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♢My Master♢ {Yukonwolfspirit~M-jow (18+}


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Adrenalinen slowly faited from the wolf's lims as he stood over the death body waiting until it completely stopped shaking before he release and pulled back with a small amount of blood dripping from his jaws.

Pain shot like bullets up through his back legs and his wounded side hurted like a b### but no new wounds had been inflicted.

Ren the turned his attention towards the room the twins had escape into and with almost numb legs he draged himself over to the door and pushed the door handle up with his nose, leaving the body alone in the hallway for the servants to get rid of.

Ears back against his furry head he looked over at both the twins whimpy slightly in a small highpich cry as he moved closer. "Are you okay?"

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“We can manage though you look like hell” ayme admitted rubbing yukies back softly as he offered to snuggle ren in his lap.

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Ren gladly took the offer and gently pressed himself to sit in between Ayme's thighs, light leaned in against the other's leg as he rested his head in the demon's lap.

Insted of closing his eyes and relax he watched Yukie. To Ren Yukie seemed ti be the one who had gotten it the worst of the to, and he was so quiet. "I didn't mean to hurt you Yukie but I could just stand by and let him do whatever he wanted" Ren said as he gently pressed his cold wet nose against Yukie's resting hand.

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“...how do I explain to Naomi and rain and Haruhi their mate and father is dead?” Yukie asked shaking as he looked at ren heartbroken over the realization this was all his fault.

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The wolf rubbed it cheek again Yukie. "Is not your fouled.. Should i be the one to tell Naomi? I don't mind but he would properly want to kill me when I do or at least freak so please, can you to make sure none of the kids are anywhere near, I don't want Naomi to do anything foulish he would regret later"

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“Naomi...he’s understanding just give him some space if he’s upset” yukie admitted as he pet rens head gently not wanting him to leave.

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Ren sighed as he closed his eyes for a second to relax in the scent of his mates. His body was tired and still hurted but the sooner he went to talk with Naomi the better. If it had been himself, Ren would want to know the moment it had happened.

"I better get going then" He replied but stayed in his wolf-form as he went to the door.

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The wolf's slided through the door back out on the hall. Watch's body was still laying on the carpet and a small pool of blood had darkened the already red floor cloth.

Ren's fangs had cut clean through the dog's air ways and though the wolf knew he had broken his neck, the corpse didn't look twisted.

As he stood above the corpse two demon servants came to clean and removed the body but they didn't do anything rigtig away, not before Ren turned to them and nodded.

"If it not to much could someone clean him up so he can have a propper funeral.." Ren asked at the two folded the body in carpet.

Both of the two nodded but didn't say anything as they carried the folded carpet away.


Ren then went to his room to quickly wash the blood off, change and grab an new walking stick. Before he went to Naomi's room, as he reached the room he knocked lightly on the door while listing in. "Naomi, are you up? I need to speak with you"

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“...I already know...the servents talk” Naomi mumbled as he held his two boys close gently rocking them back and forth as he sighed. “I knew this day would come when Watch would leave my side” he added before tucking the boys into their bed their faces a little red clearly from crying. “I ask you let me take care of his body”

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"..." Ren kept quiet for a moment, of course he hadn't thought about the servants talking about it through there had been eyewitnesses.

Ren wanted to say that he was sorry about having things ending this way, but he felt af though Naomi wouldn't take it anyway and really he couldn't mean if he said how sorry he was.

Had he been in Naomi's shoes he probably wouldn't be taking things this calmly.


"Of course, I told the servants wash the blood off and I was going make som arrangement, but it you sure you are up to it I wouldn't interfer" Ren answered from the other side of the door while his eyes just looked straight at it.

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“I want him cremated so I know he stays dead” Naomi admitted as he looked at ren and then away before moving over on the bed so he could sit. “I’m at fault for not controlling watch...I’ve known his plans since I was young yet I still chose to fall in love with him” Naomi admitted as he checked over his babies and covered them more with a blanket as if protecting them.

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Ren just nodded, Naomi was totally entitled to make that decision. He then shook his tired head "You aren't at fouled.. what he did was his doing, none of us blames you of anything" Ren explained as he wacthed the man sitting by his children. "It's late, so there wouldn't be much to do before in the morning, if you need help or anything just ask okay" He finished and turned around in the door. "I didn't plan on taking your mate from you.. I just had to protect mine and make him stop doing what he did, I didn't do any of it to make either you or the children sad, aside from his flaws I" sure he was a great guy"


Ren the retired, first he wanted to head back but his legs and body were both too tired to make the way up the stairs. So instead he took the easier choise and draged himself towards the nearest couch and passe out as soon his head hit a pillow.

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Yukie eventually walked around cleaning the house as he covered ren with a b;a keg and went out with Ayme who was carrying Yu the two heading out on a trip yukie leaving a note with Naomi before they left.

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Ren had been too tired to notice anything and he even slept past breakfast before noises form the kids woke him. He peeked up from the blanket as he slowly sat up, both his neck and side felt sore as he stretched but his legs felt alot better compared to yesterday.


Ren felt small hands against his stomach and pulled the warm blanked aside to reveal the twins. Both babies laughed as the blanket was pulled off.

