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♢My Master♢ {Yukonwolfspirit~M-jow (18+}


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Ren smiled gently at his mate as they parted and he just got to catch Ayme's eyes before they went away. Trying his best to stay composed he waved, but his expression was more sadder that before. 'i hoped everything goes well' Ren sent a silence prayer as he held himself back from running after them... It was one of the most hardeste things Ren felt that he needed to do for his mates.


"If you are tired you should rest, wanna sleep with me?" Yumro asked after having put his own plate away into the diswasher.

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“...no, yukie said he wanted to talk to me when he gets back I should wait for him” Haruhi replied distancing himself a little from yumro as he looked away and went off to be alone.


Afew hours passed yukie coming back quietly as he unlocked the door and let himself in.

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Yumro frowned confused but didn't get to say anything before Haruhi walked away from him. It only made Yumro that much more conserned for him, so while keeping his distance he followed after Haruhi.


Ren's mind hadn't been much at ease as the houres went on past midtnight. A maid had helped him putting the kids to bed but he hadn't seen much to Haruhi or Yumro since he saw Yumro asleep out front of Haruhi's room.


When he hear the lock on the door turn he hurried out In the hallway to greet what he knew would just be Yukie.

Out of old habit his eyes still searched around his mate before asking. "How did it go?"

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“It went fine” yukie replied with a yawn as he walked over and snuggled ren lovingly having missed his mate greatly in the time he was gone as he smiled a little. “The process opened my eyes to certain things I couldn’t see before” yukie explained as he gently led ren to Haruhi’s Room and looked down at the child before gently placing a hand on his head a black seal spreading from his face down his neck. “I thought Haruhi not aging was weird...turns out he might not be a human looking demon” yukie admitted as Haruhi mumbled waking up a little. “Having to be sealed in such a tiny body must be painful” yukie whispered as he picked up the child who snuggled into him.

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Ren sighed more at ease as soon as he felt Yukie's touch and caressed the other's cheek with one hand while the other was holding his lover close, just for a minute.

"Really? what kind of things?" Ren asked as they walked towards Haruhi's room quite curious.


Yumro had just come back from the toilet when he saw Yukie and Ren enter Haruhi's room. He had spent most of the time asleep infront of the door worried that Haruhi might had been sick or something but the other hadn't let him come in.

Quietly Yumro snuck closer on light feets til he reached the door and could peek inside the dark room.


"Did watch put the spells on him?" Ren asked as he gently slided the hair away from the boy's face. He didn't understand much about magic aside from a few things but knew just how dangerous it could be.

"Can you release it?"

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“Yeah...though he might have done it to make him fit it...there’s a reason there is only human looking demons most parents try to get rid of the unnatural ones...he probably did it as an act of mercy but he can’t grow stuck like this” yukie whispered his hand moving over Haruhi as the mark burned brightly and Haruhi suddenly changed into a cute little half fawn.




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Ren shook his head while gently touching the little demon's furry body. "I don't get how any parent can do that to their own kids.. leave and not care what happens to them. When I got Yumro not once did I think of leaving him eventhough his legs were deformed he was still mine" Ren said at he watched Haruhi in his sleeping form. He looked so cute and at peace in Yukie's arm's.

"But I guess this means he and Yumro wouldn't be able to make par.." Ren wasn't really questioning, more like he was wondering if the drifferences between the two were to drifferent. He still didn't like the idea of Yumro growing up.. ever. But it wasn’t something ren could control and he didn't have anything against Haruhi either.

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“...they might stay friends but I doubt they will stay mates” yukie replied as he tucked Haruhi in and snuggled him before leaving taking ren with him with a smirk. “Want to go join me in bed?”

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Yukie didn't have to ask Ren twice, hr wasn't sure if they would be doing anything more than just sleeping when they first were in bed since Yukie looked rather tired but he really didn't minded. This was the first time Yukie had asked him to join the other, surely that part came from Ayme.

Ren smiled as he reached out to tangle his fingers into Yukie's as they walked side by side. "Of course" He replied with an spark of affection in his eyes.


