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You can't choose family, nor love (hal7283 and Yukonwolfspirit, 18x, private)


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“I can wear a white silk robe that hides my body if you want” yukie admitted before relaxing a little glad he would be able to eat dinner with someone tonight.“He wants to keep in touch he can call the house...my bet is either he gets horny at work and wants pictures or he wants a live video of me doing what he’s in the mood for” yukie scoffed as he watched the electronic store quickly approach.He quickly went in choosing what he liked and kept close to Leroy the whole time they went through the town.Eventually yukie did finish all of his shopping and did decide to skip the bathhouse and visiting friends since he was already feeling exhausted from the simple trip the boy not use to going out and running around all day.He sighed happily when they finally got home and set the food on the table and started cook his stomach growling since he hadn’t wanted to stop for lunch and had skipped breakfast.


“Leroy can you pick out a wine for us?” Yukie asked his hair pulled back cutely in a ponytail as he stood in a cute frilly apron he had picked out the hallway full of clothes and other items he had bought having spent quite a lot.“Oh! And after you can shower first after the day we’ve had you probably need one” yukie joked the boy in quite a happy mood as he continued to cook his fancy meals.

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Leroy observed carefully as they traveled around, and found his image of Yukie quickly changing. After all their first meeting ended quite tragically, and their second meeting earlier was not on the friendly side neither. But now Leroy realized just how "normal" the boy actual was: young, playful, curious, craving attention yet wanting independence, and all the common traits you would find in a man of that age. Yet at the same time there was something just "off" about him which Leroy couldn't quite pinpoint.


They got back to the house, and as the boy requested he picked a bottle of whine from the storage, but since he was technically still on the job he probably won't touch it. Pulling a chair for himself he sat at the table and watched as the boy now wearing a cute apron busied himself in the kitchen. He said loudly so Yukie could hear him over the noise: "Thanks for the offer but I don't think me showering here is a good idea. I mean me having dinner here is dangerous enough, wait till the boss find me freshly out of the shower around you! Sorry but I want to keep this job, and more importantly, my life."

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“ you smell of sweat...go shower and if he has any issues he can bring them up with me...I actually like you as a bodyguard and unless he wants living hell for the next month he won’t fire you” yukie replied as he took a glass of wine he had poured earlier from n older bottle and ‘accidently’ Poured it all over Leroy’s head.“Oops so clumsy...you best to shower and change there’s pajamas in the guest room that should fit you” yukie replied being quite demanding that Leroy get cleaned up since he was use to only sanitary conditions from when he lived at the hospital so he made sure everything and everyone in his house was very clean.“And you better hurry dinners almost done and I’m not eating alone while Harold sleeps with his mistress called work” yukie added dryly as he smirked and went back into the kitchen leaving Leroy in a very dirty condition which would either make Harold think the man had been drinking or the two had been up to something if he didn’t get cleaned up.He took his time stirring and seasoning the dishes before testing the tase paired with wine and found the food to be quite mouth watering, meaning his cooking was done and he could start on frosting the cake while it set to simmer.

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Surprised by the sudden shower of whine Leroy almost fell off from the chair. It was a reminder that no matter how "normal" the boy seemed, there was still something unpredictable about him. Perhaps it was this very unpredictability which drawn Harold to the boy? Leroy sighed and showed a weak smile, raising his hands up like he was offering his surrender and said: "Alright, you win. I'll head for the shower. But first...."


Leroy got up from the seat and reached for the earpiece he was wearing and said: "It's me, bring the bag of spare clothes I had to the house..... yes, I said bring my clothes here...... Of course I'm not doing shit you fucking idiot! Do I look stupid?! ....... Alright, Leroy out." He turned to Yukie and said: "Alright so my men is gonna drop off my clothes at the door. So maybe you can take it while I'm in there? It's not like I can wear the boss' clothes you know."


