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Karma watches Nagisa and then starts driving back to his apartment. He glances over to Nagisa and nods his head, "yeah, sure, I will wake you up when the party is going to start and before anyone decides to show up," he continues to drive.

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Nagisa looked out the window and didn't think about anything his body and mind had become numb with everything. He never really dealt with what happened to him in the underworld or the fact that he survived when he should be dead right now. Nagisa was just burring all the feelings he had because he thought no one would understand. Once back at Karma's place he wanted till he could get his stuff and then took it to Karma's apartment. Once inside the apartment Nagisa took his suitcase over to Karma's bed and laid down on it and fell asleep

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Karma continues driving in silence since Nagisa wasn't really talking and lets out a soft sigh, letting out a little yawn while continuing to drive. Once back at the apartment, Karma watched Nagisa took his suitcase inside the apartment and follows Nagisa to his bedroom, watches Nagisa pass out. He blinks a couple of times and laughs a little, "gees didn't take you long," he sits on the bed and looks at the text chat with the other Classmates of class E, smiling a little, "sure going to be interesting seeing everyone again after a few years have passed," he mumbles softly.

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Nagisa started to snore softly the only place he felt safe anyone was with Karma and he didn't know how long it would last. He wanted to run from everything and just hide from the world. Nagisa slept soundly his phone shut off so he didn't even know if anyone was going to come he read the first message of everyone saying they had plans and that they couldn't get away. So as far as Nagisa knew it was just going to be Karma, Koro and himself.

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Karma lays down on the bed and looks at the time, seeing he had some time to take a little nap as well. He sets his clock nearly a few minutes before the party so he had time to get ready and wake up Nagisa, taking a nap.

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Without even realizing it he curled up against Karma in his. Some where deep down he needed to have someone there to reassure him that everything was going to be ok. Nagisa slipped off into a little deeper sleep.

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Karma wakes up a little and mumbles with a yawn, stretching as he looks at the clock and sighs, figuring he would get up while he can. He looks at Nagisa and smiles, shaking him slightly, "hey, it's time for the party sleepy head."

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Nagisa looked at him with blank eyes for a second and then nodded as he got up he rubbed his eyes and went over to his suitcase to change clothes for the party. Once changed into his normal every day out fit he looked at him and nodded. "I'm ready Karma. How about you." He said.

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Karma looks at Nagisa and laughs a little, "wow ... you look so tired. I bet you can't wait until after the party to get some more sleep," he sticks his tongue out as he takes off the clothes he was wearing and gets changed. Karma nods his head, "yeah I am all ready as well," he then walks outside, making sure he had his keys, wallet, and phone.

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"I don't think I have been sleeping well at night any more." Nagisa said looking at Karma as he grabbed his hat and wallet. then walked down to the car and got inside of it once again. At this point Nagisa didn't even know where his phone was and didn't care part of him was just wanted to get out and see everyone and the other part just wanted to stay at home. Both half's of Nagisa was at war with himself. Fastening his seat belt once again he was ready to go to the party.

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Karma looks at Nagisa, "is it due to what happened? You need to realize since your living here you don't need to worry about it anymore okay? Everything will be fine from now on," he pats Nagisa's head and walks outside, locking the door once both Nagisa and himself were outside, walking to the car and goes into the driver side. Watching Nagisa get into the car, seeing how quiet he was, Karma puts on his seat belt and then drives off to the party.

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"I don't know I really don't." Nagisa said and looked at him and didn't understand what he needed to do at all. In the car Nagisa put his hands over his face and just didn't understand why he was feeling this. Closing his eyes he sighed and waited till the car stop where the party was being held. Once he was there he got out of the car and got ready to see that on one was there to his suprise when he got to the room that they booked all of 3-E was there. "You guys came?" Nagisa said



"Of course we all came. Karma told us that you needed a blast from the past so we all showed up the moment we could." Kaede said smiling. "I kind of snuck away for this but I wouldn't miss it for the world." Kaede said and went to touch Nagisa's shoulder which Nagisa dodged with ease.


"Thatnks everyone." Negisa said and looked at Karma. "Thank you for what ever you did to get him here."


Once the party was in full swing he saw that Koro showed up to the party and smiled. Taking a deep breath Nagisa started to relax and just talk and catch up with everyone it seemed they all missed Karma and himself.


