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♢My Master♢ {Yukonwolfspirit~M-jow (18+}


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“If the fish boy can be naked so can I” yukie replied getting an amused look from Yu who laid against the side of the tub.

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"How old were you again?" Ren smirked as he followed Yukie inside the bathroom keeping himself close behind his mate. He couldn't really help his eyes from following the creature's tail down.

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“My he’s pretty cute I can see where the kids all get their charm” Yu replied with a snicker as he splashed yukie a little. “You stink like sex and desperation”

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"Please, I smell more than just a fishy smell in here" Ren folded his arms over his chest and leaned back with a known smirke. Yukie hadn't been the only one to hear the fish jerking off.

Then he looked between the two. "Sure enough, he is a looker there are definitely some traces" He admitted, but he still prefered Yukie's too stady legs.

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“You never said I couldn’t listen in and have fun” Yu teased ren as he smirked and pulled yukie in in a seductive way. “Besides who said you could paw at my younger brother without my blessing first?”

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A low growl formed from the deepes of Ren's throat when en saw the other put his hands on Yukie's naked body. The act wasn't brotherly and he didn't like the smirk on the other's face but he wanted to trusted his mate and didn't intervene.

"I have been pawing my mate quite a few times but now, I don't really care about others blessing, I just wanted Yukie to be happy." Ren replied sending his mate a gentle smile as he caught his eyes.

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“Well a blessing is proper if you plan on marrying the two and making it official...unless you plan on letting watch decide your just a concubine.” Yu admitted as he looked at Ren. “Yukie and Ayme are suppose to be in charge but it seems Watch is the one who calls all of the shots and makes all of the rules...it annoys Yukie but as much as he’s pushing for Ayme it grow a backbone he lacks one himself to stop watches rein of power” Yu explained not liking ren being out of the loop as he let yukie go the demon falling into the water and sinking a little. Yukie who was upset about the fish telling everyone what he had been worried about glared and sulked in the tub not happy with what was going on.

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"Marriage.." the wolf suddenly turned quite still. Marriage, that was for... Ren's cheeks grew hot with a soft blushed as he moved his gaze to an emty spot on the wall.

To a wolf a mate meant more than just a simple promise in marriage, it was a commitment and a vow to actually always care and stay by their partner or partners. Marriage however ever ment providing their bond to even the once outside.


Something that the merman said about watch then made him look back. "Rain, you mean watches son? He isn't the one searching power, the kid got enough but he is still so young... Why exactly dose he wants to crontrol Yukie and Ayme? Is it because he need them? For what power?"

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“No, rain isn’t the one needing power it’s Watch that’s looking to rule all of the demonic creatures” Yu explained as he snuggled yukie a little. “The one’s who can create other creatures can be used to make an army.” Watch is acting as their mate so he gets control if you suddenly marry them he looses that control”

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"Even if I did marry them wouldn't he just make more? He made many of you but only Yukie and Ayme had the right gen, what is to prevent watch form simply creating another demon with the same abillitis as them?" Ren asked a he moved closer to the tube and kneeled in behind Yukie and gently pulled him away from Yu's embrace.


He buried his nose in against his mate's neck to get a close smell of Yukie's wet skin. He looked up caught Yu's gaze as he kissed Yukie's neck, like he was marking his territory with a big 'Mine!' on it.

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He used yukie and Aymes blood to make us, without their blood he can’t create any new creatures his issue is that he can’t create carbon copies of them only split copies such as what I am and what the big bad wolf was” Yu explained gently as he moved his tail mesmerizingly in the water. “But if yukie and Ayme have a baby like little raven it’s a carbon copy because he’s both of their dna. So he’s going to keep forcing them into the position of being only mates to create more weapons so he can sell them off” Yu added as Yukie frowned everything suddenly making sense.


“He had us lock you up so you wouldn’t interfere with his plans...and because Ayme and I refused to have children he took ayme and replaced him and...it was done so I wouldn’t know he was behind it and so I would carry another one of our kind....but ren got in the way so he had to first make Ayme have his children and then when ren was busy he went with me....in the end he got what he wanted” yukie whispered his hands shaking a little in fear.

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"Yukie" Ren made his inside voice sound as calm and soothing as he reached for his mate's shaking hands and held them. "He will not get his way, we are strong enough to withstand him.. I will not let either you Ayme or Raven be control by him like pieces in his little game." His thumb gently stroke the back of Yukie's palms while hugging him from behind. Ren's shirt was getting quite wet but he didn't really take notice of it since the water and the other's back was warm.