With that said Leroy headed for the shower. Shortly after one of the guards rang the door bell and dropped off Leroy's fresh clothes. Some time latter Leroy emerged from the shower wearing a bathrobe loosely, showing off part of his muscular cheast. His wet curly hair was all pushed back, while the face was cleanly shaved showing his chiseled jawline. Leroy looked at Yukie and smiled as he touched the shaved face and said: "I figured if I'm gonna have dinner at my boss' house I should probably cleanup."


Leroy got to the clothes and returned to the shower room, and emerged moments latter fully clothed. He sat at the dinner table and smiled weakly: "I don't mind you pulling little pranks like that on me. I pretty much deserve that. But just don't do anything that's gonna make the rest of the men's job difficult, okay?"

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“Oh please they could benefit from being on their toes more often.” Yukie teased as he smirked the little nymph liking what he saw earlier when Leroy had walked out of the bathroom in just a robe.“Mmh shame I can only look but not touch you would be fun to play with and I’m sure your moans would sound lovely” yukie admitted as he smirked and walked back to the kitchen removing then apron before coming back with dinner his body wearing very tight clothes making his figure look very nice.“Heh I’m sure if Harold was in a playful mood or home he’d let me fool around with you since I’ve behaved and not touched you” yukie whispered as he served his guest having fun tormenting his new friend in Harold’s place.“I have a request though...I brought some rope and I want to surprise Harold with a little gift when he comes home....but I need help with The Whole tying up in the pattern I found I’d like it done after dinner” yukie added as he served himself and sat down eating a mouthful of food somewhat thinking.He didn’t want Leroy to be punished but...he needed to know Harold’s boundaries in the event yukie ever did need the mans help undressing or getting dressed, or even going to a bathhouse he didn’t want him to be punished.


He couldn’t help being horny though after the week of constant attention from Harold and torment his body was quite sensitive and he did have needs and try as he might not to misbehave he did get a slight boner from watching Leroy walk around half naked earlier.“...I’ll admit it to you now that this is something I haven’t told Harold...I’m what you would call a nympho...it’s hard not to misbehave around you...Harold...well let’s just say he’s messed with me so much I’m in a never ending heat cycle for sex and I can understand him wanting you to escort me...” yukie admitted knowing full well that if a pervert grabbed him his body would instantly become weak and he most likely wouldn’t be able to fight him off.“My body is always burning for sex...I take pills to control it and injections to keep control if I can’t take the pills...hence the trip to the island I was glad I took a shot the night before we left.” Yukie added as he ate another mouthful and sipped his wine. “The problem is I happened to run out hence why we needed to visit my friends who make the suppression medicine...since we didn’t I’m dealing with it as best as I can but I want you tomorrow to keep me locked in my room until they drop it off so I don’t misbehave.” Yukie replied clearly uncomfortable as he tried to focus on his meal.“If I drink enough I should be to drunk to touch you so if Harold doesn’t come home you just need to put me to bed and you won’t have to worry about me trying to seduce you...”

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Leroy seemed unfazed by Yukie's suggestive comments, as he had gotten used to the boy's playful nature by now. He swallowed some of the food in his mouth and said: "If it's living sex toys you want, I have a few guys at my command who are way better equipped than I, and more interested in pretty boys like you for that matter. When the boss wants some extra muscle I'm sure they'd do just fine. As for tying you up, you know I think instead of me helping you, you try it yourself and making a total mess would be more entertaining for the boss. I'm sure he'd show you how it's properly done.”


The dinner continued, and Leroy was surprised by the boy’s explanation of his strange physique. Crossing his arms he nodded and said: “Well, that explains how you could keep up with the boss. In addition to your super healing of course. Next time you get your medicine from your friends leave a sample for us to study would you? I mean the boss has countless medical labs which can produce the stuff easily.”


