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♢My Master♢ {Yukonwolfspirit~M-jow (18+}


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"You can’t send him away!!" Yumro broke the silence as he suddenly started to yell. "I don't want a mate, but that not Haruhi foul" the boy looked angry and his hands curled into fists. He still wasn't looking Haruhi way but they couldn't just send him away either, Yumro wouldn't allow them to.


Ren frown worried but couldn't say anything to his boy aside from the few hand signs. "What is the matter Yumro? Why are you behaving like this?" Ren asked through hand movements while he held baby Raven in his lap.


Yumro just shook his head, he was angry, confused and... Sad. A few tears escaped though Yumro fought to keep them back. "I don't like it, I can't be someone's mate and I can't be like sin and rain... he is so little daddy and I can't" Yumro tried hard to explain though he wasn’t good at putting what he felt into words.

"Are you afraid of hurting him?" Ren asked to verifie his suspension, maybe Yumro still felt guilty about his and Ayme's sextuplets whom most had died.


Yumro just looked down at his feets while he nodded, embarrassed as well as sad, he had hoped his choosen one would had been someone older, someone who liked some of the same thing as him. But Haruhi was just so small and he didn't have any idea how to handle the fact that he was paying attention to the baby but he also couldn't see himself being close with Haruhi.

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“...heh” yukie replied before laughing a little and relaxing watch snickering as he went back to his thing as ayme followed the situation being quite easy to fix. “He’s small darling because he’s still sick his mom and dad didn’t take care of him so he stayed small to survive...he’s two months younger then you in age he just feels safer being small” yukie explained as he gently sat down on the ground and touched yumros cheek. “Honey babies die it happens with all things in nature and it’s no ones fault” yukie explained gently comforting his boy. “Haruhi won’t die, he’s just sick and needs some help getting better and growing up and gaining weight watch asked him to stay small because if you saw how sick he was he would scare you and everyone else that works here” yukie added as he sighed and looked at Haruhi who frowned but hesitantly went back to his normal age the poor thing looking like death and being covered in bruises and being basically just skin and bones as he hid behind yukie afraid. “His mommy and daddy where very very mean and bad people so he’s scared and he just needs a friend and to feel loved”

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Yumro didn't understand how anyone's moms or dads could be bad people, his weren't. But when he saw Haruhi turn he kind of sensed that the kid was missing something. He tried not to starre but seeing the real Haruhi before him made Yumro incredibly shy and his lips pressed in tight together.

"You two can just start out as friends, I think both of you really could have fun together if you showed him what kind of things you like" Ren gently smiled while gently pushing Yumro a bit forward to help him.


Yumro seemed to gather his thoughts just before he took a step closer on his own. "Do you.. wanna watch pictures with me?.." He asked still but loud enough for Haruhi to hear while Yumro's gaze rose from the floor to peek back up again.

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“...I don’t know what that is” Haruhi whispered as he held onto his shirt quite scared and nervous as he looked down to afraid to really look at yumro.

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"It's s really pretty book Yukie gave me, it got these huge pictures that pops up from the page when it opens" Yumro explained and his eyes lighten up just talking about his favorite thing. "But it is okay if you don't want to" his shoulder sank just a few inches seeing the look on Haruhi's face, though Yumro felt a bit disappointed he didn't know how he could start gaining the other's trust.

Yumro wasn't the take charge kid like his brother, he was more of the careful suggestive type.


Ren still wasn't all that sure about thinking that this boy Haruhi one day could end up marrying his sweet Yumro, so he mostly choose to ignore those thoughts. Yumro could be a good friend and maybe the push Haruhi needed to get better and maybe gain his own confidents from.

