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You can't choose family, nor love (hal7283 and Yukonwolfspirit, 18x, private)


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“Mmh Leroy it’s going to be cold if you get out of the tent undressed.” Ayme mumbled as he lazily opened his eyes. Rubbing one softly Ayme let out a small cute yawn as he slowly sat up on his arm. “Either way though….I have to pee so the cold is inevitable for me.” Ayme groaned as he carefully unzipped the sleeping back cringing at the slightly colder air in the tent. “I think I packed some potato’s and some rehydrated food in my bag.” Ayme mumbled as he stumbled up to slip on some boxers not even noticing that it was the pair he packed for Leroy. While packing Ayme had only packed some light clothes which ended up being a change of underwear and shorts since he didn’t see a point in needing shirts for the sweaty walk back to the cabin.

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"Don't worry Ayme, I've actually never caught a cold in my life. Had worse things happened to me though, bruises, bullet wounds, you know, that kind of stuff." Leroy said as he crawled out of the sleeping bag and start to get dressed. He packed another pair of underwear just like Ayme and soon enough got out of the tent. He took a few deep breaths letting the cool morning air sink in and really woke him up. He stretched his limbs and groaned happily before turing back towards Ayme and asked: "Would you like me to do the cooking? Why don't you just sit back and relax a little?" 

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“If you want to.” Ayme replied already starting on a fire his body hating the icy air. “I’m not on good terms with the cold. I always get sick after getting even a small chill.” Ayme admitted as he added more to the small fire until it was a decent enough size to keep them warm. Sitting in front of the fire Ayme looked back at Leroy for a moment. “Should we head back after this?” Ayme asked not sure if Leroy wanted to still stay out and camp longer or head back to the cabin.

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"Leave it to me then." Leroy smiled as he began preparing their breakfast. He hummed joyfully as he began using the ingredients Ayme brought to make a stew. He thought about Ayme's question and said: "As much as I love hoarding you for myself.... I do want to spend a bit more time with Al and Misha when possible cause, you know." He turned to look back at Ayme and said: "But of course we don't need to rush back or anything. We can take our time and enjoy the walk back after we have our breakfast." As they enjoyed their breakfast Leroy leaned against Ayme partly to keep him warm, but of course more so he could enjoy more physical contact with his lover. He turned towards Ayme and muttered: "While I said that I wanna go back after this... I don't exactly have a plan nor idea of what to do... Well.. I suppose just sit back, relax and let our brains go blank together is as good of an idea as any, cause that's kind of the whole point of coming all the way out here away from civilization. Unless you've got any ideas?" 

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“Mmh not really, I mean I didn’t plan past all of us sharing a bed. I think Misha planned some activities. I know he plans on us going to a water park on the last day since he’s packed different swim suites.” Ayme admitted as he snuggled down more in Leroy’s arms sitting between his legs their bodies snuggled close together. “I know there’s some caves to explore and there’s a rock tour where you can mine for crystals and fossils.” Ayme mumbled as he looked back at Leroy. “While we are secluded out here there is stuff to do around us if your fine with a road trip.” Ayme admitted having planned some in town activities.

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Leroy chuckled joyfully and said: "Well, all of us sharing a bed was a good plan. And everything else sounds good too." He snuggled a little closer to Ayme and said: "I've never been to a water park nor went on cave tours cause as you can imagine, Harrold wasn't exactly the kind of boss who'd be intersted in such activities, so as his body guard I never had the reason to go there. But now I suppose I have a good oppurtuity to explore more of what the world has to offer." After snuggling for a bit longer Leroy said: "Now let's pack things up and head back. I'm sure the rest of them misses us." 


Some times latter the two of them made it back to the house and so happened to catch Derrick coming back from a walk in the woods. "Hey there my beautiful lovers. Had fun in your hike?" Derrick said as he walked towards the two and pressed a loving kiss on Ayme's cheek, and to Leroy's slight annoyance gave him one as well. Though the fact that Leroy didn't outright push Derrick away when he approached show just how far their relationship had progressed. Derrick's then noticed the ring on Leroy's finger and smiled: "Clearly you two did a lot more than just camping."

