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You can't choose family, nor love (hal7283 and Yukonwolfspirit, 18x, private)


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As expected Leroy came quickly and Derrick felt a surge of what could only be described as thrill washing over his body. Leroy Lawrence, that Leroy Lawrence! Was moaning and crying like a little slut beneath him! A malicious grin came to his face as he knew down and turned Leroy's face towards him and he forcefully claimed the man's lips with his own. Given the closeness of their position it was hard for him to be pulling in and out of both holes again so he just started to do short but rapid thrusts inside Leroy's pussy, driving him towards climax again and again. "Yea cum for me Leroy! Cum like the slut that you are!" He groaned as he pounded into his pussy again and again until finally he found himself nearing climax as well. 


"Here it goes Leroy! Take my cum!" Derrick growled as ecstasy washed over him and his body produced the second load of the night, strings of thick cum burst out of his cock and was dumped deep inside Leroy's pussy. He closed his eye and enjoyed the afterglow for a while inside Leroy and it was 9nly when he started to catch his breath did he pull out, dragging out some of the slimy seeds as his member was pulled out. "Looks like they're not gonna see me fuck you after all but.. well, we have all the days ahead if us." Derrick smiled as he slapped on Leroy's cock playfully. 

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“Be nice.” Ayme replied with a huff as he walked in Al heading to the kitchen with Misha following to make some tea. “Leroy is sensitive afterwards don’t be rough” Ayme added his eyes meeting Derricks as if daring him to step out of line of what he asked. “Seems the three of us are going to be very close for the next little bit.” Ayme admitted clearly annoyed but well he was already getting pent up again seeing the two men he loved having fun without him.

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Looking towards Ayme Derrick smiled as he grabbed Leroy's butt cheek and squeezed it playfully. "Oh why Ayme I am being nice! Look at how satisfied Leroy is after I filled up his pussy with my cum?" He got up and walked up towards Ayme to pull him into his arms, pressing a soft kiss on Ayme's cheek he lead his lover back to the bed beside Leroy. With a teasing smile he asked: "I mean look how happy he seems~~ as an expert of Leroy tell me my love, you think I have done a good job fucking him?"


And speaking of Leroy, the man was barely conscious as the pleasure from his multiple organisms still lingered inside his body. He moaned weakly when he felt the squeeze in his butt and as his eyes slowly refocused he saw Ayme looking down at him while being in Derrick's arms. "Nn.... A... Ayme..." He moaned weakly as he tried to get up but only managed to flip around. As he said there panting he wondered what Ayme thoightbonfhim while seeing him like this.



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“You did very good” Ayme replied his voice soft as he gently touched Leroys face. Staying in Derricks arms for a moment Ayme gently removed his arms before sitting in the bed caressing Leroys cheek. “But you failed to love him afterwards...Leroys not a quick fuck he’s someone you love also” Ayme finished looking back at Derrick while taking his hand. “Treat him like you would me please” Ayme asked his voice almost saddened at the request since he was upset of Misha and Als news. “I want you both to love each other like you love me” Ayme whispered his eyes looking over to Al who stood in the doorway. 

“Misha and I will give you some space tonight. Are you fine staying with Derrick and Leroy?” Al asked not looking into Aymes eyes the man feeling guilty for choosing Misha over Ayme on their desires.

“we will be fine” Ayme added his voice a touch cold toward Al as he held Derricks hand a little tighter. “I would prefer some space...so I’m fine staying with Leroy and Derrick.” Ayme added refusing to look at Al his emotions mixed and mostly angry.


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"To be fair I was just done fucking him before you entered. Never even got to the post-sex pillow talk part." Derrick said as he looked at Ayme. He could tell that there seems to be something a little off about Ayme, and it wasn't just his libido though he couldn't quite figure out what. He chuckled slightly at Ayme's request and said: "Well I doubt I would never love him as I love you. But... I think I can love him as a sweet piece of ass to fuck from tike to time.. assuming he let me."


It was then when Al showed up at the doorway and as Leroy looked over his direction he could also tell that something wasn't quite right between Ayme and All, but he felt to even talk about tit right now. Moaning slightly from Ayme's touch be looked at his lovers puzzled at what was going on. 

