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~Tortured or loved~ Yaoifangirl (18+)


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"And you think I have money," Karma looks at Nagisa and crosses his arms as the ambulance showed up and smiles, "alright, let's get go to the hospital," Karma leans Nagisa outside as Koro followed.

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"Yeah Yeah, shush yourself," Karma laughs a little and then goes into the ambulance with Nagisa and Koro, getting driven to the hospital.

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They were starting to check everything on Nagisa on the way to the hospital and everything seemed normal. Once at the hospital they took him in and started to do x-rays to see if anything was broken. They also ran some more test that took hours to run.


Nagisa sighed. "You know I am bored right now right?" He said to Karma.

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Karma looks at the doctors as they checked Nagisa out and then looks at Nagisa, "no one said this was going to be entertaining," he laughs a little.

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"I could of just slept it off just so you know." Nagisa said as the doctor came into the room.


"So It looks like nothing is broken, but the knife tore through your muscle so you will have an issue moving it for a while until it heals. I would suggest that you do physical therapy on your arm when held to get back strength. Tho I am surprise it looks like you have had broken bones in the past." the doctor said.


"Yeah I know," he said sighing and closed his eyes. "So when can I go home?"


"I'll send out some pain meds for you so you can take it when in pain." The doctor said.


"I'm sure I won't need the pain killers," Nagisa said


"Well just in case." The doctor said and left the room

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"That is not something you can just simply sleep off you goof ball," Karma sighs a little. Karma looks at the doctor and was glad that it wasn't any worst than it could be. He heard as the doctor subscribed Nagisa to pain killer and watched as Nagisa refuse them. After the doctor left, Karma flicks Nagisa's forehead, "you.. can't tell what a doctor what they can and can't subscribe you."

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"Ow," Nagisa said rubbing his head and once the doctor left he looked at him. "Its not the first time I have been in pain and it might not be the last." Nagisa said as the nurse wrapped up the wound and then discharged him. "Its kind of weird when you get use to pain. I guess its a old friend huh?" he said as the

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"Yeah I guess.. but still," Karma crosses his arms. "That's not a good thing anyway." He watches as the nurse wraps up Nagisa's arm. "Pain... is an old friend," he shakes his head and then goes outside the hospital.

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Once Nagisa got all of his things he ran out of the hospital and hugged Karma. "Thanks for that, but they did what I would of done myself." He said smiling. "Anyway are we going to your house to sleep I am calling in tomorrow they gave me a note to get me out of it." he said

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Karma hugs Nagisa, "well you never know, they might have struck something.. you said you were unable to really move it and that should be checked out. There is only so much you could have done for it." Karma nods his head and then looks at Koro, "so do you still have your speed? Or are you now just a normal human," he rubs the back of his head.


Koro looks at Karma and Nagisa, "I am not sure, I haven't really tried yet," he scratches his cheek.

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"It would help if you did I have no cash with me and I don't think Karma does either because we were dead before and when you turned us back well we haven't really had time to grab money." Nagisa said then looked at Karma. "I still can't feel my arm." he said looking at him

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"I mean.. I can try," Koro rubs the back of his head as he closes his eyes, focusing.


Karma looks at Nagisa and crosses his arms, "that is probably because they put some numbing agent on your arm so it will heal the wound."

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"Yeah see and you didn't want pain killers. Immune to pain my ass," Karma laughs a little as he rubs the back of his head.


Koro looks at Karma and Nagisa, "I think I am able to but it needs to take up to a few minutes," he rubs the back of his head.

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"Uh huh, you were just complaining about your arm hurting you." Karma shakes his head with a sigh, crossing his arms.


"Okay, well let me know when you are ready I suppose," Koro looks at a map.

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"Looks like I found it," Koro points on the where Karma was living and smiles, "see I am glad I visited your two houses. I had to make sure I knew where everyone lived.. since I was worried about them once everyone graduated."


Karma looks at the map and nods his head, "alright, well let's get going. The princess needs his sleep," he smiles as he kisses Nagisa's cheek.


Koro nods his head and grabs both Karma and Nagisa, flying to Karma's house.

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"I don't know rather ti be happy or disturb that you know where our new houses are." Nagisa said to Koro and then glared at Karma "Dont Call me Princess!" Nagisa yelled as Karma then his his chest with one good hand

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Koro narrows his eyes, "hey it's not like I was going to do anything.. gees. Besides I had to make sure my students were safe. Give me enough credit."


Karma laughs a little and reaches his arms over his head, "aw what's wrong cutie? Getting all fluttered?"

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Karma sighs and shakes his head, "why are you so sensitive to some things but a total badass to other," he rubs the back of his head.


Koro shrugs his shoulders, "yeah well you use to be my students," he lands in front of Karma's house.

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"I just am alright. I get I guess you can call it PTSD from my life before Koro." Nagisa said and then smiled as his feet touched the ground. "Thank you Koro, I really do hope you stay around for a while. I would invite you to say at my place, but I don't really want to go there right now." he said

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