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Making their way back down the mountainside Ayme was glad once they made it back to the cabin the poor man soaked in sweat. Looking at Derrick Ayme accepted the kiss as he tried to calm his breathing his lungs on fire from the hike down. “Yeah-I asked Leroy.” Ayme replied embarrassed as he looked away his face burning. “You could say it went well.” Ayme mumbled after a second as he gently took Leroy’s hand not sure how the others would feel about such a proposal. “We can talk later I need to sit down and then shower.” Ayme whined a little not liking being covered in dirt that stuck to him as they walked the way down.

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"Well I for one are a bit jealous of Leroy getting the ring. When am I getting mine?" Derrick said as he grabbed Ayme's butt and gave it a playful squeeze. He chuckled slightly and said: “Just kidding dear I don't really mind. You go ahead and take a breather, and maybe I'll join you in the shower latter?" As the three entered the cabin Leroy looked around and asked: "Where's Al and Misha?"


"Last I checked they were still in bed. We had a pretty wild night ourselves." Derrick said while taking a bottle of cold water out of the bridge. He gestured towards Leroy offering him the bottle but Leroy shook his head. With a light shrug Derrick closed the fridge door and began pouring the cold water down his own throat. He then asked: "You wanna go wake them up for lunch?"


"Sure." Leroy said before heading towards Misha and Al's room.   

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“You’ll get one eventually” Ayme mumbled back to Derrick his face neon red as he moved away and went to the bathroom to start up a cold shower followed by a hot bath to help his muscles.

“I’d let Al sleep a little longer he’s looking exhausted.” Misha replied to Derrick the man walking out in some shorts and a tight tank top. “Besides more sleep won’t kill him.” Misha added as he walked over and snuggled into Leroy’s chest. “You guys have fun?” Misha asked Leroy as he wrapped his arms around his lovers neck.

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"Yes we did. Very much so." Leroy smiled as he wrapped his arms around Misha and gave him a nice warm hug, leaning down he pressed a soft kiss on the young man's forehead and said: "We spent the night huddled in the tent and made passionate love. Ayme also put a ring on my finger." 


"Remember to ask him for one yourself, Misha." Derrick said as he walked passed the two and headed towards the bathroom. He opened the door and leaned against he doorframe as he observed Ayme getting ready for the shower. "Oh don't mind me, I'm just enjoying the view." He said with a teasing smile." 

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“Oooh how exciting! “ Misha replied as he smiled and looked at Leroy’s ring admiring the beauty of it. “Have you discussed a date?” Misha asked Leroy as he just held him close enjoying having them both back.


”well the view is going to soak in a bath.” Ayme teased back his voice sounding a little exhausted. “I feel free to join if you want” Ayme offered as he stepped into the shower relaxing his aching muscles under the hot water. “I didn’t think hiking would kill me like this” Ayme admitted as he looked over at Derrick. “Are you upset that I proposed?” Ayme asked softly not sure how his other lovers would take such a big step forward.

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"A date? You mean like.. the actual wedding ceremony? No we haven't talked about it yet." Leroy shook his head and said: "But to be honest, I'd like the ceremony not just for the Ayme and I, but for all of us. Not legally of course cause that's just not gonna happen, but you know, for you, me, Ayme, Al, even Derrick, all wedded, sworn to love and cherish each other, even when we're apart." He said as he held Misha a bit closer, a hint of sadness in his voice as he mentioned Al and Misha's eventual departure. 


Meanwhile in the washroom, Derrick chuckled at Ayme's question and said: "Oh not at all. Why would I be upset that you showed your love to Leroy, someone who I, in my own way, also loves?" He began undressing himself and tossing his clothes aside and soon joined Ayme under the hot shower, his hands began exploring the man's body and began massaging his sore muscles. He leaned in closer to press a soft kiss on Ayme's cheek and asked teasingly: "But I do wonder how are you going to fit everyone's ring on your fingers? Or maybe we should go around? Like You give your ring to Leroy, Leroy give his ring to Al, Al to Misha, Misha to me, then I give it to you?"

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“We will do it before we leave. Besides it’s not like we are going to leave forever. Just long enough to start a family.” Misha replied as he gently hugged Leroy reassuringly. “When we are done…we will move back in or in a house close by. Our sleepovers won’t end.” Misha added as he smiled softly wanting to reassure Leroy it wouldn’t be forever. “I couldn’t stand being away for longer then we need to be” Misha admitted as he kissed Leroy’s cheek before leading him to the kitchen to help prep lunch.