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“Yumro I think Haruhi wouldn’t mind if you took him with you and showed him where things where in the house and showed him your pop up book” ayme admitted as he gently wiped away Haruhis small tears knowing the sudden change in living place and all the new people must have been terrifying for the child as he smiled softly and looked at yumro. “Maybe you could tell him stories about foxes and wolves and some cute deer I bet he would love to see pictures of them”

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Yumro's either face brightened up In a big smile. "Sure!" He nodded exited, almost already running off when Ayme mentioned the animals. "Come Haruhi, I'll show you" Yumro set aside some of his shyness as he gently took the other's hand, fighting hard with himself to keep calm so he wouldn't frightened the fragile boy. He noticed the small hand and just how skiny it was as he grabbed it but he didn't comment or tried to pull back.


As the two left Ren could help himself again and asked his lovers as they all sat at the table with each their plates.

"If Haruhi could turn himself into his younger self then that would mean that he does posses quite at bit demonic power doesn't it?.. I keep wondering when Yumro will start showing signs of either wolf or demon potentiale, he is five years now and I worry that something isn't as it should be." Ren lets his honest thought spil just a bit while he was chewing on some salat, not really having any appetit but he hadn't eaten properly these last couple of days and it was making him grow tired quicker than normal, expescially since shifter needed lots of food to keep their bodies health.

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“Hruhi is a full demon he’s just not in the way his parents wanted all demons hope their kids will be very powerful so some see just changing form as being a low level demon but to be honest it was the first thing I was ever able to do” yukie admitted as he smiled and looked at ren.


“Most young demons fall into an elemental category” Ayme added as he thought about what ren had said.


“He might just be a late bloomer watch couldn’t do anything demon related until he was twelve hell, he almost didn’t get matched because of it” Naomi added butting into the conversation.


“I’d give him afew months around other demons and it might want him to become more wolffish if he meets others like his mama” yukie also piped in.

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"You really think so?.."Ren wanted to comfirm just to make sure he wasn't being silly by worring. "I hope you guys are right" after that Ren slowly felt silence while listening to noises around him but paying little attention to any conversation going around by the table.


From the living-room he could hear Yumro's voice explaining and telling all he knew about various thing as well as dishes being put away in the cabinet to his right.

Small baby noises and talk from the twins playing underneath the table and Ren realized just how much his life had changed compared to what he had before he had meet Ayme and Yukie.

Ren just sat there starring at both his mates while he day-dreamed about everything they had been through.

Most hadn't been easy and even now Ren met problems along the way but that didn't mean he had stopped caring even more for both of them.


"I'm looking forward to see everything tomorrow, the people seemed nice enough when they came to greet you, I just hop I didn't screw anything up while I meet the local pack." He admitted with a soft tired sigh as he gave up on getting himself to eat anything more and put down his fork.

"At least I no longer smell of them" Ren smiled with a soft pink glow in his cheeks as he remember that he hadn't had the change to get washed properly yet and surely reeked of Yukie and sex.

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“Yeah you smell like desperation and sex” watch teased as he smirked and watched the kids play before judging yukie who followed him outside for a smoke break.


“Want me to join you for a bath?” Ayme asked his nose wrinkled cutely as he sniffed ren curiously only smelling yukie on him.

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Watch's teasing didn't help anything to calm the blush that deepened into and spread to his ears.

It surprised him that Ayme offered to have them take a bath together but it was a pleasant surprise.

"Yeah but, only if you don't tease me too" Ren agreed while fixing his gaze firmly down in embarrassment while biting his lip before peeking up at Ayme. He didn't wante Ayme to be mad at him and he wasn't embarrassed about having sex with Yukie, it was more the fact that he still hadn't bath just and that he was still walking around with cum inside.

Well they hadn't had time to put a condom on doing to how needy Yukie had been but Ren didn't expect anything to happen.


The doctor had said that Ren body couldn't produce a membran on his own. That explanation had comfirmed his suspension since the membran to create Yumro must had comed from either Ayme or Yukie and the seed as well. In truth Yumro properly carried more of their DNA that he carried Ren's since he had only been the carrier.


Of course the rough sex they had still sting painfully in his back and insides, but Ren could handle the pain and hide it even better, though sitting down was quite uncomfortable.

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“You know if he’s to rough with you you can punish him” ayme admitted as he lead ren to an already made bath and stripped quickly before getting in hiding behind the mountain of bubbles the maid had added.

