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♢My Master♢ {Yukonwolfspirit~M-jow (18+}


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“Sin...you need to knock your shit off...you can’t keep us awake every night!” Ayme scolded the child making him scream and cry more as he set him down on the floor and promptly ignored his tantrum. “I’m hungry” Ayme added to Ren somewhat grouchy but not letting the little monster get his way and be given attention every time he threw a fit.

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Ren felt himself split between wanting to pick Sin up and listing to his mate, but Ayme was right, everytime Ren gave in to the child's demands he would be spoiling Sin with attention.

So going against his parently feeling, he listened to Ayme.

"Oh, want more soup? There still are a lot left in the pot... I'll go heat a bowle up then"

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"Bedsore already?" Ren asked with a light smile as he tucked an arm around Ayme's and gently helped him up.

He kept his arm around his mate making sure the man were able to stand just a bit as he bent over to scoope Sin up in one arm and rewrapped his arm supportivly back around Ayme's body and gently lead them out forwards the kitching.

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Sin just ignored the two taking his anger out now on the both of them. “Thank you though you could have left him in the room he can walk” Ayme admitted as he sighed enjoying the small walking.

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"I didn't know that, when did that happen?" Ren asked confused by that sudden knowledge and looked down at the small mad child who looked like he wanted to bite Ren's arm off in anger.

"You are getting too spoiled young man and I might have to tell Yukie if it gets any wores"


As they entered the kitchen Ren helped Ayme over in a chair, so he could go over and heat up a bowle in the microwave.

He pressed the start bottom before turning his attention back at Sin, hating to hear the child so made.

"What can I do to make you less angrie?" Ren quietly asked as he held the boy close gently snuggling sin into his chest.

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“Well Yukie said after I first changed into an animal I was able to walk afew hours after “ Ayme replied as he sat in the chair and watched the two feeling a little better now that he was out of the stuffy bedroom. Sin just glared and pushed Ren away quite violently as he moved more away and kept himself at atleast five feet away and refused to be coddled by Ren anymore. “After that followed what Yukie said was the worst years of our lives and it was about the time when you came around to care for us.” Ayme added after watching sin remebering how much him and Ayme fought each other since they didn’t have a parent to take out this aggression on they took it out on each other and the poor town they lived near.

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"Ahh, so I have to wait years before he likes me again?!" Ren sighed out saddened as he wacthed Sin run off and away. He stood back up when hearing the microwave ring and when over to bring out the food picking up a spoon and a piece of bread for Ayme on the way to the table. "Here you are" Ren place the bowle down infront of Ayme and pulled a chair out for himself.

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“Don’t take it to hard you will have some sweet moments with him but it’s a lot or him too he’s learning what he is and who he is so theres a lot of frustration.”Ayme explained as he ate the soup.

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"Hmm... then what about you? have you learned who you are?" Ren asked as he looked at his mate eating, he rested his cheek against his palm with a soft smile that reached his eyes. "If you haven't I could tell you my version to give you a hint"

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“I’m your mate” Ayme replied putting it quite simple as he smiled and continued to eat. “But I’d like to hear your version.”

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"Well of coures!" Ren chukled, liking how simple Ayme's answer were.

"But you are also a great parent, kind and clever, good at making others realize the simple things in life." Ren's mind had changed the words into a more seductive tone without him even realizing it, but as he reached the last part Ren cheeks softly changde into a warmer colur. "And most of all, so damn sexy both in and outside the bed" he chuckled teasingly but truth was truth.

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“Watch it you know I can’t do anything” Ayme replied gently putting a line down since he didn’t want to end up crying again in frustration. “Though I will admit I like the compliments” Ayme admitted as he blushed and smirked as Yukie came in with a lot of fresh meat and set it down as he wrapped it and stored it in the fridge having taken down a nice sized deer.

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"Hey, I just thought that I might give you a bit of motivation" Ren smiled innocently knowing that he was a bit mean for teasing him like than and apologized with a soft kiss to Ayme's cheek. It he couldn't tell that it was because he felt horny or that his wolf craved body contact with a mate. The door opened behind and the familiar scent of ion entered the kitchen together with their last mate.

"Welcome home Yukie, was it a good hunt?" Ren asked existed to figure out how he had managed to get such big of an deer around these parts.

