while Ren mentally fought with himself for taking it out on them. "Sorry" he sighed and slid in on the front seat and banged his head against the steering wheel

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"Ren, stop!" Yukie snapped as he sighed and looked away from his mate. "I wasn't there for the pregnancy or birth...I didn't even know I have every right to be suspicious" Yukie replied as he sat in the backseat keeping his distance for the moment so he didn't hurt Ren or his feelings as Ayme eventually came out and got in the car beside Ren.


"I'm not feeling good...can you take me to a hospital?" Ayme asked as he curled up a little.

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Ren turned pale at the moment Ayme said hospital and started the car's engine and pulled out on the dark road as quickly as the car allowed his to while not to sling too sharp either. "Yukie can you call Sana and tell him to meet us at the hospital, We'll be there in five minutes af most" Ren asked his mate in the backseat so he could focus on the traffic.

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"Sorry..I just don't know anyone else who knows about these kind of things" Ren apologize as he and looked up im the mirror to see the to on the backseat. "Just some deep breathes sweetheart, we be there in a moment" He assured them and soon they were pulling up infront of the hospital's front gate.

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"Go inside and check him in" Yukie replied easily carrying his twin in to the emergency room and to a doctor a trail of blood dripping from Yukies arms.

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Everything Ren saw or touched felt so unreal like this all just were some kind of bad dream.

He could faitly remember signing some papers to check Ayme in and then he was told that he couldn't enter the emergency room as things were. Ren just wanted to be by his mates sides but two nurses just grabbed him and placed him outsid of the door when he tried to force his way inside.

"Ayme.." Ren's entire body shivered in fear for what might be the problem but more than anything seeing his mate being carried away in a tail of his own blood nothing more scared him than losing Ayme over a unborn child.

"Please god please" Ren had never been much of an believer but now his sat with his fist in a prey an beggaed what ever god up there that might be, while tears slowly drip down from his chin.

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(It's Ayme who's pregnant hurt and needing signed in...you seem to be confused for the last few posts -3-)


"Calm down aymes fine" Yukie replied as he came back out still covered in his twins blood as he sighed and sat down next to Ren. "The doctors are looking into the bleeding" Yukie added as he laid his head against Rens.

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(yups sorry about that,hehe i know it's Ayme but my brain seemed to think drifferently just then, but I quickly changed it when I noticed >~


Inhaling the smell of his mate's blood as most felt like a blow to his stomach, but hearing Yukie's voice seemed it smooth some of his inder pain and worring.

"If he is fin then why all that blood?... I wouldn't call that fine" Ren sighed as he leaned in to find comfort.

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(It's cool it happens to everyone I just wanted to make sure XD)


"Most likely it's a miscarriage...but it's to early to know if he lost it" Yukie explained as he smiled a little and snuggled Ren. "He's strong and will be fine.

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Ren didn't want to celebrate something so terrifing even if it meant Ayme would be out of any other danger. Ren ignore any misbeliving lookes send their way from anyone seeing them, what did they know anyway.

"Ayme just so much wanted this one, it's horrible that you have to lose something you really wishes for like that.. It just really scares me to think how it will effect him if it is a miscarriage" Ren replied as he wrapped his arm around his mate while his worried gaze never looked away from those doors.

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"He's resting now though, I'm ordering some strict bedrest and no stress" the doctor replied as he let them go back Yukie dragging Ren with him as he looked at Ayme who was peacefully sleeping.

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"How is it" Ren quietly asked the doctor before the man left, reaching down to hold Yukie's hand tightly but not still careful not to hurt him either as they stood by Ayme's hospital bed.

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"Baby is fine and growing, well babies" the doctor replied as he smiled and set down some water for Ayme who looked over and took it drinking small sips. "I'd add more meat into his diet and lots of sleep and rest his weight is concerning and his overall health is what triggered this episode, his demon body needs to get healthy or it will keep tryinto reject the babies to give the mum more nutrients" the doctor explained as he looked at Yukie. "I'll sign you three out and keep this from Sana for now" the man admitted.

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"Twins" Ren's expression went from worried to a wide happy smile that reached all the way up to his eyes. This was surprising but also so very good news. Still holding on to Yukie's hand Ren bent down to kiss Ayme's forhead while he drank. "You had me really worried sweetheart, but I glad into happened to either of you" Ren could almost cry thats how happy he felt. Of course it would be more difficult with four child when the time came, but Ren was positiv that things would work out In the end.

"We are gonna stuff you with so much meat that you'll start to consider becoming vegetarian." Ren sniffed and dried his eyes with him palm, trying hard to keep his tears back while he laughed out.

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"...mmmh wait...I'm wrong...seems you have two sets of twins" the doctor replied as he looked at the ultrasound again more carefully and then moved over to show the two mates. "Quite rare, and somewhat worrying and with your state.." the doctor admitted as he frowned and gently felt aymes stomach to just carefully count of course his new discovery was right. "We might have to choose to terminate two..."

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(Quadroplets? Wow (0.0)


"Quadroplets?!" Ren's expression quickly changed back into a worring frown as he looked to Yukie to try and see if that would give him anything to say.

With how Ayme condition was now it would be hurtful for both him and the children, but the finally decision was Ayme's. The only thing he and Yukie could do would to be supporting their mate no matter what.

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"That won't be needed we can take care of him" Yukie replied as he huffed and brushed the doctors hands away and picked up his twin and walked straight out of the room heading to the car to take his brother home.

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Ren wasn't exactly sure what to do but followed Yukie's lead and picked up Ayme's things before he bent his head and thanked the doctor before he ran after Yukie out to the car.

"Should I driv or?" Ren asked as he hurried over to open the door for them so Yukie wouldn't have to struggle with the door.

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Ren nodded and after he had shut the door after them did he take the frontseat and drov off to back home.


as they arrived home Ren pretty much found himself rather useless, besides opening and closing doors Ren felt powerless and though it was much work for his mate, he mostly leaned to how Yukie handle things. "Anything I can help with? Should i make som meat now or it it too early, god i don't know" Ren was so confused that he mostly just stressed himself futher and knowing it wasn't helping Ayme at all he made sure to stay in a save distance like across the room or in the door.

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"Mmh for now just lay with him darling while I go out and hunt" Yukie replied softly kissing Rens head as he smiled and left going outside in his wolf form to hunt fresh meat. Ayme just laying curled up under the covers on the enormous bed looking quite small.


"....I want the babies to sleep with us" Ayme mumbled tiredly as he looked to Ren.

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Ren nod as Yukie kiss his head, he didn't mind that either, Ren liked laying in between while cuddling up with Ayme.

He smiled over at his lover when he spoke up.

"I can go get them then, I'm sure gramma wouldn’t mind me stealing them" Ren giggled and guickly jumped off to find the kids.


"Daddy! Back back!" Yumro was all smiling as he say Ren step into the room and crawled over to wrapped himself around Ren's legs before he lifted him up in his arms and kissed his son's forhead before he turned to look at gramma. "Thank you so much for taking care them, I would normally be more polite but Ayme isn't feeling too well so I don't wanna be away from him to long" Ren apologize as he picked sin up with his free arm so he stood with both kids.


"Here we are" Ren smiled as he stepped back inside the bedroom and gently lay sin and Yumro comfortably down in the pillows beside Ayme, Ren self lay down on the other side close enough to touch Ayme but still with the kids between them.

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"Thank you" Ayme mumbled as he laid still under the sheets still feeling quite sick. He eventually fell asleep listening to the quietness of the house and his cute kids soft chatter as he slept peacefully.

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