"Hey Nagisa...." Terasaka said before touching Nagaisa's shoulder. "Who....."


Nagisa cut him off and screamed. "NO LEAVE ME ALONE!" His eyes turned to there blood lust state and with what he just got he grabbed Terasaka by the hand that touched him and somehow through him over Nagisa's shoulders and onto the floor. Nagisa then jumped on him started started to squeeze his neck. At this point Nagisa wasn't at the party he was back in hell being tortured. "I'll kill you before you have the chance to kill me!" Nagisa said as the wound on his shoulder started to seep out blood through his shirt.


Terasaka tried to fight and get Nagisa off of him but for some reason't Nagisa was really strong. He touched Nagisa's hurt shoulder with his free hand and noticed that there was blood on his hand. The only people to pull Nagisa out of his head when he was on the kill path like this was himself, Karma , Koro sensei and Karasuma. So he hoped that Karma would set in soon. That way he can figure out what the hell caused Nagisa to go all kill mode.


Nagisa increased pressure on Terasaka's neck slowing cutting off the air flow to his lung


The rest of the class stood there too shocked to say or do anything. They knew Nagisa could get like this, but only when he was provoked and Terasaka didn't do anything to provoke him.

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Karma looks at Nagisa and then sighs, shaking his head, wondering why he was acting like this as he continues driving. Eventually he parks the car and then gets out of the car, walking to the restaurant and wondered who was there and who wasn't. He was surprise to see everyone had came, even the ones that were busy and had other plans. Karma smiled a little and crosses his arms, "let's just say I can be.. very convincing," he rubs the back of his head.


Koro comes into the building and looks around with a smile, knowing only Nagisa and Karma really knew it was him, he waves before getting something to drink.


Karma walks over to Koro, "hey, looks like everyone showed up. I am actually glad that they all decided to show up even though some of them had pretty important plans," he rubs the back of his head. Before Karma could strike up a conversation with Koro, he blinks when he heard Nagisa suddenly yell and looks over, seeing Nagisa and Terasaka going at it, "Nagisa! What the hell are you doing," he runs over and watches as Koro followed. Karma tries to pull Nagisa off Terasaka, "hey come on, calm down Nagisa." He watches as Koro was pulling Terasaka in the other direction.

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Nagisa put more pressure as he heard Karma. "I have to kill the demon before they get to me." He said. Anyone would think that Nagisa was going crazy. Unless someone knew what he had been through in hell. Some how his mind was trapped down there and he now had the fear of leaving the house.. Nagisa just blocked everything down deep and hadn't delt with what had happen to him.


The former class mates for class E still stood there.


"Karma what is going on with Nagisa this isn't like him! Tell us what happened after you get him calmed down." Kaede said the first one to speak. but to scared to move.

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Karma pulls on Nagisa and shakes his head, "this isn't a demon, this is one of out classmates. Let him go already," he looks at the other classmates as they were just frozen and then looks at Kaede, "it's.. kind of hard to explain really," he tugs on Nagisa.


Koro looks at Nagisa, "Nagisa, Terasaka is not, and I repeat not a demon. Demons are not usually allowed to come up here unless on special conditions," he grabs Nagisa's hand, adjusting his fingers to loosen his grip on Terasaka's neck.

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Nagisa looked at Karma. "What are you doing yes he is one." Nagisa whispered and looked at him his eyes filled with hate and blood lust as everything started to go fuzzy. It wasn't because of blood loss, but the stress he was putting on his body. "Karma, Please don't let the demons take me again." Nagisa said said as his grip started to loosen and he started to fall to the floor.


Once Nagisa let go of his throat Terasaka started to cough and gasped for breath

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Karma looks at Nagisa and shakes his head, "no Nagisa.. Terasaka may be a dumb ass sometimes, but he is no demon. Just calm down and listen to me." Karma watches Nagisa as he watches Nagisa fall to the floor and places his head on his lap with a sigh, "you don't need to worry about demons here.. you dumb ass," he mumbles softly as he rubs Nagisa's head.


Koro looks at Terasaka, "are you okay? Nagisa... has been having it rough for the last couple of days so he hasn't had a lot of sleep. He must be going delirious."

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Terasaka coughed and finally got everything back. "Yeah I am fine. How the hell is Negisa that strong I couldn't get him off of me." Terasaka said. "And the reason why he can't sleep did it have anything to do with the blood coming out of his shoulder?"