Leroy looked at Yukie and realized that there was something wrong with the boy. Given how the boy had just explained how much of a nymph he was and the fact that he was out of his medicine, it didn’t take long for Leroy to piece together what was happening. He took the whine glass from Yukie’ hands and said: “I don’t think getting yourself drunk is the right answer here boy. I mean you don’t want to be a drunken mess when the boss comes home......”


Suddenly Loeroy turned his gaze away from the boy and held his hand up to the ear piece and spoke into it: “Leroy here....... yes.......... this early? Ha... good thing I didn’t help tie the kid up... Ah nothing it’s just the kid teasing me..... Right.... Okay I’ll see you around.” He then turned back to Yukie with a relieved smile: “Good news kid, the boss is coming home early tonight. Frankly I thought he would be stuck in his office for days but I guess he just want to be with you

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“Your so cruel turning me down” yukie grumbled as he huffed and sulked in his chair eating more of his dinner. “And as for my drinking you have no say in how much I drink or when I drink” yukie added with a slight glare as he watched Leroy on his headset.He was slightly amused by the fact Harold was coming home so soon and that he would really be joining them for dinner. He blushed at the sudden thought of Harold seeing him in such a state and waited nervously for Leroy to get off his headset.“You know he’s just horny and has plans to stay away longer...or he might just want to make sure I didn’t bring anyone home to fuck without him knowing.” Yukie replied suddenly nervous to have Harold see him like normal the boy not wanting to scare Harold away.

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"Well with all of us keeping an eye on you, it's a bit difficult for you to do stuff without the boss knowing." Leroy commented as he noticed the subtle shift in Yukie's behavior, and he smiled teasingly: "What's the matter boy? You look like a kid being caught in the middle of a prank." As it continued however Leroy realized that the boy was genuinely concerned with Harold's return. Leroy got up and reached across the table, ruffling the boy's white hair in a rough yet friendly manner and said: "Don't worry kid, the boss isn't gonna hate you and throw you away for some little tantrum. I mean he's got plenty of reasons to hate you already. But you're just too good of a sex toy to discard, and besides...."


Leroy looked around, as if trying to check if nobody was listening, even though he knew very well every word of their conversation was being listened to. He then turned back to Yukie and said: "I think deep down, what the boss really wants is family. You know, people to come back to. Just make him feel he could always come back to you, and you'd have him in your grasps. How would I know such a thing you ask? I'm good with observing people. It comes with the job."


Shortly the sound of Harold's car could be heard as it approached the house, and Leroy got up from his seat awaiting his employer. As Harold entered the house and to the living room he was surprised to see Leroy there along with Yukie.


"Leroy? What the hell are you doing here?" Harold asked, a tint of displeasure could be heard in his voice.


"Good evening, Mr Ayers. Yukie here invited me for dinner after I helped him with grocery shopping, sir." Leroy replied.


"I see." Harold said as he approached Yukie, he turned the boy's face towards him and quickly covered the boy's lips with his own, and his tongue intruded inside the boy and began to ravage the boy's mouth without warning. His moved were rough and aggressive. Seeing this Leroy couldn't help but show a weak smile as the message Harold was sending was very clear, that the boy was his and his alone.


Harold only let the boy go when he felt like he was running out of air. He looked at Leroy with the corner of his eye and said: "From now on I want a detailed report of your activities with Yukie every morning. Understood?"


"Of course, Mr Ayers. Please enjoy your dinner." Leroy bowed before walking away, but added before going out of the dining room: "The boy worked very hard on it."


Harold kept his eye on Leroy as he left, all the way until the man was out of the room. It was at that moment the tense atmosphere finally seems to calm down around Harold, and he looked back at Yukie with a gentle smile: "I'm home, brother. Did you miss me?"

