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You can't choose family, nor love (hal7283 and Yukonwolfspirit, 18x, private)


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“ I think a suit would look nice on you” Ayme admitted with a blush surprised Leroy was so eager to get married. “After that we can take turns honeymooning when we have the time, or take a day off and honeymoon.” Ayme added with a smile as he lean on Leroy more. “Course I think we all need bachelor parties~” Ayme teased with a happy smirk now imagining that mess. Relaxing more as the wind softly blowed Ayme looked back at Leroy. “Maybe before they leave we can do something?” Ayme asked softly still saddened and worried about the two leaving them for so long.

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"Haha, that sounds like quite a lot of fun." Leroy smiled as he snuggled against Ayme a bit closer. He noticed the hint of sadness when Ayme mentioned Al and Misha's departure, which in truth he shared that sentiment all too well. Leaning close towards Ayme he pressed a soft kiss on his cheek trying to comfort his lover and said: "I'm not sure when Al and Misha will leave, so it may not be possible to organize something too elaborate before there're gone. But perhaps we could do something short and sweet? Like.. I'm certain we can find a chapel to say our vows together or something?" After resting for a bit longer Leroy stood up and said: "How about we resume our little hike. I'm looking foraard to the waterfall you've mentioned earlier. Perhaps we can have our picnic there?"

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“Yeah a picnic there would be great.” Ayme replied trying his hardest to be happy again and with a smile picked up his shirt and bag and continued up the trail. As the hike went on Aymes mood did improve and he was rather happy and excited exploring on the hike. Here and there he would see creatures and plants that fascinated him often causing a pause in their hike to stop and admire whatever he was interested in. After a few hours they finally reached the giant waterfall that graced a pool below. “Finally here!” Ayme added with a small cheer happy they had made it to their destination.

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The two of the resumed the hike and along the way Leroy was really having a great time, though not entirely due to the beautiful scenery and workout from the hike, but from how much Ayme seemed to be enjoying all of it. While he may not have such childlike curiosity and wonder anymore, he could also find it in Ayme as he explored the world and himself, and that was partly the reason why he loved the man so much. Thag being said, when they eventually arrived at the waterfall Leroy was still rather impressed by the majestic view. "Wow Ayme I gotta admit,.This is quite impressive." Leroy looked around before pointing at a spot near the pond and said: "That looks like a good spot to have our picnic."


As they went to the slot Leroy quickly took out and spread the picnic cloth on the ground, then he took out all the drink and packed lunch Misha has prepared for them. 

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“After our foods settled I’m going for a swim.” Ayme replied with a smirk as he helped set up the food. Stopping at the bottom of his bag he snickered pulling out a small two person tent. “Seems Misha knew what to slip in for us.” Ayme admitted with a chuckle as he set the tent to the side along with the small bag of lube toys and condoms. “I thought I was pretty clear we planned on coming back.” Ayme added with a chuckle before grabbing the carefully wrapped bottle of wine for them to share. Settling down more on the blanket Ayme looked at the magnificent spread before them.

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"Yeah a swim would be nice." Leroy smiled as he helped with setting up their picnic, and as Ayme took out the items Misha packed for them his face turned a tint red when he produced a bag of sex toys and tools. "Well... Given our lifestyle I suppose it's almost natural that they would come in handy..." He muttered before taking the bottle of wine and poured a glass for both of them. "I suppose a toast is in order?" Leroy said as his gaze moved towards the scenery aroums them: "How about a toast to all the beautiful things in our lives?"


Leroy poured the wine down his throat and let out a joyful sigh. He then reached for a sandwich and began enjoying the picnic with the sounds of nature as ambient backdrop. After they finished eating Leroy just say beside Ayme and enjoyed yet another period of peaceful tranquility, which was something he was learning to enjoy more and more. After a while he got up from the ground and asked: "Didn't you mention something about go for swimming?" Leroy chuckled slightly before he quickly relieved himself of all his clothes and allowed his bare skin to be exposed to the warm breezes, the makes left by their passionate love making still quite visible. He began walked across the grass until he reached the pond. He poked his toe into the water slightly before he pretty much jumped into the pond. "Come on Ayme! The water is pretty nice!"

