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♢My Master♢ {Yukonwolfspirit~M-jow (18+}


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"Hmm.." Ren smirked as he sat down with an knee on each side of Yukie's lap and pulled the other face up by the chin. "why? Are embarrassed of me touching your body, you didn't seem to mind to much before. You really want my scent off you that badely?" He asked as his free hand snuck downwards to tease Yukie's soft member lightly.

"I could clean this one really good for you though" Ren grined wolfish showing off just a bit of teeths as he liked his lips. "Either way, I'll clean you up nicely"

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“As tempting as that is a bath or shower would be better before I run my morning round around the village” yukie admitted his face neon red.

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"The sun aren't gonna be up before hours, it's only 2 am and you rather go for a run than letting me suck you off? What kind of a man are you?" Ren asked with raised brows, he wasn't sure if Yukie played hard to get now all of the sudden or if hos mate had gotten a stubborn side to him.


With a sigh Ren scooped off, letting the other free to do as he wanted, though he couldn't help but to feel disappointed as he sat on the bed, toes buried in the still warm sheets. He hadn't bothered to put much on aside form underwear when he had been to the toilet so he sat literally almost with nothing on and Yukie couldn't take the hint.

'Oh well' Ren told himself as a comfort as he slipped a lock of red hair behind his ear and lowered his eyes to the foor im search of his T-shirt.

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“...I didn’t say I wanted to shower alone” yukie admitted as he turned on the warm water. “I’d much prefer the company of my mate then of my hand” yukie added trying to drop a hung but also not be to distant.

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Like a wolf flicking it's ears. Ren turned his head towards Yukie with some more bright eyes.

"Sure" He beamed a cute smile as he got up and joined Yukie in the bathroom, and followed him under the warm spray of water.


Ren couldn't keep his hands to himself at all, having his mate all to himself like this had always been rather rar and the wolf in him just wanted to rub it's scent all over and resive Yukie's scent in return.

Ren had his arms gently pressed around Yukie's waist to keep their bodies close while his nuzzled the other's neck and ears.

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“My so affectionate” yukie teased as he relaxed under the warm water washing his mates hair softly. “Would you like to join me on my run?” He asked playfully.

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Ren smiled. "What's so wrong about that?" His question was interrupted by a small groan and Ren blushed. It was such a weird thing having somebody else wash Ren's hair but Yukie's hands felt so good the way he was massaging his scalp as he mix the soap in.

"I would really like that yeah, It feels like I haven’t really been outside with you here yet and I would really like to know some more about the territory"


He closed his eyes for a second before he decided to pour more soap into his hands and started to wash Yukie's body. Starting from his shoulders, then the back and stomach.

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“Eventually you’ll have to say hello to the village and visit with them” yukie admitted blushing neon pink as he felt rens hands wash his body finding the act different but in a good way. “ I’m taking Haruhi to meet more deers that way he can learn about his culture.”

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"I know" Ren answered with a long sigh. "I know, I would also need to speak with the alfa of the village wolf pack, though I'm your Majesty's mate I'm still just an lone wolf to them.." Ren explained not really liking taking about the topick. He still didn't like others getting to close to him but Yukie needed to know that he would at least try.

But what really made his wolf weep was when Yukie told him the next thing.

"You are leaving so soon?.." Ren's eyes dropped on the spot. He had already been mateless for two weeks and now Yukie was talking about leaving again. He wanted to comment on that decision by this was because of what was happening with Haruhi, Ren couldn't anything though it clearly bothered him.

Annoyed, Ren got up on his toes and pressed his forhead in against Yukie's. "Are you gonna give me blue balls for another two weeks, you better not have another cute little guy, beast or stud because my wolf gets very possesive around my things"

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“Who said you where staying home? I have needs to darkling” yukie replied looking into his mates eyes as he kissed him softly pushing him up against the shower wall.

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"Really.." Ren's hard expression quickly softened while he starred back into Yukie's eyes. Taken back he gasped as his skin touched the cool wall, but the action made his wolf jump with joy.

Ren smiled as he followed along with his mate's kisses and tangled his fingers into Yukie's hair to pull him closer.

The wolf's stomach turned warm and ticklish.

"Mine.." Ren 's mind murmured as he tasted the other breath against his lips, he could never get enough of that tast.