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“...heh should I write a report of all the topics we talk about and what places of the mall we secretly fucked in?” Yukie asked being a smart mouth clearly amused as hell by Harold’s jealous reaction and was glad he had tossed his comment out after Leroy had left and Harold was calm enough to joke to.“Mmh I missed you greatly just didn’t expect you to be the jealous type” yukie added as he poked at his food and ate another bite his mind pondering all of the questions he now had for Harold.“Why did you come home...I thought you had work” the white haired male asked as he poured himself another glass of wine and some for Harold before also making him a plate moving Leroy’s to the side. “I had fun with Leroy...I trust him more then your other guards...he’s honest with me and not afraid to ask me questions” yukie mumbled as he blushed his body all hot and bothered by the fact that Harold was suddenly home and the fact yukie could smell him was driving him slightly mad.“Though I would like to be able to go to a bathhouse with your guards to relax and if they can’t follow me into changing rooms and other places then they aren’t going to be able to really keep an eye on me or protect me” yukie pointed out trying hard to focus on what he wanted to discuss with Harold as he took a sip of his wine his hand shaking as he dropped it and tried to not moan.


“You...you need to shower you smell of sweat...” yukie whimpered not even able to finish his sentence as he laid his head on the table trying to control himself so he didn’t rip off Harold’s clothes the boy looking away from Harold for the first time since Harold had punished him for looking away from him.

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"I came home early because... something came up in the European branch of the company, and I'll have to go check it out personally. My plane leave tomorrow morning, but I want to see you before I leave." Harold said as he pulled away from Yukie and sat down at the table. He kept his eyes on the boy as he prepared the plate for him and wondered how would the boy take that news. Would he be upset or relieved by his sudden departure?


Harold began to dig in the food, and was surprised by how good it was. "I vaguely remembered you said you want to learn to cook. But you seems pretty good at it already." Harold said as took a sip of the whine and smiled: "So are you trying to be a chef at a restaurant or something?"


He listened to the boy describing his day with Leroy, and had mixed feelings about it all to say the least, even though he knew very well the Leroy was someone he could entrust Yukie with. After all Leroy was one of the very few people in this world who Harold would trust his life to, in this regard he was probably much closer to Leroy than he was to Yukie, or anyone else for that matter. That trust came from years of working together, and from being saved from danger multiple times by the loyal body guard, including quite literally taking a bullet for him. While Harold would much prefer the boy to just stay home all day, he knew that would be detrimental to the boy's health. Plus the fact that he felt somewhat uneasy/guilty to leave the home alone in such short notice, Harold felt compelled to give the boy some freedom, at least when he was not around. And if such is the case, then Leroy would be the best, if not the only choice to keep the boy safe.


After a weak sigh Harold said: "Alright, you can have Leroy to boss around when you go out.... And... the bathhouse? tell Leroy you are going the day before so he can do a full security check on the place."


Harold continued to enjoy the food. As he was eating however he noticed the boy seemed to be uneasy about...something. Leroy would know that it's the boy's nymph physique acting up, but since he wasn't told of it yet he was left wondering. And the comment about his sweat certainly caught him off guard. "Since when did sweaty smell ever bothered you? I remembered you were quite fond of being surrounded by huge, sweaty, and muscular guys." Harold got up from his seat and approached the boy, and raised an eyebrow seeing the boy putting his head on the table. He asked as he held the boy up and turned the boy's blushed face towards him: "What's wrong? You're not feeling well?"

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“No...I’ve been keeping a secret from you...I’m a nypho” Yukie mumbled as he looked at Harold his body feeling as if it was on fire at the slightest touch.“I take weekly shots or daily pills to keep it in check but I’ve ran out to early so I’m like this” yukie whispered as he moved away from Harold to lay his head back down on the table liking the cool feeling of the marble table.“You are right to send someone to watch me and Leroy knows about this...issue he made sure not to let me get a drunken mess though if I drank enough it would have been easy for him to put me to bed and lock me away until my medicine came”Yukie shivered a little at the smell of Harold being so close and bit his lip, his mind all fuzzy and clearly only wanting sex and to be violented endlessly.“I want to take your time eating...I worked hard to get everything for dinner...and I made sure to make it like my mother use to...so it would taste good” yukie whispered already at his limit.

