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You can't choose family, nor love (hal7283 and Yukonwolfspirit, 18x, private)


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As Derrick and Leroy listened to Ayme providing more explanation on the rather potent lube he had got, each of them got a different expression on their face. For Derrick it was intrigue, and for Leroy it was horror. But beneath both they were equally turned on by the prospect of it. Being endlessly aroused for three whole days, that would certainly be marvelous either to behold or experience. "A... Ayme you... you're sure about this... ha  hnn... ha... I.. I mean I am super sensitive already... you.. you sure that lube isn't gonna... drive me nuts or something?"


"I think that's the whole point, dear Leroy." Derrick smiled as he took the dildo and covered it with lube. Looking at the toy he smiled as he moved it down between Leroy's legs and without warning rammed it all the way inside his pussy, causing the poor man to scream out in pleasure. He pressed his pam against the base of the toy and began shaking it rather violently. As pleasure and the burning sensation started to spread Leroy began moaning and squirming desperately from the sensation. "HA.. AH .N..ha.. I.... I'm s.. .gonna.... get you.... back on... on this! Both.. both of you....!" He said between his moans as his body burned with desire.  

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Hearing Derricks truthful words Ayme chuckled a little at Leroys worry. “I have a backup solution that will stop all effects if it gets to bothersome or painful or I feel your not enjoying it” Ayme reassured Leroy as he kissed his head. “I won’t intentionally hurt you. I want you to enjoy sex and what we are doing” Ayme added as his eyes watched Derrick lube up a dildo. As the dildo was rammed up Leroy Ayme held his lovers body helping support him for Derrick. Watching Derrick moving the dildo and Leroys body moaning Ayme was enjoying the show more then he would liked to admit. 

“Well I sure hope so we’re giving you three days of sex and fun~” Ayme teased while licking up Leroys neck his free hand slipping his own lubed up dildo into Leroys tight ass. Slowly moving the dildo in and out Ayme felt his own cock hardening again. Turning the timer over he eagerly waiting for the five minutes to be up so he could fill up Leroy even more. “Seems this isn’t enough for you I want to make sure you have reason to keep your promise~“ Ayme whispered in Leroys ear as he helped Leroy stand better and now with his other free hand grabbed the lube and poured it on Leroys cock before rubbing it thoroughly in. Taking his time he waited until the timer ran out of sand and giving it a little longer of a wait Ayme had decided he couldn’t wait any more.

 Leaving leroy with the dildo hanging in his ass he walked over to his bag and pulled out some straps for the dildos so they didn’t have to hold them while Fucking. As he came back he added the straps securing the dildo tightly into Leroys hole leaving just nearly enough room for him to stream his Leroy while slipping in. Moving Leroys asscheeks open Ayme  rubbed his throbbing cock eagerly before pushing just the tip into leroy allowing him to put his cock underneath the toy so it keep it pushed up against his lovers prostate keeping it firmly there as he was fucked. Letting out a deep groan Ayme put his hands on Leroys hips. “Your very tight~” Ayme moaned his body trembling in pleasure.

Biting down on Leroys shoulder he pushed his cock in in one hard thrust his motion forcing Leroys hips to allow him to ram fully into his tight hole his cock and the dildo almost overstuffing him. Biting even harder he wrapped his arms around Leroys waist his hand turning on the dildo on the highest most brutal setting. Tightening his arms around Leroys waist Ayme was almost dominating like an animal in heat, Ayme was truly terrifying when he refused his hormone suppressants. Licking up Leroys neck again as lube and cum slid out of his lovers tight hole Ayme smirked as he looked at Derrick excited for his torture day. 

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"Oh don't worry Ayme. I doubt that solution would become necessary. After all, Leroy is a masochist through and through. He'll take whatever punishment you give him gladly, isn't that right Leroy?" Derrick smiled as he gave the dildo insdie Leroy's pussy another shove. 