"You aren't alone Yukie. Wasn't it you who gathered the wolves to help protecting the village and this place? Would the demons living there follow you or watch? There are lots of ways to protect the people you care about the most, you just don't have to do it all alone"

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“...I never wanted to do it to begin with...I wanted to live in the countryside and own a little farm” yukie whispered as he curled up not wanting to deal with the issues as Yu frowned and moved away before getting a small rubber duck and putting it in the tub to try and cheer up yukie like he use to.

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Ren smiled gently at his lover, he could sense the hopelessness in the other snd didn't wanted to press him, though something had to be done with Watch, even it that meant Ren self would have to be the one to do it. "That sounds wonderful too, I can totally imagine it" Ren answered, he wasn't trying to baby Yukie, only to lighten his mood.

"Can't we do something like that in the garden? It big enough. And I'm sure the kids would love playing in the dirt on warm days"

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“The kids will start schooling in the next month” watch replied as he looked at the three and then at yukie. “Your to attend a meeting in twenty minutes you best hurry up and get washed up and dressed so you can go with Ayme” watch replied his glare unseen by yukie like sharp daggers at the two beside him.

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"What is this meeting about?" Ren asked with his natur cool expression, ignoring the sharp look watch threw at them. "Isn't it quite late to attened anything around this houre? And Ayme too, he just gotten out of the hospital and is still recuperating"

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“It’s a meeting about possible members in the village working for outsiders and it doesn’t concern you” watch replied as he grabbed yukie and dragged him off to go get him ready clearly feeling the need to separate them.

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"Hell yeah it dose when you treat my mate like that!" Ren's entire body grew tense as he reached out to grab his cane and followed them just a few feets after.

"let go of him" He growled as he picked op something small and hard from s small table along the way and threw it at Watch with his free hand, hitting the dog right at the back of his head with a loud smack. It hadn't been thrown hard to break anything, but Watch would differently still be feeling that tomorrow.

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“It would be best for you to learn your place in this household and I suggested we moved you to a house in the village...your stuff has been packed and is waiting at the door along with your child you best see that you two get a move on of unpacking your stuff before it’s thrown out onto the street” watch replied as he pushed yukie off towards some servents to take him before turning and looking at ren. “Ever heard of a demon contract?” He asked ren with a smirk releasing how he was able to force the twins to do as he wished. “If they misbehave and don’t listen to me they will be in great pain....your interference is causing them pain so it’s best you just leave.”

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"Learn my place!" Ren snapped at the words like the other had just cursed him. "My Place is by my mates and children's side! And I'm not leaving them for you to toy around with them as you would please"

Ren threw his cane aside as furr started growing down his arms and up along his neck. It didn't take much more than a second after that before Ren's shirt and pants tore open as his body transformed and ruined the fabric.

A deep animalistisc snarl sounded from the former soundless wolf as he revealed his pearly white deathly fangs before he at the next moment, moved faster than the eyes could catch and jumped right for watch's throat.

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Yukie screamed out in agonizing pain as his arm stayed to bleed bite,arks all over it as watch held his arm in rens mouth. “Hurt me and you hurt him” he replied with a devious laugh as Ayme came in ignoring the pain and dragged yukie leaving ren to killwatch.

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'shit!' Ren eyes turned to look over at Yukie as he heard his mate scream, but his fangs didn't lossen or pull out of watch's arm.

'shit shit!' he cursed and wanted to just break the the guy’s bone, but that would pass through to Aym and Yukie as well.

How could he kill this guy without killing his mates?.. Damn..


The wolf then pulled back and started to circle the dog, eyeing him like watch was his pray as Ren's mind tried to think things out.

"You bastered! You are getting a kick out of this aren't you" the wolf growled furious and angry, the wolf wanted blood but Ren held it back for now.

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“...I made it to stop these kind of attacks and to keep the two from trying to kill me” watch replied as Ayme glared bandaging yukies arm his own still bleeding.


“We can take the pain if you can kill him” yukie mumbled as he looked over at ren...”we will be fine”

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The wolf's ears lowered for a second, he didn't wante to hurt them but Yukie said they would be okay.

Finally Ren picked himself back in the game, letting his wolf run wild but kept in mind to do it quite and painless.

Foldning his body far back to power his forward going jumped he took off but instead of repeating the same mistake again Ren ajusted his angle in mid air and flew just past the guy. The wolf then jumped again as soon as his back legs hit the floor and before the guy could turn Ren was already by his neck, mouth wide ready to snap it.

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