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"So...it means that you're always horny when not on your medicine? Oh my dear brother you never fail to amaze me!" Harold chuckled as he easily picked the boy up and carried him bridal style towards the bedroom. On the way he said joyfully: "You really should have kept that information a secret as long as possible, cause from now on I am definitely going to mess with you with it. Well, I'd eventually figure it out and in that case I'd then have to punish you for not telling me. Hmm.... that doesn't sound too bad either. Oh and don't worry about the food, I promise I'll finish them latter."


Harold carried Yukie into the bedroom and threw the boy on the bed. As he climbed up himself he took of his shirt and threw it away. He got on top of Yukie and whispered: "Right now, I'd prefer to have my dessert first....Don't you agree?"

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“You’d punish me worse for lying” yukie mumbled as he snuggled into Harold’s chest suddenly finding himself thrown on a bed as he looked at Harold.He blushed as his brother undressed and threw his shirt off making his boner all the harder.“Once you start this you won’t be able to leave me...I can keep going for around seven hours...” yukie mumbled agreeing to Harold’s question but at the same time giving him a fair warning.He blushed and squirmed a little under Harold’s weight moving Harold closer towards him,the boy being a little aggressive already licking and claiming Harold’s body liking the sweaty taste.“You’ll have to keep me chained down...you wouldn’t want your slut to wander off while your at work and while I’m in heat” yukie added as he suddenly bit Harold’s neck enjoying marking his older brother.


He tangled his fingers in Harold’s hair being quite rough as he continued biting and sucking on Harold’s body enjoying being a possessive little shit and being just a slight bit dominating.

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"Seven hours you say? I look forward to it then." Harold smiled as he pressed a soft kiss on Yukies's cheek. He was pleasantly surprised by how the boy was taking the initiative, and was starting to kiss and lick on his body already. "Oh and don't worry about wandering off, part of the reason why I came home early was to give you a little gift which just so happens to deal with that problem of yours but...." Harold chuckled feeling the bite on his neck by the horny boy. He than smiled: "But that can wait after this."


Suddenly Harold grabbed the boy firmly and turned around. Now he was laying down on the bed with Yukie being on top of him, which Harold barely felt the weight since Yukie felt like a feather to him. Harold looked at Yukie with a teasing smile and said: "Since you're so energetic tonight, how about I let you take care of the first round. If you impress me enough then I'll reward you. If not, well, we'll find out."

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“Hope you like your dinner cold” Yukie mumbled as he continued biting and sucking on Harold before suddenly finding himself moved and a top of Harold looking down at him.“I want to tie you to the bed or tie your hands up” Yukie added his voice soft and quite seductive as he licked down Harold’s neck leaving a small kiss his mind clearly knowing what it wanted and only focused on that as he bit down roughly before taking his lovers wrist in his hand and pinning it down with some ease slightly testing if he could do such things to Harold.The boy smirked and got up heading to the closet and getting one of Harold’s nice ties as he moved back ontop of him and with some ease tied his masters wrists together taking a little more control of the situation.“Your cock is warm” yukie mumbled as he gently rubbed Harold’s member through his pants quite mesmerized by it as he slowly unzipped the pants eagerly taking out his masters cock.“...I want you for the rest of the night” Yukie added his comment more demanding then requesting as he moved his body and positioned himself over Harold’s member foricing it in with some impatience.


He moaned as his body was suddenly filled the pain turning him on even more as his member stood throbbing and leaking a little precum from just having Harold shoved inside of him.Yukie moaned softly at the sudden feeling and started moving his body shaking from the horrid pain and pleasure of Harold going inside of him dry and rough. “Damn you feel good” yukie moaned out as he bent forward and continued from where he left off earlier sucking and biting on Harold’s soft body.