"E... easy for you to.. haa .AAAH~ To saY!!" Leroy moaned from the sensation as Ayme proceeded to the next phase of his blissful torment. He gasped as he felt the dildo pressing against his ass. As the toy moved inside he immediately began feeling the burning sensation from his intestines as well which cause him to squirm and shiver in agony, holding onto Ayme desperately as he waited for the burn to subside. But instead of giving him any time to relax Ayme had the bright idea of coating his small sensitive cock with that lube as well. "HA AAHA AAAAH! Ayme .. please no.. no more it.. it burns.. ha.. .aaaah! It feels so... so strange..!!!" Leroy was in such a mess that he could hardly stand on his own. If it wasn't the fact that Derrick still had a hand holding the dildo up his pussy he would have fell right back onto the floor again. After Ayme got he straps to fix the dildos in place it was finally time for Ayme to resume fucking his lover, and by then the effect of the lube had also began to change. 


"NN..hahaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!" Leroy cried out as Ayme forced his already stuffed ass wide open and pushed his hard throbbing cock inside. The entrance itself was enough to push Leroy over the edge and he would have spilled out his seeds if it weren't for the urethral plug that blocked his ejaculation. "HA... Ayme... aYME... FUCK... fuck me... fucke me harder.. aah ahahahaa`~~" he cried out as he was getting tripple penetrated from both dildos and Ayme and as the toys were turned on he was quickly became a twitching and screaming mess, hardly saying anything coherent and was just wailing uncontrollably from the pleasure. His eyes roleld back and his tongue left dangling outside his mouth. 


During all this Derrick has been standing at the side and observing his lovers. It's quite marvelous when Ayme went full on sadistic and torment Leroy like this, and for that purpose Leroy was indeed the perfect lover for him, being so sensitive the slightest stimulation would make him moan the sweetest sounds, and the more brutal you get with him, the more lewd this tormented men become, and he seemed to be able to take endless amount of it likely thanks to the infusion of Ayme's genes. Part of him was almost jealous and he felt a little bit left out being the only one in the household without a little piece of Ayme inside them, but on the other hand Derrick knew the role he played in Ayme's life, as the other dominant one who could abuse Ayme when he's in the mood, and add some flare to it when he is on his wilder side. He chuckled slightly and said: "I'll admit Ayme, you sure know how to bully Leroy the best." He got in front of the two and held Leroy's legs up, ready to join in the fun and essentially quadruple penetrate the poor man. But instead of aiming for the less occupied hole, namely Leroy's pussy, he pressed the tip of his cock against the man's already rather overcrowded anus. Even Leroy snapped back to reality for a brief moment as he looked at Derrick with disbelief: "You... wha.. ha.. what are you..."


"What do you think I'm doing, fucking your slutty ass that's what." Derrick smiled deviously as he began pushing and he groaned feeling just how tight the hole was. Leroy being on the receiving end of such treatment was certainly having a hellish time as his body shivered in agony. Little by little his ass was streched wider than ever before until Derrick was able to force his cock inside squeezed tightly against the vibrator and Ayme's cock. "Damn this is a tight fit.. I feel like I could cum at any moment..." Derrick groaned. 

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“mmmghn” Ayme mumbled back to Derrick more focused on how he was feeling. Watching Derrick he caught on to what he was planning and helped hold Leroy up so he could properly get in. “It’s going to be so tight!” Ayme moaned his cock squeezing and being rubbed all over as Derrick slowly pushed himself in. “God he’s so tight it feels so good!” Ayme moaned happily his cock feeling more pleasure then he had ever felt before. Reaching easily forward he ran a finger up Leroys twitching cock.

“The outside feels hot~ I wonder how good the inside would feel?” Ayme asked slowly pulling the plug out of Leroys cock only leaving enough left to keep him from cumming. Using his other hand glad Derrick was supporting Leroy also he took some of the lube spilled on leroys stomach and added it to the plug before sliding back down inside leroys hole wanting him to burn both inside and out. “Well then Derrick shall we move? Or should we play with the vibrators first?” Ayme asked with a smirk his hand reaching down and rubbing Leroys clit over and over with his thumb.