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“Mmh well you might have to learn to keep me happy” Ayme replied to Derrick before climbing into the bed beside Leroy. “Misha and Al are leaving for awhile after our vacation. It might be a more permanent leave they don’t know” Ayme explained settling in beside Leroy more as he frowned. “I’m upset they are leaving...it hurt but...I don’t think I should keep them by my side” Ayme whispered not even noticing the hot tears running down his cheeks. “So for now we are taking some healthy space. I’ll figure out our home schedule once this is all done” Ayme added curling up more into Leroy as he laid oblivious to his body burning in heat and desire to be fucked more despite his heavy heart.

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"They are.... leaving? Well that is certainly a surprise..." Derrick said as he laughed down beside Ayme on the opposite side of Leroy, he wrapped an arm around Ayme's waist and pressed a soft kiss on Ayme's shoulder. "I am sure they are leaving because they must... Regardless of their reasoning of leaving, you know I will do all I can to keep you happy right?"


While Derrick was taking the news relatively well, Leroy on the other hand was quite devastated. He had just barely managed to open himself up a little and confessed his love to Al earlier that day and now he was being told that his lover was leaving. Naturally he wanted to ask why but then he thought if he wanted answers he should get it straight from Al himself instead of second hand from Ayne. Besides, the most important person on his life was equally declared by this news and clearly in need of some comfort. He tilted Ayme's face up to look at him and said: "We'll already be by your side Ayme.. like always...."

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“I shouldn’t feel so angry but I do” Ayme whispered snuggling into Derrick and Leroy as he held them closer to his body. “I’m still wanting to continue our fucking....just....I’m frustrated because I want them to be happy!” Ayme added angrily as he sat up and looked between the two trying to figure out his own feeling while dealing with his other needs. “They could have told me any other time but I’m frustrated and angry and sad and I feel like everything is off balance and falling apart.” Ayme explained holding both of his lovers hands tightly as he spoke his mind calming a little. “I don’t want to lose anyone again” Ayme whispered before laying back on the bed and covering his face with his arm.

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Derrick looked at Ayme who was clearly upset by the news of their lovers leaving. "You're not losing anyone else... I won't allow it..." Derrick said as he turned on his side and lifted Ayme's arm off  his face, looking at his lover he smiled: "Don't worry love, we'll figure things out. I mean Leroy and I even managed to settle our differences. What could possibly be more difficult than that?" He leaned down and laid a soft kiss on Ayme's cheek before moving over to the man's ear and whispered: "So how about we forget about those two for the moment and have some fun?"


Meanwhile Leroy was also quite upset about the situation but given how dependent and attached he was to Ayme in the first place, knowing that the one who could've possibly balanced things out a little, namely Al, would be leaving soon, only made him want to be close to Ayme even more. Snuggling close against Ayme his hand roamed across Ayme's chest as he moved to lay down a soft kiss on Ayme's neck and shoulder. "You won't lose me.... I'll always be yours..." He whispered lovingly as he looked up at Ayme and said: "Please don't ever think that you'll be alone.."



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“I’m happy you two get along.” Ayme whispered with a small forced smile his eyes meeting Derricks. “I could go for more fun” Ayme mumbled a touch happy he still had Derrick and Leroy by his side and willing to love him. Feeling Leroy join in on the embrace Ayme felt more tears falling down his cheeks at Leroys words. “I don’t feel alone...how can I? I have you two” Ayme whispered as he sat up slowly and wiped away the tears falling down his face causing him to break down crying for a moment longer before he straightened out his shit and looked at the two. “Fuck.” Ayme exclaimed with a tiered sigh before kissing Leroys face and then Derricks.


“Let’s take a hot shower. Start fresh with our fun?” Ayme asked wanting to take Derrick up on his offer for more sex. “I feel like hot water might help ease in my sex week” Ayme added having decided in this moment to spend his time with Derrick and Leroy for the week he was in need.

Edited by Yukonwolfspirit
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Derrick and Leroy sat up as Ayme began to cry. Quietly they wrapped their arms around their lover in an attempt to comfort him as much as possible, though for Leroy he was also in need of some comforting given the news. Eventually though Ayme seemed to be able to calm himself and gave both of them a kiss on their cheeks. "Yeah a hot shower sounds nice." Derrick said as he pulled away and hopped down the bed. He then turned around to look at Ayme and Leroy and said with a teasing smile: "But Ayme you may have to give Leroy a hand to help him get up. I fucked him pretty hard earlier he may be still a bit weak."


"Oh shut up you...!" Leroy groaned as he tried to get on his feet but just as Derrick said his body still felt weak and his body wobbly from the afterglow of his earlier climax. He stumbled into Ayme's arms and said: "Sorry Ayme.. I probably do need a little help..."