As the bedroom door closed behind them Ren couldn't keep himself back any longer an roughly pushed his mate back against the door, but before Yukie could start to protest his lips were covered by Ren in a possesive and hungry kiss.

"I have want to do this the entire day since you proposed to me" He admitted with a inside voice which was almost growling with need to bond.

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“From now on we sleep together” yukie replied as he smiled and snuggled into ren adoring his mate and being home more. He was surprised by the sudden kiss and being pinned but kissed back just as hungrily. “I’ve wanted to do this for weeks, now with it being just me I can take you for days~” yukie whispered biting rens shoulder playfully with his fangs.


Haruhi yawned a little as he sat up being quite thirsty but looked down at his body confused.

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“I’ve wanted to do this for weeks, now with it being just me I can take you for days~” yukie whispered

Yukie's voice alone already had made him grow hot down low. The wolf blushed thinking how perfect if they just did that but his thoughts were interrupted when Yukie bite him.

A hissy breathe left Ren's lips but he didn't pull himself away from the bit of pain, on contrary he leaned in more by grabbing into Yukie's hips. Goosebumps made his skin shiver deliciously as he licked his dry lip.

"You aren't gonna be startle this time if I make sounds right" He asked to comfirm that he wasn't gonna stop right in the mood this time. "I really want you, I wanna mate only with you" Ren let out a light wolfish purr as he slipped one hand up to the other's chest and in under his robe as the other lossened the knot.



Yumro whom had been there since Yukie and Ren had left had noticed Haruhi's dry lips and had went for water. He just got back when he noticed the other was awake.

Standing still with the glass of water Yumro wasn't sure if Haruhi would be made at him for coming into his room without being aloud.

Slowly he took a step futher. "Yukie came back and eased some kind of seal put on you and you turned like this" Yumro explained as he hande the glass over.

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“I’ll behave and stay put” yukie whispered the demon looking into rens eyes with a blush. “If not you can put a collar and chain on me~”


“...I don’t think I’ve ever been in this form...maybe as an infant but I’ve been a human ever since I first saw Watch” Haruhi replied as he sipped the water his tail wiggling cutely. “...do I look weird?” Haruhi asked hesitantly.

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Ren could help the small amused smirke as he stood starring into Yukie's beautiful face. 'just where did that come from' he thought to himself but it actually didn't sound all that bad. "Mnh, later... It might be fun to try" Ren chuckled both amused and exited as the knot finally undid for him so Yukie stood with his front open to him.

A wolfish grin spread on Ren's face as he looked back up again before getting down on his knees. Still looking up at his lovers face Ren licked Yukie's thighs as his hands undid the rest until he stroke guld and Yukie's lovely cock jumped out to welcome him.

"Though you were tired?" Ren grined while gently taking the hot skin into his hand.


Yumro tilted his head a bit embarrassed because he had been watching Haruhi's form as the other had slept.

"No" He answered after a short bit. "It is drifferent but in a awsome way and you look cute too" Okay the last part sound way more embarrassing than he had expected. "I mean it suits you" the boy blushed and his eyes dropped a few inches to the floor.

"Hmm, how do you feel, is it better now?"

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“Never to tiered for this” yukie moaned as he blushed and shivered happily enjoying the soft contact of rens hand on his member.


“I feel well rested” Haruhi replied with a cute giggle as he got up and streatched crawling out of bed carefully.

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(okay I might change abit in Ren character so he wouldn't sound like such a softly all the time. Just giving a heads up for the futher ;) )


"I see" Ren replied still smirking as he started to lick the swollen head. He treated Yukie cock like the most delicious piece of candy, licking and sucking down the entire length until it turned an nice shade of purple alone the vein. He didn't take Yukie into his mouth just yet though.

Ren pulled back, wet and sticky lips and chin from drool and pre-cum. "I want you on the bed big boy" He said as he stood up infront on the other still firmly holding his member in his hand until he was do talking.

"I want you down on your stomach with your ass towards me, and then you will let me do whatever I want to you, alright" Ren asked only to hear it his mate had understood and waited paisently for a respons before he let go.


