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♢My Master♢ {Yukonwolfspirit~M-jow (18+}


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“Ah, no you won’t be because sin said he was going to watch the baby and since he got hurt because of his own choices he needs to be punished for them” Yukie replied confused how yumro couldn’t hear Ren as he kissed his kids head and went over to his bag pulling out a nice sized gift for the boy having got yumro a giant fairytale pop up book.

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Yumro watched with big eyes as Yukie pulled tha giant book from his back and squeaked exited as pictures flew up from it's pages. "What is this?.. It's so pretty" Yumro starred totaly fixed on the book as he struggled a bit before pushing himself up in a chair to better see.


"And I'm told to be the one spoiling them?" Ren said in a amused tone, loving seeing those sparkles fly around in Yumro's eyes. This was definitet becoming his new treasure, instead of that red racing car gerne rarely ever played with more.

"Thanks mum!! It's so pretty!! Can i look through it now?" Yumro asked ad he beamed with touchy fingers up at Yukie.

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“Yes you may be be very gentle with it” Yukie replied handing off the book to his son as he giggled and set him down so he could run off to play and looked at Ren. “I was gone for six months I’m allowed to spoil them” he admitted as he handed his mate a gift he had purchased the gift being a beautiful locket filled with many pictures of the family and four empty spots where left for the new babies.

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"Oh, wow" Ren gasped as Yukie gave him something in a long silver chain, first he thought that it was some kind of pendant until he saw it open and a pure blest smile tickled in his cheeks. Still with the kid in his lap Ren reached up to grab on to Yukie's shirt and pulled his mate down just far enough for Ren to capture the other's lips in a passionate kiss, all tongue and teeths nipping at Yukie's bottom lip.

"I love it.. so much!" Ren thought out just as their lips parted. He had no idea when or how Yukie had gotten the the photos but all of them were great.

"But this doesn’t mean I want you gone more often, quite the opposite" He winked and loosened his grip.

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“I plan to stay home more” Yukie replied with a chuckle as he moved away to check on the food and sure enough Naomi came down with the first baby and handed it off to Yukie before heading back upstairs.

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Ren rose to his feets as Naomi walked in with no doubt a baby covered in a soft blanked. He put the toddler down in the pen just before joined Yukie, peeking over the demon's shoulder as he stood with the baby.

"Gosh.. She is perfect" Ren smiled as he gazed opon that little face that watched both of then with a slightly hint of a smile.

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“She’s tiny” Yukie mumbled a little nervous as he offered the baby to Ren wanting him to take his child and care for it first. “You should be proud to have so many children” Yukie teased.

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Ren stuck his tounge out at Yukie for teasing him as he carefully took the baby. "I really don't know how it came to this either but you know Ayme, one isn't enough" Ren chuckled as he studied his little baby girl.


She had a bit of dark hair either black ot dark brown and she had the twins light eyes. Her skin was light from what you would expect of a new born and her cheeks so soft against his fingers.

"Hello, how do you find your new world? Oh no I think I'm almost gonna cry" Ren sniffed as he dried a tear awa, his chest felt tight with wonder, happiness and worring all mixed together in a weird cocktail.

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“Mmh I don’t look to much like Ayme” Yukie replied as he went to go relax on the couch and watch tv letting his new dad to be enjoy bonding with the baby.


“Don’t cry to much you still have two more” Naomi replied as he came carrying down two twins and smirked the little babies quite adorable as he set them on a soft baby mattress Yukie had set up in the playroom.

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"Well, you sure had me fouled for 100 years before the truth came out" Ren comented with a soft giggle as he looked up seeing Yukie leave the room.

They definitely looked alot alike and he could also still confuse one from the other when his senses were low working... It only happened rarely since both of their personalites and behavor were drifferent.


"How is Ayme?" Ren asked conserned for his mate's staminer and strenght, though he was happy to meet the new bornes he still worried the most for his mate.

