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You can't choose family, nor love (hal7283 and Yukonwolfspirit, 18x, private)


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Derrick smiled as he pulled away from Ayme slightly and said: "We could go back to the house and clean up or continue our little hike. Either way I am fine." He then picked up Ayme's clothes and handed them to him and smiled: "But right now we need to get dressed or we may catch a cold."


Meanwhile back at the house Leroy managed to find Al sitting on the deck typing away on his laptop. "Hey Al. Mind if I join you?" He said as he sat down beside the doctor and took a quick glance of the computer screen. "I see that you're sneaking in a bit work over there... Is there any problem with the clinic? Or our treatments?"  Leroy asked as he looked at Al and after a short silence he asked: "So.... can we find somewhere more private? There's something important I need to talk to you about."

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“Mmh doubt I’ll get sick” Ayme added with a chuckle as he slipped on his clothes. “Let’s finish our hike the view should be nice” Ayme replied as he took a sip from his water bottle excited to be running around again with Derrick.


”I had some samples tested and treated by a friend. They came back so I needed to have them cared for. Not to mention I’m tracking a few other samples and experiments that are off of Yohs studies but more humane” Al explained with a frown as he continued typing listening to Leroy. “Leroy, I understand you feel bad and it’s fine I’m not upset anymore. Right now all I’m trying to do is work. Misha has banned working so I’m trying to finish up where I can” Al added still a little sore about things but he’ll he had more pressing matters to attend to then Leroy worrying about the next time they fucked. “Give me an hour and then we can go fuck.” Al added continuing to type away quickly.

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Leroy was a little shocked when Al suggested that he should come back in an hour so they could have sex. It hurt him a little to think that Al thought he was only using him for sex, but then again he understood that his last behavior had givsn the doctor little reason to think otherwise so he probably deserved it. "This is not about that Al... I have something really important I need to tell you... But I suppose it can wait.... See you in an hour then." He let out a heavy sign and got up: "Sorry for interrupting your work." After that he began heading back to the house.

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“Leroy...just sit down...” Al replied with a tiered sigh as he scooted a chair and closed his laptop. “I’m sorry for being busy...just didn’t really expect this sort of chaos leaving the clinic unattended.” Al admitted as he looked at Leroy. “You want to talk let’s talk. If you need we can go inside” Al added trying to be more considerate of Leroy despite his stress.

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"Sorry for coming to you at such an inconvenient time..." Leroy said as he sat back down. Looking at the doctor he felt his ehart pounding like crazy. He wasn't even this nervous when he and Ayme first became a thing. He looked down while rubbing his hands anxiously and said: "Sorry if what I'm about to say sounds like disorganized mumble jumbo but I'm trying my best to.. process it all myself, I mean.. where do I even start? I've always thought of you as 'one of Ayme's lovers', I've always thought of our relationship through him and never considered who you really are to me. Ever since I was rescued from Morgan's dungeon you've been instrumental in my recovery.. Not just medically but also psychologically, you've given me lots of support, and I've probably told you more about my fear and anxieties than I've even told Ayme.... And then there was last night... I choose to stay with Ayme because I was worried about him, because I thought you of all people must understand what we were going through... But then I realized I've taken your kindness for granted, and when I realized how much I've hurt you with my actions... I felt heartbroken too because... I've hurt someone who's close and dear to my heart, someone who I love..." 


Leroy looked up at Al and said: "I love you Al. I really do. I must admit this whole situation with both of us being in the harem is really messing with my mind but I just want you to know how I feel... Now I've said what I came here to say, you're free to get back to work."

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"Sorry for coming to you at such an inconvenient time..." Leroy said as he sat back down. Looking at the doctor he felt his ehart pounding like crazy. He wasn't even this nervous when he and Ayme first became a thing. He looked down while rubbing his hands anxiously and said: "Sorry if what I'm about to say sounds like disorganized mumble jumbo but I'm trying my best to.. process it all myself, I mean.. where do I even start? I've always thought of you as 'one of Ayme's lovers', I've always thought of our relationship through him and never considered who you really are to me. Ever since I was rescued from Morgan's dungeon you've been instrumental in my recovery.. Not just medically but also psychologically, you've given me lots of support, and I've probably told you more about my fear and anxieties than I've even told Ayme.... And then there was last night... I choose to stay with Ayme because I was worried about him, because I thought you of all people must understand what we were going through... But then I realized I've taken your kindness for granted, and when I realized how much I've hurt you with my actions... I felt heartbroken too because... I've hurt someone who's close and dear to my heart, someone who I love..." 


