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~Tortured or loved~ Yaoifangirl (18+)


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'yeah I know we have a second change, but I am still just trying to work everything out Karma. Your telling me what I already know, but for some reason I can't help it I always think of the worst thing that can happen now." he said getting out and looked at Karma. "You see everyone over there they don't need us to have fun." Negisa said coming out from under the covers. "I know they all came to see me and you since we never go to anything with them because we are busy." Nagisa said and then rubbed his blood covered shoulder as he looked at Karma. "I just don't know Karma. It will take time for me to accept this world again. So I need you to be with me when I am learning to accept it. I do know now that this is real and this isn't a dream, but I still need time to accept that we are back from the dead."

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Karma sighs a little and shakes his head, "if you already know then why is it taking you so long to realize that everything is different now since we got our second chance..?" He shakes his head slowly as he looks at Nagisa, "your such a worry wart... as always," he laughs a little. Karma shakes his head with a sigh, "they... probably just wanted to keep their distance while we .. got perverted at the party. You know, keep this up and I will punish you with everything that I got." Karma shrugs his shoulders, "what's not to accept, we been here for so long.. nothing has changed other than we saved the planet from Koro when he was a monster. But I will be with you too help you as long as it takes," Karma looks at Nagisa and looks around, "It feels like to me... that nothing has happened, I wonder why it is different with you," Karma crosses his arms.

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Nagisa shrugged. "I don't know the reason behind any of that. Maybe because its what I did when I was dead. The torture the being thrown down from the heavens? I don't know maybe that has something to do with it. You know like a make me suffer more because of that." Nagisa said then shrugged. "Anyway I am wanting some food I an hungry." he said adjusting his shirt. and pants

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Karma looks at Nagisa and sighs a little, "well... I guess. I mean I don't know why you still care since it happened and is done with. You should really think about the now instead of just lingering on thinking about the other stuff. I was there with you so if you never dropped down, we would have never met up again." Karma nods his head, "alright," he watches Nagisa and then walks over to the buffet.

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"Yeah I know I guess I am just glad that you were there go get me when I fell down from the heavens so thank you for that." Nagisa said as he walked over to the others and looked at the table wondering if he should order food or eat what was already on the table to begin with. Nagisa looked at Karma and took a deep breath he was going to follow his lead.

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Karma looks at Nagisa and nods his head slowly, rubbing the back of his head, "it's no problem really.. I just want you to realize things will be different now." Karma looks at Nagisa and then gives him a plate as he started to put some food on his plate.

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Nagisa nodded. "I will just need time to get use to all the new changes." he said smiling and looked at him as he got a plate and started to fill it up with food as well and then set down and started to eat. "I think I should say sorry to the person I almost killed. Is it bad I don't even remember who I almost killed?" he said shaking his head.

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Karma looks at Nagisa and nods his head, "yeah... I suppose so. It does take you a while to accept things," he rubs his chin. He sits down next to Nagisa and starts to eat, resting his chin on his palm and looks at Nagisa, sighing a little, "he is in the text chat group I made... do you even remember anyone here besides Koro," he continues eating.

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"I remember everyone here I just don't remember who I attacked." He said sighing. "Everything went blank for a bit and I can't remember who I attacked I know I attacked someone tho." He said looking at his food and then started to eat the food. "Why do you ask?" He said looking at him then shook his head.

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"That's strange so you remember everyone here but the one you attacked," Karma rubs his chin in trying to understand but the shrugs his shoulders. "Oh, hm I suppose that makes sense since you suddenly attacked him like it was nothing." Karma continues to eat and looks at Nagisa, "I was just curious is all." He didn't understand the impact of Nagisa attacking Terasaka made him forget all about him but he figured he would still tell Nagisa who he was, "the one you attacked so suddenly is named Terasaka by the way," he takes a sip of his drink.

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"Terasaka? Huh I wonder why I can't remember him." he said shaking his head. "Was it just two painful to remember?" Nagisa asked looking at him and then ate his food. "I'm sorry that I have forgot most everything I really do feel bad about it." he said sighing and ate some more then shook his head some more. "Maybe I will remember in time?" he said and asked himself.