He arranged the triplets on the soft mattress where a sliky soft sheep skin were spread out.

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“He wants a divorce because you did this to him” Naomi replied with a snicker as he smiled at Ren. “He’s doing fine though...a little irritated and tiered but he pushing through it.”

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Well, I can't really blame him for those threats. Ren thought as he breathe out a little more at ease.

"Just tell him for me that they are beautiful and remind him that he actually wished for them" He chuckled, just as one of the new babies wanted attention by throwing a bit of a hiss, his arms stretched out flying back and forward.

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“I’ll tell him you send kisses” Naomi replied with a chuckle as he went back upstairs and continued his tieresome work before bringing down three more babies as he set them on a cot and went to go clean up Ayme and finish caring for him and fixing things up so dad could see him later.

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He nodded as reply, he really wanted to go tell Ayme that himself, but Ren wasn't good at things like that. After having had only one kid on his own he could understand a bit of the pain Ayme much be feeling.


Ren picked up one baby to comfort just as another started to cry and then the third one joined in.

"No no no, do cry sweet things you break my heart like that" Ren thought as he sat with all three babies in his lap gently rocking them.

One by one they stopped crying and either yawned sleepy or just starred up at him with big curious. Luckely they calmed down just as Naomi brought the next litter.


In total the eldest one had been a girl, the two once after had been boy and girl and with the last three it made half of them girls and the other half boys... 'Wow, I doubt Ayme wants more babies for the next 10 years' Ren thought to himself as he snuggled up around the sextuplets.

They visible related as they could hold into some part of Ren's clothes and found his touch and scent comforting enough to slowly doze off.

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“Mmmh I doubt that I give him two years” Yukie admitted as he smiled and covered his mate and the new babies with a blanket before going back towards his room to the one he had tucked away from everyone’s view the tiny baby quite weak and frail as Naomi looked at Yukie.


“He might live...He’s most likely the one who couldn’t keep up with your body hence why you don’t carry children but you already knew that... if he makes it through the night I’ll let you keep him and be mum and I’ll help you more” Naomi admitted as he covered the tiny infant with a blanket the small baby curling up close to Yukies hand. “Besides he looks more like uou and if he is half as stubborn he will live...I won’t tell them you where with child...though you wouldn’t have known you where your body simply isn’t made to carry children” Naomi replied as he kissed Yukies cheek and cleaned up the bloody sheets and went back to checking on Ayme who was waking up in his room Yukies little secret well kept as Yukie slept curled up with the tiny baby.

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Ren looked up though half lid eyes as he heard Yukie's coment and felt softness of the blanket.

"You guys might be almost immortal but I really think you two tries you hardest to shorten that at times... what's wrong with enjoying what we got?" Ren asked tired but his question had came far too late, Yukie had already left the room.

Kicking out the sleepness from his system Ren thought he better go and check in on Ayme, just as Yumro peeked in with small tired eyes and a redish flushed face.

"Daddy.. I had a scary dream, can I sleep with you?" the boy asked quietly too afraid to sleep on his own, normally he would sneak in beside Sin but Yumro didn't know if he was allow to right now.


Ren slowly sat up and held his arms out to signal the boy to come to him. Yumro throw himself into Ren's armes and rubbed his small body in against Ren's to feel his warmth before taking a glance over at the sex small babies.

Before Yumro could speak up had Ren already pressed a finger to the boys lips, telling him to be still. Yumro nodded and Ren tried one more. 'stay here, if anything come get me, I'll be back' Ren did his best to signal his son as he slowly changed place with Yumro so the babies would hold on to him, which made Yumro smile sleepy "I'll stay here daddy" Yumro agreed and layed down to watch the babies.


Ren slowly tip toed his way outside the room but he still let the door stay slightly open letting the light from the hallway float in the dark room just enough so Yumro wouldn't get scared cause of the darkness.


