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Karma nods his head as he looks at Nagisa, "well water isn't really suppose to hurt wounds," he rubs the back of his head. "Regardless you should still wash it even if the doctors did what they can for it." Karma tilts his head, "seriously... you want to be known as dead...," he looks at the tv and blinks when he saw Koro there, "what the heck is he doing there?"

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"I have no idea what is going on." he said watching TV and then Nagisa blushed. "Lets take a shower together." He said smiling and then shook his head. "Maybe Koro is going to make sure they get it right maybe I don't know." Nagisa said as he turned off the TV. "People can be so weird I just don't understand them sometimes." he said

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Karma shrugs his shoulders and then nods his head with a smile, "yeah mind as well." He looks at the tv and rubs his chin, "well... at least people will know the real truth but who knows, I am sure he will let us know." Karma nods his head, "yeah... seems like it," he walks to the bathroom but really wanted to hear what Koro was going to talk about.

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"I'm sure Koro was going to do something grand and make sure everyone knew the truth." He said as started to walk to the bathroom when he realized he didn't know where it was. "Um where is the bathroom?" He asked as Nagisa looked at him. "Also I am going to need help taking my shirt off."

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Karma laughs a little, "yeah... he is that kind of person that would do that." Karma looks at Nagisa and sighs a little, holding onto Nagisa's hand as he leads him to the bathroom, "figured you wouldn't know where to go but was still leading the way," he laughs a little and then nods his head, "yeah I will help you once we get to the bathroom."

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"You know that is just who I am as well." he said as Karma took his hand and took him to the bathroom. "You know old habbits die hard and I guess so does my human body."He said smiling as they were soon in the bathroom and he took off his pants and turned on the water. "Alright time to help me please." he said

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Karma laughs a little and nods his head, "yeah such the leader type of goof ball," he smirks softly and nibbles on Nagisa's ear. He shrugs his shoulders, "well ... I actually like that you haven't changed that much," he laughs a little. He walks into the bathroom and gets undressed, turning to Nagisa and nods his head as he gently takes off Nagisa's shirt.

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Nagisa moaned as he nibbled on his ear. "I am glad that you like that I haven't changed at all and part or me is glad I haven't changed." he said as Karma helped him take off his shirt. "Thank you." he said as he turned on the water and made sure it was the right temperature. "Karma I might need more help than normal its hard to lift up my hand." he said taking off the bandage on his arm and then got into the shower as winced as the water hit his arm

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Karma nods his head with a smile as he places the shirt on the sink. He watches Nagisa, "yeah I imagined I was going to help you a lot after your shoulder got injured so I was prepared," he watches Nagisa as he got into the shower, getting in as well, "don't worry, the pain of the water won't last long."

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"Yeah I only got the wound because I was careless." Nagisa said sighing. "I know this wound is better than being dead, but still you never know what is going to happen until it happens." Negisa said smiling and just let the water run over his body. "After the shower where do you want to go. I feel like since we are alive again we need to go do something fun." he said

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Karma sighs and shakes his head, "hey... give us some credit, we didn't even use normal weapons. Koro switched them before we could strike those delinquents down." He shakes his head, "don't worry, it might take a while to heal, but it will heal over time." Karma washes himself and rubs the back of his head, "hm... anywhere you want to go is fine with me," he smiles a little. "I mean... is there anything you want to do now that we are back?"

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"That is good that we took them down with fake knives." he said smiling and closed his eyes. "Yeah I don't know why, but it feels like its going to be longer than my broken bones for some reason." he said sighing. "Oh thanks for those by the way between you and the fight on the roof top I think those were my worst brakes. So I am use to pain so I should be able move it like normal soon. I guess it was the way I was put together." Nagisa said smiling."We can't do anything that would be a scandal for you or me..." Nagisa thought. "Yeah I got nothing in these bodies. Wait I can still pull off a kid." Nagiasa smiling. "I swear if we got out to eat and I get a kids menu with you again I will choke someone." Nagisa said.