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Karma looks at Nagisa and rubs his chin a little, "I mean...he was a okay kind of guy. Sometimes he was... kind of a dumb ass but I'm glad I made friends with him. Well maybe if we look at the novel year book some more, it will help you remember him." He shrugs his shoulders, "well I am sure there is a way to remember once again," he continues eating. Karma looks at Nagisa as he continues eating and looks over at Terasaka, hoping Nagisa would remember him again.

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Nagisa nodded and shook his head. "I have a feeling that I just blocked some painful memories and he was one of them. I hope in time I will remember what happened." Nagisa said eating more. "Thanks for having this for me. I guess I do feel better because of seeing these people again." he said smiling

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Karma tilts his head, "I mean.. if you blocked trying to kill him, I wouldn't think... that would be enough to forget him. Honestly, he isn't a bad person so.. there is no need to really forget about him," he continues eating. Karma looks at Nagisa and smiles, "but now all I got to do is get you to remember Terasaka because you randomly forget him," he pokes Nagisa's forehead.

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"I am sorry I didn't mean to forget." he said looking at him and then shook his head. "I hate this that I forgot him." he said sighing and looking around and tried really hard to remember Terasaka as he ate then turned to Karma. "Hey I have a question and I don't know if you would know or not. Was he the one who talked me into Suicide boom koro one time?" Negisa asked

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Karma shakes his head, "it's not your fault. I just don't understand why you forgot him so suddenly," he rubs his chin a little. Karma looks at Nagisa, "well... I will do my best to help you remember him," he finishes eating. Karma rubs his chin as he leans back, slowly nods his head, "yeah I believe so, sounds like something he would think up," he scratches his neck.

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"Then I do remember him a little its coming back in bits and pieces." he said. He said looking at him at him and sighed not sure what he should do next. Nagisa took another bite of the food. "I bet he will come back soon enough." he said looking at Karma and watched everyone have fun with each other and he smiled

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Karma looks at Nagisa and nods his head, "well.. that's good I suppose," he smiles a little. He rubs the back of his head and nods his head, watching all of his and Nagisa's friends, smiling a little, "well... even if they were busy, they still wanted to come here so that says a lot," he scratches the back of his head.

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"That does mean a lot to me." Nagisa said smiling at them and then took a deep breath. "Tho they seem to be avoiding us not." Nagisa said laughing and looked at him then took a deep breath and looked at Karma. "Tho that might be because we just had sex in front of all of them kind of." he said blushing

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Karma laughs a little, "well I would do the same if two of my friends just started to fuck in the center of the room," he rubs the back of his head. "I am sure most of them are just getting reunited with each other, pretty much everyone is working by now I imagine," he smiles a little and shrugs his shoulders, "well, It was the only way to wake you up from your daze."

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"Hey you are the one who couldn't wait," He said blushing and looked away and to his friends who were talking to each other."Yeah I guess that is right. So As much as I love my job I think I might quit for a bit...Maybe I can make a difference with middle school kids, but for some reason I also don't want to give up on the high school kids either. Its just hard to think about." he said sighing. "And you couldn't of found another way to wake me up?" he asked

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"Hey your the one that was being a moron and didn't wake up before it got to the extremes," Karma smiles a little and then laughs a little. He sighs a little and looks at Nagisa, "really... I already suggested that to you, you goof ball," he laughs a little. "Your still going to get to be a teacher.. so why should it matter if it's high school or middle school," he shrugs his shoulders. "I don't know if it was going to be as.. effective," he smiles a little and gently flicks Nagisa's nose.

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"Its not my fault a lot happened to me ok I just didn't know." he said and bit his lip not sure what to do at that comment. "Your just a jerk Karma." he whispered and then closed his eye. "Because I don't want anyone to feel like they are tossed away like Trash you know. I know that feeling all to well." Nagisa said and looked at him. Then he went to hold his nose when it was flicked

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Karma looks at Nagisa and sighs a little, "well... just put your trust in me... it feels like you don't trust me," he grumbles a little. He blinks a little and then smiles, "tell me something that I don't know." Karma looks at Nagisa and sighs a little, shaking his head with a smile, "your so cute," he leans over to Nagisa and kisses his cheek. "I am here for you... just forget everything that is painful, things will be different now, I promise."

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"I do trust you Karma." he said then took a deep breath. "How am I cute? I look more adult here." He said looking at him and blushed when he kissed his cheek. "Thank you for being here for me. I will put your word on that. I do want to forget everything painful in my past, but I feel like I will lose some of myself if I do that as well." he said looking at him

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