“I already have actual wedding rings picked out for everyone.” Ayme groaned as he tried to relax under the massage his muscles tight and tense. “Our final rings each have a colored stone representing each of us. They bands are still being made though so I hope you all will accept individual rings that are unique from me first” Ayme explained as he relaxed more under Derricks touch.

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"Yeah I would very much want it for all of us to be wedded before you're gone. I know you won't be gone forever but I just can't get enough of you and Al, especially since I've just started to show you how much I love you guys." Leroy smiled as he followed the young man into the kitchen. He looked around the room and asked: "So what are we having today? Is there anything I can help with?" 



"You did? That's very kind of you. But if you are giving everyone a ring, whose ring are you gonna put on your own finger then?" Derrick asked as he leaned a bit closer and held Ayme closely in his arms, his hands roaming across the man's smooth skin and kept on rubbing and massaging his aching muscles, though slowly his touches became more and more... suggestive, especially as his fingers drew circles right above Ayme's manhood and towards the inside of his thigh.

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“I’m thinking French toast with fresh fruit and fresh whipped cream.” Misha replied as he pulled out the ingredients. “Call it late breakfast.” Misha added as he put the baby monitor on the counter the twins playing with toys in the play pen and chatting to each other. “How do you feel you, Ayme, and Derrick will handle the kids?” Misha asked gently feeling sad he had to leave the three kids for so long. “Usually I take the majority of mothering so I’m curious about if you and Derrick will take over or if Ayme will.” Misha explained with a small frown still figuring out details with Al on some areas of their plan.


“Oh you three have to all agree on a ring for me. Make it a fun team building experience or get a single band that has three parts to it” Ayme mumbled as he bit his lip enjoying the sensual touching. “Between you and me, I don’t think hiking is my thing. I’m so sore~” Ayme moaned as he snuggled more into Derricks arms enjoying all the attention. “I’m going to need such a deep tissue massage after this trip. Maybe we can go to a nice spa together?” Ayme asked Derrick as he rested his head back more and relaxed under the light teasing to his aroused groin.

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"Hmm... honestly Misha I'm not quite sure. You've pretty much taken over child caring duty ever since you joined the household and perhaps we've been relying too much on your hard work. I suspect that we'll probably mess up a lot and have a lot of restless nights, but hey, that's what we deserve for slacking off till now. While I'm not exactly great with kids, I am willing to learn." He took a few of the fruits from Misha and began peeling and slicing them to be more convenient to eat. He then said half jokingly: "But on the other hand if we made a big mess with the kids and can't handle it, then you'll have to come back earlier to sort things out." 




"Team building experience huh? That sounds fun. We already make such a good team in bed, I'm sure we can figure something out." Derrick said as he laid a soft kiss on Ayme's cheek while his hand moved ever closer towards Ayme's manhood but not quite touching it. He chuckled at Ayme's suggestion and said: "Yeah I think we can all use a little spa time. This little trip of ours turned out to be quite demanding, though I suppose some of us are more sore than others..." Eventually his finger made its ay to Ayme's penis but Derrick as in no hurry to really start pleasuring his lover, and instead he only used his index finger to lightly touch the base of the lenght, slowly brushing upwards along the shaft until he reached the tip, then he began pressing on the meatus teasingly before he left it as well to brush along the underside of the shaft.  

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“Of course. I’d be back the second you called for help.” Misha replied his voice serious as he started prepping the coating for the French toast. “We would never leave you to struggle or suffer.” Misha reassured Leroy as he sighed softly not sure if they should leave. “Maybe…we could adopt. That way we wouldn’t have to leave.” Misha replied with a shrug not sure what they should do. Misha was torn while he wanted them to have more family, he didn’t want to leave his family he had.

He was unsure if moving away for so long was the right choice. “Nothings set in stone anyway I mean it’s not like we’ve packed or anything.” Misha added as he started coating the bread.


“with the amount of sex and physical activities we’ve done my body feels so drained and needy.” Ayme admitted with a small sigh as he relaxed more against Derrick. “This week has been more demanding then normal so I’m ready for a mud bath and a deep massage~” Ayme added with a smirk as he looked up at Derrick. “And if you keep being such a tease your going to have to follow through until I’m satisfied.” Ayme reminded Derrick as he forced his body to sit up more. “How was it staying here with Misha and Al?” Ayme asked softly wondering what they had done while Ayme and Leroy where gone.