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“That’s alright” Ayme admitted with a blush as he snuggled Leroy close helping him up. “I know you’ve gotten close to al and Misha...it must be painful for you also” Ayme whispered not sure if he was right on his small guess. “You can always talk to me about this stuff also, I know I’m not al but I can listen and try and help” Ayme explained with a small smile as he carried Leroy into the bathroom his eyes catching Derrick who was waiting. “Isn’t that a nice sight to see” Ayme teased excited to spend his time with Derrick and Leroy. Setting Leroy down he snuggled into Leroys body his own excited and happy to be soon playing with his lovers.

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Leroy fell silent for a moment when Ayme pointed out that he would feel bad for Al and Misha leaving as well. He turned to look at Ayme who would always be his first and biggest love and said: "It.... it will be difficult... and I certainly need to hear what they have to say directly from them.... I'm sure I'll be heartbroken so I'll appreciate it if you could comfort me afterwards." He managed to put on a weak smile as they made their way to the bathroom where Derrick had already turned the shower on. The room was getting filled with hot steam and Derrick was standing under the water with his hand reached out: "Come on you two! Let's make some noise~"


Derrick pulled the two into the shower booth once they were in reach and rather passionately covered Ayme's lips with his own. Past experiences had shown that a passionate fuck usually could solve most problems in this household and that was what he intended to do. Meanwhile his hands were certainly not idle as one reached around and grabbed Ayme's butt while the other went for Leroy's. After a while he pulled away from the steamy kiss and chuckled: "I might be the luckiest man alive... having the love of my life and my cute rival all by myself~"


"Call me cute again and I'll yank your dick off...!" Leroy said as he glared at Derrick, though there was little strength in his words as his body was shivering with want. Just why was his body so fucking sensitive? He turned towards Ayme and pressed their lips together lovingly while roaming his hand over his lovers' bodies. 

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“I’ll always be here to comfort you” Ayme replied kissing Leroys cheek lovingly before following him to the bathroom. Blushing red at the sudden scene before him Ayme stood in front of the shower enjoying the heat of the steam and the eye candy in front of him. Feeling the hot water cascading down his back Ayme melted into the sudden kiss that deepened and held him captive in Derricks arms. “Don’t fight.” Ayme replied to Leroy his voice a broken moan as he could only focus on the hand gripping his ass. With his body trembling in need and burning desire Ayme wrapped his arms around Leroys neck as they kissed his cock throbbing as he slow ground into his lovers body.

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Leroy moaned as he enjoyed the deep kiss with Ayme, their lips and tongue danced passionately while his smaller cock rubbed against Ayme's member as it twitched and throbbed with excitement. He could still feel Derrick's hand squeezing his butt cheeks which made him shiver in excitement. Pulling away slightly from the kiss he whispered: "Ayme.. I want you..." He took a step back and leaned against the wall while he opened his legs, reaching a hand down he stretched his juicy pussy open with his fingers and begged: "Please Ayme.. I want you inside me..."

"Well... if you don't take the offer I just might." Derrick chuckled as he got behind Ayme, kissing his neck and shoulder while roaming his hands all over the man's beautiful body. His own erection shoved between Ayme's soft pale buns and he said: "I could use a pointer or two when it comes to fucking him~"



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Ayme groaned and ground back hungrily enjoying every twitch of Leroys cock his body adoring Leroys. “Do you really want me?” Ayme asked his voice teasing as he bit Leroys neck enjoying the way his lover was moaning for him. Hearing Derrick he chuckled at the eagerness to have his fun with Leroy. “Back off I get the first round!” Ayme replied with a smirk as he pulled Leroy up a little slipping his cock in with a happy lust filled groan. “God you feel good~” Ayme groaned in bliss as he looked at Derrick.

“I’ll teach you every trick I know~” Ayme promised Derrick his lips finding Derricks as he ground back against Derrick his cock moving slowly inside Leroy as he moved to make out with Derrick. Holding onto Leroy he held him in a very frustrating checkmate where he wouldn’t be able to get off without getting very very close to Ayme to keep his lovers cock inside. “Why don’t you set the pace?” Ayme asked Derrick as he broke the kiss his body ready to be fucked hard.

