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Karma nods his head, "well I think a omelet is filling enough. Keep in mind it is just breakfast," he laughs a little as he goes into the fridge to get the Orange juice while watching the onions getting closer to being ready for the omelets.

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Karma watches Nagisa cook the omelets and smiles a little, going into the cabinets and takes out a couple of glasses for the orange juice.

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Karma looks over at Nagisa and nods his head as he goes back into the cabinets to take out a couple of plates, placing them on the counter next to the stove.

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Karma looks at Nagisa as he was plating the omelet and laughs a little, "yeah I suppose I do. I like when the onions are like that."

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Nagisa smiled. "See I do know what you like and its a little weird that I remember that. I think I might have to study and remember everything so I can teach kids. I have forgot everything about teaching." he said holding his head with the good hand and grabbed his plate and took it to the table. "You will have to get your own food." he said smilng

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Karma tilts his head, "maybe that is why the delinquents winded up doing what they did. You were too weak for them," he rubs the back of his head and then laughs a little, "yeah no problem," he grabs his plate and sits down at the table.

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"Hey I am not that weak!" Nagisa said and looked at him then shook his head as he started to eat his food and drank his drink. With a heavy sight Nagisa looked at Karma and stopped eating. "I guess your right I have always been weak, but no know one will know when I do the final blow because of it."

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Karma looks at Nagisa and crosses his arms, "but you allowed yourself to simply get killed in your sleep. Do you know that an assassin is a lot more aware of his surroundings, even in sleep? I mean.. you should have at least heard some form of footsteps or sounds to tell you something was up." He eats the omelet and drinks some orange juice. Karma looks at Nagisa and shakes his head, "your a lot stronger than you give yourself credit for," he rests his chin on his palm while he eats.

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"I remember something about the night I died." Nagisa said sighing. "I took some sleeping meds because I wasn't sleeping at night well not getting a good night's sleep." He whispered. Nagisa started to eat his food. "So the reason why I died without a fight was my fault for taking the sleeping pills."

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Karma sighs a little and rubs the back of his head, "you were ... taking sleeping medication? Why didn't you call me if you were having a hard time sleeping? I could have helped you in some way," he glances to the side as he continues eating.

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"You were busy and I didn't want to bother anyone about it." he said looking away from him. "That and I don't think I had anyone's new number I kept to myself and you kept to yourself." he said sighing as he started to eat the food

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Karma tilts his head and shakes his head slowly, "it's not bothering someone when your in need of help..," he mentions. He sighs a little, "... the only thing that really change is the phone I use, I kept the number," he continues eating and then stands up when finish, "well.. things are different now so just remember that," he takes the plate to the sink.

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"I guess I should try to move, but I am not sure what I need to do." he said looking at him and shook his head. "I really was tired and I didn't want to bother anyone with my issue." he said and shook his head and started to eat more and drank some juice. "So I guess in a way it was my own fault I died if I hadn't of took those pills I would of woke up." he said

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Karma sighs and shakes his head, "I am your friend Nagisa, I would have been more than happy to help you. And I am sure everyone in Class E would agree with me." He lets his plate soak in the sink, "so why were you having a hard time sleeping? Too much stress from school or something?"

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"Yeah I was under a lot of stress and since I had that class I felt like I had to watch my back." he said looking at Karma. "I wish I had Koro's speed. I wouldn't worry so much I think I would be less stressed if I killed people for a living." Nagisa said as he finished his food.

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Karma looks at Nagisa and rubs the back of his head, "so ever since we graduated from Class E, you were stressed out?" He rubs his chin a little, "I bet a lot of people wish they had Koro's speed but I doubt there is a way to get it... unless.. you inject some of his DNA into you," he shrugs his shoulders and takes Nagisa's plate, putting it into the sink.

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"Well it sure was a different experience in Class E so I guess I don't really blame you," Karma walks to Nagisa, "so what should we do? We are finally back and all we did is sleep and eat," he laughs a little.

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"Yes but we need food. Unlike when we are dead." He said as he looked at Karma and closed his eyes as he took a deep breath and relax. "Up to you have you wanted to do something that you couldn't?"

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"Uh... goof ball, we still ate when we were in the underworld," Karma crosses his arms. "Like what exactly? I felt like I could have done more in the underworld than up here. I mean.. I was able to fly but if I try it now? I will probably land straight on my face."

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"Your the one who wanted to change everything and come back I still wasn't sure if it was just me I would of stayed dead I think." He said looking at him and sighed "Anyway its up to you I don't remember what adults do." he said

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Karma laughs a little, "and I don't regret it either. I got to kick some delinquents ass," he crosses his arms. He looks at Nagisa and shakes his head, "well... how about we call over one of your friends you use to hang out with a lot .. uh what's his name... Sugino? I believe that's his name."

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