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Leroy was in such a mess already having all of his holes filled, especially his ass being triple penetrated. But of course Ayme wanted to add even more torment as he pulled the urethral plug out only to coat it with the same burning lube that would make him burn up with desire. "Ha... n.. Ayme please no.. a.. it's.. it's too much already I can't.. nn... hhnnnnnnnnn!!!!!" He groane in agony as the plug was pushed back in again which is now causing his small cock to burn from the inside and out. He wasn panting and screaming out of his lungs from the burning sensations and was helpless against the violent waves of burning pain and ecstatic pleasure wreaking havoc to his senses, and when Ayme began toyin with his sensitive clit it certainly didn't help at all. 


"My my... Leroy looks like he's having so much fun." Derrick chuckled as he jumped his body slightly which caused his cock to bump inside Leroy's over-crowded hole. He reached down to hold the base of the dildo shoved in Leroy's pussy and said: "Why don't we do both? Let's really mess him up. How long do you think he can manage before passing out from pleasure?" 

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“Well usually you can make him last longer…but given how much he’s taking…five maybe ten minutes. If we are lucky twenty?” Ayme replied back to derrick groaning as he felt Derricks cock rubbing up more against his. Nodding at Derricks plan Ayme gently stroked Leroys clit over and over as Derrick worked the dildo more inside of Leroy. “If you look there’s some buttons that move the actual cock part it can move in circles or up and down.” Ayme offered as his slipped Leroys clit between his two fingers. Keeping it in one place he rubbed and toyed with the sensitive spot his lubed thumb continuing to rub and tease the clit. “We can make this even more fun~” Ayme added his free hand moving to nudge the dildo in Leroys ass.

Pushing it in more he slowly removed the straps fully knowing that Derrick and his own cock would hold the dildo in place if needed. Pulling the dildo out slowly he groaned as the vibration hit his cock and rubbed his cock as he slowly pulled it out leaving just two cocks in. Putting the dildo back at Leroys stretched hole Ayme slowly pushed the dildo back in between his and Derricks cock so they could feel the vibrations better.

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"Alright Ayme, let's take this party to the next level." Derrick smiled as he pushed the buttuns on the dildo and made it move in circles inside Leroy's pussy while he thrust it in and out, and as Ayme moved the dildo out of Ayme's ass only to shove it vibrating between their cocks the pleasure was quickly become rather overwhelming for Derrick as well. "Fuck.... I don't think I'm gonna last long myself...!" He groaned as he began grinding his waist, moving as much as he could inside Leroy as the tightness made any movement rather hard. The pulsing squeeze of Leroy's ass adding to the vibration of the dildo soon brought Derrick to climax. He moaned in pleasure as the ecstatic wave of pleasure traveled through his body and he released his cum in Leroy's ass. 


As for Leroy himself, well he has been riding on the wave of ecstasy non-stop and has long lost the ability to form any coherent thought in his wanton mind, he was just twitching and moaning helplessly from the overwhelming pain and pleasure, his eyes rolled back and his mouth left opened. All of his tears snot and drools were washed away by the running shower or his face would be a total mess right now. After cumming Derrick pulled his cock out of Leroy and said: "How about we move back to the bed? Staying too long in the shower is bad for my skin."

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“Your right. It’s to tight and to good” Ayme moaned his own hips thrusting and grinding their way to orgasm. Moaning happily as he came and filled Leroys ass Ayme played with the plug teasing Leroy until he spilled his last drop of cum deep inside Leroys ass. Pushing the plug back fully in he gently pet Leroys leg as he pulled out of the man the only thing holding in the cum being the dildo now. “I wouldn’t mind that. Wouldn’t want your skin to dry out now~” Ayme teased Derrick as he helped set Leroy on his feet for a moment. “Leroy will be out of it for a bit.” Ayme admitted as he pulled the toys out and the plug allowing Leroy to finally cum.

“Let me clean him up and then we can enjoy ourselves if your up to it” Ayme offered as he held onto Leroy worried he might fall given the state he was in.

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Leroy was twitching and moaning helplessly from all the sensation assaulting his senses, and once the toys and more importantly the urethral plug was removed he let out a sharp cry as his body jolted forward one last time, cum burst out of his small cock like an explosion and sprayed all over Derrick and himself. The sensation of that release was enough to push Leroy beyond his limits and he quickly fell unconscious from sensory overload again. 