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Harold was enjoyed by how assertive Yukie was acting. Usually he was not someone who would simply lay down and let other people take charge, but if it's for the boy Harold was curious enough to let him have a go. While he didn't offer much resistance to what the boy was doing, he was surprised by the strength he seemed to possess. Was Yukie always this strong normally? Or maybe it was his sexual drive was pumping his system with adrenaline? In any case he allowed his wrists to get tied up and watched curiously what the boy was gonna do next.


As expected, the horny boy soon found his way to his groin, which was already bulging given the naughty mood he was in. His length jumped out eagerly after Yukie unzipped his pants, and was standing firmly, twitching and pulsing in anticipation. Harold smiled to the boy's needy demand and said: "Well if you want it, come and get it."


And the boy certainly did just that, who have got rid of his clothes and some point and sat on his erection without any foreplay. As painful as it must have been for Yukie who took the member inside without preparation, it was also quite unpleasant for Harold. But the warmth and tightness of the boy's insides was enough to keep Harold aroused. "God damn it slut take it easy!" Harold groaned as he felt the drag on his member from the unlubricated hole. He remembered the first time he violated the boy in the ass and he fainted due to the pain and all, but that would pale in comparison to what the boy was bringing upon himself right now. Yet somehow Yukie seemed to be more insatiable than ever, made evident by the pre-cum leaking from the boy's length dripping on Harold, and by the fact that he continued to rock his waist.


"I feel good you say? I guess I should be rough to you more often." Harold said and let out a pleasurable groan feeling the boy kissing, licking and biting on his body. If his hands were free he would've reached for the adorable buds on the boy's chest. But for now he just had to let the boy take the lead. As the boy continued to move the fluids inside the boy's intestine began to lubricate his length, allowing the movement to be slightly easier, and Harold began to enjoy it more and more.

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“Mmh next time I’ll use lube...your a little too rough” yukie mumbled as he blushed and continued fucking himself senseless his cute moans suddenly appearing as he slowly moved his ass against Harold’s dick as if teasing his body more and more.Yukie continued to ride on Harold and torment his masters body enjoying for a few minutes just how much fun it was to have a cute prey to bite.He smirked as he licked and teased one of Harold’s nipples sucking and lightly biting on it with his teeth as he moved one of his own hands down lower slowly teasing his own member as he continued being fucked by Harold’s.“I want you to take me after this and violate me in every way possible” yukie moaned having given Harold’s nipple a break so he could speak his voice heavy and full of desire and naughty need.“I don’t want you to show me any mercy...because I’ve never been allowed to satisfy my needs before and now I have someone who will” yukie added as he blushed and moaned quite cutely before his hot seed spilled out all over Harold’s stomach.

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Harold let out a pleasant groan when Yukie worked his way to his nipple. Since it's usually him who would take charge in sex, he was actually rather inexperienced when it comes to being at the receiving end of attention. The words which came out of the boy's mouth was not totally surprising, as the boy as certainly showed his masochist side in the past days. "Oh don't worry slut, I'm going to make sure you can't get up from bed tomorrow, not even with your fast healing!"


Harold watched as Yukie reached climax on top of him, and spilled his white cum all over his belly. In all honesty the scene was quite a sight to behold, and he would give the boy many praises for that lustful performance alone. But then again his order to the boy was to "impress me enough", and that certainly involved bringing him pleasure. Yet all he had until this point was a not so pleasant dry fuck which only started to get good.


"You'll have to do better next time!" Harold exclaimed as he suddenly grabbed the boy with his tied up hands and pinned the boy down and straddled him. Harold used his teeth to bite on the tie in order to free himself from the restraints and looked down, using the tie as a make-shift whip to slap the boy in the chest and said: "Since you didn't impress me, so as I promised I am going to punish you for it."