Ren then walked over to the nightstand where he knew Yukie had his lubrication, he pulled out one bottle before he opened another draw and took a few other things from there as well before he turned back.




Just to stay on the safe side Yumro held a hand forward to offer Haruhi any needed support while he watch the other's lege moving around. "Isn't it weird to have four leges now?" the boy asked while making sure there would be anything for the other to fall over when he stepped out of bed.

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“Mmh alright” yukie whispered as he blushed and did as asked trying to relax a little since Ayme was usually the one receiving so this was entirely new to yukie. “Don’t break me to much” he teased dryly clearly a little nervous.


“Yeah...it’s quite unusual now” Haruhi admitted as he blushed and crawled out standing up a little as he wobbled unsure if what to do next.

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“Mmh alright” yukie whispered as he blushed and did as asked trying to relax a little since Ayme was usually the one receiving so this was entirely new to yukie. “Don’t break me to much” he teased dryly clearly a little nervous.


“Yeah...it’s quite unusual now” Haruhi admitted as he blushed and crawled out standing up a little as he wobbled unsure if what to do next.

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Ren didn't plan to do anything Yukie wouldn't be okay with, he knew the other wasn't use to handed over his crontrol but it would be a nice changed and a new experience.

Still fully dressed aside from a open shirt, Ren saddled Yukie from behind, lightly pressing his ass against the demon's lower back while he reached out to gently but firm pull Yukie's head back so Ren could blindfold him. "Don't be so tense love, it was you who said I could tie you up" Ren mocked a little as he teased Yukie by grinding his groin in against him, like one would a horse.

"Don't worry, I just wants to pleasure you, but I can always stop if you really don't like it"

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“I don’t hate it” yukie whispered as he moaned softly enjoying the teasing from ren And the light hairpulling. “I’ve wanted to see you dominate me for a long time now that you are I’m just a little shy and excited.”

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Ren smiled as he tried the blindfold just hard enough so it didn't come off right away before he pulled himself off and rolled Yukie over.

He then gently lifted Yukie's chin up, making room so Ren could kiss down the open throat, nipping even now and then to feel the other's skin shivered when his fangs pinched down.

"I don't mind, you are even cuter like this, but don't show his part of you to others than me" Ren groan and his hand went back to tease the other's member

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“Mmh blindfolds make everything so exciting” yukie moaned as he felt rens fangs on his neck making him all the harder, the demon slowly grinding against his mate. “This is only for you” yukie moaned softly his body trembling as he blushed. “I can’t wait any longer...I want you inside of me” he begged his body needing the feeling of being fucked over just being touched.

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Ren moved in between Yukie's legs and pushed his legs up as Ren leaned over to kiss his lover. "Patience" Ren's mind said just like a soft whisper by the other's ear.


He then slid downwards his mate's body until his head were infront if Yukie's ass. He pushed Yukie's knees up and apart to make better entrance, Ren then started licking along the rim of the other's mucel, first slowly anger gentle but then stick it in pass the first was of mucels when Yukie's body had relaxed. It was rather hard to laugh while tongue fuck so Ren just focused on the last on. Even he was getting rather uncomfortable in his pants just from Yukie's simple moans.

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“Patience isn’t something I want to have right now” yukie moaned as he gripped at the sheets and shivered his body already close to cumming.

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Pulling his head back Ren's tongue slipped out out Yukie moist entrance. Yukie seemed just about ready to be taken but just to make sure Ren coated his fingers with lube and stretched his mate even more just to be on the save side.

When satisfied Ren removed his fingers and replace his member in it's sted, slipping in futher with each soft thrust.

"shit!" Ren groan as he was fully scealed inside Yukie. "How can you be this tight and hot?" It was more of a statment than a question. He tore the blindfold of justas his hips started bucked back in to thrust deeper.

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“Fuck” yukie moaned as he gripped at the sheets his body trembling with happiness. “It feels so good” he moaned his voice slightly slutty and cute a rare combination for the demon. “Was it always like this for Ayme?” Yukie asked realizing what he had been missing out on.

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