"Yeah, who knew taking a shower could be this messy?" Derrick smiled as he helped to hold Leroy up and began washing the cum off themselves. Afterwards they got out of the shower and dried up before returning to the bedroom. They set Leroy on the bed who was groaning and moaning in his sleep, likely due to the effect of those aphrodisiac lube still making his body burning hot and aroused. "Man he looks like a mess... Probably not gonna get a moment of rest for the next three days..." Derrick smiled as he reached a hand around Ayme's waist and said: "I'm pretty much done for the night but... I kind of feel bad for leaving Leroy like this... perhaps we should shove those dildos back in him so if he wakes up in the middle of the night he could get some relief from them?" 



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“ I think he would like that. I have some softer rubber ones” Ayme offered as he dug through his bag and pulled out some dildos that where more comfortable to sleep with. “If he needs relief he can wake me up to take care of him.” Ayme added with a shrug enjoying sex with his lovers. Slipping the dildos in Ayme stretched afterwards and went to the closet to slip on some pants. “I’m going to go check on the kids and grab a smoke. Wanna join?” Ayme asked having picked ip the terrible habit again. “I want to talk away from any other ears” Ayme added wanting to talk to Derrick about what had happened when he was gone and at this point give him a name finally. “There’s also a small job I need you to do if you can or maybe you can find someone to help me out?” Ayme asked picking up his contents from his old pants and slipping on some flip flops (thongs) he sighed tiredly seeming to have much on his mind.

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Leroyas body shivered slightly as he lost our a soft moan when Take pushed the dildos inside him. Instinctively he closed his legs a bit fighter and wiggled a little to get more pleasure. Even in his sleep the live was making him insatiable. As Some got dressed and was about to go out for a smoke break Derrick grabbed a shirt and put it on like a cape an said: "Sure I can join you. I could use a cigarette from time to time." He raised his eyeborw when Sure mentioned a "job" and he said: "I assume it's not my cooking skills that you need the job for right?" He walked over towards Take and stated straight into his eyes and said: "You know I would do everything for you so just tell me what it is. Do you need someone found? Dead? Disappeared?"

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“I need two people found, and someone dead. I was hoping you might have some connections.” Ayme admitted leading the way outside to the porch. Settling down on a chair outside he sighed and lit his cigarette. “Dimitri. Is the man who kidnapped me. I would like him found and killed. I want proof of his death though. I don’t need anyone ripping apart my family again” Ayme explained to Derrick as he smoked his body a touch tense as he talked.

“ my second person is an old friend we’ve had many good conversations growing up. Shares some of my created organs and a few interesting qualities of mine. I want him brought safely by to visit hopefully he can be tracked down. He goes by the name of Rownan he keeps quiet and to himself but I don’t think it would hurt to see him. Father enjoyed his visits with him medical wise with testing so he’s skittish he won’t trust easily and won’t leave unless he has good security.” Ayme finished giving Derrick what he could to help find the two.

“You’ll have to ask darling older brother to borrow some of his men, but he would make a great surrogate for Misha. And he’s better then Al when it comes to medicine for us. Providing I pay enough they would be in better hands then running off to some dumbass in another country. Course they would still travel and stay with him but…they won’t have to worry about failure I doubt a uterus or body  made of my cells would fail to conceive” Ayme added with a tiered mutter having given his plan lots of thought. “I want them happy. And if having their own family will do that then who am I to deny it?” Ayme asked more to himself then Derrick.

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As they got to the porch Derrick took a deep breath as he felt to cool night breeze blow against his exposed body. There was certainly something liberating in being pretty much butt baked in the open. He leaned against the railing as he listened to what exactly was the job Ayme had in mind and let out a deposit sigh when he heard the name Dimitri. "Yeah that son of a bitch is quite hard to find. Given what he has done he surely deserves to die.  But... As much as I hate to say it, the fact that we weren't able to find him immediately after your rescue meant that he could be anywhere by now. The chance of actually finding him would be very, very slim. I will contact mynood connections and see if they've learned anything since then."