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"Yeah, we all know what Koro feels about killing others," Karma shrugs his shoulders. "I still remember the time you and some of the Class E students crashing into a elderly man on the streets and heard about how Koro reacted to that," he laughs a little. "Well.. stuff like that takes a while to heal up." He nods his head as he rubs his chin, "yeah... those were pretty bad," he sighs a little. Karma blinks as he looks at Nagisa and laughs a little, "hey it's not my fault you pull off a good kid," he sticks out his tongue a little.

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"Yeah I had the most fun in Class E I also had the most pain in that class." Nagisa said as he washed off his body with one hand. "I am so tired of normal. Would you want to go to the movies or jump from roof to roof? Do you even have a car?" He said closing his eyes as Nagisa washed his hair. "I feel like something big is going to happen, but I don't know why." he said

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Karma shrugs his shoulders, "well.. a little pain never hurt anyone," he smiles a little while washing himself. "Well you are probably tired since your recovering from your wound." He tilts his head and then laughs a little, "well.. going to the movies sounds fun, I am not sure what is playing though." Karma shakes his head, "you think so? Does it have something to do with Koro being on the tv?"

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Negisa shrugged the best he could do. "Maybe and we can just show up at the movies and pick something at random it just will get us out of the house and something to do. I think there might be a movie I want to see we can looking it up when we get out of the shower if you want." He said closing his eyes. "I guess we should of kept watching when he showed on TV, but we will find out later." he said

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Karma nods his head, "yeah it would be a good way to get out of the house for a bit besides being stuck inside all day." He looks at Nagisa, "alright, do you think it is still airing," he washes himself in the shower. "Yeah I am sure he will let us know why he was on tv when we see him next."

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"Maybe I don't know." he said yawning and soon got done with the shower and got out and started to dry or dried off as much as he could. He blushed because Karma was bigger than he was before he wonder if he could handle it when they had sex. "Karma I can't wait we can call it a date." he said smiling

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"I mean... I guess that is one reason we can look it up or call the local movie theater." Karma gets out of the tub and turns off the water, drying himself off. He looks at Nagisa staring at him and laughs a little, "what are you looking at hm?" He nods his head, "yeah it sure is going to be fun," he smiles.

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Nagisa looked away and blushed. "I'll let you call if you want to see what movies are showing. Its up to you I mean its something to do after all." he said. "I'm not looking at anything. I am just thinking about our date and it will be our first one. I mean we are still going to be together even tho we are alive again. I just don't know what Class E would say should we keep our relationship a secret?" he asked

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Karma shrugs his shoulders, "eh.. I will just look it up when we are done getting dressed." He nods his head, "yeah I don't mind going to the movies," he stretches his arms up. Karma looks at Nagisa and laughs a little, "but I saw you looking at me so you can't lie to me you dork," he nods his head, "yeah of course, nothing is different besides being alive." Karma scratches the back of his head, "I don't think they will really care too much, I am sure some are married or have children by now so," he shrugs his shoulders slightly.

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"You never know they might not like the fact that I am with out or wonder how it happened." Nagisa said then shrugged. "I was not looking at you I really wasn't I guess I was starting off into space and it looked like I was starting at you." Nagisa said as he went out of the bathroom and bit his lip wondering if Karma would fall for it he was too clever for his own good.

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"Or maybe since they know we are close friends, they would already suspect it you weirdo," Karma laughs a little. Karma raises an eye brow and shakes his head, "yeah.. whatever you need to tell yourself," he smiles a little as he walks out of the bathroom so he can get his clothes from the bedroom.

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Nagisa blushed. "Hey Karma do you have any clothes I can borrow I forgot to grab any from my house." he said blushing as he finished drying off. "I should of thought that through, but I didn't want to be alone damn." he said

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Karma looks at Nagisa and then rubs the back of his head as he started to put on his clothes and rubs his chin, "hm... I mean.. I probably have some of the clothes I use to wear. The clothes I wear now... probably won't fit you," he laughs a little as he goes into the very back of his closet to get his clothes he use to wear.

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