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“I could drink to that” Ayme replied as he toasted and sipped his wine. Taking his time Ayme sipped the drink and ate only keeping himself to one glass since he was a lightweight when it came to drinking. After resting and enjoying their peaceful lunch Ayme laid back to relax for a bit only to look at Leroy when he reminded them about swimming. “Watching Leroy he raised a brow as he stripped and ended up in the water that seemed comfortable enough to swim in. “You sure it’s warm enough?” Ayme asked as he stripped and walked over slowly easing his body into the lukewarm water at the shore.

“I don’t think I’ve ever gone swimming with you.” Ayme admitted as he blushed a little at the realization that Leroy would either see him sink or swim at his worst. “You should know I’m not to great in the water” Ayme mumbled with another blush before slowly making his way to Leroy’s side glad he could still touch the ground. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

Leroy watched as Ayme took off his clothes and cautiously entered the water. He let out a small chuckle at the albino's nervousness and said: "Oh don't worry Ayme, I on the other hand am very good in the water, well, as good as a normal human being could reasonably be. It was part of my body guard training after all. So if by any chance you drown or something I would be more than capable of saving you. With that being said, maybe it's not so wise to tempt date, especially not in the wild. If we're at a pool with a full medical staff on the side then I may drag you to the deep parts." He smiled as Ayme managed to make his way to his side, taking his lover's hand gently he said: "So how about we just splash some water here at the shallow parts?"

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“That sounds nicer then deep swimming. I’m not overly confident in my underwater abilities” Ayme admitted with a small chuckle as he relaxed in the water enjoying the cool liquid touching him all over. Snuggling up to Leroy Ayme just held him close enjoying their bodies touching and being intimate. “ I packed a tent and a nice sleeping bag if we want to rest for a bit after swimming.” Ayme admitted with a small blush having planned for them to have dinner here also and maybe stay the night.

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"You brought a tent? I was wondering just what did you carry in that big bag of yours." Leroy said as he turned his faze towards their bags in the shore and chuckled joyfully: "I suppose it wouldn't be much of a camping trip if we don't actually make a camp." He pressed a soft kiss on Ayme's cheek before pulling away from him and suddenly dived into the water. He disappeared for a good thirty seconds before he popped up behind Ayme and reached his hands under his armpit to tickle him. After a short while he pulled away from Ayme and laughed: "Haha~ come and get me Ayme~!" 


Leroy began leading Ayme along on a wild chance in the pond and then continued on the shore. Eventually he did allowed himself to get caught by Ayme and they collapsed on the soft grass laughing and panting. He turned to look at Ayme and for a while.he just stayed quiet while starring into the albino's eyes, until eventually he muttered: "You know Ayme... Sometime I am still baffled by all of this... Like.. is this real? Am I dreaming all this? I feel like it's all so perfect, almost too perfect to be true. Do you feel the same way?"

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“Well I thought we might like a naked nap eventually or if the hike went over on time we could spend the night” Ayme admitted with a chuckle as he floated around. Standing up he noticed Leroy swimming under the water and for a moment looked for him panicked he wasn’t coming back up. Gasping at Leroy’s sudden attack Ayme blushed before splashing at Leroy and going in for a chase. After a wild goose chase in the water and on shore Ayme was left laughing and exhausted beside Leroy his skin flushing a light pink from the exercise. Closing his eyes Ayme just basked in the warm sun letting his soaked body slowly dry beside Leroy.

At Leroy’s mention of reality Ayme opened his eyes and looked over at his lover. “Yes and no, sometimes it feels real sometimes I feel like I’m just still back in the basement in a deep dream. Feeling you close reminds me that this perfect world around me is real” Ayme admitted with a smile as he snuggled closer to Leroy.

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Leroy smiled as he could feel the other's body snuggling against him, their skin still felt a bit cool from the water but soon enough they were heating each other up under the gentle sunlight and if course of each other's body heat. He chuckled slightly and said: "Well, regardless of whether this is your dream or my dream, or reality, these are the happiest days of my life, and I won't trade anything for it, even a single second." He moves close towards Ayme and pressed a soft kiss on his lips. It started soft and gebltr, but gradually Leroy's advances became more passionate, his tongue ventured into the albino's mouth and danced with Ayme's own. 


But rather abruptly Leroy pulled away from the kiss, looking at Ayme with a playful smile: "How about we continue this after we dry up and set up the tent first? You don't want to risk catching a cold and ruining our trip, do you?" He got up from the grass and wiped off some of the dirt and sand that got onto his body and said: "And maybe we should start a camp fire?"