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“It was fine took me longer then it should have to find one but this will last us for awhile” Yukie replied as he finished putting the food away and just sat on the floor tiered as sin came over wanting to snuggle. “Sins still up?” Yukie replied suddenly getting a full out kick to the groin from the boy the kick being hard enough to make him Lean back against the cupboard behind him as he glared and instantly slapped sin very harshly across the face pissed off before he forced himself up and grabbed the brat by the hair throwing him outside as he locked him out.

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"Yukie!" Ren watched startled at how sin behaved, but Yukie definitely wasn't making it better. Ren flew out of his chair making it tip over as he raced across the room after the too. "Yukie stop! Yukie!!" Ren tried to yell out but Yukie seemed to busy to notice him.

Ren reach Yukie just as the door locked and tried moving around his mate to get to the door.

"Yukie, love calm down i know it must have hurt but you can't just lock him outsid."

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“Don’t you dare let him in he sleeps outside tonight” Yukie hissed angry as he went up to his room to go shower.


“Mmh for once I’d actually listen...Yukie and sin might be having domanice issues since sin is becoming more demon it might be rubbing him the wrong way and I don’t think Sins aggressive side helped...just be happy he didn’t beat the shit out of him like most demon fathers would.” Ayme replied as he offered to hold his mate.

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Ren couldn't do much anything but to starre as Ayme walked away finding this behavor so wrong compared to how they normally got along. Hearing Ayme voice kicked Ren out of his mental state of chok and when back to his other mate's open arms to find just a bit of security from it all. "I wouldn't know... I never had a family before, so I don’t know the drifferences between demon families and humans" Ren sighed heavy into Ayme's slightly hot neck and took deep breathes to calm himself.


"Sorry Ayme... You shouldn't be comforting me when it's you who got it at lot more bad than I" Ren sighed again as he reach his hands up to capture the demon head gently between his palms and kissed his lover passionatly on the lips getting a little tast of soup from Ayme's lips in the proces.

"Do you think Yukie would get made at me for setting a sleepingbag outside to Sin, I don't want him getting sick?" He asked quietly as their lips pulled apart. It wasn't all that cold outside in the daytime but the the night were starting to become longer and some leaves turned in color.

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“...I’ll set one out for him including dinner” Ayme replied wanting to ease his mates nerves as he kissed him softly and just held him. “He might only stay out for the night but I feel Yukie feels like he wasn’t punished properly then he might keep him out longer so I’ll run it by him first” he added with a soft smile,

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"You sure?.." Ren asked while looking at the other, he worried that Ayme might take on more than he could handle if Ren just let him.


"How can something so small change so quickly, sin might be mostly demon but he is a cute kid too, if he was older I would had said that he could use that energy on something like sport example boxning... I just hope it would last for ever, I hate seeing the two fighting like that" He let his mind speak freely as he snuggled into Ayme for just a few more minutes.


"Thanks for listening to me Ayme... You are always so easy to open up to" Ren smiled as he gave Ayme one more kiss this time to the tip of the man’s nose as he reached over to pick up the bowl so Ren could put it away.

"If you are a bit better now why don't you take a bath as well? You smell sweaty... I can help if you want and I'll try keeping my hands where you can see them" He teased lightly as he tried to change the topick, feeling that there wasn't anymore to be said.

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“A bath would be heavenly” Ayme admitted wanting to get out of his baggy pajamas and soak in some warm water for a while.

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"Right" Ren smiled while putting the bowl anyway before he went back to Ayme and gently slid his arm in under The demon's, he wasn't sure if Ayme still needed the support but it was an excues to stay close and hold his mate as he they made their way to the bathroom in Ayme's room, figuring that Yukie would be using the one in his own room.

"strip, then I'll run the water for you" Ren ordret his lover's they stood in the bathroom infront of the tube.

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“Okay” Ayme replied as he blushed and stripped and awkwardly waited his stomach at this point quite big and covered in small bruises and somewhat swollen.

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Ren let the water run to fill up as he rose from his knees and stepped closer to Ayme wrapping one arm around him while the other gently touched the marks on his belly, gently Ren rubbing his mate's back affection in a light massage as they waited for the tube to become full.


"There it's ready for you sweety" Ren announced as the went back to turn the water off and feel the temperatur with his hand.

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“Thanks” Ayme replied as he got in carefully and relaxed gently touching his stomach as he grabbed Rens hand and set it lightly in one spot the babies kicking quite hard leaving another nasty bruise.

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