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"He wasn't doing it on purpose, beside it felt fine for me too, I just wasn't entirely ready when he took me at first" Ren said in Yukie's defense while he followed his mate into the bath.

He laughed as he watch Ayme strip everything off in one go before jumping into the bubblebath.

"Are you one of the kids?" Ren asked teasingly while he too stepped out of his robes but more slowly stepped into the warm water while being careful not to slip.

"Hehe, now how the hell did they make this many bubbles? Its no fair, I can't see you" Ren chuckled as he spread his arms out wide to brush some of the bubbles aside ti seach for his disappearing mate.

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“They made afew baths in other rooms just for the bubbles” yukie replied as he smirked and watched the two holding chocolate covered strawberries and a nice bottle of wine. “Mind if I join?” Yukie asked wanting to join his mates in their fun, ayme of course still hiding amongst the bubbles

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"Sure, I wouldn't mind, but I'm afraid you'll have to settle with me since Ayme got eaten" Ren laughed before turning around to look at his other mate with a cute playfull smile that turned surprised when he saw what Yukie had brought with him.

"Wow.." He blinked a bit dazzled, had Yukie always been this romantic.. maybe but this was a first.

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“Though we could just spend the night as us three...some wine chocolate and some bad movies later” yukie admitted with a soft blush as he set the stuff down and stripped getting into the tub as he instantly was grabbed by ayme and snuggled.

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"Sounds perfect to me" Ren smiled brightly at his lover, his teeths was already watering though he wasn’t sure if it was because of the strawberried of the clear view of Yukie's naked skin. His skin buzzed pleasantly as his body remember feeling that smooth hot skin all over his.

And as he saw the two snuggle against eachother he gave himself a small minut to stop and watch them and his chest swell with pride. To think he mated two gorgeous guys like this onces.


"Got room for one more?" He asked as he slipped in beside them to join.

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“Mmh only if you let us drink and party tonigh” yukie teased already pouring himself a glass of wine as he smiled and soaked ayme snuggling up to ren just a little as yukie set two glasses aside for his mates.

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"like you need my permission anyway" Ren chuckled as he slipped futher down in the warm water til his arms was wrapped around Ayme's hips and his head laying again his lover's belly.

"Just don't blame my if you got a hangover tomorrow if you go all out" He continued while lossing one arm from around Ayme to poke Yukie's side.

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After a bit of cuddle touching time and a glas ot two he had to admit that he found himself tired and worn out as he fought to keep back a big yawn. It was just that the water felt so good around him and the company even better. It had been a while since they all three had been together and this was the closed he had seen Yukie and Ayme naked in the same room since before they had marked eachother.


Still though he was exhausted, Ren also didn't want the moment to end. And just to make a bit of fun he took one of the chocolate cover strawberries and offered it to Ayme, only when he did take it Ren leaned in and took a bite of the berry for him, smirking teasingly as he leaned back and licked his lips clean of fruit juice.

"Mmm, tasty" He giggled, feeling a bit light headed couse of the alcohol.

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Ren chuckled at Yukie's whining but still pick up another berry. Only this time Ren held the berry up between their lips like they were kissing through it. Each chew about half of it before their lips finally touched and finish with a strawberry, chocolate kiss.

"All better now?" Ren gently asked while smiling down at Yukie.

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“Yes...” yukie replied his face bright red as he looked away shyly licking some small specks of chocolate off of his lips as ayme snickered and got out of the tub grabbing a warm towel for his body as he went out to the giant bed.

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"Gosh, I forgot just how sexy you look when you blush" the voice inside Ren's head groan as he saddled over Yukie's lap, trapping the demon from moving away.

The alcohol was definitely getting to him quickly and it made Ren act more in crontrol of himself than normal. Though Ren had never been drunk or anything like it before so this tickling and sudden confidents he felt was rather new.


"Now where are you going?" He asked in a low saddened tone close enough to sound as an whimp, suddenly afraid why Ayme left and out of his reach.

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