Harold flipped the boy around, and tied the boy's wrists to part of the headboard. He pointed his length to the boy's entrance which looked a little bit red and swollen from the earlier abuse, but was also moist and welcoming. Without warning Harod rammed his length in once more, embedding his manhood deeply in the boy's body in one, swift move. "This is how you proper fuck!" Harold said as he began to work his waist, thrusting his length in and out of the boy's hole like a wild animal. Meanwhile he raised up his hand and dropped his palm on the boy's soft butt cheek with all the ferocity you'd expect from a sadistic master, leaving a bright red mark in the shape of Harold's hand. The loud clapping sound filled up the room, which was soon joined by another, and another, and as it continued the white canvas that was Yukie's adorable butt was soon being covered by prints of red. Harold laughed: "Don't you just love getting punished, little slut?!"

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“Mmh your get off in the end...there’s no need to impress you when you can do the job yourself and have fun all night long” yukie replied as he was slightly surprised to be suddenly bottomed his dick already hardening as he was in his mind playfully whipped.Yukie squirmed a little at being tossed around so much and glared lightly at Harold not liking being treated like a rag doll as he felt the tie suddenlumbe around his wrists and next thing he knew he was tied to the headboard.“Ah! Fuck you!” Yukie yelled out as he pulled against the headboard as he tried to adjust to the sudden dick forced inside of him only turning him on more and more.“Damn...n-next time I’ll make sure to get you off” Yukie moaned as he whimpered a little feeling Harold fucking him like an animal possessing its mate in heat.He cried out as he felt a sharp slap and sting on his asscheek his lewd mouth crying out as he felt the harsh sting and trembled under his masters rough play.


“Damn you bitch...” Yukie snapped his body struggling to become more dominating even though he should have been submitting to Harold he was wanting to turn it around to where he would be torturing Harold.He of course knew that wouldn’t happen Harold had tied him up pretty well and as the torment continued he was growing a little more frustrated his body pushing back against Harold and revisiting despite the pain and the soreness of his beaten ass he couldn’t help but keep moaning and trying to push Harold more enjoying the torment.“I love you punishing me” yukie moaned softly as he tried to control his breathing his body hot and covered in a slight light sweat as his fingernails dug into Harold’s tie the poor garment ruined as he bit his lip until it bled his mind becoming hazy and his body having fun resiting it alpha master for a simple control of dominance.Truth be told this was Yukies first you could say heat cycle, while at the hospital he had never truely gone through one but the doctors had expected him to have something of this sort as a side affect due to the testing. So, they had made a medicine before Yukies predicted age into puberty and kept him on the medicine strictly and closely monitored to make sure the medicine was working at all times.


This many years later had been working wonderfully until Yukie was taken from the hospital and left with only a small medical bag with at least two months of doses since he didn’t belong to the testing facility and was no longer their secret weapon they found no reason to keep him supplied so hence why he was needing to go visit his friend who use to work with his personal doctor from hell.

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Harold was quite enjoying the eagerness of his lovely pet/toy/brother while he was in this strange sexual heat. That being said he could do with less vulgarity from the boy. "Watch your mouth little slut! You're the bitch here! You're the one who's getting fucked!" Harold slapped Yukie's but a little harder as punishment for insulting his master, which as the boy admitted himself to love. Despite Yukie's attempt to assert some dominance Harold knew very well that the boy needed, craved to be dominated and violated.


"You're such a fun fuck toy." Harold chuckled as he leaned down and turned to boy's face towards him, kissing and biting slightly on his adorable lips before stretching his tongue to mingle with the boy's counterpart. Meanwhile he reached a hand around to grab onto the boy's length and began to pump on the rod feverishly.

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“Fuck off” yukie moaned back as he glared wishing he could bite Harold roughly and defiantly as he squirmed a little from the sharp smack.Yukie huffed cutely as he was suddenly kissed by Harold and playfully bit his tongue and kissed back hungrily enjoying the treat from his master as he trembled happily from the kiss.He whimpered a little as he was suddenly grabbed and trembled as Harold was kind enough to pleasure his memeber making him behave a little better as he just relaxed letting Harold take over more.He eventually did break the kiss forcing Harold to stop to let him breathe and catch his breath all the while his soft moans could be heard bouncing off the walls.“Damn...I’m close” Yukie moaned already feeling at his limit as he whimpered ready to cum again but not wanting to because Harold would punish him more.