As for the second individual Ayme wanted to be found Derrick raised an eyebrow and said: "So this Rownan is another one of those people who got a part of you inside them? I mean sure I will try to find him if you think he could help out but hope you don't mind me asking..... Do you intend to bring him into the harem as well? I mean if he's cite then I don't mind but as you know, not everyone in this householdnisnas accepting of newcomers." His gaze turned back towards their room where Leroy was still moaning in his sleep. 

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“Thank you.” Ayme replied glad Derrick would try this putting him at ease that his family would be safe. “No, he’s just here for a visit…well paycheck if he accepts my offer. Besides…I don’t think I’ll be collecting any other lovers. I’m quite happy with the kinky number of two I have” Ayme explained as he laughed softly amused by the question. “Don’t worry about it really, I’m basically stuck to you and Leroy out of love and desire.” Ayme teased Derrick while getting up from his spot. Going toward Derrick he wrapped his arms around his waist and playfully bit his shoulder. “The night air is nice” Ayme whispered snuggling N into Derrick happily. “Thank you for the help.” Ayme mentioned glad Derrick was willing to do so much for him.

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"Well, I;m glad to hear that." Derrick smiled as he wrapped his arms around Ayme as well: "Oh Ayme don't thank me yet. I haven't even began to search for your friend. As for that bastard Dimitri, finding him would be its own reward. I look forward to finally ending his miserable existence." His gaze turned towards the pack of smoke Ayme had earlier and asked: "Mind if I have one? Smelling it off you has reawakened my craving. You are to blame for this." 


Meanwhile back in the bedroom, Leroy moaned as he slowly regained consciousness, finding his hands still bounded behind him and stuffed with dildos he moaned lustfully as he clenched his holes around the toy to get more stimulation. "Ayme... Derrick.. where are you...?" He looked around seeing no sign of his lovers. His mind then drifted to the thought of Al and Misha leaving them. Ayme might have already accepted the situation but he was surely stilled owned an explanation from them directly. He struggled to get up and moaned as he left the toys slip out of his pussy and ass. He then began wobbling his way out of the bedroom and headed for Al and Misha's room.

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“Mmh I’ll allow one in repayment for helping” Ayme replied with a chuckle. “Besides if you ever need replacement parts I could always help” Ayme added with a chuckle as he kissed Derricks cheek. “Now that Mishas leaving I can continue my habit as much as I like!” Ayme exclaimed with a happy laugh not yet ready to face the fact that a part of him deep inside hurt that they wanted to leave. Looking out at the stars Aymes happy mood fell as he looked at Derrick for a moment. “Do you think they where unhappy being with me?” Ayme asked softly his voice full of worry and uncertainty.


“look it’s going to suck we might just have to cut off contact until things feel better” Al mumbled as he sat on the edge of the bed both still up.

”you really think it will make our choice feel like anything less of betrayal. I mean how do we even explain it to Yu.” Misha asked his eyes red from crying as he sat on his side of the bed both dressed.

”honestly I don’t know. No matter what we say or do it’s throwing them away all we can do is hope we can stay friends.” Al replied as he stopped looking at the door where Leroy stood. “Hey. You should really be wearing clothes.” Al added not wanting Leroy to catch a cold as he opened the door more for him to come in. “Want me to help you out if those.” Al asked having seen the other two go outside. “Ayme and Derrick are outside if your looking for them” Al added with a frown.

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"To be honest I don't know them well enough to give you an answer." Derrick said as he took a cigarette from the lack and waited for Some to help him light it. Inhaling the smoke he then puffed out a large portion of it and said: "But sometimes people just need to leave to find themselves, despite the ruins they may leave at their wake. Iyou should know better than most." Derrick looked straight into Ayme's eyes and said: "So give them a chance to figure things out. And unlike when you left me and Leroy alone, we now have each other so things won't fall apart."