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Kissing back hungrily Ayme groaned softly as they broke their passionate kiss. At the mention of  setting up camp Ayme let out another groan not looking forward to putting up the tent Misha had sent with him. “If I catch a cold it just means you all have to dote on me” Ayme admitted as he smirked playfully teasing. Getting up he looked at Leroy amused by his mention of making a campfire. “My aren’t you the woodsman. Knowing all things like making fire, probably know how to fish also~” Ayme added as he grabbed his shirt off the ground and slipped it on covering his naked frame more so he wouldn’t actually get sick.

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"Yeah, the training I got back in the facility was pretty extensive. After all there's no telling what sort of man Harold would have grown up go be. If he ended up being someone who loves the great outdoors then as his body guard I would have to be able to survive in the wild as well. Funny how things turned out." Leroy said as he grabbed a towel to dry himself and then got dressed. He then went towards Ayme's backpack to take out the tent and quickly began to put the tent up then fixed it in place. The thing had a triangular shape and was barely enough to fit two people laying down inside, though Leroy was never one to complain about having to share a tight sleeping space with his lover. Sometimes latter they were sitting side by side in front of the tent while a small camp Fife was burning right in front of them. by then it was already in the afternoon and Leroy said: "Maybe it's time to start worrying about dinner? Did we pack enough food for the night?"

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“Mmh yeah we have enough for tomorrow also. Misha was giving me a nudge to take it easy and truly relax.” Ayme admitted as he snuggled down more under a blanket beside Leroy his body still a bit chilled. “Seems I didn’t dry off enough. Looks like I have no choice but to sleep naked pressed tightly against you for warmth.” Ayme teased ignoring the slight truth to his words as he watched the small kettle whistle for their tea. “I think he packed some sandwiches for lunch and then something we can cook on the fire for dinner. I know it’s all non parishable.” Ayme finished as he rested his head on Leroy’s shoulder enjoying some nice quiet alone time with him. “I’ve missed this.” Ayme whispered softly more to himself then Leroy.

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"Sounds lovely." Leroy smiled as he sat by Ayme as he looked at the camp fire. There was just something about open flames that seemed to draw men to them throughout the ages. His attention was taken away however when he felt Ayme's head leaning against his shoulder. He enjoyed the quiet time with Ayme and savored every single moment, and as the sun began sinking beyond the horizon they began preparing for dinner. Soon enough the night arrived, as the waterfall provided a constant backdrop of soothing noise, the nocturnal birds and insects also began joining in the chorus. The night thickened, and the breeze began to feel cooler on the skin. Leroy shivered slightly as he looked at his lover and said: "Perhaps we should get in the tent now?"

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“Mmh yeah.” Ayme mumbled as he got up and stretched the blanket falling off his shoulders. He of course was still wearing just the t-shirt over his body. Looking at Leroy he went into the tent to set up their bed and after a few minutes poked his head out his body bare as he waited for Leroy. “Beds a little chilly but I can think of a few ways we can warm it up~” Ayme admitted with a smirk as he sat waiting for Leroy. “ I packed a nice drink~” Ayme added pulling out a canteen full of wine.


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"You surely are prepared." Leroy smiled as he put out the camp fire and got into the tent, squeezing into the small bed they've made for themselves he snuggled close against Ayme's body before pressing a loving kiss on his lips. Looking over towards the canteen of wine he asked: "Are you going to hand me that? Though I would prefer if you could feed me mouth to mouth." He chuckled teasingly: "Cause your lips taste better than any wine."

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“No, that’s all my tricks.” Ayme admitted with a chuckle having only packed food and the wine and tent and a small sleeping bag and, his gift for Leroy. Ayme didn’t plan to pack himself extra clothes or Leroy. “I packed as light as I could” Ayme admitted with a shrug as he snuggled down more in the sleeping bag making room for Leroy. Blushing at Leroy’s semi teasing words Ayme took a sip of wine before offering it to him via a deep passionate kiss to begin their alone time.

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Leroy smiled as he saw Ayme taking a sip of wine and leaned in close. He welcomed the kiss eagerly and as their lips touched he could feel the wine flowing into his mouth along with his lover's tongue. The slight burning sensation caused by the achoo mixed with the pleasure of their passionate kiss made it all the more intoxicating and delicious. so much so that it might have ruined alcohol for him forever. Eventually he swallowed all the wine, and after he had sucked up any trace of the fruity flavor from Ayme's mouth he pulled away from the kiss, his eyes half closed and filled with lust as he panted deeply, his tongue left half sticking out of his mouth as he begged: "More...." More wine, or more kiss? Clearly he meant both. He wrapped his arms around his lover's body and roamed his hands along Ayme's back and whispered: "Please... I want more...." 