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Leroy moaned out lustfully as he felt Ayme's cock pushing inside his pussy, which after taking cum from Ayme then Derrick was quite a wet slimy mess already. He wrapped his arms around Ayme's neck and moved his body alongside Ayme to meet his thrusts. But it soon became clear that Ayme was holding back, teasing Leroy with his shallow pushes and keeping Leroy wanting more. "Ayme please..." He begged trying to get the attention he craved from his lover. 


Meanwhile Derrick chuckled at Ayme's request and said: "You want me to do all the work huh? Why am I feeling that this isn't you harem anymore but mine?" He pulled back his hip slightly so the tip of his raging member could press against Ayme's entrance, knowing his lover appreciates some roughness from time to time he forced himself in rather abruptly and pressed Ayme against Leroy tightly. He grabbed on Ayme's waist as he began pounding Ayme against Leroy fiercely. 



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“Mmh I get to tease you a touch this time.” Ayme whispered in Leroys ear as he continued moving slow his hips not even pushing his cock fully into Leroy. Looking back at Derrick he huffed a touch at his words. “Like hell are you in charge. I’m giving you permission to have a full rough and satisfying fuck.” Ayme replied with a small frown his eyes turning back to Leroy as he groaned at the rough insertion forcing him deep into Leroy. As he was pinned under Derrick, Ayme had Leroy pinned firmly against the wall all for but his cock which would thrust in every time Derrick roughly pounded his ass.

Letting out more happy moans Ayme bit into Leroys shoulder his body shaking as his cock slipped in and out of Leroy being squeezed and then rammed inside again and again in time to his own prostate being rammed causing his body to beg for more in the sound of lewd noises. Pulling Leroy closer Ayme reached down with one hand teasing the mans clit. “Derrick push a little harder truly punish me~ Then we can try other positions” Ayme begged not wanting anyone to come so soon as he pushed Leroy down more against the wall loving every second of their rough lovemaking.

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Derrick chuckled at Ayme's words and said teasingly: "You're giving me permission huh? Well in that case I should make use of this permission to the fullest~" He slapped on Ayme's butt before ramming into him fast and hard: "A rough and satisfying fuck coming right this way~" He began thrusting into Ayme so hard that each time he entered it would make Ayme's heels leave the shower floor. He groaned and panted in delight as the feeling of his lover's body was simply to die for, and the beautiful sounds Ayme and Leroy were making was just incredible. 


And speaking of sound, Leroy was really moaning and crying his lungs out given teh strong thrust he was getting from Ayme in addition to having his sensitive clit toyed with. He held onto Ayme helplessly as the violent waves of pleasure washed over him. Given how sensitive his body was it wouldn't take long for him to be pushed towards the state of constant ecstasy soon. 

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“Fuck~“ Ayme moaned as Derrick really showed him just how rough he could be. Feeling his body move with each thrust his own cock pounded hard into Leroy pinning him more into place against the wall. Teasing his lovers clit more he rubbed it slowly wanting to make Leroy feel mad with pleasure.  “You’ve been holding back with me~” Ayme teased Derrick as he pinched one of Leroys sensitive nipples. “Leroy might not last to long~” Ayme added as he looked back at Derrick.

”we will have to change positions if Leroy can’t last as long as us, but maybe I haven help him out.” Ayme explained planning on really showing his lovers a good time. “I packed a bag of fun things for us to play with of your both down.” Ayme a offered to both Derrick and Leroy as he bit Leroys neck playfully.

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Leroy was on the edge of climax when Ayme suggested to change positions, holding onto his lover helplessly as he panted and moaned from all the simulation he was getting, his pussy, his clit, his nipple, all at once was simply too overwhelming. Now finally given a moment of rest he rested his head on Ayme's shoulder and said: "I... I could use a little... change of pace... ha.. h...ha...."


Meanwhile Derrick was intrigued by Ayme's suggestion as he slowed down his thrusting, turning it to a slow grind and said: "To be honest I think Leroy wouldn't really mind being made to cum again and again and pass out from pleasure but... that bag of fun things you mentioned does interests me... What exactly do you have in mind?"


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“Well, seeing as Leroy can’t stop from cumming I want to help keep him in the game longer~” Ayme explained excited that they where considering his idea. “Give me a second darling” Ayme asked Derrick as he moved a touch forward. Setting Leroy down on the shower floor he used the new space to remove himself from Derricks cock still grinding his ass. Kissing Derricks cheek Ayme went back to the bedroom coming back with a black leather bag that had been tucked in his suitcase. “We are going to fuck Leroy at the same time.He’s got two great holes.” Ayme explained with a smirk as he pulled out a nicely ribbed dildo that was connected to a corded remote with vibration settings.