"How did you two get here? Did you take a nap with me?" He asked as he wrapped his arms around them and lifted them up with him as he rose. Going out to search his mate's, only he didn't smell them in the house. Ren then snifted his way to Naomi asking if he knew were they were.

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“ they went out on business left the kids with me for the day and told me to let you rest” Naomi admitted as he watched afew servents cleaning out rooms and organizing the house clearly preparing for guests. “They will be brining back others to help them rule and keep the laws fair”

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"Others?" Ren blinked confused for a moment until he remembed Yukie telling him there were other's out there how were made like them.

"Did they say when they would be back?" He asked, feeling rather embarrassed about having sleep the whole morning away.

The twins played with eachother on each of Ren's shoulders, reaching over after the other and holding hands.

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“Three days at most” Naomi replied as he set the kids down in the playroom and sighed, “...could you watch them for a bit? I have a doctors appointment” Naomi admitted as he looked at ren slightly afraid he would say no.


(Would you like a time skip until the twins get back?)

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Three days.. Ren sighed, it was still too early to be missing them, but the castle seemed so very bigger and hollow without their scent haning around the rooms. And it always made the wolf in him more uneasy.

"Sure, I don't mind" Ren nodded agreeing to watch them since he had been lacking doing so today.


As Naomi left them Ren sat back, watching the babies playing whatever game they had intented, just as his cellphone started to buzz from his back pocket and reached down to get it.

He turned the device on an noticed he had about 12 messeges all from a unconscious know number.

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Eventually Naomi came back and kept to himself for the next three days until he woke up to the twins back and mr wolf man busy making breakfast while a pretty centar stood setting the table and helping prep dinner the twins snuggling their kids and having them all meet the family which was a mix of different mystical creatures that where only one type of creature.

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Ren didn't try to confront Naomi in those days he kept to himself, figuring Naomi had a lot on his plate even with his mate now gone.

He had cared and played with the kids when Naomi had been absent and eventually his wounds had mostly health, now there was only the light brusing left and some light scares.


Yumro hadn't showen himself much either, he mostly stayed in his room and only a few rar times could Ren get him to join them when it was time for food. Else the boy just quickly picked something up on a plate and eat in his room.

Ren wasn't sorry why the boy acted like that but it wasn’t normal compared to how Yumro normally were, he thought that as long as he knew the boy was eating and not coming down with something he would let him be for the timebeing. Getting grounded was after all Yumro first time but Ren got the feeling that something else was bothering his son.


Since the morning after leaning his mates were gone Ren had been having trouble sleeping probably, he twisted and turned around wherever he slept, it didn't matter if it was in his own or in one of the twins beds, his body just couldn’t seem to calm enough without the warmth of his mates close by. Seriously! He was gonna talk to them about them sharing the same bed again. Moving here and put so much space between them. And though Ren had his own room but he always slept in either Yukie's or Ayme's beds, he only ever went in his room to get some clothes now and then.


Weirdly enough that the morning his mates had come home, Ren had been somewhat sleeping in Ayme's room when his mind alerted him of stranges in the house.

Quickly the wolf dressed in some dark jeans and the shirt he had brought from his room last night.

Careful and quiet he went downstairs and followed the noise to the kitchen, his senses eased more as he smelt Yukie and Ayme's scent and when he saw them he partical ran towards them and jumped them, spreadning his arms wide enough to embrace both at the same time.

"You are back!" Ren smiled glad as he snuggled in against them and rubbed their scent on him.

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“We took longer then expected but yes we have returned” yukie replied as he felt the tight hugging and blushed a little afew of the men snickering as the watched enjoying the cute little fluff of romance.


“We brought back twelve others to rule with us in our village and their villages will now move into ours” Ayme explained as he mentioned to raven who was happily riding around on the horsy mans back the child finding it quite fun.

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Ren wasn't much for stranges around them but he had no problem showing others that this men belonged to him, so when Yukie started blushing embarrassed Ren could help finding his mate utterly adorable and gave him a small kiss on his red cheek. "Welcome back" He replied before releasing them to look more at their guests.

"Can they too you know, read me?" Ren asked his lovers just to make sure. They might all have been created by the same person but did that also mean their abillitis were the same?.


He smiled watching Raven enjoy the rid, but what Ayme had said seemed like a lot of people was coming to live here.

"Is there even enough houses ready to resive that many people?" Ren asked a bit unsure but didn't questioned his lovers plans, the idea was good and from what Ren had seen of the village this fare he knew it wasn't small, and with even more they would soon become an entire city.

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“Yeah they all can” yukie explained as he smiled and started some introductions...”well some dont wish to move so we will just have to add more houses for those that are” yukie explained not sure how many would move here. “With the leaders gone from their people their numbers have shrank hence why there’s only one merman left”

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Ren got the most of what he was being told but it was a bit hard to keep his consetration on one thing with so many new people around. He nodded and greeted them as he was introducer but he couldn't remember all of their names right away eventhough he tried.


Somehow with out anyone noticing Yumro had adventured downstairs to what was going on. He had grown surprisingly over these last three days and now looked to be around 10 years older. He had kind of hoped to see Haruhi as he peeked in but when he saw all the other strange creatures he quickly retired back not liking all these many new things happening around him, also he was still grounded.

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