Leroy looked up at Al and said: "I love you Al. I really do. I must admit this whole situation with both of us being in the harem is really messing with my mind but I just want you to know how I feel... Now I've said what I came here to say, you're free to get back to work."

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“Sit and stay with me. Please...” Al asked as he looked at Leroy understanding just how confusing everything must be for Leroy and Ayme. “How about I tell you a story? It’s about before I came here?” Al asked gently wanting to talk about how much he understood how one could have such mixed feelings. “It’s about me and well it has Ayme  and then Misha and of course you...and maybe in the future Derrick?” Al offered moving his bag to the side and sneakily pulled out two beers and a snack as he opened his arms for Leroy to join him and snuggle while the talked.

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Leroy raised an eyebrow when Al invited him to stay for a story. Looking at the beers and snack and of course the open arm he wasn't quite sure how to react. He hoped that it was a sign that his confession worked and this is Al's way to acknowledge it? "So.. we're good now?" Leroy asked as he sat down beside the doctor and snuggled into his arms, he felt his heart racing as he felt the other's warmth and looked up at the doctor curiously and said: "You surely knows how to relax and have a good time even when you're working." Looking at the beer and snacks he let out a small chuckle then said: "Alright I'm all ears. What's your angle on this crazy harem we found ourselves in? How do you plan to juggle all of these emotions yourself?"

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“We are good.” Al reassured Leroy as he chuckled and relaxed once his lover was in his arms. “Mmh you’ll have to know a touch about me before I met them. Back then I was dating my boss. I was learning medicine and well we hooked up for fun but it ended up becoming serious with the talk of marriage and well I followed him to the end of the earth if he asked.” Al started as he chuckled at the sad memory. “He was old friends with Yoh. And through him I met Ayme and eventually Misha.”

“Misha and I became closer as friends....but well it was hard to talk much due to testing and the side effects. After taking on Aymes blood everything  changed, my mind went a little crazy for a few years until it balanced out. I couldn’t tell people apart or even remember where I was. My boss who had been my lover for so long didn’t want to deal with it so he literally dumped in in a insane asylum” Al explained as he sipped his beer. Looking off in the distance Al tried to hide the deep pain in his voice at such a betrayal and abandonment.

 “Course eventually I got out. Ended up looking for Ayme and Misha hoping for a cure to whatever happened to me. I spent so long searching every lead only to find Misha and learn there’s no cure. Misha wanted nothing to do with me having suffered his own hell from the side effects of whatever blood curse we had brought upon ourselves. At that point I spiraled hard  with the pain of being rejected from someone who I had been close friends with.”

”I can’t blame Misha though he had his whole life ripped away. The blood was suppose to help him start a family. It ripped away any chance he could ever have.” Al explained as he held Leroy a little closer snuggling him tightly. “I tried to go back to my old lover...only to find out he was married and had moved on. For a while I wandered until...well...I met you guys again.”

”After all the time away My body had settled and relaxed into what it was now.  At the time It was terrifying not knowing that all this pain we endured was all due to Aymes current state when we received his blood. I didn’t know he was in the place he was mentally. After coming back into your group...I struggled to figure out who I was and tried to remember who everyone else was around me. Fixing myself and Ayme and Misha consumed me it still does.” Al explained with a small sigh.

”it took being welcomed into the harem to realize that Ayme wasn’t suffering and Misha was happy. While it’s hard as hell dealing with everyone mentally and emotionally being with you guys has felt like home for the first time in so long” Al admitted as he hugged Leroy. “I’m still scared and confused and emotional but...I’m taking it one day at a time.” Al told Leroy not having some secret to fixing things or managing being in the life he was because truly how could be ever know how to fix or change things like this.

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Leroy snuggled against Al and listened as he told him about his past, his pain, his solitude, his many struggles. He found himself tearing up when the story ended and he let out a small chuckle: "So you have tons of problems yourself huh? Well.... I suppose that makes you a better fit for this messed up family of ours.." He turned to wrap his arms around the doctor and said: "I never knew how much pain you;ve been through... It's easy to be charitable when you have everything, but it take true character to help others while you're suffering yourself, and you took care of us even when nobody was helping you.... It's no wonder that I fell in love with you Al..." He leaned in a pressed his lips gently on the doctor's cheek and said: "If you'd let me... I want to take one day at a time with you by your side... I may not be able to help out that much but... I'm a pretty good listener."  