“He’s going to be filled with our cocks and these nice toys really stuffing him full.” Ayme showed Derrick pulling out another matching dildo for him to use on Leroy. Pulling out a dick pin Ayme picked up a bottle of lube from the bag with a devilish lick to the pin he and added a touch lube before grabbing Leroys cock. Slowly pushing it in he put the metal pin all the way down the silver ball at the top compliantly covering Leroys slit. “He can’t cum easily now ensuring we can have a lot of playtime. And to keep him from removing it we will be chaining his wrists together.” Ayme added as he put the tightly bound cuffs on Leroys hand and with a shorter chain looped it around the back of his neck.

“And to keep him from being naughty~. We have these~“ Ayme exclaimed as he showed two small nipple clamps that attached to the end of the chain that restrained Leroy from touching himself or he would pull his nipples hard. “You should have some fun and put these clamps on him” Ayme offered with Derrick clearly into some kinky ass shit. Digging around he pulled out a black bottle of lube. “This one is really fun~ makes everything burn and the only thing that cools it is cum. It lasts for days.” Ayme whispered with a smirk as he looked at his lovers.

(Planned I’m having the next gen doing more kinky stuff like this >:3 )

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Leroy sat on the shower floor and panted desperately as he was pushed to the edge of climax only to be left on the edge when Ayme pulled away. Looking towards the direction where his lover has disappered to he wondered just what on Earth could he have planned for him. He had a feeling that whatever they may be, he would probably get screwed, both figuratively and literally, but at the end he'd likely enjoy it cause that's just the way he was now. A masochist little slut for his lovers. Soon enough Ayme returned, and as Ayme took out one toy after another Leroy was qickly overwhelmed by them all. "H...ah... Ayme.. w... wait.. it.... it hurts!" Leroy whined as he held onto Ayme while he pushed the urethral plug into his small cock, the pain was immense as it forced through the tight slit and rubbed against the all too delicate membranes inside his cock, but at the same time the sensation was incredible. His hands were then handcuffed behind him connected to a chain looping around his neck. His body was still shaking from the pain and pleasure of having his urethral penetrated when Ayme handed Derrick the nipple clamps. 


"My my Ayme... you sure are merciless when it comes to bullying Leroy." Derrick smiled as he looked at the small clamps in his hands then turned his gaze towards Leroy who was looking at him. He could see the mixture of fear, anticipation and desperation in his eyes and he smiled almost maliciously: "Let me remind you that it's Ayme's idea so don't blame me." He then got down and put the clamps on Leroy's sensitive buds which caused him to cry out in blissful agony, his small cock throbbing around the plug while his pussy and ass twitched and convulsed in excitement. Derrick then turned back towards Ayme and said: "Hand me one of those dildos would you? Let's fill our little slut up to the brim ~"

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“That’s because I’m the only one allowed to bully any of you~” Ayme replied with a smirk of power. Watching Derrick clamp Leroys nipples was interesting the man having no hesitation when it came to what Ayme included him in. “Honestly I expected you to hesitate a touch his nipples are more sensitive then ours” Ayme admitted watching Leroy squirm below them. At Derricks request Ayme nodded and grabbed out the toys picking up the dildos he handed one to Derrick holding his own before covering it in the black bottle lube. “Mmh now then which hole do you want? The lube I’m using lasts about three days according to the site.”

”He will be completely fine until it burns and then suddenly… you’ll have such a deep primal need to be fucked that it will drive you mad until you have some cum inside you to cool you down~“ Ayme explained as he played with the chain around the back of Leroys neck making the clamps move ever so slightly. “I’m going to shove this lube deep inside you with this dildo and when we switch you’ll be filled in both holes with the burning only breaking down to mindless begging to be double fucked non stop.” Ayme promised Leroy having planned out his fun.

“and to be absolutely fair the next time it’s my turn to have this lube in me and be bullied” Ayme promised Leroy with a soft kiss to his cheek.  Of course he and Derrick would survive the lubes contact without its added affect since Ayme had read up on everything when ordering the lube for them. “If you use it Derrick use a condom for the first five minutes so you don’t go mad” Ayme explained as he grabbed a condom and a small sand timer to let him know when it was safe. “This can be used on cocks makes them insufferably hard for three days and you can only get soft after cumming all over yourself afew times.” Ayme admitted as he looked at his fuck mates.

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