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“Have as much as you want~” Ayme whispered as he sipped more wine knowing fully if he ended up drunk Leroy would keep him close all night long. As they continued drinking and sharing wine the tent became warm with the rising heat from their bodies becoming so aroused. Tangled together Ayme could only hold Leroy closer in response to his own body aching for his lovers touch the more drunk he got proving all the more he only deeply felt this way for Leroy  deep down inside. Taking a breather Ayme giggled as he noticed their wine had emptied. “Mmh we need more~” Ayme teased as he dug through his bag to find the other canteen of wine the bags contents spilling out along with a small velvet black box containing Aymes carefully picked out engagement ring for Leroy.

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Their wine flavored kisses continued and Leroy soon found himself becoming lightheaded, not from the alcohol of course, but from the passionate kissing, and more over, from the flames of desire now burning up inside him. While a couple of hours ago he could have blamed his arousal on the aphrodisiac lube Al and Ayme used on him, right now, he only had himself to blame. Well, he could still blame Ayme for being such an irresistibly lewd piece of hot ass but that was nothing new. He wrapped his arms around the man lovingly as they enjoyed each other's warmth and eventually they emptied the canteen. When Ayme pulled away and reached for his bags Leroy was just about to pull him back for more, then he noticed the black box which given the shape and size could only mean one thing. He thought about whether he should comment on that or not, on one hand he could hardly wait for Ayme to give it to him, but on the other hand his lover probably had it all planned on in his mind and he didn't want to ruin it, so eventually he decided to pretend to not notice and simply let out a wanting whine: "I want more Ayme~~ I want you to warm me up~~"

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“Mmh don’t worry we will spend all night warming up” Ayme mumbled as he gently kissed Leroy again before breaking away trying to build up some deep hidden courage. “I’m not good at these kinda things.” Ayme admitted with a deep blush and sigh. “We’ve been together so long now it just seems natural to me we make it official and you know….I wouldn’t mind you being my husband. Well, no I want you to be my husband I want to keep you forever by my side….just a happy simple family life at home.” Ayme admitted rambling slightly as he tried to show Leroy just how much he loved him. “I know we’re all suppose to be even as lovers but I’ve known you the longest and well I think I should ask you first” Ayme mumbled his voice going a little quiet as he gently took Leroy’s hand before placing the box in his hand.

“I hope you like it if not I can get you something you like.” Ayme explained in a rush as his cheeks deepened in embarrassment. Inside the soft velvet box was a elegant band made of silver and meteorite. The band itself was a dining silver with the black band in the middle was a nicely polished meteorite metal that held a beautiful spot where a stone would lay. “I wasn’t sure what stone color you wanted so I planned on letting you pick it out.” Ayme finished with a small happy smile at Leroy hoping he would be happy with the idea of living such a life with Ayme to accept his ring.

Edited by Yukonwolfspirit
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As Ayme reached for the box Leroy found himself gulping in anticipation. His heart was beating like crazy and all of his senses went into overdrive as he followed his lover's every move,  listened to and remembered every word he said. And then finally, he put the box in his hands. For a moment Leroy just stared at the box quietly but in his mind he was ffulled with unbelievable joy. Looking up at his lover he could see how nervous he was which brought a smile on his face. "Yes Ayme. I would love nothing more than being your husband." Leroy said as he put the ring on his finger and snuggled close to press a loving kiss on Ayme's lips. He then said: "While it may be a little premature since we've just got engaged... How about we go ahead and consummate our marriage?" 

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“Couldn’t have asked for anything less to celebrate our marriage.” Ayme replied as he kissed Leroy deeply pushing them both down into the sleeping bag. Opening his mouth Ayme deepened the kiss as he took the lead on their sexual fun. Breaking their kiss to breathe for a moment Aymes hands kept busy and started teasing his nipples and Leroy’s in a joyous harmony. Going back to their deepened kiss Ayme moved his hips against Leroy’s in a slow dance teasing him with what was to come. Breaking for air again Ayme moved to suck and mark up Leroy’s neck giving them a decent break to breathe.

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