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“It wasn’t so much that I feel mixed up it’s that...well before I really got to know everyone...I wanted to kill Ayme. Honestly planned it for quite some time. But, I didn’t expect to find a family and fall in love. I planned on just getting revenge. I was so hurt and angry I blamed everyone but myself at the time. I can’t say if Misha still feels anger towards what happened or if he ever got closure....but, I can tell he’s  happier now. He enjoys having the family he always wanted even if it is different then he thought it would be” Al admitted as he hugged Leroy closer at his words. “I would love to spend every day of my life beside you.” Al whispered as he kissed Leroy’s cheek softly just hugging him all the more closer.

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Leroy was a littlelitrl surprised when Al said that he wanted to kill Ayme at one point, but of course he was in no position to criticize him for that as he actually almost killed Ayme in several occasions. "Seems to me that we have even more in common than I initially think. I mean Ayme does seems to have the unfortunate talent of making people want to murder him." He smiled as he felt the kiss on his cheek and asked: "Didn't you say you have some work go do? Now we've finished our talk you can finish it off so we can enjoy the rest of the trip without worries. I can wait."

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“Mmh I think we need to bring up his drive for danger and hooking up with potential murders.” Al added with a sly chuckle as he snuggled Leroy more. “I have some but for the most part...I’ve got it handled my dear friend is helping out very well and taking stuff to the clinic so I’m pretty free.” Al whispered with a small sigh before letting Leroy go. “Give me five minutes and I’ll meet you in the kitchen. You can help me cook~” Al added knowing Misha would be out cold most of the day.

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"Sure thing Al. I will meet you there." Leroy said as he lenses in for a quick kiss on the man's lips before he got up and went back into the house. We went ahead into the kitchen and began checking what appliances and ingredients they had available. As he was wondering what Al had in mind for their dinner he could hear the voice of Derrick and Take coming into the house. 


"Welcome back you two!" Leroy looked at the two men and noticed the dirt and dust on them, then more importantly the lack of nervousness or animosity between the two. "I see that you two have figured things out. That's great!"


"And you sure look like you're in a good mood. I take it that you and All are good now?" Derrick asked.


"Ye...Yeah... We're good." Leroy said with a slightly embarrassed smile. He then said: "How about you two go clean up and put on some new clothes? Then maybe we can all help Al cook dinner together."

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“Oof...I dunno if we should be that excited no ones ever had Als cooking” Ayme admitted as he looked at Leroy with a smile. “So I’m guessing Als better tempered?” Ayme asked softly having been a touched concerned al was pissed off so badly.

”I feel fine. Thought I’m not surprised you both are so dirty. Honestly.” Al teased Derrick and Ayme as he chuckled and want to the kitchen to wash his hands and start prepping the meat. “And for the record I think my cooking is great” Al added as Ayme snickered and bounced off to the bathroom to clean up his mood greatly improved. “Derrick go make sure he actually washes up. Last thing he needs is an infection.” Al asked knowing Ayme was a bit of a dumbass sometimes when he didn’t take time to think. 

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"Sure thing So. Though I can't promise that once we're both in the shower we won't take a long... LONG time to get out." Derrick said with a meaningful smile as he follows Ayme to the shower. He took off his dirty clothes and tossed them into the laundry back before stepping into the shower booth. Meanwhile Leroy was in the kitchen with All and asked: "So what do you have in mind for dinner? The fridge is pretty full with all kinds of ingredients so we have a lot of options."

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“Such troublesome brats.” Al mumbled with a tiered sigh as he watched the two leave to shower. Pulling out ingredients Al stopped and looked at Leroy at the question. “I’m making something I use to make back home. It’s quite popular.” Al replied with a smile as he noticed Yue was awake. “ hello my shining little star. Did you sleep well?” Al asked as Yue nodded and walked out curiously joining Leroy.

“Are you going to cook?” Yue asked as curiously as Al chuckled.

”yes. Why don’t you be my helper? I’d love to teach you this dish. It would make me happy to see you both cook this one day.” Al replied as he set out the ingredients. “It’s called Pelmeni it’s considered the national dish of Russia.” Al explained as he continued mixing the ingredients. “It’s wonderful pastry dumplings.” He explained as he slowly spread the thin pasta like dough. “It’s typically filled with minced meat and wrapped in a thin, pasta-like dough.” Al added as he showed the two how easily he filled the dough and wrapped it beautifully.  

“This dish can be served alone, slathered in butter and topped with sour cream, or in a soup broth.” Al explained with a small smile as he set down the first beautiful dumpling. “We are going to cook these in a thick beef broth. I think it will pair well with green onions and the minced beef inside the dumplings” Al finished as he showed the two how to make the dumplings again.