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Despite Yukie's attempt to sound tough, he boy's body betrayed his true nature as he moaned and shivered from being violated from behind like a bitch, and even the little resistance he put up soon crumbled when Harold showed him a little affection with his kiss and his fingers around the boy's cock. Harold chuckled when Yukie admitted he was close to another climax and said: "Good, at least you've learned to no cum without servicing your owner first. Since you've been quite entertaining I'm gonna grant you your climax!"


With that said Harold wrapped his arm around the boy's body tightly, and allowed his body weight to press he boy tightly down, while he picked up the pace of his fucking even further, pressing the boy's length tightly against the bed. After the first round with Yukie on top Harold was already half way towards his own limit, and now with him taking full control and using his brother as he pleased, he was able to bring the pent up stimulation quickly to his limit.


"I'm... I'm close too...! You may cum now little slut!" Harold growled as he thrust his cock deep down Yukie's body, and as his body stiffen and spasm of pleasure spread through his body, Harold released his seed into the boy's ass. After enjoying the afterglow of his climax for a moment he pulled out from Yukie's rear and untied the boy's hands. He let the boy flip around and held his still half hard length right in front of his face. Harold looked down and commanded: "Clean it up slut!"

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“Mmh...don’t expect this all the time...eventually I’ll go back to being medicated” yukie mumbled as he moved and carefully cleaned off Harold’s dick until it was spotless before moving away and stretching. “How soon do you leave anyway?” Yukie added as he got up and went to run a bath for Harold his master quite messy in other places on his body. He took his sweet time running the water and adding oils and sweet smelling soaps to it before picking up the or clothes and setting them in a hamper liking their room to be tidy.He turned and sat back down for a moment wincing as he leaned more on his let Harold’s rough spanking having hurt a bit as he watched the tub fill up.“It’s only fair I know so I don’t stay up expecting you home” yukie admitted a slight embarrassed blush to his cheek Yukie clearly embarrassed by what they had done.

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"Well in that case, I'll just gonna take you off your meds once in a while." Harold smiled as he followed Yukie off the bed. He watched with great intrigue as the boy busied himself with preparing a nice, fragrant bubble bath and chuckled: "You can really be quite... how should I put it.... indulgent? at times when it comes to things like this. Do you used to take baths like this often? Or are you just trying out whatever things you didn't get to do in that hospital?"


Harold approached the boy and sat down on the edge of the bathtub. He said as he put his hand on the boy's exposed back and petted him gently:"I'll be leaving first thing in the morning, and won't return for a couple of days.... A week at most." He moved his hand downwards and touched the still red and swollen butt-cheeks of the boy and continued: But don't worry, I'll make sure that you will be taken care of, in all matters."




(Yukie seems to be acting pretty normally. Has his heat ended already?)

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“Warm baths are much better then cold ones...and I like being clean...I can’t stand dirty rooms and living spaces” yukie mumbled as he blushed more at the sudden soft touching and gently stuck a foot on the water to test the temperature before turning it off.“I like to see what I can get away with that I couldn’t at the hospital and...well grandfather did own a bathhouse so the humidity and warmth is relaxing” yukie admitted as he looked at Harold.He listened to Harold explain how long he would be gone and frowned for a moment not liking being alone for so long but eventually accepted the fact that this is what Harold had to do for work.“I want Leroy to be with me while your gone and if needed...I’d like him to sleep here at night so I don’t wander off or have an episode” yukie slightly demanded pushing his request a little out of his normal boundaries.


(No, but has a short calming period after sex like an hour of calm (for basic plot allowing) before he gets crazy again but it can be reversed and instantly started again if Harold keeps touching him)

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