"Wait Nagisa is bleeding is that why on the news for a split second they said he was dead before a strange man went on there and told them that he wasn't dead?" Kadea asked


Nagisa coughed while he was passed out from stressed it had been too much for him to handle and it was building up to this as well.

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Karma looks at Terasaka and sighs a little as he looks at Nagisa, rubbing the back of his head. "Well...," he places Nagisa's head on Koro's lap and stands up before looking at the class. "I got some news for everyone. We were.. actually dead. Someone helped us with a one chance opportunity for us to live again. Both me and Nagisa where in the underworld. Someone from Nagisa's school, a delinquent, went over his house with his friends and ambush Nagisa while he was asleep. When I heard about it... I went over there to get revenge. I fought for as long as I can but as I was down to the last member of the delinquents, he shot me in the head." Karma looks at Nagisa's shoulder, "he got that wound... when we had a second change to live and to prevent Nagisa from dying, which resulted in me dying as well," he sighs a little rubbing the back of his head.

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Terasaka looked at Karma and rubbed his head. "You know how crazy that sounds right Karma?" he said then looked over to Negisa. "Tho we have been some really weird shit." Terasaka said. "So who is the dude that Nagisa's head is now on I mean both of you seem to trust him and this was only for class E so why is he here?" he asked. "I was gonna ask Nagisa who that was but then he attacked me. Also is that why he kept calling me a demon what the hell happened to him to make him snap like that?"


Nagisa coughed and shivered then winced in pain. Nagisa started to grown and moved his arm that didn't hurt and placed his hand on his head. "Damn my head,:

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Karma looks at Terasaka and sighs, crossing his arms, "believe me we had it really rough okay. Just because you didn't go through it doesn't mean it's true." Karma blinks a couple of times as he looks over at Koro, "uh.. well," he took a deep breath, "that's... Koro Sensei." He smiles a little, "he found us when we were in the underworld."


"Are you okay now Nagisa," Koro looks at Nagisa as he rubs Nagisa's head.

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Terasaka rubbed his head. "So I am guessing Koro sensei broke the sound barrier and traveled back in the past some how to get you back to this time? Because the way Nagisa reacted it wasn't no day or so." Terasaka said


Kadea was shocked not really understanding any of this as well.


Terasaka rubbed his head. "Karma thats alot to take in, but I know you also aren't a lier." Terasaka said sighing deeply, "Do you have any idea how long the both of you were dead for?" he asked



Nagisa looked up at Koro. "My head is killing me. I don't........"Then it all came back to him the blood lust him trying to kill Terasaka "Oh crap." Nagisa set up fast got dizzy and fell back into Koro's lap.

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Karma nods his head, "hm.. I guess you can say he did do that. I don't know why but.. I guess he just didn't like the idea of two of his students.. being dead I guess so he wanted to help us," he shrugs his shoulders. He looks at Teraska and nods his head, "believe me... I am sure it is but that is what happened," he rubs his neck. He shakes his head slowly, "for a while it seemed like. I even forgot how some things worked up here," he laughs a little.


Koro looks at Nagisa and sighs, "just take a deep breath okay?" He looks up, "hey can someone get some water for Nagisa? I think he may be in the need for something to drink."

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Terasaka shook his head. "Damn so there really is something after death huh." He said rubbing his head. Terasaka sighed and set down and drank some water. Then he looked over to Nagisa and shook his head. "And I am guessing every time he let his guard down something bad happened to him right? How long were you dead for? I mean he had to turn back time somehow didn't he?" Terasaka asked


Nagisa coughed and held his head as a waitress brought over some water and handed it to Koro. Nagisa took a deep breath and looked at the ceiling. "I didn't mean to attack anyone." Nagisa whispered.

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Karma looks at Terasaka and nods his head, "yeah... and we are proof of that. It isn't really much different than here really," he shrugs his shoulders with a smile, "since up here... is all fucked up to begin with." He sighs a little, "well lets just say he dealt with a lot of kidnappings. I mean it's how we met up with Koro Sensei.. which goes by the name Koro now."


Koro waves and then smiles, "yeah can't you tell from just hearing my voice?" He takes the water from the waitress, "thank you," he looks at Nagisa and then sighs a little, putting the water up to his mouth, "Nagisa, you just need to realize things are going to be different now."

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