It shouldn't had surprised him but seeing Naomi in the hallway infront of Yukie's bedroom door still didn't sit all that well in him. Trying his best to ignore the jealousy and pain in his chest he swallowed hard.

"Can I go see Ayme now?.." Ren asked with his head lowered to avoid seeming ungreatfull for the demon's help.

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“Yeah go ahead he’s all cleaned up for the night and most likely already wanting dinner” Naomi replied as he closed Yukies door firmly and carried the sheets in his arms taking them to be washed in with Aymes sheets. “Yukie isn’t feeling well so please let him sleep alone tonight” he added as he slipped down the stairs to the laundry room to finish the laundry and order some medical supplies in private.

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Ren wanted to ask more about Yukie sudden illness but Naomi didn't seem like he would tell him even if Ren had asked. "Okay then" Ren decided to agree to what the demon said though the scent of blood made his nerves feel uneasy.

Ren stood for a moment and just starred at the closed door to Yukie's room before picking himself up and when to get a big plate of food and a glas of lemonade for Ayme, everything was placed on a tray making it easier to carry back to Ayme's room.

"Ayme, I'm coming in" Ren thought out as he gently knock two times on the door before stepping in.

Trying his best not to grimace by the awful smell of sweat, blood and the familiar scent of sterile, Ren smiled sweetly at his mate. "I got you some food if you wanna eat some?"

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“Are they all right?” Ayme asked worried about his babies already. “Naomi didn’t let me see them but said he would leave them with you” Ayme admitted as he sat up more a little tiered and his stomach covered in thick bandages.

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"They are beautiful all of them looks just perfect, you did so well" Ren answered with a huge smile as he placed the tray down on the nightstand befor Ren himself sat down gently on the bed. "You really shouldn't worry too much sweetie, if something was wrong I wouldn't be here now would I?" he smirked as he reached his hand out to gently stroke Ayme hair.

"you can see them as soon as you feel like getting up, but right now most of them are asleep so you don't haft to push yourself.

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“I’d like to eat then see them” Ayme admitted as he gently moved the tray over and started eating the food tasting wonderful and being quite delicious.


“If you need anything medical let me know now because I need to run to town”Naomi replied already dressed in warm clothes to go out the ground quickly covering in snow.

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"Sure, we can work with that but I don't think you should sleep in the same room as them tonight, I want you to have a good nights rest to heal your body back to your normal healthy state. That's not gonna happen if they wake up every now and then throughout the night, you got it?" Ren asked being more concern with his mate's health than his own night sleep, and he could be stubborn about it too if Ayme decided to fight with him about it.


Seeing Namoi all dressed to go out made Ren raise a brow suspicious to why the demon needed to go get more medic when they had enough medicin stocked to supply an entire drug store.

Was it for Yukie?

"What kind of medicin are you gonna buy? is it for Yukie?"

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“I want to sleep with them please” Ayme begged his heart breaking since he hadn’t seen his babies and he felt the need to nurse and care for them.


“Just a heated blanket and some pain medication” Naomi replied not wanting to explain more as he glared at Ren and grabbed his wallet out of the dresser having put Ayme in his room for the birth since it was cleaner then the twins. “Honestly it’s not your concern go get the kids so Ayme can see them” Naomi replied before leaving.

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Ren hated seeing that look on his mate's face and it didn't help that Naomi was pushing him in all the wrong ways. Well like it or not Yukie was still his mate and he was concerned just as much as a mate should be.

"I can take bring them in here to you and I will let them stay until you have fallen asleep... but sweetie, you can't sleep with all six of them, you know if one cries they all cries and you already looks like shit to be honest" Ren tried to explain and talk reason into Ayme, but he could already see where this was going.

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“Then why don’t you sleep with me in here for when they cry and I’ll just wear earplugs” Ayme replied as he moved the tray wanting desperately to see his babies as he forced himself out of the bed not wanting to listen to his mate being to stubborn.

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