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"Hey there Yu. Welcome to join us." Leroy smiled as he patted the boy's hair affectionately before he moved his attention back towards Al. Apparently the good doctor is alsao a wonderful cook and as he explained how to make the Pelemni Leroy said: "Seems easy enough. Alright Yu let's make a big mountain of dumplings to fill up our belly~" He picked Yu up and put him on a chair before he grabbed a seat himself and began working on the dumpling production. He hummed joyfully as more and more of the meat filled pastries were made. After a while Derrick and Ayme also joined them in the kitchen and he asked: "Is dinner ready yet?"



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“depends on if you two actually got cleaned up? I’m not spending out vacation working. Misha has firmly refused to let me work” al replied with a small smirk towards Leroy.

”that’s right...any of you step a toe towards helping him I’ll punish you.” Misha added with a tiered yawn as he stepped out in pajamas and with messy hair having just crawled out of bed. Looking at Misha al chuckled before settling the dumplings in the soup and went to work setting the table.


(Your all good! :3 )

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"Yeah, we cleaned up alright. I assure you Ayme is totally clean inside~out." Derrick said with a meaningful smile before he began helping Misha setting the table. Soon after the beige family joined around the table, even the little twins were up and Leroy was holding one of them in his arms, teasing and playing with the little fellow. 


Meanwhile Derrick was pretty much stuck to Ayme the whole time, havinv a hand around his waist even when the ate. It was as if he was compensate for the time he had to be away from his lover and relishing every moment he had with him. As they enjoyed Al's cooking Leroy turned towards Misha and asked: "So Misha you went for a nap right? I haven't got a chance to check on the bedrooms here, how is the sleeping arrangements gonna work for us? Do we even have enough beds?"

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“Well kids share a room.” Misha started before being interrupted by an overly excited Yu.

”it has bunk beds!” Yu exclaimed excitedly as he looked at Derrick excited about the room he was staying in with the twins in the pack and play in the room next to him.

”yes, Yu is sleeping in the playroom and the twins in the guest next to our room. We have a big enough bed to share but if it’s two crowded on the king bed I brought an air mattress or two can bunk with the twins in the guest room.” Misha explained having paid for a smaller cabin that didn’t kill their savings or go to crazy on space. ”I chose price over space. I didn’t think we all needed our own room so it seemed like a good fit” Misha finished as he walked back to the kitchen.

”I don’t mind the closeness” Al replied as he went to the pot and stirred the soup the smell mouthwatering.

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"Bunk beds? Sounds fun." Derrick smiled as he reached for little Yu's head and caressed his hair lovingly. He then turned his attention back to Misha who explained the rest of the sleeping arrangement and said: "Five of us on the same bed huh? That would certainly be interesting." He held Ayme a bit close and chuckled: "Remember that time back in the hotel? How many people did we had back then?" 


"Still haven't got enough fun during your little walk with Ayme earlier? And I got the impression you also played a little in the shower." Leroy said with a sigh as he put the twin down on his baby seat. He then turned his attention towards Ayme and asked: "Are you feeling better now that you've made up with Derrick?"

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“We talked. I feel better more at peace.” Ayme admitted as he looked at Leroy. “Though I haven’t spent time with you. I’ve booked a night with al and Misha but what do you want to do?” Ayme asked Leroy wanting to make sure he got time also.

”we can reschedule.” Al reminded Ayme not wanting him to overdo since he wanted the albino to rest a touch also.

“We have a good week here at most.”Misha added as he settled down in a chair already serving himself.

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"Is that so? Well if you wanna spend some time with Al and Misha then I can just have a relaxing night by myself." Leroy said as he he began digging in and enjoyed the dumplings they made together.


"You know I am s little.hurt that you didn't even consider spending time with me." Derrick said in a trading tone: "I thought you've decided to spread your love around more."


"With Al, yes. As for you, you should be glad that I tolerate you at all." Leroy said as he rolled his eyes. 


"Look Ayme! Leroy is being mean to me!" Derrick said in a rather overdramatic fashion as he  hurried his face in Ayme's shoulder fake crying. He then let out aniufuk chuckle as he looked up at Ayme and said: "You gotta punish him for that at some point."

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“Please he’s got a good chunk of time carved out tomorrow just for that” Ayme replied to Derrick as he ate a spoonful of soup. “But it wouldn’t hurt for you two to at least find some middle ground.” Ayme added with a small huff at the two. “Either way I assume I use to be very busy with all of you at least I think I was. I plan to make my rounds eventually.” Ayme added as he looked at Misha who shrugged. 

“don’t look at me to figure out their schedules I always had a set time and date for our fun nights” Misha added as he looked at al who chuckled at the fun of it all.

”we could always draw straws make it even on who sleeps in the big closet~” al teased enjoying the closeness of his family.

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