Mea while Leroy was at Al and Misha's doorstep. He was still quite a mess with the lube's effect making his body feel like it's on fire in and out. His little cock twitched and throbbed as pre-cum leaked out and dropped in the floor. As Leroy was let in the saved no time before pretty much tackling Al to the floor and rather forcefully claimed the good doctor's lips. Moaning and crying as tears formed in his eyes. It took a moment bridge he pulled away as he looked down at All a bit grudgingly. "I... I heard from Ayme that you and Misha is leaving... Isn't it a bit cruel? On the very same day that I confessed my love to you and you accepting my feelings, you decided to leave me behind? And I have to learn the news second hand!? I.... hn.... Ha....Ah.... I need an explanation...!" Despite his anger towards the two his body was still hopelessly aroused, and even the slight friction he got from pressing his cock against Al's body was sending shivers across this body and make me moan out lustfully. 

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“Seems you both won’t let me live that down.” Ayme replied with a tiered sigh. “And it seems a lifetime of sex might make up for it?” Ayme offered Derrick with a small smile hoping one day he would truly be forgiven.


”ah….okay. Seems Ayme did use his bag of fun.” Al replied as he looked at Leroy with a saddened smile gently holding him close in his arms. “I’m sorry. I really am” Al whispered his voice broken as he just held Derrick. “I wanted to talk and we didn’t want to go out until we where sure. But I was worried how Ayme would take it mentally I thought it was best to give him a longer cool down period.” Al explained as he undid Leroys hands for him letting him move his body comfortably while Misha shut their bedroom door.

”I have no one left of my lineage. And…I want a family like Aymes” Misha added his heart breaking at how much he was hurting everyone.

”it’s not forever just until we can find a doctor and surrogate. After that we will come back as soon as we can” Misha promised as he knelt down beside Ayme. “It’s only temporary I wouldn’t ever abandon you guys” Misha whispered gently touching Leroys hand as he looked at him and Al.

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"Oh I didn't bring it up to blame you for it. I'm just saying that it was something you had to do, and it caused a lot of harm, but also did a lot of good. In the end it was an important part of our loves and we wouldn't be who we are without it, for better or worse. But... I will take that lifetime of sex anyway." Derick smiled as he learned against And and enjoyed the moment they had together. 



Meanwhile Leroy was still moaning and panting on top of Al as he and Misha explains their reasons for leaving, and hearing Misha making sure that it was temporary. He buddies his face into Al's chest and said: "I understand why you are leaving.. I just don't like the idea of not having you two in my life... Even just for a while.." he turned to look at Misha and grabbed him down to the ground as well, holding the tightly in his arms Leroy said: "Al, you know perfectly well I have abandonment issues... I don't take people leaving well.. and Misha... I am so jealous of you cause the first thing this man dis after accepting my confession of love is to decide leaving me to help you make a family... Yeah I know you two were a thing long before I even knew Al but still... It hurts a little... I don't blame either if you for anything but I'm just... A little upset.... And I am very.. very horny cause the lube Ayme used on me...." He pushed himself up slightly to look at the two and said: "Ayme seemed determined to... distract himself with wild sex to foefet the pain of you two leaving, but I don't want what could be our first family trip to end with a bad taste in our mouths... I want us all to part on good terms with memories of a good time, together....." He leaned down and pressed a needy kiss on Al's lips, then Misha's and said: "Take me back to Ayme and let's all make up, okay? Then after that would someone please fill my pussy and ass? God thus fucking live is driving me insane...!"

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“Mmh I have a plan for you Leroy just need some time” Al replied with a small sigh kissing Leroys head realizing he hurt Leroy by planning to go with Misha. 

“I don’t want to take him from you. I’m just scared. I don’t want to be alone….and it’s not fair to ask Ayme or you to leave and I didn’t want Al to leave but he didn’t want me to go alone. He worries.” Misha explained tears falling down his face again.

”I wouldn’t let Leroy travel alone. Just how I won’t let you.” Al replied not wanting any of his lovers to get hurt. Looking down at Leroy he could tell the poor man was suffering the affects of the lube which he was glad he hadn’t been apart of from the sounds of it. “Leroy, it won’t work well throwing himself like he did into something else to hide his pain eventually it will come back out and he will lash out” Al explained worried more that he wouldn’t be able to be around to help anyone if he left with Misha. 
At Leroys request to join the others it hit hard…there was a huge rift and well for Misha or Al they didn’t think it could just be smoothed over.