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“We can continue this later” yukie replied after breaking the kiss as he playfully bit rens neck. “We have to pack and get into the car” yukie whispered nibbling on rens ear with a smirk gently releasing his mate before finishing his shower and got out.

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Ren face turned dark red with embarrassment when Yukie told him that. He wouldn't had minded them going just a little futher and having Yukie teasing his sensitiv skin did nothing to calm the tickling in Ren's stomach.

"What about the other kids? Sin, rain and Yumro is suppost to start school tomorrow" Ren asked his lover as he moved away from the wall to face the showerhead and started washing the soap out of his hair.

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“Well...I’ll see if Naomi would mind taking them while I take Haruhi for the day” yukie replied with a frown thinking over his options carefully.

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As Ren finished washing he got out of the shower and just because he was really happy to know Yukie wanted him to go with him he quickly wanted to get some clothes packed. As he walk past his mate though, Ren couldn't help himself from leaned over to teasingly nip at the other's neck as he stood with his back turned to him and even squeeze Yukie's butt playfully. "I'll go get some clothes" the wolf chuckled amused and quickly stepped away before Yukie could reach for him and ran back into the bedroom to pull out two medium bags.


Without knowing, Ren had the feeling that Yumro would be joining them. So just to stay on the safe side he also packed some clean clothes and stuff along side his own but the back wasn't even full as he sipped it.

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“Packing light are we?” Naomi asked looking at ren as yukie came out butt ass naked.


“Mmh short trip to visit some of haruhis ancestors” yukie replied drying his hair quite sexily with a towel as he went to the closet to pick out clothes.

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Ren rolled his eyes lightly when his mate stepped out, the wolf wanted to cover him up and growle af Noami for looking at his naked mate, but he held himself back just enough to see the other head towards the closet.

"Could you help watching Sin and the twins for us? I know the nurse pretty much got the small once handled and since sin and Rin are always together but I just wanted to ask first" Ren said and pulled the attention away from his naked mate.

"I think Yumro would join us but I'm not yet sure"

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“Sin and raven are easy to care for and I wouldn’t mind watching the twins” Naomi replied as he raised a brow and looked at yukie who came back towards them in just some loose shorts his workouts the past few months having made his body quite nice to look at as it was nice and muscular but still held a beautiful feminine touch to it.


“I’ll make sure to leave you money to order takeout” yukie added still drying his long hair with a towel as he smiled. “If your free I’d also love a haircut.”

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Okay, he wasn't sure if his mate was doing this on purpose or not but I bothered Ren. "Yukie!" Ren growled with an annoyed frown and threw the other a shirt. Next time Ren was gonna mark that very lovely body all over.


"Why? It just grew out again" Ren asked as he went over behind Yukie and gently slided his hand through the white soft mane.

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“Long hair makes me overheat in my wolf form” yukie replied as he looked at ren confused by the sudden anger. “It’s going to get hot soon and I don’t want to be overheating” yukie replied setting the shirt down choosing to wear what he normally wore on trips.

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Ren release Yukie's hair with an annoyed groan and bite his tongue before he let out something he would regret later on.

"Maybe I should just show up naked when I go greet the village's wolf pack then? No harm in letting them see since they surely will at some point right" He ment it as an joke but the tone his mind was using made him seem quite serious.


Shaking his head to push his jealousy down into a sealed jar inside of himself Ren changed the topick and headed towards the door. "I'll go get Haruhi and see what about Yumro"

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“...does dressing like this make you uneasy?” Yukie asked gently looking at his mate sensing he was upset but not really seeing the problem of walking around shirtless.

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Ren stopped just before he could push the door open. He turned half his face to Yukie but his eyes wandered to the floor in front of Yukie's feets. "It dose, because I know how many wants you.. Come on Yukie, you are gorgeous and hot who wouldn't want you, and that is just what makes me uneasy" the wolf admitted as he stole a glance up at his lover.

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“If it bothers you all you had to do was ask” yukie replied putting on the t-shirt hiding his body more as he smiled softly. “Your possessive side is a turn on...so be warned I do like to torment you” yukie replied with a smirk as he kissed ren before leaving out the door to go finish packing and get the car ready his body missing rens touch already.

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