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Leroy raised an eyebrow when his half joking remark got a rather serious response. It was at that moment did he realize that he was so overwhelmed by the notion of Misha and Al leaving and how it would affect him that he didn't give enough thought on what that would mean for them. The decision couldn't have been an easy one and as it was shown by Misha right now they certainly have their own doubts and insecurities, perhaps even guilt. "Hey Misha, it's okay. We'll be fine." Leroy said as he walked over towards the younger male and held him gently in his arms, pressing a soft kiss on his forehead he said: "You should always do follow you heart and try to fulfill your dream, even if it ended up not working out you'd at least have the peace of mind that you've tried. But if you decided not to go, even if you adopted, there's always gonna be a part of your heart wondering if things could've gone differently. Oh trust me I have tons of experience in this regard." He tilted Misha's face up and gave his lips a gentle kiss and smiled: "So you better start thinking about baby names, and lots of them too, cause god knows how things would work out, maybe you'd get twins like Ayme did, or triplets? You'd need names for both genders cause who knows how they'll turn out?"




"Haha yeah, the endless cycle of exhaustion and arousal.. it's hard not to get horny living with so many insatiable hot boys around." Derrick chuckled while his fingers wrapped around Ayme's manhood and began stroking slowly and gently. He smiled as Ayme turned to look at him and he said: "Oh you know I'm always ready to follow it up, just like how pretty much plowed Misha into the mattress last night, while getting filled up by Al at the same time. I gotta say Ayme, those two make a good pair to play with."

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“Your right we should still just prepare” Misha replied with a small sigh clearly just being overwhelmed about leaving and being away from home. “Why don’t we eat? I feel Ayme and Derrick will take longer then normal.” Misha admitted as he made himself a plate full of different food and went to the dining area.

”mmh smells good” Al mumbled as he stumbled out of the room half awake and made himself a plate not even registering Ayme and Leroy where back yet.


“course they do. I don’t keep boring partners around.” Ayme teased with a smirk. Wrapping his arms around Derrick Ayme kissed into his neck enjoying the attention he was receiving. “Maybe you can leave a new imprint into the mattress with me later tonight~” Ayme teased as his body moved to face Derrick tiered of just being cock teased.

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Leroy glanced at the direction of the bathroom where Ayme and Derrick went off to. Given what he knew of those two they're probably in the middle of some steamy shower sex by now. "Yeah I agree, we should just start without them." Leroy said as he got his own share and headed towards the dining table. Just as he was sitting down he heard the voice of Al. He chuckled seeing the usually composed man pretty much stumbling across the room half awake. He stood there and observed Al rather bemused and took a sip of coffee while waited to see when will Al notice that he was there. 




Derrick chuckled softly from the kiss and said: "Oh I promise I will, but I may not have the patience to wait till evening." At the same time his hands found their way to the Ayme's behind and his fingers proceeded to bury into those bouncy buttcheeks, sqeezing them firmly before a hand moved towards the crevice. He began pressing his digits against Ayme's entrance and slowly poked inside, wiggling and pressing against the soft walls within. 

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Settling into his cup of coffee Al sighed softly as he sipped the drink in silence. Seeming to finally wake up after ten minutes he reached over to his side for the paper that usually sat on the side Leroy was. Reaching out Al grabbed Leroy’s hand only to jump at touching and then seeing Leroy. “Shit! When did you get back!” Al asked his voice shaky as he looked at Leroy confused and wondering if Leroy had snuck up on him.

”he’s been here for a bit. Your really not a morning person” Misha mumbled with a small smile having enjoyed seeing Al so surprised. Getting up Misha went to the kitchen to get a washcloth for the coffee Al spilt all over the table.


“mmh I have time now~” Ayme groaned as he felt Derricks fingers teasing and probing his insides. “Can’t promise I’ll last as long as normal.” Ayme admitted with a small annoyed sigh at the fact but, well he wouldn’t be stupid enough to push his body. Ayme knew his limits. Nuzzling into Derricks neck Ayme playfully nibbled up his lovers neck. “Wanna pin me against the wall?” Ayme asked with a raised brow his hands tangling in Derricks hair. “Or do you have a different position in mind?” Ayme asked a touch impatient as his cock was aching at the teasing.

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"Yeah we came back a bit earlier and I've been sitting here before you even woke up. Was wondering when you're gonna notice me." Leroy said with a teasing smile: "I must say Al, I never expected such an adorable side of you... made me fell in love with you all over again."  He took another sip of his coffee as he looked at Misha helping Al cleaning up the mess he made. He then asked: "Ayme talked about maybe  going on cave exploration and rock tours and stuff. Wanna come along?" 