”Al just take him back. Let them know he’s awake” Misha mumbled getting up and leaving the room to go check on the kids needing a break.

“Aye” Al added with a tiered sigh as he carried Leroy in his arms outside and set him down at the doorway watching Derrick and Ayme. “Leroys awake. He’s got the idea that us all fucking will fix things but Mishas not onboard” Al explained with a frown as he took in the eyeful of nakedness before him.


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"I'm not blaming you Misha... I don't like the fact that you guys are leaving but... ha... I understand..." Leroy said as he reached out towards the man and wiped the tear off his cheek: "I just wished you guys could have told me more about what's in your mind before... before you made the decision.. I mean.. I didn't even know you wanted a child of your own... and we're supposed to be a family." He turned his attention back at Al as he commented on how Ayme planned to deal with his frustration and he said: "Facing our problems has never been our strengths, for Ayme and I alike... especially when drowning in pleasure seems so much easier..." He moaned softly when Al picked him off the floor and took him back to Derrick and Ayme, he looked up at the doctor and said: "For the record I didn't say fucking me would solve the problem... I'm... I'm just saying that I need you guys to work things out so... ha... so you can help me with this god damn heat!"


"Well my love, looks like the lube has not only made Leroy horny, but also very grumpy." Derrick chuckled as he pressed the cigarette head against the railing and turned to look at Ayme: "So what do you say my dear? You wanna make up with Al so we can all fuck Leroy together? I mean we did just stretched him so wide that he could technically take all of us at once, with some careful positioning of course."

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“I guess it would be fine.” Ayme replied with a shrug as he looked at Leroy and Al. “My guess is Misha isn’t joining?” Ayme asked with a raised brow.

”no he’s needing more time. He might pop in after he’s settled down more” Al replied to Ayme who nodded and looked back at Derrick before breaking his hold and leading the way back into the bedroom. “Seems sex is now back on the table?” Al asked confused as he followed with Leroy only stopping to find Misha waiting on the bed for them.

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Leroy was glad to see that his lovers seems to be patching things up, not only because he didn't want them to fight and part ways on bad terms, but also because the very practical need of craving for every single cock around the area available to fill his burning holes. As the group made their way back to the bedroom however Leroy was surprised to find Misha already there waiting for them. "M... Misha are you... joining too?" Leroy asked as he looked at the young man feeling puzzled. Wasn't he supposed to be checking on the kids? Or has he done that already and decided to join anyway?


"Now this is a proper orgy again!" Derrick chuckled as he pressed a loving kiss on Ayme's cheek before turning to look at Misha: "You ready to stuff Leroy full of cocks?"

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“They are still sleeping I’m great full  they inherited this ones heavy sleeping genes” Misha admitted as he settled more on the bed still hesitant. “I won’t be leaving forever just a few months to see if it’s possible and once they are born I’ll come back” Misha whispered not wanting to leave his family. “I just want to fill this desire I’ve had to start a family and really settle down with you guys. And while I love the kids I want to have my own…you can’t tell me that if Ayme was able to have kids you all wouldn’t be trying to knock him up” Misha added as Ayme laughed a little and blushed.

”your right if I could they wouldn’t let me leave the bedroom until they claimed me and I started a family with each one of you” Ayme admitted with a laugh amused by the idea. “I’m not angry but I do want to talk to you two later maybe help you out” Ayme added as he patted Derricks cheek and accepted the kiss. “Now then I’m sure Leroy wants to be teased again” Ayme asked looking at Leroy in Als arms.

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Derrick chuckled at what Misha and Ayme said about them and said: "Yeah if Ayme could get pregnant I bet we're gonna end up with a soccer team." He pressed a playful kiss on Ayme's cheek before he moved over towards the bed, turning his attention towards Misha he said: "Don't worry dear, I'll take good care of Ayme and Leroy while you guys go make babies." 


"I... don't need you to take care of me...  Just your dick." Leroy said as he looked up at Al and wrapped his arms around the man's neck, bringing him close for a loving kiss and said desperately: "Would you mind.. take me to bed already... My body is... burning up....!"

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