"Oh don't worry love... I don't plan to spend all day in the shower, as tempting as that sounds, there're three more hot guys waiting out there for us, not to mention three children who would probably love to see their father once in a while." Derrick said as he continued to roam his hands across Ayme's smooth skin. When he was asked if he wanted to pin Ayme to the wall he chuckled: "Oh I thought you'd never ask~" He raised Ayme's face up by the chin and rather forcefully claimed the man's lips with his own. As he pushed forward he quickly backed Ayme against the wall. He coated his cock with soap before raised one of Ayme's legs up. Positioning his manhood against the man's entrance he slowly began to push inside him. He let out a satisfied groan as he felt Ayme's sphincter taking in his shaft while sqeeuzing around him.

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“Ugh caves are so creepy. It’s like snorkeling or other creepy crap.” Al admitted as he made a face of dissatisfaction at the plan. 

“Al has a fear of being trapped in a cave, and also underwater. He’s not fond of doing either.” Misha explained as he ate a bite of his food getting a brow raise from Al.

”well air out my dirty laundry all you want. You’ll be thanking me when you don’t get water by whatever lives in those places.” Al replied back with a huff as he moodily sipped his drink.

”always so superstitious. Honestly it’s a guided tour that’s lit up with lights, it’s not like we are strapping ham to you and tossing you down the cavern.” Misha teased overly amused to torment Al. “Besides aren’t you suppose to be working through your fears? I’d hate for Yu to be afraid of the ocean because you are. You know he loves the sea.” Misha added as he caught Al who grumbled into his coffee knowing Misha was right.


“oh please they have more then enough parents they don’t need to see me every week.” Ayme teased as he groaned at derricks teasing hands. Letting out a small gasp of excitement Aymes breath was stolen as he was pinned down and kissed deeply. Letting out a small groan Ayme shivered as Derricks  cock pushed deep inside of his needy ass. Biting Derricks lip softly to break the kiss Ayme turned his head away needing to breathe. “Take it easy. I need to take it slower today…I’m tiered” Ayme admitted knowing his body while amazing at healing wasn’t perfect. Having Al around to help him medically he had started to recognize when he needed to cool down and go slower to avoid getting sick and overly worked up. “My body will punish me if I push myself any more then this.” Ayme whispered playfully into Derricks ear as he nibbled softly in apology he couldn’t go crazy like normal and he was only able to do more casual sex.

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"Hmm, are we just sharing each other's embarrassing little secrets now? I wish I have some funny facts to share about me but you all know how my fears and failures turned out." Leroy shrugged before turning back to look at Al and said: "You helped me through the worst of my fears, perhaps I could help you overcome yours?" He chuckled and said half-jokingly: " I bet if we find a nice dark corner in the cave away from prying eyes and... have a little fun, that would change your views on the caves right away. As for underwater... I kinda want to see you in a diving suit some day." 




"Sure Ayme, I don't mind spending all day just slowly grind your ass." Derrick smiled as he leaned close for a loving kiss with Ayme while he moved his hip slowly but steadily, pulling his manhood in and out of his lover's rear and massaging his sweet spot skillfully. Their lustful groans and moans echoed endlessly in the small confines of the bathroom. Given the slower pace, Derrick was able to keep the tide of pleasure pretty much under control, and he could pretty much keep this going for hours if he wanted to. 


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“No way in hell.” Al teased back to Leroy with a small chuckle. “I’m pretty firm on not going in the ocean or bodies of water….and I don’t think sex in a creepy dark cave would be a turn on.” Al admitted to Leroy with a sip of his coffee.

“So, do you know if Ayme and Derrick have any silly fears?” Misha asked curiously having not found anything on the two yet. 

“hold on we haven’t heard any of Leroy’s silly fears. I need something to tease him back with.” Al interrupted Misha with as he looked at Leroy with a devilish smirk wanting to know badly what Leroy disliked.


“your to good at this.” Ayme moaned as he trembled under Derricks body. Feeling the cold tile against his chest even more Ayme shivered lightly ignoring the rest of his skin flush with warmth from the water and Derricks body. “I don’t want to come so soon.” Ayme whispered more to himself as he leaned back against Derrick for support his head spinning from his arousal and exhaustion.

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